Need of Human Resources Development to Increase Speed of Project – Case Study

An analysis of human resource development and its impact on project speed

by Mr. Pritam B. Inpure*, Prof. U. J. Pathak,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 18, Issue No. 3, Apr 2021, Pages 214 - 222 (9)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Human resource planning is the most important managerial function of an organization. It ensures three main things • It ensures adequate supply of human resources. • It ensures proper quality of human resources. • It ensures effective utilization of human resources. Human Resource Planning • Human resource planning must incorporate the human resource needs in the light of organizational goals. • Human resource planning must be directed towards clear and well-defined objectives. • Human resource plan must ensure that it has the right number of people and the right kind of people at the right time doing work for which they are economically most suitable. • Human resource planning should take into account the principle of periodical reconsideration of new developments and extending the plan to cover the changes during the given long period. • Human resource planning should pave the way for an effective motivational process. • Adequate flexibility must be maintained in human resource planning to suit the changing needs of the organization A framework of human resource development has been developed. This framework contains many factors and it is divided in 8 Main Criteria’s as (a) Job Analysis and HR Planning, (b) Recruitment and Selection, (c) Education and Training, (d) Retaining, Motivation and Performance Appraisal, (e) Compensation and Rewards, (f) Employment Relations, (g) Health and Safety, (h) Other External Factors. (I) Labour Productivity Data is collected through questionnaires and personal interviews targeting Engineers, Project Managers, HR Managers and Contractors. International All factors affecting HRD have been ranked using RII and SPSS Method Analysis.


human resource planning, human resources development, project speed, case study, organizational goals, human resource needs, periodical reconsideration, motivational process, flexibility, job analysis, HR planning, recruitment, selection, education, training, retaining, motivation, performance appraisal, compensation, rewards, employment relations, health and safety, external factors, labour productivity


―Human resource development is an interdisciplinary field, which focuses on systematic training and development, career development, organizational development to improve process and enhance the learning and performance of individual and organizations. A central goal is to broaden understanding of the complex activities involved in assisting individuals or organizations to improve their ability to develop themselves‖. Human resource development can be defined as planned activities designed by an organization to provide its members with the opportunities to learn necessary skills and knowledge with a view to meeting current and future job demands. HRD seeks to develop people‘s knowledge, expertise, productivity and satisfaction, whether for personal or group/team gain or for the benefit of an organization. HRD activities should begin when an employee joins an organization and should continue throughout their career, regardless of whether that employee is an executive or a worker on the assembly line. HRD is the process of allowing staff to acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes for the sole purpose of executing specific task(s) more efficiently and effectively. It is not a once and for all activity but an ongoing process. As new employees are trained, so also are other older employees either transferred to other jobs, promoted or trained for the more challenging jobs. Human resources are nothing but the personals working in the organizations for achieving the goals of the business and earning benefits for themselves for their survivals or for their specific purpose. They may be skilled, semi-skilled or may be unskilled. Human resource management deals with the management of these human resources for achieving the desired business goals. Human resource management incorporates the vast fields like construction, banking, manufacturing, processing, etc. Every type of business includes human resources in it thus; human resource management is a very important component of the every type of organizations in today‘s developing world. It deals with the vacancy identification, recruitment and selection, retention of employees, motivation, etc. Thus, it deals closely with effective utilization of human resources of a business. So, human resource management is the unavoidable component in every business because without it we cannot get the work done, which may lead to un-fulfillment of the goals of a business. Of all the factors of production, human is by far the most important. The importance of human factor in any type of co-operative endeavor cannot be overemphasized. It is a matter of common knowledge that every business organization depends for its effective functioning not so much on its material or financial resources as on its pool of able and willing human resources. The product of any manufacturing organization by itself is not enough to win customers. The human resources become even more important in service industry whose value is delivered through information, personal interaction or group work. This is the only resource which can produce unlimited amounts through better ideas. There is no apparent limit to what people can accomplish when they are motivated to use their potential to create new and better ideas. No other resource can do this. HRD aims to promote comprehensive education incorporating the perspectives of training system, On-the-Job Training (OJT), medium to long-term career path development of human resource systems to support these programs.


