A Study on Human Resource Information System

by Dr. Anita Singh*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 18, Issue No. 3, Apr 2021, Pages 133 - 137 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Individuals or groups of people engaged in the production functions are composite characteristics of the workers with the characteristics of a productive person in terms of experience, intelligence, expertise, calibre, job ability and other skills etc. Workforce care was like product in ancient times, but the workforce is now seen as a business tool in a strategic human resources management era. The transition from the commodities paradigm to the human asset or human capital structure provides broad space for accurate and efficient management of people within the enterprise, and in this sense, the present thesis tries to explore the implementation of the information system management in the management of human resources, i.e. the information system on human resources. The present research focuses on the human resources information system's philosophical structure like nature, advantages and HRIS, Strategic Human Resource Planning and HRIS, Productive HRIS. Both main and secondary details are dependent on the analysis.


human resource information system, production functions, workers, experience, intelligence, expertise, calibre, job ability, skills, workforce care, strategic human resources management, commodities paradigm, human asset, human capital structure, information system management, enterprise, philosophical structure, nature, advantages, HRIS, strategic human resource planning, productive HRIS, main details, secondary details


We live in a changing age. The pace of transition has considerably increased in the second half of the last century. With the development of this century, the pace of transition is projected to continue to accelerate. A lot of it has been obsolete in the past. Recently, it is becoming increasingly clear that the success of a company (particularly the service sector) lies in effective management of its resources in a dynamic and evolving world. Information is an opportunity and a means of organising the operations of every organisation. An knowledge system must then be easily shared with the world. The data contained in paper & files did not provide the holistic vision needed to maximise the information economy's most valuable assets, its human resources. Recently, information technologies have just begun to play a major role in all aspects of the storage and use of information. The HRM is not growing without this information system idea in this modern age as well. Through these recent changes, the conventional human resources management has become a service for human resources information organisations (HRIS). HRIS is an attempt to process resource knowledge quickly, effectively and professionally to manage human capital effectively. In the form of an information system for clients or users of the system, it is a computerised system which enables information to be obtained, stored, analysed and distributed about the human services of an organisation. HRIS is therefore a device that facilitates the storage of human resources details across all aspects including personal, educational, qualifications, family, medical, career and performance assessment, education & development and pay. In contrast to manual processes, HRIS allows such details to be made available on one computer. It is easy to produce reports on different criteria. In addition, those documents are guaranteed to be reliable. HRIS lets the HR personnel streamline daily operations, handle compensation for their employees, reduce the workload and monitor ongoing data. You will go on to more fruitful tasks by performing these and other things from one location. In order to provide solutions for simple questions alone, an HRIS framework may often provide staff members with self-service access to their personal data. In different ways you can involve a lighter or more in-depth perspective depending on the conditions of your company but the key thing is that this method can give you useful insight and help you leverage your investment.

1.1 HRIS Service

Notice that "HRIS" is a little repetitive in the actual expression. However, it is a popular programme name and some experts also use "S" in HRIS to equate it with "Solution" or "Service Software." You'll also be able to find HRIS with other titles, including "HRMS" or "HCM" HRIS (Human Capital Management). No matter what a vendor names it, partner. The employee and manager self-service application is one direction for Human Resources to bring value to an organisation. The surge of boxed implementations in the late 1990s and use of "Best Race" tools to standardise and describe business processes leads to more custom design, which fulfils more diverse business needs and delivers improved services to customers. In four respects, HRIS may provide efficient service: Firstly, with a focus on improved worker growth, recruiting, short-term employment, temporary employment, and reduced employment. Secondly, it addresses growing requirements of laws relating to activities of human resources and the the need to deliver government statistics. The third element was the pace at which computer technology was created. The ultimate cause was the rise to lower prices of HRIS.

1.2 Needs of HRIS

1. Efficient storage of records and reference data of each employee - management of personal data, payroll processing, management of compensation and preparation. 2. Allow responsible decision-making, preparation, budgeting, implementation and control of the work of human resources on day-to-day staff. 3. Provision of government and other public data/returns 4. Food decision making in fields such as advancement, transition, appointment, provision of employee accounts, unemployment, gratuitousness, LTC and reimbursement for earned leave. 5. The cost of cutting. 6. Enhancement of precision

