A Review of the Relationship between Sustainable Urbanization and Smart Cities

Exploring the Link between Sustainable Urbanization and Smart Cities

by Arsheed Sheikh*, Dr. Anita Saini,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 18, Issue No. 3, Apr 2021, Pages 630 - 635 (6)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


In order to clarify the understanding of sustainable development, this article describes many global sustainable development efforts in depth. The definition of economic development that Brundtl and the commission present is discussed in order to comprehend the elements that will control sustainable development. The section looks more closely at the brief history of sustainable development. The UN's initiatives are discussed from top to bottom since many states have accepted them. Additionally, the nationwide initiatives are discussed to show the policies and objectives put up by countries like the UK, EU, and US to achieve sustainability. Standards for Sustainable Development, World Bank strategies, and systems put in place by the Indian government are covered from top to bottom to provide a general understanding of the state of the country. The discussion of concepts for sustainable development put forward by practitioners in the area follows this part. To evaluate current understandings and their arguments, the assumptions, dispute, limits, and drivers of sustainable development are covered in depth. A triple base approach is looked at, which looks at the economy, ecology, and society as three pillars. The theories that suggest culture, governmental concerns, and foundations as the fourth pillar of sustainability are also discussed in order to look at the opinions of those who work in the sustainability area. With its components, the concept of sustainable communities as presented in the UK is primarily addressed in depth. To further understand the concept and current architectural methods, Economical Architecture is investigated. The part comes to a conclusion with dialogues about a few instances of overcoming hardship in which the network has begun its own development to improve its economic, social, and ecological surroundings.


sustainable urbanization, smart cities, sustainable development, economic development, global sustainable development efforts, UN's initiatives, nationwide initiatives, Standards for Sustainable Development, World Bank strategies, Indian government, practitioners, triple base approach, sustainable communities, Economical Architecture, overcoming hardship


Thomas Robert Malthus (1766–1834), a demographer and political economist from Britain, first recognized the impact of growing populations and human change on the planet's resources when he stated in 1798 that "the total population would in the long run starve or at any rate, live at an insignificant dimension of subsistence since nourishment creation couldn't keep pace with the development of population." He also said, "Population grows the geometric proportion and sustenance for man in an arithmetical proportion when unrestrained."[1] Whatever he asserted back then was disproved with specialized Changeion. The Green Insurgency, which began with improvised farming methods, the development of new farming equipment, and breakthroughs in rural science have all contributed to a rapid reduction in food prices compared to 200 or even 50 years ago, yet access to natural resources remains a problem. Universal and national groups have dealt with a few aspects to solve this problem. As a key component of this, several actions of a national and international scope were done, and nations all over the world were invited and encouraged to develop their own ability to effect change that would improve the security of our planet. Some of the events are discussed below. For example, 113 countries and 11 international representatives from organizations attended the Stockholm Conference on the Human Condition in 1972. This was the primary gathering devoted to ecological concerns. This was the first time that all of the industrialized and developing nations together characterized the rights of individuals to a powerful and prosperous situation. The Stockholm Meeting resulted in the establishment of the Assembled Nations Natural Program (UNEP), with the mission "to give authority and empower organization in thinking about the earth by rousing, educating and empowering Nations and individuals to enhance the quality of life on Earth by providing sufficient nourishment, sound lodging,

The World Preservation System (WCS), which first introduced the concept of Sustainable Development, is distributed by the Universal Association for the Protection of Characteristic Assets (IUCN) in 1980. Ten years after the first Condition meeting, during the 1982 General Assembly, the World Contract Society activity was declared complete with the declaration that "Humanity is a piece of nature and existence depends upon the continuing operation of shared frameworks." The World Commission on Condition and Development (WCED) was established in 1983, and after one year it started to function automatically as a body in the UN General Assembly. The creation of "A global impetus for change" was demanded of WCED.[3] After the establishment of WCED in 1983, the UN General Assembly chose Mrs. Gro Harlem Brundtland as the chair of what would eventually become known as the Brundtland Commission. At the time, she was the executive of Norway. The Brundtland study must examine the few concerns that have been brought up, such as the harm that human activity does to the environment and the example of growth and development that would be unsustainable if it is not managed. Among the literary works that have included this logic are Catastrophe of the House by Garret Hardin, The Diagram for Survival by the Biologist magazine, and Points of Limitation to Development, published by the Club of Rome.[4] The Brundtland Commission published a report titled "Our Normal Future" in 1987. Based on the outcomes of the Stockholm meeting, it provided the definition of sustainable development that is most politically significant: "Sustainable development is development that addresses the issues of the present age without compromising the capacity of future ages to address their very own issues." Two notable origins can be found in the definition: first, the concept of "needs," especially the basic needs of the world's poor, who were recognized to be organized; and second, the possibility of restrictions imposed by the state and social associations on nature's capacity to provide for both present and future needs. A calendar for condition and development for the twenty-first century was accepted in the main Rio de Janeiro UN summit on condition and development in June 1992. The main outcomes of the summit were the Rio Revelation, Motivation 21 and the Commission on Sustainable Development. Thus, the Earth Summit concluded with the clear and open acknowledgement of concern for sustainable development by the main global pioneers, making this a universal motivator for everyone. Even while there was general agreement to go in the direction of the Economic Development rule, there were disagreements on its implications and recommendations.[5] depleting compounds by developed countries. The clear aims, which were expected to be point by point in a few of years, were agreed upon by the Nations. When the European Union announced its intention to reduce discharge by 15%, the United States suggested only settling outflows in September 2000 in order to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDG), the better part of which had 2015 as its target year.