Human resource development coordinates the functions of training and development experiences in the organizations. In recent years the scope of human resource development (HRD) has expanded from simply providing training programmes to facilitating learning throughout the organization in a wide variety of ways. There is an increasing recognition that employees can and should learn continuously, and they should learn from experience, from each other as well as from formally structured training programmes. Nevertheless, formal training is still essential for most organizations (Pavlov, 2013). The primary aim of project human resource

human resources plan through project roles, responsibilities for each role, and reporting relationships among the roles. Also, it creates the staff management plan that describes when and how the resource requirements will be met. Motivation is an inner state of our mind that activates and directs our behavior. It makes us move to act. It is always internal to us and is externalized via our behavior. Motivation is one‘s willingness to exert efforts towards the accomplishment of his/her goal. Motivation is Internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to be consistently interested and committed to a job, role or subject, or to make an effort to attain a goal. Motivation results from the interaction of both conscious and unconscious factors such as the intensity of desire or need, incentive or reward value of the target, and expectations of the individual and his or her peers. These factors are the reasons one has for behaving a certain way. An example is a student that spends extra time studying for a test because he or she wants a better grade in the class.


► Aim to improve the decisions taken on the need for an EIA and the terms of reference on which the assessment is made. To save our planet we need to promote self-sustainability and self-sufficiency. ► Global warming and the worse conditions the earth is facing by each passing day. Our purpose should be to promote a greener and healthier environment.


Motivation is something stemming from within a person; motivation refers to a dynamic driving force, which stems from within. It is an "inner striving condition, which activates or moves the individual into action and continues him in the course of action enthusiastically." Thus, motivation is defined as an inner state that activates, energizes or moves behavior towards goals. And, the forces inside the individual that inspire him to continue work are variously called as wishes, drives, needs, etc. Motivation is the "core of management." Motivation is an important function performed by the manager for actuating the people to work for the accomplishment of organizational objectives. Issuance of well-conceived instructions and orders does not mean that they will be followed. A manager has to make appropriate use of various techniques of motivation to enthuse the employees to support them. Effective motivation succeeds not only in having an order accepted but also in gaining a determination to see that it is executed efficiently and effectively. Motivation is an active and dynamic ‗will to work' which is necessary for the achievement of organizational goals and objectives. Motivation is the process of getting the members or the group to pull weight effectively, to give their loyalty to the group and to carry out properly the purpose of the organization. Motivation is the inner power or energy that pushes one toward performing a certain action. Motivation strengthens the ambition, increases initiative and gives direction, courage, energy and the persistence to follow one's goals. Motivation is usually strong, when one has a vision, a clear mental image of a certain situation or achievement, faith in one's abilities and also a strong desire to materialize it. In this case motivation pushes one forward, toward taking action and making the vision a reality. It has been argued that employees‘ turnover is heavily influenced by job satisfaction, motivation and organizational commitment, because no employee would like to stay with an organization that is not satisfied with his work. Stated that comprehensive training activities are positively associated with productivity; reduced staff intention to leave and organizational effectiveness.


• To identify the factors related to human resource management of construction firms. • To develop the integrated framework that can be useful in analyzing factors affecting the human resource management of construction firms. • To determine Engineers, Project Managers, Human Resource (HR) Managers and Contractors perceptions towards the relative importance of the key indicators of HRM of construction firms in Maharashtra region of India. • To identify the most significant key indicators of HRM of construction firms in Maharashtra region of India.

Problem Statement

―Human resource development employs people, training them, compensating them, developing policies relating to them, and developing strategies to retain them, giving it an even more critical role in today's organizations. Every organization has policies to ensure fairness and continuity within the organization. Training is also a key component in staff motivation. Employees who feel they are developing their skills tend to be happier in their requirements, Compensation, Worker safety laws, and Labor laws, Pay, Health benefits, Vacation time, Sick leave, Bonuses and retirement plan for employees in the manufacturing firms becomes an issue in the companies or firms. The consequences remain that there will be the low motivation of workers or employees which result in low productivity or poor output, reduced profitability, staff turnover, lack of growth, challenges with their manager, poor fit with the organizational culture and poor workplace environment.‖


Tukur Al-Mustapha, PM World Journal, February 2017

To assure quality of construction projects, clients should pay attention on quality of manpower to handle construction projects and subcontractors. To a limited extent, some factors of human resource development are prevailing in construction works in Nigeria while others are still in their formative and or maturing stage. However, other factors like training and education, teamwork, suppliers‘ partnership, quality planning, process management, communication, reward and recognition people management and empowerment are still in their maturing stage in the industry. Training should be considered as primarily a vehicle for implementing and reinforcing quality practices. Moreover, clients should advance from the accustomed practice of awarding tenders to the lowest price and promote rewarding the best team and suppliers who could provide the best service.

