Study on Planets Representing Diseases

Exploring the Interconnection of Astrology and Ayurveda in Medical Diagnosis and Holistic Treatment

by Acharya Arti Sharma*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 18, Issue No. 3, Apr 2021, Pages 366 - 371 (6)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


JyothishamAstrology started in India for in excess of 1,000 years. It gives a comprehension of the planetary impacts on individuals a more profound investigation gives complicated parts of everyday existence of an individual and their relationship with fate. The information on Astrology is fused in VEDAS that is bestowed to us by old sages by their instinctive information acquired by their profound contemplation and individual discipline. Crystal gazing is a Science based upon information associated with the developments of radiant bodies including Planets and stars. An Astrologer simply deciphers the impacts of these developments in the person's life. Crystal gazing implies Sciences of Stars. In Sanskrit, this is named as Jyothisham, which implies the SCIENCE OF LIGHT. Light need not be fundamentally mean noticeable light yet additionally the radiation of light from the sun and star, extensively it method for any Cosmic beams produced by all planets overall. AYURVEDA is a Science of Life passed on to us through VEDAS. To keep up with great wellbeing. This is basically a strategy for all encompassing treatment that gets its force from the comprehension of the huge impact of nature hangs on individuals and focuses on the annihilation of human sufferings both physical and mental through the results of nature. Consequently it very well may be compelled as a DIVINE SCIENCE. In that capacity, it can undoubtedly be perceived. Soothsaying and Ayurveda are the parts of a similar tree and whenever composed with one another will give us better outcomes. Clinical Astrology manages passionate mental, mental and actual viewpoints analyze and restored by ordinary strategies by celestial examination. Clinical Astrology is one of the parts of Medical Astrology that targets creating a positive character, a superior comprehension of passionate control, and related conduct issues in people are managed by this idea. Birth Chart uncovers the psychological and enthusiastic angles, which provides a solid insight for the analyze of the vast majority of the diseases. Activities help to acquire Physical strength, Prayers help to foster inward mental strength and Astrology assists with fostering a confidence in godlikeness and nature. Absence of the above confidence and conviction is the main driver, everything being equal. While Ayurveda targets recuperating the actual problem, Medical Astrology goes the underlying drivers to be specific Psychological and mental lopsided characteristics, and fosters the firm confidence in the enormous life measure.


JyothishamAstrology, planetary impacts, Astrology, VEDAS, Science of Stars, AYURVEDA, holistic treatment, divine science, Medical Astrology, birth chart


Clinical Astrology and Ayurveda are just two countenances of a similar coin. While the previous targets anticipating significantly sooner the occurrence of any illness and the preventive measures to be taken the last conclusions the sickness and accepts measures to solution it. A few times it very well might be past the point of no return and the patient may not react to the treatment. Most likely there are sure meds or tonics as they might be more aloofness called, which are given to individuals to keep their wellbeing. However, these are given on a self-assertive premise and to see that overall the human framework is kept sound. At the point when a crystal gazer predicts the assault of a specific illness a long ways ahead and proposes healing measures Astro(Jyothi) implies light and light beams are normally radiated from Sun. Since bygone days of yore the Sun, Moon, Stars, Planets and so forth, were perceived as a wellsprings of light, and different sorts of energy. The impact of these beams on living creatures and furthermore on the Environment, climatic conditions, seasons and so on, made the investigation of these beams necessary. This examination is called Astrology. The old man was all around familiar with this information. The old individuals considered light is wellspring of delight and haziness the Reverse. The crude individuals understood that the snapshots of Sun, Moon and different planets follow a specific example and they assume a crucial part in he lives of people. Along these lines, they began inferring determinations, from a consistent report with incredible interest and profound Observations giving idea, tests, tests and so forth, So, Astrology in any case called Jyotisha sastra is a noticeable and crude sciences. It is Developing from the start of the creation and is evergreen.

