India-Bangladesh Relations: Neighbor Disputes and Border Issues

Historical Background and Contemporary Challenges in India-Bangladesh Relations

by Bharat Das Vaishnav*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 18, Issue No. 3, Apr 2021, Pages 384 - 389 (6)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


India-Bangladesh relations originate before the formation of Bangladesh and India had relations with East Pakistan. The political real factors in both the nations end up being block in producing a drawn out bilateral organization. Issues like the subject of the 'Detainees of War' Bangladesh charge that India meddled the everyday organization of Bangladesh likewise hampered their underlying years. The arrangements on the land boundary have gone through three primary stages the initial (1971-1996), the subsequent stage (1996-2015) and the third stage (2015 onwards). In the primary stage, Bangladesh' Prime Minister Sheik Hasina embraced different supportive of India arrangements which carried Bangladesh nearer to India. After ascendency to control, the cooperation between the two nations. The 'regime' calculates assumed a part the resolution of the Farakka issue.


India-Bangladesh relations, neighbor disputes, border issues, bilateral organization, Detainees of War, political real factors, land boundary, Sheik Hasina, pro-India policies, Farakka issue


India-Bangladesh relations date back to the days prior to the making of Bangladesh. Indeed, even before the making of Bangladesh in 1971, Mujibnagar Government had got a place of refuge in India. Thus, India pooled quite a bit of its assets to free Bangladesh (then, at that point East Pakistan). After the autonomy of Bangladesh, it was imagined that its relationship with India would keep on leftover quiet and that their kinship would keep going forever. Nonetheless, contrasts before long started to emerge and their relationship began falling apart further after the death of Sheik Mujibur Rahman. Against this scenery, the proposed study will look at India's projections of delicate force and work of chaperon instruments in the event of its relations with Bangladesh. At the same time, the examination will take advantage of the idea of delicate force, social tact, public discretion and monetary guide and actuation. The center target is to draw exercises from India's act of delicate force approaches and to consider its pertinence in India's unfamiliar relations versus Bangladesh. Such a methodology is underexplored with regards to comprehend and decipher the relations between the two fundamentally deviated nations, which incidentally, are tormented by disregard, doubt and doubt. This has additionally been complemented by extreme politicization of issues and the absence of inventive way to deal with better their relationship. The investigation in this manner targets investigating one such methodology, that is, the delicate force approach in setting of India-Bangladesh bilateral relations. This methodology enjoys a benefit as India's connections with Bangladesh are civilizational, social, social and financial. As we probably are aware, there is a lot of that joins the two nations: a common history and normal legacy, phonetic and social ties. The inquiry in this manner emerges: how much have both the nations investigated their social similitudes to cultivate their bilateral relationship? At the same time, the examination likewise tries to discover with respect to why there exists various issues in India-Bangladesh relations, notwithstanding having social ties, and particularly when India pooled a lot of its assets to free Bangladesh? Can the two nations desire to investigate their social affinities and all the more critically would they be able to utilize it to better their relationship. All in all, can delicate force be utilized as an instrument to determine the looming and 'suffering' disputes between the two nations? In this specific circumstance, comprehend that the hypothesis of delicate force, since its initiation, has been related more with the ascent/decay of the United States. Its application concerning the non-industrial nations has been given little significance. Henceforth, it stays not yet clear whether the idea of delicate force can be applied to the agricultural nations? Also, this is all the more so in a circumstance when they are basically unbalanced neighbors. Similarly significant is that the examinations on delicate force has would in general zero in additional on, or, has been utilized as a 'power projection' apparatus. As such, delicate force is seen by some as another part of force, in some

concentrated in a bilateral setting.