1.3 HRIS Benefits

In HRIS programmes there are several advantages: • Benefits management – The HRIS framework imports both employee details and the knowledge about the payroll from other programmes from one place to manage all HR facets. • Reporting – Use the preset reports to build unique fields and formats you need for regular administrative records such as staff feedback, OSHA and disciplinary notifications or personalised reports. banks, which workers have long-term absence from family leave or jury duty, and keep logs of clashes between staff. • HRIS system modules – For an HRIS scheme that is focused on the major projects, you will work on individual HR tasks. Select the modules that handle the core administration of human resources, accounting services, recruiting activities and managing your staff abilities. 1.4 Uses of HRIS It is crucial to concentrate on the normal and conventional positions of human resources management and recent developments in the roles of human resources consultants, shaping and implementing HR programmes and strategies in the organisational plan. These uses are:

Figure 1: Uses of HRIS 1.5 Types of HRIS Figure 2: Type of HRIS

1. Operational HRIS: HRIS provides evidence to reinforce regular and repeated judgments

Examples: Information Systems for Performance Management Information systems for applicant selection and placement Information scheme for employees 2. Tactical HRIS: Supports strategic decisions that emphasise human capital sharing. They include recruiting decisions; role analysis and configuration decisions, training and growth decisions and pay package decisions for employees in the field of human resources management. Examples: Work analysis and information systems for design Information system recruitment Training scheme for employees Information device compensation and rewards 3. Strategic HRIS: HRIS strategy Assist senior management in setting organisational priorities and directions. Collect and process knowledge from inside and abroad Examples: Supporting information framework planning of workspace Specialized software for the information in human resources

1.6 Scope for HRIS Specialists

When businesses search for how to operate more effectively, technology has been an important aspect of HR. One of the main assets of HRIS goods, their staff, are managed by them. The need for skilled experts in this field grew as HRIS systems were becoming more advanced. HRIS practitioners also participate in the procurement of products, systems adaptation, deployment and continuing management. You can do this because you are incredibly detailed and love dealing with machines. 1.7 Recent Trends in HRIS Any recent HRIS literature developments validated by these specialists' latest work with their customers may help you appreciate the existing skills of your HRISs and their futures considerations. Human Resources as a Strategic Business Partner: The literature on HRIS has increased over the last couple of years and applies not to a surveillance and tracking organisation, but to Human Research as a "strategic business partners." In the 1980s, and also in the early 1990s, HRISs were mostly used mainly to feed numerical information for management by supplying crucial information for making business decisions. As all of us know, migrant workers and e-commerce are no longer businesses as normal introducing additional considerations that may have a direct effect on the capacity of human resources to provide strategic help. International Workforces: Due to the multi-nationalization of companies and employees, human resources frequently battle for the management of data relating to natives, other ex-patriots reporting through racial and international borders. Complying with HRIS implementations is increasingly difficult, both from processing and monitoring backgrounds, to meet these market criteria. Web Enablement: Generally speaking, the HRIS literature mirrors a considerable volume of news on e-commerce and Network enabling. However, it seems like you have a misunderstanding that it must be on client/server or any other technologies of the 1990s to enable your HRIS on the Internet. You will build the customers' HRIS in 1976 - 1990s as emerging technologies. Furthermore, through deploying self-service systems, professionals get to see more push technologies - sending data out rather than dragging it in. For example, benefits, performance assessment data and standard reports are transferred to the portal of the manager.


1. Administration failure. 2. Status quo satisfaction. 3. Review of requires no or badly performed 4. Incorporation of key individuals 5. Failure to maintain the project team intact. 6. Inconsultation in major classes. 7. Missing contact. 8. The bad weather (time of year and duration )


1. Abra Suite: For administration of human capital and salary 2. ABS (Atlas Business Solutions): Information general, Data on wages, emergency, Evaluators, Reminders, Customer notices, documents and images, dividing details. Tracking status, Job Experience, etc. 4. HRSOFT: Identify senior managers and watch them evaluate skills and abilities in administration, Generate a broad variety of statistics, summaries, employee biography, substitute tables and inheritance reports, job growth, match inheritance plans, etc.

5. ORACLE- HRMS: Oracle ER, Oracle Self-Service HR, Payroll, Oracle Learning Management, HR Intelligence, Time and Labor 6. PEOPLESOFT: Enterprise Resume Processing, Enterprise Services Procurement, Workforce Planning, Warehouse E-Recruitment

