Study of Competency Mapping and Leadership in Private Banking in India

Exploring the impact of competency mapping on leadership in private banking

by Shikha Rathod*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 18, Issue No. 2, Mar 2021, Pages 131 - 135 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


This paper aims at studying the link in leadership and competency mapping in private banks. Competencies are parts of a work which are reflected in conduct that is clear in a work place. The regular component most often referenced are information, abilities, capacities, aptitudes, individual appropriateness conduct and effect on execution at work. The principle accentuation of associations has started to have faith in dominating and not in contending. The competency mapping influences the current competencies of workers. Information for the examination was gathered from 120 workers by random sampling method and an all-around characterized questionnaire was set up with 3 point likert scale and dispersed among the representatives.


competency mapping, leadership, private banking, India, conduct, information, abilities, aptitudes, individual appropriateness conduct, execution


Globalization of the world economy has required a creative methodology in dealing with the work power. Today the work front is described by extreme changes in actualizing and creating procedures for representative profitability and development. For building solid working relationship inside the association, competency of the individuals must be consistently observed and upgraded in coinciding with the strategy. Competencies fluctuate from task to work, division to office. For various divisions and various positions, these competencies have separate weightage. As needs be, Competency Mapping rates the worker abilities and encourages them to improve the skill which is significant for their vocation advancement. Considering the new advancements of progression and globalization, each association needs to accomplish greatness to get worldwide. Ability Development will assume a critical part in such manner. Banking administrations development in India is firmly connected with the worker competency in the separate association as its efficiency and benefit. Since banks in India by and large names knowledgeable and in fact sound work powers for execution of its monetary activities subsequently, it very well may be properly said that banking is information escalated, abilities based and relationship-rich industry. In an inexorably perplexing and more changed climate, the intensity of banking foundations will rely fundamentally upon the fairness of human scholarly capital and the degree to which industry can use on these abilities. To contend successfully, banking establishments need experts with the essential abilities and skill at the key and the board level, yet additionally at the specialized and operational levels. Customarily banking industry utilized profoundly gifted individuals with specific instruction capability for a large portion of its capacities. Notwithstanding, throughout the most recent couple of years there has been an expanding pattern to re-appropriate a portion of the exercises. This re-appropriating has brought about production of business openings for negligibly taught individuals which were not prior piece of the banking area. This has brought about ability hole among the representatives when contrasted with the necessities of the work titles. Another explanation behind expertise hole is the new technique for enlisting which primarily centered on fitness and knowledge test alongside interviews instead of evaluating required occupation competencies. Along these lines, the significant test confronting the banking area today is to formalize a competency investigation measure beginning from ID of labor force competencies needed to play out the business exercises to usage of competency data for labor force exercises like staffing, preparing and improvement and competency advancement.

1.1 Competency Mapping

Competency mapping is the cycle of recognizable proof of the competencies (specialized, administrative, Behavioral, calculated information, demeanor abilities and so forth) and key credits needed to perform effectively a given work or job or a bunch of undertakings at a given purpose of time. Competency mapping measure is intended to reliably decide and evaluate individual and gathering

(EQ) and qualities of the person in regions like group design, leadership, and choice – making. Competency mapping contains two arrangements of information. One set depends on hierarchical work process and cycles. It begins with the away from of work process and cycles, including all quality and amount prerequisites, information sources and yields, choice models, and gathering execution abilities. It is gathered through the use of an assortment of assessment instruments and systems capacity. It is gathered through the arrangement of an assortment of an appraisal apparatuses and strategies to evaluate the degree to which individual and gathering execution capacities, a general pattern line is made that recognized where in cycle explicit formative freedoms exists, and with what explicit populace. Competency mapping cycle can be establishment for adjusting work process and cycle yields with basic client prerequisites with an establishment of required representative credits and competencies. 1.2 Current Leadership Scenario in Banking Sector