Looking back, one can say that Pakistan was brought into the world with an impermanent feeling of public personality. Different Muslim gatherings in the subcontinent had the option to suspend their provincial, ethnic, and phonetic personalities. Religion as a lifestyle had become the transcendent power as a reason for patriotism, other ethnic elements being briefly shoved aside. However, this absolutely didn't imply that local and other ethnic personalities had been acclimatized by this freshly discovered feeling of Muslim nationhood (Islam 1981: 57). Note that notwithstanding the little metropolitan elites, the predominantly rustic Muslim masses didn't share normal qualities of race, language or culture. The one trademark they shared for all intents and purpose was the aversion for the Hindu control which can be depicted as an intelligent result moving from their Muslim-ness (Qureshi 1969: 557-558). Be that as it may, the feeling of Muslim public personality turned out to be less significant, when the target of Pakistan was accomplished and the outside 'foes' of the Muslim country—the Hindus and the provincial regime were taken out from the homegrown political scene. Regionally the Muslims had accomplished the situation with a country. In any case, the inquiry that remained: how is it possible that a would feeling of public character be supported without apparent outer dangers to the Muslim country? As the time would illustrate, during the post freedom time, the food of Pakistani public character and the course of public joining would be enormously affected by two arrangements of elements: provincial ethnic variety and the approaches of Pakistani force elites (Islam 1981: 57). Note that ethnic contrasts or similitudes in essence don't really prompt balkanization of a multiethnic state. They are a need however not an adequate state of dismantling or deterioration of a country (Nordlinger 1972: 60). Bengali Muslim patriotism, all things considered, is the result of numerous unpredictable powers (Qureshi 1972/1973: 568). In the expressions of G. W. Choudhury: "The ascent of Bengali sub-patriotism inside Pakistan, nonetheless, had its starting point in various variables political, financial, social, sociological, and so forth that had been working since Pakistan was made in 1947. Of the multitude of regions which comprised Pakistan, it was Bengal which gave the most strong help to Mohammed Ali Jinnah in his battle for the foundation of a different Muslim state in the sub-landmass. However, inside an exceptionally brief period, the minority gathering of West Pakistan. In a vote based system, the greater part ought not have any dread of control, nor should they need to request shields, like territorial self-rule, reservation of spots in the common help and the military and ensures that the monetary advancement of their district would not be dismissed nor their way of life undermined. Yet, for twenty years the larger part Bengali gathering felt obliged to look for these certifications; and when they were not in all actuality, Bengali sub-patriotism started to build up speed until at last it turned into a public development for the formation of a different state (Choudhury 1972: 242)" Similarly, Nasir Islam contends: ―Bengali nationalism grew in response to the changing nature of ethnicgroup inter-relations in Pakistan. It originated as ethnic conflict aimed at changing the ‗dominant-subordinate‘ relationship between East and West and the distribution of power within the society. It began as demands for language rights and economic equality as a reaction to the central government‘s policies to impose Urdu on Bengalis, to reduce Bengali representation (both political and administrative) in the central government, and to increase economic disparity (Islam 1981: 62).‖


