Mechanism of Radio Protective Action of Sodium Diclofenac

Characterization and Efficacy of Sodium Diclofenac-loaded Particles Formed by Ionic Gelation Strategy

by Dr. Jallaram Gurjar*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 18, Issue No. 3, Apr 2021, Pages 379 - 383 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The ionic gelation strategy was utilized to get particles by dribbling the mix with DS in ionic calcium arrangement. Various definitions among sericin, alginate and DS were examined and the effectiveness of consolidation, the segments in particles structure dissected by Fourier change infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), surface morphology by SEM and zeta potential were assessed. Sericin is an exceptionally hydrophilic globular protein present in the silkworm cocoons (Bombyx mori) and for the most part it is released during the silk producing. Sodium alginate is a direct polysaccharide removed from earthy colored ocean growth and considered a decent mucoadhesive specialist which has plentiful use in drug conveyance frameworks. Both biopolymers are simple accessible, modest, biodegradable and their substance and actual qualities empower their utilization in a wide scope of materials. DS is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication broadly utilized and it is described by short natural half-life in living being. The utilization of polymers can build the remedial viability due the medication discharge advanced. In this work the sericin arrangement was acquired by degumming measure in autoclave (1 kgfcm2, 40 min) and the sodium alginate had logical grade (SigmaAldrich). The outcomes showed that the proficiency of consolidation arrived at values near 90 and the FTIR investigations demonstrated that the joined medication didn't change its substance structure in the particles.


ionic gelation, DS, sericin, alginate, FTIR, SEM, zeta potential, mucoadhesive agent, drug delivery systems, biopolymers


The improvement of radioprotector is a tremendous test. For over sixty years, the examination local area has dug to get into the advancement of radioprotector. In excess of thousand molecules have been evaluated for and have shown their potential with differing radioprotective adequacy both in vitro and in vivo. The exploration driven at US depends on patent capability of the fresher radioprotective specialists and consistently the Armed Force Radiobiology Research Institute, Bethesda, US concocts more up to date set of possible molecules. Comparable pattern is followed somewhere else on the planet and in India as well, a great deal of work has been done on home grown radioprotectors just as on antioxidants. The serious issue at the exploration phase of the improvement of novel radioprotectors is the non-attainability of companions for clinical preliminaries and hence one needs to completely rely upon the creature tests. Around the world, a couple of molecules have gone through cutting edge creature tests for radioprotective adequacy on Non-Human Primates (NHP) models. The molecules are CBLB5, Ex-Rad, and so forth notwithstanding, among these, many are not right now sought after as they didn't show potential in Non Human Primates (NHP) models. The one which is right now showing a rewarding potential is a development factor based molecules which is presumably put away for any radiation instigated risk in the US, however it is amazingly exorbitant and it must be replenished each 1-2 years to be sold in the market as a medication to forestall the antagonistic impact of radiotherapy. Subsequently, in a crowded nation like India, having in excess of a billion populaces, this stockpiling is a troublesome suggestion. In this manner, there is a requirement for fostering a medication which could be effectively accessible, have a mass appropriation and promptly satisfactory by clinicians. Repurposing of clinical medications is one such alternative, where clinically supported medication can be used for something very similar. Sodium Diclofenac 2-[(2, 6 dichlorphenyl) amino] phenyl acetic acid derivation, a non steroid anti-inflammatory medication (NSAID) is one such particle which is regularly being utilized in facilities. This is utilized in centers as a pain killer and as anti-inflammatory medication. Sodium Diclofenac is likewise utilized in skin plans, in different showers and creams which are promptly accessible. Accordingly, the advancement of a NSAID class of medication is of significance and investigation of its job as a radioprotector opens up another bearing of Diclofenac is the sodium salt type of diclofenac, a benzene acidic corrosive derivate and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication (NSAID) with pain relieving, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory movement. It is a nonselective reversible and cutthroat inhibitor of cyclooxygenase (COX). The improvement of diclofenac as a medication traces all the way back to pre-memorable time when barks of willow tree were utilized as a treatment methodology to calm agony. It had a functioning compound salicin which gets used to salicyclic corrosive having antipyretic, pain relieving, and anti-inflammatory properties. With the improvement of clinical science, second 50% of nineteenth century saw a quick use of salicyclic corrosive based subsidiaries. Notwithstanding, salicyclic corrosive had an inborn issue of gastric peevishness and a severe taste, subsequently, scientists zeroed in on the advancement of better than ever subordinates. In the year 1897, salicyclic corrosive was acetylated to deliver a feebly acidic acetylsalicylic corrosive with a more acceptable taste, which was licensed by Bayer (Berlin, Germany) as headache medicine in 1899. In the last part of the 1950's , a Basel based Swiss organization Geigy found another compound that shaped water-dissolvable salts of aminophenazone, with strong anti-inflammatory and uric corrosive discharge advancing movement. This compound, a pyrazolidine subsidiary named phenylbutazone, turned into the primary non-salicylate NSAID to be utilized in treatment of ankolysing spondylitis. The approach of new innovations like high throughput screening of natural mixtures prompted disclosure of Indomethacin (first acidic corrosive subordinate) in the year 1950 by Shen et al [3]. Sub-atomic system liable for NSAID was found in 1971 when it was found that NSAIDs restrains the movement of cyclooxygenase proteins answerable for the change of arachidonic corrosive to prostanoids. The improvement of propionic corrosive subordinate (ibuprofen) and fenamic corrosive subsidiary (mefanamic corrosive) were not many among the few recently created NSAIDs. Examination of underlying and physiological properties of existing NSAIDs prompted the improvement of better NSAIDs with higher viability. A speculative specialist was proposed to have corrosiveness consistent somewhere in the range of 4 and 5; a parcel coefficient of around 10; and two fragrant rings that were bent corresponding to one another. These particular physicochemical and spatial qualities were anticipated to guarantee effective vehicle across organic films and to advance solid restraint of the cyclooxygenase (COX)- subordinate oxidation of the arachidonic corrosive atom. Alfred Sallmann and Rudolf Pfister while attempting to coordinate with these boundaries blended Diclofenac and in 1973 Diclofenac was presented interestingly by Basel based as a powerless corrosive, and a segment coefficient of 13.4, demonstrating fractional dissolvability in both watery and hydrophobic conditions. The construction element of this particle which has a phenylacetic corrosive gathering and a phenyl ring containing two chlorine iotas produces greatest bending of the phenyl ring that gives an ideal restricting in the COX dynamic site.


