Study on Development of Hotel Industry in India

by Shailesh Karlas Kasbe*, Dr. J. Halder,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 18, Issue No. 1, Jan 2021, Pages 335 - 339 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Hotel trade will undoubtedly jump with expansion in shifted sorts of the travel industry exercises all over the planet. In our country home grown sightseers look for reasonable stays which will make arrangements for supporting of financial plan hotels. In India, numerous worldwide hotel organizations are opening portion of monetaryfinancial plan hotels to catch volume of business section. The authoritative structure of the housekeeping department chiefly depends on the activities and the size of the hotel


hotel industry, India, development, travel industry, budget hotels, international hotel organizations, economic segment, housekeeping department, activities, size


Hotel industry is the top rising business portion in our country too the World (Prasanna, 2013). As indicated by 'WTTC for example World Travel and Tourism Council' the travel industry area and travel industry is extended 3.5% in development, which dominate the World's economy of 2.5% effectively for the nine years sequentially. This area is delivering business immensely. In the beyond five years, one of every four new positions is created by the travel industry area (World Travel and Tourism Council, 2019). To add more the "Travel and Tourism Competitiveness" report by "World Economic Forum" on the travel industry and hospitality has raked India on the sixth spot. Among top 10 patron areas in "FDI for example Unfamiliar Direct Investment" is from hotel exchange and hospitality business. During April 2000 to March 2019, the hospitality area acquired US$ 12.35 billion of 'Unfamiliar Direct Investment for example FDI', this is in understanding to the information revealed by DPIIT for example "Office for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade". By 2029, there are relied upon to increment in new voyaging objections by67 million new travelling household in India • 14 million new voyaging families in India • 9 million new voyaging families in USA The hotel trade of our country thrives chiefly because of the expansion in the travel industry and travel. Hotel trade will undoubtedly jump with expansion in shifted sorts of the travel industry exercises all over the planet. In our country homegrown sightseers look for reasonable stays which will make arrangements for supporting of financial plan hotels. In India, numerous worldwide hotel organizations are opening portion of monetary/financial plan hotels to catch volume of business section. With developing pattern in our economy at pace of 7% per annum it is broadly expected that there might be deficiency of hotel rooms in coordinated set up. With respect to attempts from outside countries, in forthcoming five years time frame, upwards of 40 global brands of hotels are told enter. (Hotel Sector Analysis Report, 2020). According to the hotel area examination report, "The Union Cabinet has endorsed a MOU among India and South Africa, pointed toward extending reciprocal collaboration in the travel industry area through trade of data and information, building up trade programs and expanding interest in the travel industry and hospitality area."


1. To study in Development of Hotel Industry in India. 2. To analyze the relationship between housekeeping services & practices and customer satisfaction.

hotel rooms. The shortage of rooms will be prevalently in the fragment of financial plan and monetary hotels. A large portion of the voyagers look for agreeable, secure and planned hotels. Numerous public just as worldwide hotel brands have effectively made significant interest in spending plan hotel section and it is normal that more hotel organizations will pursue this direction. Likewise with the expansion in advanced appointments, ascend sought after is normal. India has turned into a most loved venture center point for the world's best hotel chain. There are numerous global hospitality chains whose presence has as of now been felt as of late in span of not many years. The top hotel companies in India are as following:

  • Taj Hotels, Resorts & Palaces
  • Radisson Blu Hotels
  • The Lalit Hotels
  • The Park Hotels
  • ITDC hotels
  • ITC Hotels

Broad classification of Hotels in following four segments (Ministry of Tourism, 2017) :

  • 5 Star and 5 Star Deluxe: These hotels are for the most part arranged in the focal point of the metropolitan urban communities and by and large satisfy the necessities of business corporate customers and unfamiliar sightseers. These hotels are rich and costly. These includes for around 30% of the hotel industry.
  • Heritage Hotels: These hotels are included by less capital use and greater moderateness. It involves hotels running in royal residences, posts, palaces and cabins and so forth
  • Budget Hotels: These hotels are sensibly valued and oblige homegrown and economic client base which favor restricted extravagance. Such hotels have exceptional occasional bundles and great administrations.
  • Unclassified: These are less evaluated hotels spread all through the country. Economic evaluating policy is their main USP.

Development of Hotel Industry in India

The idea of movement and stopping offices is very old in India. In antiquated times, individuals used to go for journey or business purposes. For a long time, India has been known for its hospitality. Blessed with rich notable heritage, social variety, normal assets and topographical benefit, India stayed a major fascination for outsiders. In old times, the need of voyagers for food and convenience was met for the most part by cordial householders who are as yet in presence in inside region of the country. Homegrown vacationers were cared for by the pandas or ministers. They used to oblige their customers in Dharamshalas or in their own homes at spots of journey like Banaras, Haridwar, Puri and Mathura and so forth As a general rule, the mentality of the antiquated Indians towards guests was in affected by the 'Atithi Devo Bhavah'. It implies guest resembles God and ought to be dealt with as needs be. These couple of lines sufficiently demonstrate the significance which was given to guests in former times. Upgrades in the vehicle and correspondence offices brought about the foundation of hotels and bars in principle urban communities of the country. In the eighteenth century, there were a lot of bars in the country (an Introduction to Housekeeping bar implies an antiquated or abstract motel) where explorers from significant distances took asylum and food. During this period, various Dharamshalas were worked by Kings for empowering travel all around the country. Aside from Dharamshalas, "Sarais" were presented by the Muslim rulers which gave the most ideal offices like food, convenience and so forth to voyagers. After this, the British came to India and Sarais appeared as western style hotels in the significant urban communities of India like Mumbai and Kolkata. During this period, from one viewpoint, we track down the western style hotels for outsiders and on the other, Indian style hotels for individuals having a place with upper and working class pay gatherings. The old sort Dharamshalas were all the while having their significance to serve the necessities and prerequisites of the helpless classes. In the nineteenth century, western style private hotels were created in India by British and Swiss families primarily for their own utilization or for unfamiliar guests. Mr Pallonjee Pestonjee is called