To react to the colossal prerequisite for creating leaders for the banking area, there is need for a genuine procedure which can address the issue in entirety. The methodology must be a painstakingly arranged arrangement of learning occasions, assortment of openings, appraisal works out, tutoring and study hall preparing. Also, leadership preparing should be buttressed by research and pertinent case material. Our present leadership preparing needs these perspectives. The current leadership programs, which now and again likewise incorporate openness to preparing abroad, are, best case scenario, a work to guided openness in the arising zones of banking and the executives yet these are not sufficient for social adjustment to set up the individuals to perform vital job. Particle by giving nature of administrations Banking area worker manage clients on direct premise and the total accomplishment of a bank is reliant on the sort of relationship it imparts to the clients. Banking industry needs to develop techniques for offering better quality types of assistance to the clients. Also, it is just conceivable with the nature of innovation and human resources it has. Subsequently banking area needs to give parcel of significance to choose, prepare and create human scholarly of the association on the grounds that except if human.


The competencies inside the word reference have been gathered into the accompanying four bunches: Thinking Capabilities, Leadership Effectiveness, Self-management and Social Awareness. Each bunch covers an expansive scope of practices and gives a general image of focal point of various practices. solving and planning, just as one's intellectual capacity to investigate, examine and settle on thoroughly examined choices which are adjusted to the association's essential direction.

• Leadership Effectiveness:

This bunch bunches leadership characteristics and practices that permit one to affect their representative's commitment, improvement and comprehension of their job. Moreover, this bunch draws on practices related with one's capacity to adjust others to the association's vision.

• Self-management:

This bunch incorporates the competencies identified with one's capacity to know one's own triggers, inclinations and inner assets and have the option to apply those to direct one's exhibition.

• Social Awareness:

This group incorporates the competencies identified with one's capacity to deal with the connections successfully. This bunch additionally draws on practices related with being socially mindful of the workplace and how best to have an effect.

Figure 1: Generic Competency Model for Leadership Role


Nisha Ann Jacob (2018) the banking framework in India has gone through huge changes in the new year‘s. Banking administrations development in India is firmly connected with the representative competency in the individual association as its efficiency and productivity. To contend viably, banking organizations needs experts with the essential abilities and aptitude at the vital and the executives level, yet additionally at the specialized and operational levels customarily banking industry

endeavor to evaluate the competency and dissecting the hole between the required and existing range of abilities among the representatives in banks today. R. Jeevarekha (2018) Competency Mapping is a cycle of recognizing key competencies for an association, the positions and capacities inside it. Competency mapping, the trendy expression in any industry isn't muddled as it might show up. At the core of any fruitful action lies an ability or expertise. In the new year‘s, different idea leaders in business system have underscored the need to distinguish what competencies a business needs, to contend in a particular climate. The point of the investigation is to investigate formalization of competency mapping in associations of India. Regardless of various advantages of competency mapping, execution of the equivalent in Indian associations is as yet in newborn child stage. The examination is helpful to fields of competency mapping, drug organizations of India, Sales staff, HR Professionals, academicians, associations and scientists. In today‘s situation another idea Competency Mapping has acquired a ton of importance among HR experts as a device for development in enrollment and choice, execution the executives, preparing and improvement, progression arranging, hierarchical advancement examination, and so on Aiman Fatma (2017) Technological advancement sets out a few changes which can influence the working of the human asset and make it easier and quicker than prior. Human asset the board has consistently assumed a vital part in improving and upgrading the presentation of association. HR is the most significant resources of an association which never depreciate. Fabricate individuals to assemble the association to construct business is an acknowledged truth. The utilization of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) encourages the imaginative methods of carrying on HR work. E-Personnel the executives might be most impressive main impetus for accomplishing hierarchical viability. EHRM has made not many popular expressions like computerization, straightforwardness, strengthening, paperless office with least human impedance, a reality which was once assumed the panacea for all the ills of work environment. Shraddha Manohar Kulkarni (2016) the guide for HR getting even more an essential accomplice appears to be clear both as for what it needs to do to be associated with an assortment of vital exercises and to turn into a full essential accomplice: HR needs to arrange itself so it has abilities and skill at the corporate level. It needs to have measurements and examination that measure the effect of human resources practices and projects. In the present business situation, it is basic to set up an establishment of well-defined competencies. Each the worker over the jobs, duties, execution norms and competencies required. Taking everything into account, we actually have extent of putting ability the board in front of monetary and operational choices. However, we can't belittle the significance of monetary and operational choices, it is likewise a need of an opportunity to consider viable leadership and advancement of ability to manage the difficulties of fierce economic situations, changed work relations, administrators' choice on untimely retirements and issues, for example, cutback, conservations and so forth To beat these difficulties, competency mapping model will be useful in ID of preparing needs for HR administrators to fill in as HR key accomplices. This paper is an endeavor to build up a competency mapping model for HR directors in Banking Industry with the end goal of leadership advancement. Fast and eccentric innovative changes and the expanded accentuation on nature of administrations are convincing banking organizations to select versatile and able representatives. At the highest point of the competency model are five duties or focal points, through which HR chiefs can see the model: Strategic Architect, Business Experts, Leadership Champions, Change Agents and HR specialists. Kumar et al (2014) Competencies are segments of a work which are reflected in conduct that is detectable in a work environment. The normal components most much of the time referenced are information, abilities, capacities, aptitudes, individual appropriateness conduct and effect on execution at work. The primary accentuation of associations today is on fitness. Gone are the days when individuals used to talk as far as ranges of abilities, which would make their associations serious. There has been a move in center, and associations have started to have confidence in dominating and not in contending. The Competency mapping influences the current competencies of administrators. Hence, the papers endeavors to quantify the part of competency mapping in the effective execution of the workers at supervisor levels and decide different practical regions, where the competency mapping can be demonstrated helpful. The examination of study depends on the essential information gathered by the mean of survey structure the workers of five parts of HDFC Bank, situated at better places in Amritsar. Also, the consequence of study demonstrate that, the competency mapping is vital for the presentation and future development of bank, in light of the fact that the development and advancement of each business depends on the effective and fulfilled working staff.


