A Study of Graph Theory to the Mathematical Modeling of Group Theory

Exploring the Relationship between Graph Theory and Group Dynamics

by Richa Dubey*, Dr. Chitra Singh,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 18, Issue No. 3, Apr 2021, Pages 42 - 47 (6)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Mathematical simulation allows for the study of many processes at the same time while still allowing for the interpretation of relationships. We are especially interested in neighborhood division’s community fracture, which occurs as members of a group leave. This may be attributed to perceived discrepancies with other members of the party as a result of norm-related confrontation, for example (such as extreme actions by some members).we discusses some concepts mathematical model of based on graph theory, mathematical modeling based on graph theory, groups ,subgroups ,branches of group. A graph in this context is made up of vertices (also called nodes or points) which are connected by edges (also called links or lines). The difference is made between undirected graphs, with borders symmetrically connecting two vertices, and guided graphs with edges asymmetrically connecting two vertices, Finite group theory and representation of groups.


Graph Theory, Mathematical Modeling, Group Theory, Neighborhood Division, Community Fracture, Norm-related Confrontation, Mathematical Model, Vertices, Edges, Undirected Graphs


In mathematics, graph theory is the analysis of graphs used in modeling paired connections between items. Mathematical structures, a chart consists of vertices bound by the sides, in this sense. A distinction is made between undirected charts in which edges symmetrically connect two vertices with guided charts, and edges asymmetrically link two vertices. Graphics are one of discrete mathematics' main subjects of research. A structure explanation utilizing mathematical terms and terminology is a mathematical model. The mathematical simulation method is called mathematical modeling. Group theory investigates algebraic constructs classified as Abstract and Math Categories algebraic. Any other well-known algebraic constructs such as rings, both fields and vector spaces can be seen as additional axioms and operations classes. The definition of a category is fundamental to abstract algebra. Groups recur in mathematics and group theory approaches have inspired several areas of the algebra. Two category theory subdivisions are linear algebraic groups and lie groups that have progressed and are themselves subjects.


Assumptions and Simplification

The following basic assumptions, also known as the assumptions of Murray-Gardner, are provided to simplify this analysis for the continued examination of a normal plate-fin exposed to humidity, as seen in Fig.1 • The fin content is isotropic and is stable in both directions in thermal conductivity. • The condensed film's thermal tolerance is insignificant. • Unchanged latent condensing heat is provided by water vapor. • The heat flowing through the end section is neglected in comparison with the heat flowing through the end. • Air pressure decrease effect is underestimated as a consequence of air movement. • The heat sink surface is diffuse and grey. The thermal emission is overlooked.

Fig.6 A fin of typical rectangular profile and its terminology and coordinate system Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer

The Fig.6 shows a standard platform, and its vocabulary and coordinate systems. At the end of the fine is the root of the duration coordinate and the positive meaning from the tip to the base is in the direction. Mass transfer and the heat transfer from LED chips to the fine equal the overall energy collected by the air convection and the condensation of the wet air. Certain physical phenomena can be expressed in the following way, in any direction x along the length coordinates, given the Fourier Law on the conduction of heat, the Newton Law on the cooling, as well as the law on mass transfer to wet air:


The relation between heat transmission and mass transfer coefficients can be described in the following equation in accordance with the Chilton–Colburn analogy:


Hence, the equation can be written in the following form if H >> δ and the previous assumptions permit:


Where θ Excess temperature of the fin and surrounding environments(x=b) = θb we have the limiting factors = king(x=b) = qb, we have

(4) (5) (6)

Equation (9) indicates the interaction between the excess heat and the heat flow in place x, which can be reordered as


Mathematical Modeling Based on Graph Theory The Graph Model of Heat Flow Analysis

The chart is known as a collection of pairs G = (V, E ψ) in graph theory and can meet the following conditions: • V is the nonempty set

• E [V] 2; thus, the elements of E are 2-element subsets of V • Function ψ: E ⟶ V×V

Here V marks the vertex-Set and E indicates the edge-set, and if all the Eψ pair elements are ordered, the line is called digraph; since there are no edges in the graph, it is called undirected. This is a graph. The adjacency matrix n as the n × n of matrix A can be defined to the graph (V, Eψ) with an edge set V = {x1, x2, ..., xn} and edge-set E = {a1, a2,...., am}


Where μ(xi, xj) is the number of vertical edges I and J bind. In addition, the n × m matrix M called the incidence matrix may also be represented in a chart:


In the widely utilized heat sinks, they can be considered as a composition of fins with joints organized for various geometric demands, and the joint contains a junction joining many fins, i.e. the heat sinks W-shape and K-shape shown in Fig.7. As the elementary geometrical components should, in graph theory, be viewed in terms of edges and vertices, in order to simplify the process of graph mappings from special heat sinks, fins and joints. represents the fin set, whereas its adjacency AH matrix, the n × n matrix, may reflect the actual geometrical relationship of such a heat sink. (a) (b)

Fig.7 there are two kinds of fin arrays with the same fin numbers, but separate joints. (a) Four fins and three vertices in w-shaped fin array. (b) Four fins and one vertex, k-shaped fin array.