The water dispute among India and Bangladesh is an exceptional illustration of a highway struggle - two state entertainers endeavoring to obtain scant water asset (Swain 1996: 193). Indeed, water is viewed as quite possibly the most essential security issues in the contemporary occasions. The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) announced in 1999 that 200 researchers in 50 nations recognized water lack as perhaps the most upsetting issues for the new thousand years. The World Water Council accepts that by 2020 we will require 17% more water than is accessible, in case we are to take care of the world (Kirby 2000: 146-147). Thusly, as Michael Klare states, "There is geology of contention – a reconfigured map making in which asset streams as opposed to political and philosophical divisions establish the significant separation points. Similarly as a guide showing the world's structural shortcomings is a helpful manual for likely tremor zones, seeing the international framework as far as shared water frameworks give a manual for likely struggle zones in the twenty-first century (Klare 2001: 163). India and Bangladesh divide 54 streams among them. Out of them, three significant streams of the locale, to be specific the Ganges, the Brahmaputra intensely upon the waters from the GBM framework. Accordingly, the diminishing inventory of water in the dry season has gotten one of the major questions among India and Bangladesh. The circumstance is especially basic for Bangladesh, as about 80% of its yearly new water supply comes as trans-boundary inflows through 54 normal waterways with India. As we know quite possibly the most petulant and muddled issues that caused a lot of rancor between the two nations is the sharing of the waters of the Ganges and the Farakka flood development by India to outfit its waters (Ray 2012: 8). The Ganges water dispute began in 1950, when India wanted to develop a blast at Farakka, 18 kilometers upstream from the East Pakistan border (Swain 1996: 191). This was done to redirect the Ganges water and to keep the Calcutta port functional during the dry season. It was felt that by expanding the waterway stream, the port could be held back from crumbling from residue deposition.2 The arrangement to redirect water through the flood to the Bhagirathi-Hooghly turned into a wellspring of political pressure, question and worry among India and Pakistan and later among India and Bangladesh (Joy and Paranjape 2007: 49) Ascending from the Himalayas, the Ganges courses through the Indian territory of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Bengal, prior to going into Bangladesh. Among its few feeders from the north are the stream Gandhak and Kosi whose headwaters lie in Nepal (Bindra 1982: 66). The Ganges which explores a 2,500-km long excursion through India and Bangladesh begins in Gangotri, on the Southern incborder of the Himalayan reach in India and moves the southeast way towards Bangladesh. The standard of the Ganges bifurcates into two channels, which are known as Bhagirathi-Hooghly in India and Padma in Bangladesh. In Bangladesh the Padma covers a distance of around 120 km and afterward moves towards the south-east and joins the Brahmaputra in the core of Bangladesh and their consolidated stream then, at that point runs south to discharge into the Bay of Bengal. This topographical element isolates India and Bangladesh as upstream and downstream riparian states. Consequently, the issue over the Ganges is average of clashing interests of 'up-stream' and 'down-stream' riparian states.

MAP: The Major Rivers of India and Bangladesh

into the central places of pressure and struggle between the two states. The inquiry whether to regard Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna bowl as a solitary unit, the possibility of developing a repository in Nepal to expand the stream, or regardless of whether to treat Farakka blast as a 'flood' or as a 'dam' additionally become petulant (Joy and Paranjape 2007: 49). However the Ganges/Farakka issue has been settled by the finish of the Ganges Water Treaty in 1996, the Teesta water dispute has gone to the front alongside a portion of the normal waterways that stream among India and Bangladesh. Notwithstanding setting up a Joint River Commission for Water the board as right on time as 1972, strains between the nations on the most proficient method to share assets stay an issue (Ray 2012: 9).


The Farakka flood plot was the aftereffect of a long and nonstop examination from the center of the last century itself. Nonstop examinations were attempted and boards of trustees of designing specialists were delegated occasionally much before the parcel of India to figure measures to keep up with the Hooghly stream condition. As far back as 1858, a torrent across the Ganges was arranged by Sir Arthur Cotton, a notable British architect. As indicated by him, "if extra water were tossed into the Hooghly and continued moving from it during the dry season, a particularly extra scour may very well have the effect of keeping the Hooghly from being silting up (Bindra 1982: 68)." a similar assessment was voiced in progressive reports by Sir Arthur Cotton, 1853, Harcourt-Vernon, 1896, Stevenson-Moor Committee, 1916–19, Sir William Willcocks, 1930, (Joy and Paranjape 2007: 49) T.M. Bother in 1939 and A. Webster in 1946 (Bindra 1982: 69). Walter Hensen's report to the Government of India in 1957 likewise suggested the development of a flood across the Ganges to expand the progression of the Bhagirathi-Hooghly to save the Calcutta Port (Joy and Paranjape 2007: 49). Dr. Hensen pronounced that the proposition for the development of flood across Ganges was the best specialized arrangement of the expansion issue. It, truth be told, was the most deliberate measure with which the drawn out weakening on the Bhagirathi-Hooghly could be halted (Bindra 1982: 69).