Sodium diclofenac is a Non-Steroid anti-inflammatory Compound which is additionally a phopsholipase A2 inhibitor as has been displayed from a gem structure. It is utilized in the treatment of torment in rheumatoid joint inflammation and other musculoskeletal conditions, postoperative torment, fever, headache and different conditions. Diclofenac is a powerful inhibitor of COX-2 and prostaglandin E2 amalgamation and presentations a scope of impacts on the invulnerable framework, the angiogenic course, chemo-and radio-affectability and tumor digestion. Diclofenac has been assessed for anticancer examinations in which it has been shown that diclofenac targets MYC quality and glucose digestion in disease cells. It has a grounded pharmacokinetics. Oral diclofenac is quickly assimilated and totally appropriated to plasma and tissues and there is little proof of medication gathering after rehashed portion. The pinnacle plasma fixation is accomplished at around 1.5-2 hrs. The potassium salt of DCF is ingested all the more quickly in contrast with its sodium salt and a 50 mg tablet arrives at a pinnacle plasma grouping of 3.8 µM in 20–an hour. The half life is 1.8 hrs after oral portion of 50 mg enteric covered tablet. About 60% of the medication and its metabolites are killed in the pee and the equilibrium through bile in the excrement. Over 90% of an oral portion is represented in disposal items inside 72 hours, with just 1% of an oral portion discharged as unaltered parent compound in pee. Diclofenac is accessible as a sodium or potassium salt which is utilized in tablets, gels and emulsion, infusion. The ordinary summed up portion of diclofenac sodium is 75-150 mg/kg in people orally. As diclofenac is generally utilized in clinical set up, hence, the repurposing of this medication was liberated and explored for radioprotection perspective. The precious stone construction if diclofenac sodium which was distributed in the year 2005 cleared a way for its assessment as radioprotector. It was deduced that by impeding Phospholipase A2, it ought to lessen ceramide prompted apoptotic pathway. This work was taken up with this sign accessible in writing and cytogenetic examinations alongside in vivo study were done to survey the radioprotective capability of

activity of sodium diclofenac.

Figure 1: Proposed Mode of Action of Sodium Diclofenac as a Radioprotector

There have been particular studies according to radioprotection perspective from the pool of existing medications. A few medications like Indomethacin, Meloxicam (another COX inhibitor), Tetracycline and so forth has been assessed for its job as radioprotector till date and we are the pioneer in beginning crafted by diclofenac sodium for radioprotection.