As the thermal plumbing is used to move the heat from the LED chips to the environments, a heat transfer network can be created and defined by a digraph GF (V′, E′), in which the heat flow of subscription f is represented by subscript F. 1. The heat source joint is also known as the digital beginning vertex. 1. 2. Add an additional vertex in the digraph as the final vertex, taking into account the impact of the setting 3. The E′ border is based on the addition and guidance of all borders of Set E of graph GH (V, E), except the start of the first to the top of the vertex, and the end of the vertex. E′ 4. The construction of a second directional edge from the end vertex that represents the ambient area towards the start vertex and hence forms a closed loop of the digraph, referring to energy conservation If the non-directed geometric heat sink graph mapping has these conditions GH (V, E), |V| = n and |E| = m, we can quickly see that the current heat exchange is therefore be reflected in the heat transfer from the LED chip to the surrounding surroundings, including heat conduction and thermal convection, and the overall warmth flow can also be expressed by incidence material MF by (n + 1)× (m + 1) and elements aij in MF are "1," "-1," or "0," as per t.


Via many separate fine branches the heat produced by LED chips flow to the environment; hence, throughout the entire heat transfer phase there are several heat flow bends. A matrix CF by (n − 1)× (m + n) is introduced in a way that gives a correct expression, named as the heat flow loop matrix. In Heat Flow Loop CF, the components cij have the following characteristics: "1" or "0"


Therefore, |V|=n, |E|=m will denote the geometrical properties of an undirected GH graph (V, E) and the Matrix adjacent AH is used to define the geometric association of the edges through the n vertices. The digraph GF (V′, E′) of the undirected GH (V, E′) graph is employed to describe the heat produced by LED chips flowing towards the ambient by the heat sink and the diagraph GF (V′, E′), MF incidence matrix by (n+1) × (m+n), and CF in the heat loop matrix by (n --1) × (m + n) to represent the actual thermal exchange. The following part is specifically used to calculate excess LED temperature by matrix MF and CF. Calculation of Thermal Admittance Matrix by Graph Theory The graph model is used to shape the heat flow At the two ends mentioned in section 2.2, digraph investigates the connection between excess temperature and thermal flow. Therefore, following linear transformations of equations (12), (13) and the relation between heat flow and excess temperature can be seen in a matrix (14).


And the parameter was suggested for measuring the heat transfer efficiency of the fin in According to the definition of the equivalent thermal admission Y, and its definition formula follows:


Fig.8 shows a typical case thermal transmission from the foundation to the end of one panel fin representing a high to low temperature thermal energy distribution by heat conduction from point A to point B. Photo. The heat flows from A to B and both vertices both enter the C vertex. As described in the section, that represents the surroundings to create two directional edges all towards the vertex C, but starting respectively with vertex A and vertex B. The following may be given:


Where q1 and q3 are convective heat transfer, q2 shall indicate the fine heat transfer. Any heat flow equals an admitting product and an excess temperature, referring to equation (1)


The conductive efficiency of the edge 1 is measured where y2 and y3 reflect the thermal convection of the edges2 And 3 and edge y1. Taking into account Fourier's one-dimensional theorem, the cooling rule of Newton and the mass transfer law into wet air we have


(a) (b)


Referring to equation (15), we obtain


The capability to transfer heat to the air is minimal, and it is the basic geometrical composite unit of the entire heat sink unleashed from the other ends by heat pipe. Thus, heating may be propagated by conductive flows through the whole sink, i.e. the fins attached to the heat sink, in order to exchange thermal flow by convective transmission in the atmosphere. Obviously, in accordance with the definitions above, convective heating transmitted into the atmosphere by the heat sink with n vertices shall be established:


Where Yi is the thermal admission of convective The entire heat transfer mechanism of the LED The following lights can be identified parameters with the reference to energy conservation and the related contents listed above: (i) I the number of the heat flow algebraic is zero at each top of the diagram (ii) The amount of the algebraic temperature differential for any flow in the graph is zero, and the following equations can also be expressed:




If there are the vector of the heat flow columns (m + n) × 1 columns, the column of the thermal excess to (n − 1) × 1 column and the column of O is to 1 column to 0. Combining equations determine the measured temperature equations of the entire heat sink (18), (19), and (20). Then the incidence matrix MF and the thermal flow matrix CF which are produced from matrix AH is a temperature estimate key. isomorphic, should write G = H In addition, bisections exist θ: V(D) ⟶ V(H) and φ: Eψ(D) ⟶ Eψ’(H), thus making a €Eψ(D) have ψ(a) = (x, y) and ψ′(φ(a)) = (θ(x) and θ(y))€Eψ’(H); The isomorphism between G and H is considered a mapping pair. (a) (b)

Fig.9 The same trend is seen in two digraphs (a,b).