With proper training and quality awards, the quality awareness can spread widely throughout the construction industry in Nigeria and the achievement of human resource development can be maintained. In addition to the aforesaid, great effort is required from the management to develop the whole company human resource development. The paper recommends that professional bodies and stake holders should embark on human resource audits before contract awards so that shared values, objectives and behaviour can be aligned to the goals of the quality plan. Also, an extensive awareness and training programs be initiated to improve the clients‘ understanding and approach toward quality and hence increase their achievement of human resource development, which would in turn improve coordination, teamwork, productivity, and construction industry performance. Duncan Brown, Wendy Hirsh and Peter Reilly, April 2019

The main aims of this research have been: ► To document and assess how it has evolved and how it is changing; ► To summarize recent academic research on the subject and to bring together research and practice in this area; ► To address some of the key questions raised by prior work in the field. Despite major structural and economic changes in the workplace, our study highlights three core questions that have underpinned much of the work in this field throughout its history: ► In terms of policy, how strategic are HRM policies and HR functions? What impact do HRM policies have on organizational performance and how can this influence best be leveraged? ► In terms of practice, how well do employers implement and ‗land‘ HR policies? ► Perhaps most fundamentally of all, what is the purpose of strategic HRM and do employees as well as employers benefit?

Behnam Neyestani, UC Berkeley Previously Published Works, 2014

Human Resource Development (HRD) is the domain that performs core function in an organization for the advancement of personal and professional skills, knowledge and abilities of employees. Human resource development includes such opportunities as employee training, employee career development, performance management and development, coaching, mentoring, succession planning, key employee identification and organization development. HRD has the key role in improving knowledge and skills on human resource in any organization. HR professionals are very important for the organization. The main target of human resource development is on fostering the workforce so that the company as well as employees can achieve their work goals and objective to maximum satisfaction.

Talam V Rao, July2017

One of the indicators of success of a chief executive is the extent to which he has created self-renewing systems within the organization and the extent to which he has developed his own employees. An institution builder makes him dispensable by building the competencies of his employees. He uses the time released by becoming dispensable to deal with external environment and create opportunities for the organization to grow and make an impact. HRD instruments can aid him to move in this direction.

dynamic organizational culture.

Faeq Hamad Abed, Mahidy Alhalboosi, September 2018

HRD is concerned with: (a) Staffing issues: employment, mix and number of personnel, deployment by region, by level of care, by type of establishment, by gender; (b) Education and training: coherence between competencies and needs of the services, programs and curricula, learning strategies, availability of competent teachers and trainers, of adequate infrastructures; (c) Performance management: maintenance and improvement of the quality of services, setting of standards, information and management systems, management practices; (d) Working conditions: recruitment and posting, job and workload definition, promotions and career mobility, incentives, mode and level of remuneration, other conditions of service, management of personnel and labor related. Human resource development is a process of developing and unleashing human expertise through organization development and personnel training and development for the purpose of improving performance

Francesco Sofo, Alastair Rylatt

Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), January 2014 The chapter begins with an outline of the challenges facing HRD efforts in the new millennium and briefly reviews its historical development and continual effort to define itself. Three perspectives are delineated that form the new context of HRD; these are the current focus on being customer-centered, the need for imaginative leadership and the supreme value of human beings. The concept of ‗activity‘ is explored and taxonomy is suggested to help understand HRD. ‗Activity‘ is conceptualized as an integrated set of actions that vary by level, function and time frame. The level of activity is distinguished by a focus on individual, group, society and the world community while the twin functions highlighted are change or learning and a people-centered focal point. The time frame of HRD activities carries from immediate, quick fixes to days, months and years.


• It consists of introduction, history, effect, advantages, salient features. Also introduce the objectives of this study. • Literature review related to the project. • Detail study about Methods used in project.

Data Collection

There are numerous factors affecting employee's performance and productivity in construction site and generally these factors are manifested to affect in the construction at large. There are also several factors that influence employee‘s performance and productivity in Construction Company. ―Productivity improvement in construction is best understood when the construction process is visualized as a complete system‖, as shown in Figure, the system is made up of the construction project.

The construction system can be described as an IPO (Input, Process, and Output) system. There are four elements in Input (Machine, Materials, Methods, Manpower) of this system and Manpower is the most important factor among them and the organization can use and consume properly other factors are left by promoting and improving HR or manpower, and human resource development is the main way to achieve this target (improving HR). This system shows the stages of improving HR by HRD through construction project system HRD can cause improving step by step firm performance in Construction Company, these stages are included:

The construction system can be described as an IPO (Input, Process, Output) system. There are four elements in Input (Machine, Materials, Methods, Manpower) of this system and Manpower is the most important factor among them and the organization can use and consume properly other factors are left by promoting and improving HR or manpower, and human resource development is the main way to achieve this target (improving HR). This system shows the stages of improving HR by HRD through construction project system HRD can cause improving step by step firm performance in Construction Company, these stages are included: √ Improvement of organization performance outcome: Non-financial performance (employee‘s satisfaction, time, absence, change of organization culture, increasing revenue); √ The increase of productivity and finally; √ The increase of financial outcome: improved profitability Data Collection To determine the current and beneficial status of lean construction management techniques, Data survey was conducted in different Sites to collect data. For data collection survey was conducted by taking interviews from construction professionals also a Questionnaire was designed, copies were distributed and almost complete Questionnaire were collected.