1. Evaluation of the radioprotective job of Sodium Diclofenac in vivo and vitro 2. Elucidation of instrument of radioprotective activity of Sodium Diclofenac in human peripheral blood lymphocytes (HPBL)


Radiation instigated DNA injuries

DNA has been considered as the most basic objective of radiation harm. Ionizing radiation actuates assortments of various essential injuries in cell DNA. These sores are single strand break (ssb) and twofold strand (dsb) breaks, base harm of various sorts, DNA-protein cross-joins, alkylation, arrangement of cumbersome adducts, pyrimidine dimers and apurinic and apyrimidine locales. Nonetheless, the sort and degree of these injuries rely upon the kind of radiation like for instance single and twofold strand breaks are by and large incited by ionizing radiation whereas dimer development is normal for UV radiation. A ssb when present inside two helical turns of the DNA on the restricting strand of another ssb or a base harm frames a complex dsb or locally increase harmed site (LMDS) which is more hard to fix. Base harms are changed over into ssb by fix compounds during the

DNA cross-joins

Bifunctional alkylating specialists like Mitomycin-C, Psoralin in addition to UV light (PUVA) and nitrogen mustard are equipped for cross-connecting a polynucleotide strands. It is hard to recognize the two kinds of cross connections or the impacts brought about by cross connection from those brought about by the mono-adducts delivered by these specialists. A portion of the deviations brought about by cross-connecting specialists have been seen to be of chromatid type. Dicentric measure is tedious, requires talented faculty and necessities a non-reducible time of 48-hour culture to get lymphocyte metaphases before chromosome scoring. Accordingly, there is a requirement to discover appropriate marker for radiation. Potential up-and-comers incorporate a few proteins that are engaged with the early strides of cell reaction to ionizing radiation and explicitly to DNA harm. One of the essential cell impacts of ionizing radiation is the acceptance of DSB (twofold strand breaks). Following DSB acceptance, many histone H2AX molecules are phosphorylated in the chromatin flanking the DSB site and creates alleged γ-H2AX. The creation of fluorescent antibodies explicit for γ-H2AX combined with fluorescence microscopy prompted the advancement of touchy measures that make it conceivable to picture discrete atomic foci at DSB destinations. The scoring of γ-H2AX foci is presently broadly utilized for quantitative evaluation of DSB arrangement and fix. Gamma H2AX measure is quick coming up for biodosimetry and can possibly be utilized during emergency as it is quick and the examples can be accounted for inside 4-6 hrs. Notwithstanding, the solitary downside of this test is that the requirement of tests following radiation openness. The γH2AX test is an immediate proportion of the quantity of DSB in an uncovered cells and tissues. It estimates DSB by invulnerable staining the phosphorylated H2AX histone which restricts to them. The γ-H2AX yields can be quantified either by checking foci or coordinating the fluorescent force which gives subjective and quantitative estimations. The yield of γ-H2AX foci has been demonstrated to be directly identified with portion over an extremely wide portion range. The γ-H2AX examine enjoys the benefit of brief period of time of the measure, notwithstanding the high affectability; it can recognize DNA harm prompted by radiation dosages as low as 1.2 mGy . The γ-H2AX examine has been broadly utilized as a proportion of DNA harm in the skin biopsy of prostate disease, PBL for CT of kindhearted or dangerous neoplasms, radionuclide treatment, radiosensitivity and for biodosimetry. However, these early biomarkers has the potential for fast portion

Cell survival

Radiation harm is principally showed by the deficiency of cell conceptive respectability. Mortally lighted cells are, hence, said to go through a conceptive demise. Therefore, most cell type doesn't show morphological proof of radiation harm until they endeavor to partition. On the other hand, some cell types are killed by means of the acceptance of apoptosis. Cells that have supported deadly harm following radiation openness might go through a couple of division before metabolic demise and vanishing from the tumor populace. Radiation actuated loss of endurance can be contemplated both in-vitro and in-vivo. In vitro analyzes generally include illuminating dramatically developing cells to known portion of radiation. Cells are plated, and following 2-3 weeks settlements are stained. The enduring portion is than determined from the platting proficiency acquired from lighted and un-illuminated cells. An endurance bend is than created by diagramming the log of enduring part versus the retained portion. Endurance bends are portrayed by an underlying shoulder, trailed by remarkable abatement in the negligible part of enduring cells at higher dosages.


Particles containing diclofenac sodium were effectively pre-arranged utilizing ionic gelation strategy. The consequence of the joining of diclofenac sodium (DS) in the regular protein was more positive at lower sericin fixations. Infrared range (FTIR) showed that the medication structure was not changed after the fuse interaction in biomaterial (serinicin/alginate). The surface morphology uncovered the presence of precious stones (diclofenac sodium) on the molecule surface in all plans. The aftereffect of pHZPC investigation (the worth 7.12) is normal for a decent mucoadhesive property which works with its utilization as a method for drug transport.


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Corresponding Author Dr. Jallaram Gurjar*

Lecturer Govt. Senior Secondary School Nagar, Bharatpur, Rajasthan-321205