see the possibilities of the local basing on time factor. However, the subject relies upon the individual who sees appropriately and facilitates all realities. No subject will be acknowledged as a science except if it is demonstrated. So legitimate examination and affirmation of current realities certain is fundamental Since coordinates to way of life of a man or the happenings in nature Each part of science has a reason. In any case, presence of a reason is not the same as seeing the reason. Contingent upon the progressions in the general public the causes are evolving. Thus one should examine this with much focus and comprehension. Man began the investigation of crystal gazing regarding spot and time before the perceiving of different sciences. From that time its branches and sub branches are spreading. Life or Jeeva is the right aim for any sciences. No one but crystal gazing can clarify the explanations behind contrasts in the treatment of same sickness between two patients. Any remaining endeavors being similar the outcomes are not same. Daylight invigorates, the living creatures. It has sedated esteem which is perceived both the progenitors and innovators. It has An and D Vitamins. The Sunrays likewise falls on trees. The Chlorophyll present in the leaves of plants is respond with Sunrays and it is known as Photosynthesis. Because of this cycle the Carbohydrates and starch are created. We are accepting them as a food. The creatures, which are taking this food, are likewise utilized as nourishment for humanity. This is the non-vegan food. Hence straightforwardly or by implication the man is accepting light as his food. This food when enters the body takes type of life and Prana. The microform of light transforms into mind/heart, which implies mental capacity. So the wellbeing of body and brain have direct connection to eatables and by implication to light energy. Ayurveda specialists made parcel of exploration on eatables. Indeed, even he present day specialists are of the assessment that wheat leaves are of acceptable assistance restoring the psychological and actual sicknesses. Essentially certain Gems are recommended/expand/energy. Ruby(Gem} which is ascribed to Sun discharges the microform of Sunrays. The moon is considered as watery planet and controls numerous Diseases as the human body 2/3 watery substances. Mars, which is in red in shading emanates beams blend in with Sunrays, controls the circulatory strain, malignant growth and so forth, Mercury beams are the reason for Greenery, Jupiter for Knowledge, Venus for joy, Saturn for lethargy Rahu for aspiration, Kethu for misery. In this way, every planet has its own effect on the human body, showing the way towards prosperous life into people and the general public on the loose. These impacts of Nature are likewise spread on Animals, Birds, Trees and so on, Hence the infection caused because of negative beams of a planet are when the parts of planets are bad it is because of the ill-advised dissemination of light or Rays of that specific planet and to satisfy it one ought to be given food, light, diamond or the mantra relating to that plane and it prompts reasonable clinical treatment. No science will legitimate except if it is in the possession of such acumen, else it won't give Full utility. A doctor through he is giving medications, the patient won't go to him for the subsequent time, when his sickness isn't relieved.

Growth of Science

The creation, its customary wonder The development of living creatures in it, developments, various shapes, qualities, energies, change of energy into movement are on the whole factors to be known for their utility to humankind. The whole universe running in a methodical matter. The developments of Planets, stars, space rocks, people and the impacts its would, after a profound idea, presume that there is some energy or incomparable force behind this load of acts which is controlling the whole situation. The crude man focused on science giving interminable bliss and examined the upsides of desa and kala {place and time). Step by step as per the progressions in way of life he fostered the food information, Medical information moral science and Spiritual sciences. To eliminate the issues of weakness he concocted the utilization of drugs and spices, the Yoga sastra and so on, additionally began creating. They understood that a sound body gives sound psyche. Thus in this manner the reasons for illness can be situated from the Horoscope. Prior the prophetic viewpoints were characterized As the shades of the Planets and impacts of their beams a people are noticed efficiently. Later it reached out to nature and further to grains(pulses) utilized for charity(Dana) and so forth, Thus numerous new examinations in Astrology have demonstrated that it tends to be used with as much as Efficiency , if not more, for the satisfaction of humanly and for eliminating their issues Physical and mental. Ayurveda signifies 'The Science of life" and is the and Indigenous framework in India since thousand of years. It accepts that all illnesses are a characteristic interaction and their fixes are naturally as it were. It has basically three viewpoints AETOLOGY(the study of the reasons for illness), SYMPTOLOGY( the investigation of translation of side effects) and MEDICATION(the method for diseases are relieved). This frameworks targets understanding the everlasting realities of the human body, psyche and soul and looks for perpetual fixes. The primary parts of this arrangement of study/medication – Ref Table 1 with Astrology. Astrology And Ayurveda are related aspects in Vedic Sciences. Many Astrologers in India practiced Ayurveda