The boundary dispute among India and Bangladesh which is perhaps the most petulant issues between the two nations. The border dispute, in any case, has twin measurements. The first relates to the dispute radiating from the land boundary and the other, the sea boundary dispute. The investigation will, in any case, principally center around the land boundary,

1947. The 'Bagge Award' (1950) and the 'Nehru-Noon Accord' (1958) endeavored to determine the border issues, however were fruitless. After the freedom of Bangladesh, the land boundary arrangement (LBA) 1974 attempted return to the border issues. Lamentably the 1974 Land Boundary Agreement was not confirmed by the Indian Parliament. Therefore, India-Bangladesh border issues stayed irritating. Endeavors were likewise made in 2011 however to no end. At long last, with the visit of the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Bangladesh on June 2015, the LBA was marked, in this manner finishing the well established bilateral aggravation among India and Bangladesh. India and Bangladesh share just about 4096 kms of land border. Official records propose that lone 6.1 kms of land, at three areas viz. Daikhata-56 (West Bengal), Muhuri River-Belonia (Tripura) and Lathitila-Dumabari (Assam), is considered as formally disputed by the legislatures of the two nations. Be that as it may, the border disputes among India and Bangladesh are in no way, shape or form bound to depiction issues. It is additionally connected with issues like illicit relocation, border killings, pirating, dealing and other cross border criminal and fear exercises (Dutta 2010: 7). The permeable boundary likewise makes it simple for psychological militants to move voluntarily (Mukharji 2007: 559). In any case the presence of a sizeable boundary security power on the two sides, just as more than 3,000 km of spiked metal perimeter on the Indian side, the quantity of people killed on the border, generally Bangladeshis, is among the most noteworthy in the world.1 Other issues relating to the border identifies with the trades of the enclaves2 and the topic of unfriendly belongings. The three issues connected to the LBA have, in any case, been settled first, with the memorable passing of the LBA in the Indian Parliament in May 2015 and the resulting finish of Land Boundary Agreement (LBA) in June 2015. However different issues relating to the boundary continues.


The Indo, still up in the air according to the Radcliffe Award of 1947, brought into front host of intricacies. Albeit the division of the boundary among India and the then Pakistan began before long the segment of the subcontinent, progress was more slow than anticipated, incompletely because of the troubles in deciding decisively where the border ran. Even after the formation of Bangladesh, the boundary dispute between the two nations acquired the tradition of history and cracked governmental issues. The principal work to determine the boundary intricacies came as the Bagge Award of 1950. The Indo-Pakistan Boundary Disputes Tribunal was set up in December 1949 under the Chairmanship of Algot Bagge, the translation of the Radcliffe Award and for deborderating the boundary (Jamwal 2004: 5). The Bagge Award, however, couldn't resolve India's boundary issue with East Pakistan. Thusly another work in such manner was made in 1958, with the visit of the then Prime Minister of Pakistan Firoze Khan Noon to New Delhi at the greeting of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Both the Prime Ministers examined Indo-Pakistan (counting East Pakistan) border issues and tried to decrease strain and build up serene conditions along the Indo-Pakistan border. The Nehru-Noon Agreement on India-East Pakistan Border was endorsed in New Delhi on September 10, 1958, which intended to address the boundary disputes identified with West Bengal, Assam, and Tripura. The arrangements covered the Bagge Awards, Hilli, Berubari Union No 12, 24-ParganasKhulna and 24-Parganas-Jessore boundary, Bholaganj, Piyain and Surma waterways, Feni River and Cooch-Behar areas (Ibid, p.7). The Nehru-Noon Agreement of 1958, to the extent that the shared trade of the areas and the exchange of the southern portion of South Berubari Union No.12 to East Pakistan by India was concerned, couldn't be executed because of suit recorded by Indian nationals, guaranteeing that the whole association of South Berubari, was Indian domain at the hour of coming into power of the Indian Constitution and the territories having a place with Cochbehar state were additionally parts of India. Accordingly, neither the southern portion of neither the Union nor the areas could be surrendered to an outside country. At the appointed time the case arrived at Supreme Court of India. The Court decided that Constitution of India must be changed to work with the exchange. The Indian Constitution was as needs be corrected in 1960 (ninth Amendment). Notwithstanding, the specified trades didn't happen.