7. SAP HR: Company, all-in-one: Rapid HR Human Capital Management, HCM,

8. SPECTRUM HR: i-Vantage® and H RSM®. I-Vantage is an HRIS web-based product for companies of up to 10,000 people.


1. HRIS has been Geraldine DeSanctis (1986) a significant MIS subfunction in the field of staff with several major firms. The HRIS has been developed to facilitate human resources management planning, management, decision-making and monitoring practises. 2. Boudreau John W. (1996), Three approaches, such as Calculating, Communicating and Changing, would help the company move past the conventional HRIS administrative model. 3. Aston Beadles Nicholas (2005), The usage of HRIS was championed as a way for experts in human resources to become strategic allies with senior management. 4. Ebenezer Ankrah, Evans Sokro (2012), the usage of HRIS makes a great deal of contribution to the factors like cost reductions and savings of time, decision-making inputs (DMCs), the dedication to employee growth (QIE) (EDC). 5. HRIS is important for the proof-based strategy and practise of human resource programmes, including their existing capability, Patricia LRiley & al (2012). 6. In the management of human resources in today's globalised knowledge economy, J.Anitha and M.Aruna (2013), Human 7. Sabrina Jahan (2014), The HRIS combines HRM with a special focus on basic HR tasks and IT processes. It can be used to keep information such as profiles of employees, record absences, pay management and different types of records. 8. Buzkan Halil (2016), A strategic introduction of HRIS will boost HRIS's perceived standing as HRIS delivers value-added and improves the status of the HR career within its organisations.


Table – 1 Employees response on HRIS in selected Private organizations

3.1 HRIS and training period: The 9% of workers approve heavily, the 51% oppose, and the 9% are neutral and 11% agree on the theory, that is, a long hour's education is required. It is obvious that the HRIS did not need a long training hour. 3.2 HRIS and adaptability: The second part of the table shows that 51% of those interviewed are firmly persuaded, 43% approve and just 6% claim little regarding HRIS adaptability and comprehension. HRIS is thus easily comprehensible and adaptable. 3.3 HRIS and technical knowledge: Just 34% agree on the aspect, i.e. that high technological knowledge is needed, but 46% disagree on this aspect. It therefore shows that high technological expertise is not essential for the operation of HRIS. 3.4 HRIS is Employee friendly: 26% of the respondents are strongly agreed on and 54% agree on the hypothesis that HRIS is nice to employees, that means easy to use. 3.5 HRIS helps increase transparency: The theory is widely accepted by 34% of respondents and 409% of respondents. It is also evident that information systems for human resources help to improve accountability. 3.6 HRIS and Performance evaluation: 71% of the respondents believe firmly that they agree and 23%

3.7 HRIS and payroll: The Personal Resource Information Systems help to formulate the employee's payroll of 34%, with 52% of employees agreeing on this. 3.8 HRIS and absenteeism turnover: The information systems on human resources contribute to reducing absenteeism turnover. They firmly identify with 20% and agree with this theory at 37%. 3.9 HRIS and Employees satisfaction: The table above shows the response of employees in selected private organisations to HRIS. 60% of workers believe firmly that they are satisfied with utilising HRIS and 40% agree that.


Both main and secondary data was used for this analysis. This standardised questionnaire was equipped with five points and 10 questions on employee opinion and interpretation of HRIS focused on Likert's scale methodology. The questionnaires have been circulated to 70 workers of various private organisations. Secondary data from various books, magazines, articles, academic papers and Internet sources have also been gathered.


It is not only the above-mentioned factors that are the aim of the report, but the challenge is how the organisations execute the human resources information system. As a business, we need to learn of diverse aspects affecting the adoption of the information system for human resources in an organisation. Factors such as the organisational nature, head counts, organisational layout and so on. I thus assume that the information structure for human resources is a systematic method for successfully managing the workforce. The possible character of an HRIS is that it serves as a tool for effective management, which gives the organisation's competitive edge.


1. Geraldine DeSanctis (1986). Human Resource Information Systems: A Current Assessment, MIS Quarterly. 2. John W. Boudreau (1996). HR Information Systems: Exploiting the Full Potential, CAHRS working papers series. 3. Nicholas Aston Beadles (2005). The Impact of Human Resource Information Systems: An Exploratory Study in the Public Sector, IIMA. Management. 5. Patricia L Riley & et. al. (2012). Information systems on human resources for health: a global review. 6. P. Subba Rao (2007). ‗Essentials of HRM & Industrial Relations- Text cases and games‘, Himalaya Publishing House. 7. Ashwathhapa (2007). ‗Human Resource Management‘, Tata McGraw Hill Publications. 8. http://www.hrguru.com/benefits/126-hris-professional## 9. http://www.buyerzone.com/personnelhr-information/qz_qestions_856.jhtml 10. http://www.rediff.com/getahead/women08.html

Corresponding Author Dr. Anita Singh*

Professor, IMS, Ghaziabad