The Level of Job Satisfaction among Staff Nurses Working in Hospital

Exploring the Link between Compensation and Job Satisfaction in the Hospital Sector

by Pragati Choraria*, Prof. Dr. Sudhir Rajguru,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 18, Issue No. 1, Jan 2021, Pages 528 - 532 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Keeping your employees around is crucial to your company's long-term health. The focus of this study was on the healthcare industry in Jaipur, and specifically on the correlation between compensation and work satisfaction. Few studies have looked at how compensation, benefits, and job satisfaction are linked, and contentment in the hospital sector throughout the nation. To see how incentives fare in drawing and keeping elite talent, researchers turned to quantitative analysis. Explanatory hypotheses were developed utilizing a survey strategy and a semi-structured questionnaire. Worker performance and job satisfaction were both shown to be directly affected by pay, whereas job satisfaction was found to have a negative impact on worker performance and play no mediating function between pay and output.


job satisfaction, staff nurses, hospital, compensation, benefits, healthcare industry, Jaipur, correlation, elite talent, quantitative analysis


One definition of job satisfaction is "any aggregation of mental, physiological, and environmental condition that leads a person to sincerely demand, "I am satisfied with my job." This definition is one of many that have been provided to researchers in order to help them better understand the concept of job satisfaction. He has considered not only work-related but also personal matters. Successful problem-solvers in the workplace report more post-satisfaction in the psychological, sexual, and ecological dimensions of their jobs. In this case, a Nurse's level of work satisfaction is just a reflection of how fulfilled they feel in their current position. It's the combination of how much pleasure nurses get from their work and how much they like it overall. When a nurse's expectations for compensation vary from what she really receives on the job, she experiences a sense of job satisfaction. Intrinsic elements, such as a nurse's personality, accomplishments, feeling of success, and prestige, and extrinsic ones, such as the organization's culture and the nursing staff's ability to provide for the nurse's needs, have been Factors outside of the nurse, such as the working environment, workload, and interactions with coworkers, pay, advancement, recognition, perks, social connections, autonomy, feedback, meaning, relevance, and training opportunities. The World Health Organization, other international, and regional organizations have been paying close

attention to the problem of a worldwide lack of nurses and the notion of safe staffing for decades. High-income and low-income nations alike face unprecedented problems due to the nursing shortage, which has a negative impact on population health and wellbeing. As a result, the study's authors believe it's important to evaluate staff nurses' happiness on the job at Adesh Hospital in Bathinda, Punjab.


Abdulwahab S. Bin Shmailan (2016) Successful businesses recognize the value of a contented, hardworking workforce. This research looked at many factors, such as how well a job matches a person's talents, how well they get along with their colleagues, and how much they are respected at work. According to the research's blueprint, it will also investigate the impact of organizations and people on workers' contentment. Companies will also be evaluated based on another critical success factor: the performance of their employees. We'll analyze the correlation between contentedness and productivity in the workplace, and provide suggestions for improving both. Organizational performance and methods for developing an effective employee engagement program are two more topics explored in this study. This study will explain in depth how to have satisfied and productive employees, as well as how to use employee engagement to get an edge in the market and increase profits.

information from a wide range of staff nurses working in a variety of hospital settings using a validated job satisfaction questionnaire and performance measures. The purpose of this research was to determine whether or not nurses' job satisfaction was affected by characteristics such as workload, leadership support, career growth possibilities, and work-life balance. Researchers also looked at how nurses' degrees of work satisfaction affected their efficiency, efficacy, and the quality of care they provided to patients. The findings showed a statistically significant positive association between nurse work happiness and performance, with greater job satisfaction being linked to improved performance outcomes for nurses. These results highlight the significance of promoting staff nurse work satisfaction to improve overall job performance and patient care delivery in healthcare facilities.

Szymon T. Dziuba, Manuela Ingaldi and Marina

Zhuravskaya (2020) The extent to which an employee enjoys their job may be directly correlated with their level of output. Each of these factors impact how employees perceive and experience workplace safety. A content worker is more productive, attentive to detail, and respectful of the firm and its people. In a group, he feels perfectly at ease. The goal of this research was to find out how satisfied and successful people were in their occupations by conducting a quick survey. It was decided to conduct an unscientific survey of employees at a certain metal-processing firm to gauge morale. Twenty responses were used to calculate the index, which is based on the respondents' ratings of three main criteria affecting their satisfaction at work. What was most telling about the survey findings was the general level of

satisfaction among staff members.