Every work, need to HRD whether difficult or easy require good qualification to the task. Because of that, if any employee doesn't have qualification enough to do a job/ to meet any changes that becomes hard. So, HRD needs assessment very important to know what the trouble is and who need improve? HRD needs assessment can be defined as determining the gap between what are the capabilities of the current employee and what required to do. In this step must do ask questions to ensure who needs training & developing and what essential needs? Depended on this information that much necessary do analysis in deferent directions to identify essential needs √ The data analysis involves Microsoft Excel spread sheet program and SPSS v. 20 statistical software package for the purpose of analysis. √ And Compare with R-II Manual Method IBM SPSS Software. SPSS Statistics is a software package used for statistical analysis. The software name originally stood for Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), reflecting the original market.


Questionary Survey: Simple descriptive statistics such as averages ranges and percentages were used to analysis primary data from the construction site. Among 50 questions only 30 questions were considered for survey. The questionnaires were distributed through various electronic media platform to a variety of respondent working around the construction projects. About 50 people have responded to the questionnaire survey. The respondents were asked to indicate the positions they held in the respective companies and the duration for which the company is in operation. They were provided with options to choose from. About 26.7% of the respondents who participated in the study are from Top management background, 40% were from middle management, while 33.3% were serving as a lower management as shown in the Fig. These respondents are well conversant with effect of construction waste management.

General questions

1. Name 2. Mobile no. 3. Mail id 4. Age 5. Occupation 6. Organizational/college name 7. Position in organization 8. Working experience 9. Location 10. Any other information

development? √ Do you think there is need of HRD? √ Do you use human resource management in your organization or site? √ Do you provide training to your staff member? √ Does training really improve skill of employee? √ Do you think training is essential part on HRD? √ Do you think HRD increased profit to company? √ Do you think to achieve company goal HRD management play major role? √ Do you think using human resource management we can improve performance of project? √ Do you think HRD management reduce time and cost required for production? √ Do you think HRD helps to improve performance of employee? √ Do you think training to employee improve work quality? √ By giving proper training to employee increase the productivity of work and decreases the loss of work? √ Do you think absolute use of resource affect the project cost? √ Do you agree to implement Human resource management in your organization?

Likert scale (3) 1. Yes 2. No 3. Other/ Can’t say


One can expect several Cultural, Social and Economic changes of great significance in human resource development to sweep throughout the coming years. With the growth of Human Resources Management decision making instead of being done by owner will hence forth rest with professional has been increasing in recent years. The aspirations and need of educated people differ from those of uneducated people. At present the level of education of manpower has gone up and becoming more mobile. Hence existing personal policies and procedures were no longer adequate for a better educated work force and needs greater autonomy and discretion in the work plan. Thus HR managers will have to be more of a development man than a mere administrator of personnel services. With this object on will have to get involved in basic organization planning taking into account the Social, Political and Economic factors which can affect the internal situation of the company and advise the management in achieving organizational goals with reference to these factors. The results from calculations of Relative Important Index (RII) Method Relative Importance Ratio (RIR) Method from different stakeholders‘ point of view indicates that the most important factors affecting of construction firms are: Life security, Working Experience of Candidates, Paying competitive wages, Systematically structured training process, Competitive salaries, Improper crew design, Accurate job description, Quality of programs provided, Technical knowledge of candidates, Clearly defined duties, Regular performance appraisal, Adequacy and quantity of programs, Good Working.

Human resources are the individuals who make up the workforce of an organization, business sector, or economy. Training and development strategy describes the formal, ongoing efforts that A Monthly included in made within organizations to enhance the performance and self-fulfillment of their workers through a variety of educational system and programs which bring insufficient motivation. Inadequate motivation and lack of incentives and recognition lead to weak performance and likewise production of poor quality of goods and services. Maximizing profit and minimizing cost is the key of every business. The higher the productivity level, more successful you will be. So ensuring that productivity levels of your employees are always high should be your main priority by applying sufficient motivation.


We express our sincere thanks to Project Guide Prof. U.J. Pathak for his continuous support. We also thankful to our Head of Department of Civil Dr. R.R. Sorate For support.


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Corresponding Author Mr. Pritam B. Inpure*

Padmabhooshan Vasantdada Patil Institute of Technology, TSSM College, Pune, India