Table 1

Kaya-Chikista Internal Medicine Shalakya Tantra Surgery and Treatment of Head and Neck Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology Shalya Tantra Surgery Agada Tantra Toxicology Bhuta Vidya Psychiatry Kaumara Bhritya Pediatrics

Rasayana Scinece of Rejuvenations or anti-aging Vajikarana The science of Fertility. Furthermore, numerous Aurvedic specialists are Astrologers. Ayurveda is fundamentally founded on the idea that the planets and their developments are personally associated with human body and psyche. Soothsaying decides the fundamental Physical constitution of people. It additionally gives a sign which planet influences what part of the body. Ayurrveda gives fix. Having analyzed the illness and to what part it has a place, the clinical treatment and fix becomes straightforward. Ayurveda uses different spices, roots, metals and concentrates for their motivation. It is accordingly apparent that a decent Auyrvedic specialist ought to have a sound information on Astrology. The connections among Planets and trees, spices and so on, ought to be known and furthermore the impacts of planets on human personalities ought to be perceived. The spices and roots are utilized to kill the destructive impacts of the planets: Ref Table 2. The metals have demonstrated to successful in killing the malefic impact of planets on individuals. Ref: Table 3. Celestially the 12 Zodiac signs, each representing a piece of human body, impact our brain and body and a significant job in causing human diseases.

Table 2

Details of Medical Astrology

Clinical Astrology is one science that is as yet stowed away from the world and not many professionals of Vedic Astrology truly know its inward privileged insights. In the event that appropriate exploration is done on this mysterious science, humankind who isn't just in wonderful wellbeing yet in addition intellectually solid, such is the potential. There is sufficient logical proof to help that planetary arrangements influence each other as well as living and non-living things on earth. Presently it ought to be addressed Why people would not be drawn to such a framework Apart from presumptions, all the other things can not exclusively be determined numerically yet additionally applied experimentally. Given the intricacies in question and the extent of its extension, it is conceivable that occasionally things are disregarded and certain components might not have been thought about. Presumptions are made in each field of logical undertakings and a specific flawlessness is justified. What is the extent of Medical Astrology? It has a solid base in India. It thinks about more profound issues identifying with human existence. Western Medical science has confidence in orderly therapy of diseases. In any case, as of late a few analysts are to go into underlying drivers. In India a portion of the specialists stay in contact with learned Astrologers and regularly counsel them in regards to their patients. Crystal gazing has faith in KARMA hypothesis. S0, the clinical crystal gazing thinks about the accompanying variables Men and ladies have various arrangements of diseases. • Some diseases are normal • When kids are conceived, some of them experience the ill effects of diseases as per their previous Karma. This will be realized just when the horoscope is investigated. • Modern specialists have still questions about this. • Ancients thought about the privileged insights of BioEnergy. As we as a whole know ASTROLOGY IS THE Prominent and Primitive OF ALL SCIENCES and Medical Astrology against a particular science, which has its starting point millennia. The crude individuals regarded SUN as a

named "SUN WHO CURES DISEASE". This article clarifies the force of Sun Rays. Patients who experienced Lung issues, Chronic Pneumonia, Heart inconveniences, Gastric diseases are restored by openness to Sun Rays. In this treatment, there will be an Electronic Machine fitted with a mirror and an opening through which 60-100 vibrations are passed on the sick surface. Numerous diseases are restored and this strategy is the first of its sort on the planet.