1. To study the concept of Competency mapping in general


Information for the examination was gathered from 120 representatives in the bank by random sampling method and a very much characterized questionnaire was set up with 3 point likert scale and conveyed among the workers. Primary information was gathered through questionnaire and secondary information was gathered from different journals and books.


Table – 1: Leaders performs the functions of coordination, motivation, setting goals and Team Work

From the above table plainly 41.7% of the respondents strongly agree, 53.3% of the respondents agree and 5% of the respondents disagree that the leaders plays out the elements of coordination, motivation, setting goals and Team Work.

Table – 2: PDDRO (Planning, Design, Delivery, Review and Outcome) process cycle is conducted to implement training program.

The P. Worth 0.200 is more prominent than 0.05 at 5% significant level. Consequently it is presumed that there is no connection between the PDDRD cycle cycles is led to execute training program by leaders.

Table – 3: 360 degree feedback system is implemented to monitor the performance of employees

frameworks is actualized to screen the performance of employees.

Table – 4: Leaders organizes the career development plans for the employees

The P. Worth 0.154 is more noteworthy than the table worth. Consequently it is inferred that there is no huge connection between the career development plans coordinated by the leaders for the workers, in view of their experience.

Table – 5 Competency mapping helps the banks to reduce cost

By applying chi-square test it is discovered that the determined P. Worth 0.900 is more prominent than 0.05 at 5% significant level. Thus it is presumed that there is no huge connection among leadership and competency mapping assists with diminishing expense.


Competency is a bunch of information, abilities and perspectives needed to play out a work viably and proficiently and it depicts what must be finished. From the above examination it very well may be presumed that competency mapping is unquestionably another time in the field of leadership. It guarantees efficient utilization of the main asset, human resources by guaranteeing the best coordination, inspiration of workers. It likewise guarantees people development and improvement. An individual can plan their competencies. In basic words it not just guarantees the best individual is enlisted and set in the best occupation reasonable to the individual, yet in addition through preparing and examination makes the less capable individual into more capable.

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Corresponding Author Shikha Rathod*

Research Scholar, Mansarovar Global University, Sehore (MP)