An Overview of Environmental Degradation and Its Conservation

Understanding the Factors and Impacts of Environmental Degradation

by Dr. Lata Sharma*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 18, Issue No. 2, Mar 2021, Pages 12 - 13 (2)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Retardation of environmental quality is the result of industrialization and various other activities. Population explosion, urbanization, various agriculture chemicals and pesticides, increasing temperature etc. are responsible for environmental degradation. Chief environmental factors are cutting of trees and forest, extra use of various chemicals in agriculture, excessive use of plastics and urbanization. Every cause plays an important role in retardation and degradation of quality of environment.


environmental degradation, conservation, industrialization, population explosion, urbanization, agriculture chemicals, pesticides, increasing temperature, cutting of trees, forest, chemicals in agriculture, plastics


Environment is considered as the surroundings in which living as well as non-living being interact. Biotic and biotic are two important components. There should be a balance between various plants and animals in an environment. But man, through his tools has caused depletion of biodiversity, change in climate pattern thus leading to environmental degradation. As the global environmental issues are harmful aspects of human activity regarding the environmental of the Earth. Major environmental issues include climate change, pollution, environmental degradation, global warming, deforestation, ozone depletion, depletion of natural resources, loss of biodiversity etc. Retardation of environment is due to destruction of ecological factor, urbanization and wild life extinction. If these factors are not checked or controlled the future of ecosystem will be disbalanced and destroyed. The International strategy of United Nations to check the environment degradation are very essential and requires strict implementation. Awareness of population, strict rules and their implementation at the national & international level can slow and ultimately stop the environment degradation.


Following are the factors of Environmental degradation. 1- Poverty is the major cause for disbalancing the ecosystem. Poor person or population for their daily requirement are dependent on natural resources in comparison to rich population. Extra use of Natural sources, Urbanization and industrialization, migration of population from villages to big cities also are main cause to increase environmental retardation. 2- Due to overload of population, unemployment, migration of large population for employment in mega cities increases the expansion of slums. Now a days these are mainly responsible for environmental degradation. A long difference between infrastructural services as housing, education, communication, transport, water supply are also responsible for environmental retardation. Factors responsible for good economic growth, induced by good economic policies can bring a revolutionary change in environmental degradation control. various technological changes for industries can reduce the load on environmental pollution. To reduce air and water contamination equally necessary to check environmental retardation and for good ecosystem. There are many environmental issues in India which are supposed to be considered for overall development of the country. Water, air Pollution, Natural environmental pollution, Garbage are chief challenges for India. According Datas the situation started to become worse between 1955 to 1990. Being a developing country, India achieved fast growth in various areas in the world. Unemployment, contamination of water and air, living life style of people and urbanization improve environmental degradation.

Considering the extent of environment degradation that has already taken place greater efforts should be made for the protection and conservation of environment, various measures are as follows:- 1. Community Participation and Public Awareness. 2. Enactment and enforcement of Acts, Laws and Policies. 3. Encouraging compulsory environmental Education at the school level onwards. 4. Adoption of eco-friendly ways of production and consumption like solar power, wing energy etc. 5. Regenerate renewable resources whenever and wherever possible. 6. To setup pollution control devices which reduce the pollution. 7. Proper sewage and wastage treatment techniques should be adopted. 8. Reduce the consumption of natural renewable and non-renewable resources by adopting alternate resources.


The environment needs to be conserved and rest orated for its rich biological diversity, natural resources and aesthetic value and that the future generations inherit a quality environment with good earth's resources. The environment has mistakenly been understood as a 'Resource' But it should be realized that it is neither a free gift of nature where resources freely flow for growth nor it is a sink for the deposition of waste products from the industries, houses and other sources. The environmental damage already done due to alarming ongoing population explosion, industrialization, increasing demand of energy, fast scientific and technological cannot be reversed unless the collective thinking, will power and adequate efforts. These desire public awareness and active participation for bringing about an attitudinal change and finally extinctioning further damage to the environment. The environmental and educational awareness and training is an important agenda with the government for enhancing the understanding people at all levels about the relationship between human being and environment and to develop skill to improve and protect the environment. Course in Environment studies" Dhanpat Rai Co. (P) Ltd. Delhi. 2. Rai A. N. (2007). "Environment Education", Goyal Brothers Prakarshen, New Delhi. 3. India Today, ―Latest Environment News‖ 7 Feb 2014. 4. Bhatia A.L.: ―Sustainable Environmental and Impact Assessment" Avishkar Publishers Distributors. 5. Henrik U. (2005). "Population Pressure, Environmental Degradation and Armed Conflict-Revisited" Journal of Peace Research, 42(4).

Corresponding Author Dr. Lata Sharma*

Assistant Professor (Physics), Govt. Model Degree College, Kapoori, Govindpur, Saharanpur