Plants and Herbs „Oshadhi‟

The information about the source and significance of plants can be drawn out from Vedic Literature. In Rigveda one Aranyani sukta is addressed to the godlikeness of woods. Aranyani, sovereign of the woods, set up high approval from the wise, for her aids to men as well as for her fascination. Woods ought to be green with trees and plants. Oshadhi Sukta of Rig-veda reports to plants and vegetables as a mother, 'O Mother! Hundreds are your origin and thousands are your shoots. 'The plants started to presence on earth before the development of creatures. Chandogya Upanishad develops water have made plants which thusly delivered food. The Atharvaveda demonstrates certain terms of Oshadhis with their qualities. Later these measurements became huge hotspot for the Ayurveda. The Rig-veda teaches that timberlands ought not be annihilated [25]. The 'Avi' component indicated in the Atharvaveda, as the base of greenness in trees, it is estimated typically by Vedic researchers as 'Chlorophyll.' The term 'Avi' is a subordinate from the root 'Av' and it offers the immediate signification of 'defender.' Hence, plants were considered as a piece of the climate and their guard was suggested by the Vedic diviners.


1. To identify the Planets those are responsible for gynecological diseases affecting women. 2. To identify the Pariharas to be followed for each disorders.


"Medication can't be securely regulated by a doctor in case he is unconscious of soothsaying", said Hippocrates, the dad of Medicine. The starter speculation of this antiquated science and its thoughts ought to be perceived prior to clarifying the complexities and complex standards of soothsaying and old mysterious treatment, in regards to the Creative Force, which is the great reason for diseases. Soothsaying was given due significance while treating any tolerant, in India as well as in Europe. Exemplification to the above assertion is that medication and crystal gazing are basically To limit human experiencing the core of detestable karmas, over a wide span of time are utilized. Life has consistently taught us to advance. From the most straightforward unicellular life structure to multicellular complex living beings Homo sapiens have developed. Advancement is characterized as the cycle which is applied to each living thing just as each part of life. Advancement isn't just exposed to life however to subjects too. For a long time, each subject has developed. Development is an interaction to change or adjust as per the evolving climate. So is soothsaying it has developed with the progression of time. In antiquated India, there were chiefly four layers of society separated by people groups' calling. Be that as it may, presently there are incalculable callings, some of which we aren't familiar with. Present day specialists should take care of their biases against this mysterious subject and should utilize crystal gazing for the conclusion and treatment of diseases. Diseases in their different structures influencing life are because of the burdens of planets of the zodiac and the houses in the horoscope of the person. For example, neurological shortcoming or absence of its indispensable energy emerge because of the troubles of Saturn to the crucial turn of the horoscope the Sun, Moon and the ascendant. Surely disorder is a significant perspective since human birth. Every individual who is conceived falls wiped out at one phase or the other of life. Disease might be of any kind, different debilitations and so forth yet certain illnesses exist from birth. For instance intrinsic like visual weakness which can't be relieved by any treatment such diseases are Karmic. Diseases that are immediate consequence of our malevolent Karmas in the present or past birth and those Karmas are uncovered by the horoscope through the planets. It is feasible to analyze them in crystal gazing Ayurveda proposes that any sickness in our body is because of the unevenness of Vata, Shileshma, and Pitta. The trinity called Tridosha. Clinical crystal gazing is a vital part of this indispensable science, which no question requires an uncommon mix of a celestial prophet and a doctor to make supernatural occurrences in human experiencing as diseases. Diseases can be ordered into two classifications. In the first place, diseases are shown by the antagonistic changes in planetary impact. Second, diseases brought by natural issue. Diseases that are modified by predetermination are innate diseases. Their tendency, the circumstance of their appearance and surprisingly their term are foreordained since they are the products of the past karmas, effectively in picture at the birth. While diseases brought about by ecological anxiety are just placated via planets. are shaped each moment bringing about real development just as various destroyed cells and dead cells are eliminated differently. As per soothsaying planets are answerable for any intentional or compulsory activity of our body. In other, we can say that planets are liable for the structure or obliteration of our bodies. Planets have their various exercises, capacities (Karakatwas) and likewise, their space of activity is additionally explicit. Our antiquated sages like Vyasa, Kashyapa, Parashara, Narada, Vashishta, Gautama, Yavanas, Romasha, Garga, chyavan, Angirasa, Jaimini, and numerous others have articulated the superb mysteries of man's life being told and controlled according to the desires of the planets. They are additionally discovered their relationship with the three Humors, Pitta, Kapha, and Vata which as follows: Pitta (Bile) Planets - The Sun and Mars Kapha (Phelgin) Planets - Jupiter Vata (Wind) Planets - Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn Apart from their previously mentioned Karakatwa (capacities) Sun, Moon, and Venus likewise have some Kapha characteristics: Jupiter and Saturn have Pitta characteristics: and Mercury has Pitta and Kapha characteristics.