1. To examine the water dispute between two nations 2. Study the border conflicts between adjoining nations


Habib, Haroon. (August 2, 2011) The employability of delicate force turns into even more striking in the third stage (2015 onwards) with the visit of Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi to Bangladesh in June 2015. Truth be told, a basic examination would uncover that the entire course of the finish of LBA, embodies the delicate force approach. The essential liking with Bangladesh. In addition, the initiation of the Kolkata-Dhaka-Agartala transport and Dhaka-Shillong-Guwahati is a critical move to interface individuals. Further, India's choice to assist Bangladesh with working on its framework and its delicate credits all show the ethos of 'Gujaral Doctrine', in this manner epitomizing the way that India is utilizing its delicate ability to work on its relations with Bangladesh Rahman, Sajjadur (2010) however the LBA has resolved the three significant issues relating to the border, yet it is basic for India and Bangladesh to comprehend that a serene border won't be accomplished without tending to the next border issues. For example, with respect to the casual exchange, particularly the steers pirating and the inquiry if illicit movement, no reasonable resolution can be anticipated. These issues are such where delicate force plays a restricted part to play. In any case, delicate force can verifiably assume a part in making friendly conditions over which exchanges on hostile issues can cultivate. Madaan, Davinder K. (1998), India has, nonetheless, underscored on joint border the board. During the 2015 Modi's visit, the two nations marked MOUs on Prevention of Smuggling of Fake Currency Notes, and Cooperation between Coast Guards and Prevention of Human Trafficking. During the Modi's visit accentuation was likewise made on the proficient execution of the Coordinated Border Management Plan (CBMP) to forestall cross border crimes, sporadic development, occurrences of viciousness and terrible loss of lives (Pattanaik 2016: 222). It is to be noticed that the two nations had marked the CBMP in 2011 and India had guaranteed that it would execute zero killing on the border. Nordlinger, E. A. (1972), Linked to it is the dispute over the responsibility for island in the River Hariabhanga, in the south-western piece of Bangladesh, bordering India, and connecting the Bay of Bengal (Alam 2006: 7). The island in dispute is around 24 by 12 kilometers and is arranged in the mouth of the waterway Hariabhanga. The tip of the new island was first seen in late 1971 by India (Hossain 1981: 1124). In 1975 the development of the island was gotten by satellite. The Indian BSF raised various substantial columns and set up a load up portraying the Indian banner and guide on the island in 1978, (The Bangladesh Times, April 4, 1980 in Hossain 1981: 1124) and toward the beginning of March 1980, the West Bengal government lifted the Indian banner over the island (Hossain 1981: 1124). Singh, Anita I. (1987),Due to contending cases of the two nations, delimitation of the ocean boundary and deciding Bangladesh's Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) have stayed unsettled (Dutta 2010: 7). Clearly the issue has emerged on account of the various methodologies being embraced by India and 'evenhanded' guideborder (Bammi 2010: 135). Bangladesh's position is that no unbending standard can be applied in the current case and that India's determination on equidistance rule overlooks the actual elements of the coast and henceforth fundamental rule is value (Rahman 1984: 1308). Peculiar, S. (1996): Further, crimes like the pirating of opiates and stash substances are additionally steady along the border. Ladies and youngsters are additionally dealt on the border (Kumar 2012: 117-118). Bangladesh is progressively being utilized as a travel point by street pharmacists and the medication mafia, which dispatch heroin and opium from Burma, and different nations of the brilliant triangle, to various objections. Subsequently, Bangladesh's Department of Narcotics Control has gone under the scanner a few times and welcomed analysis. As indicated by the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) 2007 yearly report, Bangladesh has become the great travel course for dealing heroin to Europe from Southeast Asia, (Dutta 2010: 8). The two books Discourses of Power: From Hobbes to Foucault by Barry Hindess (1996) and Power altered by Steven Lukes (1986) test into the idea of force from different measurements. The previous beginnings with the 'Two Concepts of Power'. It hence manages power in relation to Hobbes' Leviathan (1651) and Locke's Second Treatise on Government and his Essay Concerning Human Understanding (both distributed in 1689). The book likewise talks about Locke's idea of political force and profound quality and Luke's viewpoint of force wherein he differentiates his own 'revolutionary' point of view with the 'liberal' record of force. Ultimately the book closes with Foucault's perspectives on force, control and government. Likewise, Luke's book manages different perspectives and perspectives on power. For example, Max Weber's discussions about the mastery in relation to financial force and authority; Robert Dahl discusses power as the control of conduct while Hannah Arendt discusses 'open force'. Aside from it the book offers different structures, measurements and discernments by different researchers which causes us to comprehend the different viewpoints and measurements of force which is necessary to comprehend just as assemble the idea of 'delicate force'.