name of British Hotel in Mumbai in 1840. Before the finish of the nineteenth century, numerous Western style hotels were set up in India. These hotels were particularly famous for their proficient administration, incredible cooking and the greatness of brews and wines. The 20th century might be called as the start of star hotels in India. In this century, large and modem hotels appeared because of the approach of enormous businessmen and new business people. Well-off sightseers additionally contributed a great deal to the advancement of star culture. The significant star hotels in India are in private area. The high profile hotels incorporate The Indian Hotels Company Ltd., East India Hotels Ltd., ITC Hotels Ltd., Bharat Hotels Ltd., Asian Hotels Ltd., Hotel Leela adventure Ltd. and Jay Pee Hotels Ltd. and so forth The main public area endeavor is India Tourism Development Corporation Ltd. (ITDC) which runs country's biggest convenience chain, The Ashok Group of Hotels. The hotel industry in India is gaining a wonderful headway in private area. The hotels have shown unmistakable improvement in working strategies, providing food and administration. There were 1300 endorsed and 477 unapproved hotels offering 98515 rooms in 2004 as against 1285 supported and 452 unapproved hotels offering 95722 rooms in 2003. The Indian hotel business is centered generally around unfamiliar sightseers with very nearly 70% business comes from this fragment Consequently there is by all accounts an incredible breadth of work in this Introduction to Housekeeping area. Maybe the essential prerequisite is correct mentality with pizazz to work in this industry. Obviously the advanced education in Hospitality further develops chances of additional development both inside India and Overseas.


Association is a process of distinguishing and gathering the work to be performed, characterizing and appointing responsibility and authority promotion establishing relationships to empower individuals to work all the more adequately in accomplishing objectives. Assuming the entire establishment has to function as one unit, there should are clear lines of power and great lines of correspondence. The hierarchical structure of housekeeping department - regardless of whether in a small, medium or huge the relationship between position inside an establishment, showing where each position fits into the general association and illustrating the division of responsibility and lines of power. The authoritative structure of the housekeeping department chiefly depends on the activities and the size of the hotel. The charts underneath show the hierarchical of structure of the huge and medium sized hotels. In the small hotels at least one jobs are incorporated and handled by the couple of housekeeping personnel's.


Research configuration is a finished interaction to plan research issues, select information assortment procedure, process for examination and moral necessities (Creswell, 2003). There are a wide range of approaches for research strategies in the field of sociologies however the most appropriate methodology is the overview research approach. A review research approach gives a cheap, speedy, exact and effective method for assessing information about the respondents (Zikmund, et al., 2003). Achievement of any examination relies on the picking the right exploration technique and right exploration plan (Hussey, 1997). Besides the accomplishment of present technique lies in the accuracy of the past move in an exploration plan.

Research configuration should satisfy the accompanying purposes:

1. To give a total system before the genuine information is gathered (Singleton, 1993).

3. To monitor the varieties and give the response to investigate inquiries of study. The momentum exploration will concentrate on the arising situation of lodging industry just as the significance of housekeeping division in connection with the customer satisfaction and the organizational performance in the inn. It requires exact portrayal of relationship of some factor. Henceforth the review will be indisputable in nature where cross-sectional plan will be utilized.

Sampling Design

A section of entire populace that is chosen and picked for the outcome which could be material to the leftover populace also is known as an example (Bell and Bryman, 2007). Any component in the populace has an equivalent likelihood to turn into an example inside the populace in likelihood testing (Bell and Bryman, 2007). As indicated by Sekaran (2000), likelihood strategy can be utilized to cover enormous example region too.


In the last part, fitting examination technique was talked about to determine out reasonable game-plan to investigate and discover the derivations. An assessment and examination of the proposed research technique is talked about in the current part. An investigation of the proposed research strategies are directed and talked about. Different procedures and measurable apparatuses are applied according to the exploration approach to discover the end for

surveying the targets of the review.

Figure 1: Annual Income of the resident guests.

Figure 1 shows the annual income of the resident guests. As per the results of the survey, it was found that majority of the resident guests who visited the sampled hotels were having an annual income of above 11 lakhs. As majorly 3 star, 4 star and 5 star hotels were considered in the survey, we have seen that 44.47% the resident guests who visited these hotels has an annual income of above 11 lakhs. Around 25.41% of the resident guests had an annual income between 8 to 11 lakhs. There were 16.94% of respondents having an annual income between 5 to 8 lakhs. The minimum 13.18% of the resident guests were in-between the income 2 lakhs to 5 lakhs. This clearly shown that higher income group of people have generally visited and stayed in these hotels.


An assessment and examination of the proposed research technique is talked about in the current part. An investigation of the proposed research strategies are directed and talked about. For a long time, India has been known for its hospitality. Blessed with rich notable heritage, social variety, normal assets and topographical benefit, India stayed a major fascination for outsiders,Association is a process of distinguishing and gathering the work to be performed, characterizing and appointing responsibility and authority promotion establishing relationships to empower individuals to work all the more adequately in accomplishing objectives, Hotel industry is the top rising business

portion in our country too the World .


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Corresponding Author Shailesh Karlas Kasbe*

Research Scholar, Sunrise University