Accordingly, the same digraphs must meet the following requirements on the basis of the isomorphic digraph principle, to explain atmospheric warmth of LED chips, also through various forms of heat sinks: • The two digraphs have the same diagram and are the same way on either edge • The thermal admission of a digraph to the one side and the edge of the digraph is the same


Structural Definitions definition, definition, let G be an array. Binary is a set: ∗: G × G → G. For ease of notation we write ∗(a, b) = a ∗ b ∀a, b ∈ G. Any binary operation on G provides a way to combine components. If G = Z, + and × are normal examples of binary operations, as we have shown. In conjunction with fixed binary operation ∗, when we speak about a G package, we always write (G, ∗). • (Associatively): (a ∗ b) ∗ c = a ∗ (b ∗ c) ∀a, b, c ∈ G. • (Existence of identity): ∃e ∈ G such that a ∗ e = e ∗ a = a ∀a ∈ G. • (Existence of inverses): Given a ∈ G, ∃b ∈ G such that a ∗ b = b ∗ a = e


We determined that the Rubik's cube may have around 519 quintillions (although these are not all valid). It's not convenient to attempt to consider too many setups! The issue is helpful to limit; for example, we might start by focusing at the movements that just require twists and backs of the correct faces, instead of looking at all movement in the Rubik cube. In group theory this is an overall philosophy: we can strive to comprehend the little parts to hear from community G.


Finite group theory

Over the 20th century, mathematicians explored in considerable detail some facets of final group theory, in particular the local Finite group theory and the solvent and nilpotent group theory. As a result, finite, simple groups are fully classified. In other words, all simple groups of which all finite groups can be formed are now identified. Mathematicians such as Chevalley and Steinberg extended the understanding in the second half of the 20th century of infinite analogues of classical groups and associate groups. The class of general linear groups in finite fields is one such category family. Finite classes also arise where mathematical or physical structures are considered to be symmetric when these objects only permit a finite number of structural transformations. The Lie group theory is heavily dependent upon the related Weyl groups, which can be regarded as struggling with 'continued symmetry.' These are finite groups generated in a finite Euclidean space. Thus the properties of finite groups play a role in theoretical physics and chemistry.

Representation of groups

When a group G is based on set X, each element of G describes an objective map of set X in a way which is consistent with the group structure, If X has more form, and this notion can be more restricted: The V-specification of G is a subclass of homomorphism:

Where GL (V) is the linear transformation of invertible V, In other terms, an auto morphism is allocated to each element of group g ρ(g) such that ρ(g) ∘ ρ(h) = ρ(gh) for any h in G. In two ways, this description can be understood, leading to whole new maths. On the one side, new knowledge on group G can be provided: the group operation in G is frequently supplied abstractly, but via ρ , it corresponds to a very explicit multiplication of matrices. This simplifies the analysis of the object in question by means of a well-understood party operating on a complex object. For instance, if G is finite, V above is considered to be irreducible. These components in turn are far easier to handle than the whole V (via the lemma of Schur). In Category G, the principle of representation questions what G representations are, in each scenario, the techniques used and the outcomes achieved are very different: There are various settings The Finite Group Theory of Representation and Lie Group Representation are two major theory sub domains. The group's characteristics govern the entirety of representations. For instance, Fourier polynomials may be represented by means of an L2-space of periodic functions in U(1), Complex absolute value numbers group 1,.


Extensive and intensive use the theory of graph and product design strategies that reflect and solve problems by designing correct problem-solving methods graphics theory any other well-known algebraic constructs such as rings, fields and vector spaces may all be regarded as groups with additional operations and axioms. The definition of a category is fundamental to abstract algebra. A structure explanation utilizing mathematical terms and terminology is a mathematical model. The mathematical simulation method is called mathematical modeling. The graph here consists of vertices (also knots or points) that interact with borders There is a difference between unlinked charts in which edges symmetrically connect two vertices with guided charts, and edges asymmetrically link two vertices.


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Corresponding Author Richa Dubey*

Research Associate (PhD Scholar) rimzimd3005@gmail.com