India-Bangladesh relations originate before the creation of Bangladesh. Indeed, even before the creation of Bangladesh, India had relations with East Pakistan (present Bangladesh). Truth be told, after the West Pakistan crackdown on East Pakistan, the Mujibnagar government, the Bangladeshi government in a state of banishment, got a place of

Bangladesh it was felt that their kinship would keep going forever and that their bilateral dispute would be settled in a neighborly way. The political real factors in both the nations, nonetheless, end up being block in producing a drawn out bilateral association. As the examination shows, bunches of issues sprung up which had impeding impact to their bilateral ties. The Indo-Bangladesh companionship deal 1972, which was visualized to fortify Indo-Bangladesh ties, unexpectedly started to be censured. Article 9 of the Indo-Bangladesh Friendship Treaty came into genuine analysis on the ground that the said article could be utilized by India to die down 'enemies of India' components which pointed toward catching force in Bangladesh. Certain segment in Bangladesh expected that India could utilize the Article to leave military intercession in Bangladesh. In this way, inside the space of months after the marking of the deal, India's aim in Bangladesh Liberation Movement started to be addressed and it started to be seen as India's ploy to state its predominance in South Asia. By breaking Pakistan, numerous in Bangladesh accepted that it would be simpler for India to manage Pakistan. In Bangladesh the settlement was affirmed as a ploy to make it as a customer state. Consequently, numerous different issues went to the front which Dhaka saw as against the Bangladesh's public interest. The exchange settlement 1972 alongside different issues likes the subject of the 'Detainees of War'; Bangladesh charge that India meddled the everyday organization of Bangladesh additionally hampered Indo-Bangladesh relations in its underlying years. Besides, the mentality of a considerable lot of the Indian counselors was seen to be presumptuous and started to be found in bad light.


[1] Habib, Haroon. (August 2, 2011), ―Entente across the border,‖ The Hindu [2] Jayant Prasad (May 11, 2015), ―Breakthrough in India-Bangladesh Ties‖, the Hindu [3] Mahmood Hasan (May 11, 2015), ―Land Boundary Agreement and Bangladesh-India relations‖ The Daily Star [4] Rahman, Sajjadur (January 11, 2010), ―Analysts urge India to erase trade barriers to Bangladesh‖, The Daily Star [5] Singh, Anita I. (1987), The Origins of the Partition of India 1936-1947, New Delhi: Oriente Moderno. [6] Carr, E. H. (1946), The Twenty Years‘ Crisis, 1919-1939: An introduction to the Study of [7] Hasan, S. (1991), Environmental concerns in South Asia, London: Adelphi Papers. [8] Madaan, Davinder K. (1998), Indo-Bangladesh Economic Relations and SAARC, New Delhi: Deep & Deep Publications. [9] Nordlinger, E. A. (1972), Conflict Regulation in Divided Societies, Cambridge Mass: Harvard University Press [10] Paul, T.V. and Baldev Raj N. (2003), India in the World Order: Searching for Major Power Status, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [11] Strange, S. (1996): The Retreat of the State: The Diffusion of Power in the World Economy, Cambridge Studies in International Relations.

Corresponding Author Bharat Das Vaishnav*

Associate Professor