The Sun -Stomach, Right Eye, Heart, Head, Belly, Bone and Constitution of the body Moon - Lungs, Heart, Kidney, Alimentary canal, Left eye, Blood (specifically the watery Part), and Water in the body Mars - Marrow, Energy, Head, Rectum, Veins, Female organs, Neck, Genitals, Blood, Red colouring matters in the Blood and Vitality. Mercury - Skin, Navel, Nose, Chest, Spinal System, Gall Bladder Jupiter - Brain, Thighs, Fat, Lungs, Ear, Memory, spleen, Tongue Venus - Throat, Face, Eye-Sight, Genital Organs, Water in body, Lusture of the body and Glands (endocrine and exocrine) Saturn - Bones, Muscles, Limbs, Teeth, Skin, Hair and Legs Rahu - Feet and Breathing Ketu – Belly iatromathematics is a unique clinical framework that associates various pieces of the body, meds and ailments, as under the impact of the sun, moon and planets sideways with the twelve prophetic images. Every one of the celestial signs alongside the sun, moon, and planets is associated with various pieces of the human body. The significant base for clinical crystal gazing is soothsaying; it is estimated to be a pseudoscience or fantasy as there is no specialized establishment for its center standards This examination relates the enlightening strategy of exploration. As generally acknowledged the enlightening strategy of examination is a reality discovering study that contains satisfactory and exact understanding of results. Engaging exploration characterizes certain current condition. The pilot study shapes the base for this exploration. It was directed with 50 ladies from different regions of Tamil Nadu. The factors were recorded based evaluating different written works that are connected and introduced as organized survey and were straightforwardly met. In light of the discoveries of this pilot study, the meeting instrument was planned. The dependability and legitimacy tests were performed and the things were discovered to be solid for this investigation. Relatively, the method is appropriate to this examination since it focuses to portray the gynecological problems that influence ladies. Meeting strategy is the method utilized for information assortment. There are various meeting strategies specifically singular meeting strategy is followed. Since, the examination is delicate, classified and the information are accumulated utilizing individual meeting. Ladies who couldn't meet face to face were met through phone. To proficiently utilize the meeting technique a survey was created to gauge exactness pace of reactions that produce a reasonable outcome. The instrument was partitioned into two sections. Section A comprises of segment factors and Part B with the elements that decide the reason study.


It could be referenced both Medical Astrology and Ayurveda have numerous things in like manner and both have confidence in the basics of Vedic science and the planetary impacts on people. The solitary fundamental contrast is that, while Ayurveda principally focused on the sound development of the actual illness. Clinical Astrology care about the impacts of planets on both body and psyche As such a mix of Medical Astrology and Ayurveda is followed there is a superior shot at keeping up with great wellbeing in individuals. This is an endeavor to zero in on a portion of the basic thoughts dependent on which logical proposes are formed, tested, and demonstrated or refuted. It has the multifaceted design of Mathematics, the interest of Physics, and the impact of Psychiatry We need to pay special



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Corresponding Author Acharya Arti Sharma*

Astro & Vastu Consultant