Arif Partono Prasetio, et al. (2019) Businesses place a high value on their employees. Employee satisfaction at work has a direct impact on both individual productivity and organizational success. Creating a program to boost retail workers' satisfaction at work is just as challenging as doing the same in any other industry. This study examines the relationship between salary, stress, and contentment at work in a retail establishment in Samarinda, India. There were 146 employees polled, and 107 responded properly. Using bootstrapping data analysis, a regression found that pay did not affect stress levels at work. Nonetheless, there is a robust correlation between salary and contentment in one's job. One's level of stress on the job has an inverse relationship to how satisfied one is with one's job (negative). It is evident that workplace stress did happy, retail businesses must come up with new ways to compensate them. If you want to help your staff deal with stress, financial incentives aren't the way to go. Companies can't only rely on pay to reduce stress in the workplace; they need to use a multifaceted approach.

Sanjeewa Chamal GG and Herath Dilina (2018)

This study analyzes the factors that contribute to the happiness of Public Health Officers -PHOs in the Hambantota District. We utilize a representative sample of 326 Public Health Officers from the Hambantota region. Based on the work of Harzburg et al. and their "two-factor" theory of happiness at work, 30 questions were developed and organized into 10 categories to gauge employee contentment on the job. Of the 153 PHOs polled, 59.5% reported being neither pleased nor unhappy in their roles, while 23.7% were over the moon about their careers. Yet, 39 persons (15.2%) in the sample are dissatisfied, while just 1.62% are completely content. Two hundred and twenty-six percent of PHO participants are happy with the help they get from the MOH, according to a survey. More than half of those in control are dissatisfied with the status quo when it comes to evaluations, promotions based on performance, and pay and salary increases. As far as we are aware, this study is the first of its sort in Sri Lanka. The comparison of studies published in different countries' literature is difficult and unethical unless the underlying mechanisms are investigated. Motivating variables may have a greater impact on workers than hygienic ones. Work satisfaction rises with experience as a PHO, with the presence of a direct supervisor, with childbearing years ahead, and with a big family size, but falls when the family size is small. Suggestions include: improving the quality of basic workplace facilities; assigning a PHNS of SOHM to each Ministry of Health division, providing constructive comments at the Ministry level, and holding periodic training sessions to update staff knowledge are all examples of these measures.


Study Population

Target population: Participants in the research were all of the registered nurses at a private hospital in Jaipur. Sample

Development Of the Tool

Development of Tool:The tool was chosen following a comprehensive study of the relevant literature, including a search of relevant textbooks and the internet, as well as consultation with professionals in the fields of nursing, psychiatry, and statistics. Information was gathered from female patients at a private hospital in Jaipur using a predetermined questionnaire.

Data Collection Procedure

The whole time it took to gather all the data was four weeks, from January 2nd to January 29th, 2018. There are four hundred registered nurses on duty, all of them are registered nurses regardless of their color, creed, or nationality. First, the investigator visits every female patient after receiving approval from the Dean of private hospitals in Jaipur. The study began with a sample size of 348 workers, half of whom were female and half of whom were male. Twenty individuals were deemed ineligible for the study due to their absence, thirteen declined to participate due to a shift change, and fifteen showed no interest in taking part. The study's inclusion and exclusion criteria were used to select 400 staff nurses for participation. Staff nurses were briefed about the initiative and asked to sign a permission form indicating their desire to participate in the trial. Assuring them that their responses would remain confidential and be used just for the research at hand was a top priority.


Table 1: Each question wise score of level of job satisfaction of workplace satisfaction questionnaire The levels of job satisfaction among staff members at a subset of private hospitals in Jaipur are broken down per question in Table 2.

Table 2: Level of Job Satisfaction Score

Employees at a chosen group of private hospitals in Jaipur are shown in Table 2 above, along with their average levels of job satisfaction. Overall, 44.75% of workers gave themselves a Strongly agree rating, 34.75% gave themselves an agree rating, 15.253% gave themselves a neutral rating, 4.2533% gave themselves a disagree rating, and 1.00% gave themselves a Strongly disagree rating.

Table 3: Each Question Wise Job Satisfaction Percentage Score of Workplace Satisfaction Questionnaire (NWSQ)

Job satisfaction among staff members at a subset of Jaipur's private hospitals is broken down question by question in table 3.

Table 4: Level of job satisfactions using NWSQ score Table 5: NWSQ job satisfaction Score interpretation

Figure 1: A measure of how content workers are with their jobs


Staff nurses at private hospitals in Jaipur were found to have high levels of happiness with their jobs, according to the results of this survey. The majority of nurses (79.33%) are happy in their jobs, whereas 19.67% are just somewhat happy, and 1% are very unhappy. Just 16% of nurses report a low level of burnout, whereas 65% report a medium level, and 19% report a severe level. The results backed with other studies that found a positive correlation between salary and contentment at work. Providing popular kinds of payment, such as non-monetary incentives, to hospital staff has been shown to increase work satisfaction. Based on the study's findings, the government may make changes to labor laws and regulations to ensure fairness, boost worker happiness, and stimulate economic development.


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Corresponding Author Pragati Choraria*

Research Scholar, Faculty of Commerce & Management, Maharishi Arvind University, Jaipur-302041