A smart city is an urban living environment that has been manufactured, rebuilt, or remodelled to enable the best coordination for commonly split urban sub-frameworks, to support daily existences of residents, and to make urban regions more livable and affordable. According to Cohen, "Smart urban areas use information and communication technologies (ICT) to be more Smart and productive in the use of resources, resulting in the expense and energy funds, enhanced administration conveyance and personal satisfaction, and diminished natural impression—all supporting development and the low-carbon economy." Shared ICT infrastructures, time development, open governance, improvements in energy productivity, lower discharges, and a move toward sustainability are the most notable features of the smart city.[6] If the transition to Smart foundation is necessary for improving urban living conditions, this move is much more significant and challenging due to the increased number of insufficiently populated areas. In these situations, it is crucial to make use of and put into practice neighborhood and local knowledge in order to identify challenges and their possible solutions. Furthermore, the term "Smart Villages" refers to "Rural territories and networks which expand on their current qualities and resources and also on growing new opportunities. In Smart Villages, conventional and new systems and administrations are upgraded by methods for advanced, media transmission advances, developments, and the better utilization of learning to help residents and business." according to the European Association. To sum up, it is crucial to use base up coordinated techniques, assemble effective open private networks, build strong strategy structures, and provide access to funding systems in order to implement the Smart Village concept. The key step in the process is to place the networks behind the guiding haggle force that creates ideal models that do not perfectly fit the needs and social contexts of the networks.[7] While its structures are still being developed in accordance with Manageable Development Objectives, a Smart Village gives its residents the opportunity to utilize modern mechanical and social However, as will be shown in the context of Indian Smart Urban communities and Smart Villages, seeing Smart Villages as independent, self-governing entities poses a risk due to a lack of understanding of their basic organizational principles. The interspatial measurement is really important, however. Despite focusing primarily on the initiatives for Smart Rural Development and Smart Communities, there are always comparisons to be made with Smart Urban Areas, villages, and national formative methods. The discussion of the perspectives on the computerized modification of rural circumstances will be the primary focus of this paper's Smart Development section.


Adopting a Precautionary Strategy: Authentic The best strategy is sustainable economic growth, and researchers, trailblazers, and wealth creators play a key role in this. It is important to use creativity and innovation to avoid doing real damage to the environment and to communities' welfare.[8] Esteeming Nature: Everyone depends on nature for their reality and livelihood. The common assets are also necessary for the health of our economy and society. Polluter Pays: By valuing the things responsible for contamination and wasteful asset use, sustainable development demands the regulation of "Contamination and Wasteful Utilization of Assets." The money made might be used to fund efforts to restore nature. Putting Sustainable Development at the Centre: It is important to distinguish sustainable development as a standard for sorting out the many different social orders (the fact that these social orders are based on law is acknowledged as one of the factors for achieving sustainable development successfully) that will serve as a platform for various objectives, agreements, and government initiatives and processes. Good Governance: In the same way that sustainable development requires distinct processes for various social orders, it also necessitates compelling and participatory governance and establishment arrangements that pique the interest, ingenuity, and energy of a sizable number of subjects. Fair Shares: 'Fair Shares to all' is a fundamental rule of Sustainable economic Development. This will guarantee arrangement of fundamental requirements for all the populace over the world. This will likewise guarantee the steady enhancement in the nature of lives by methods for comprehensive Development. Economic development and sustainability as a concept is a huge topic with a variety of opinions, definitions, justifications, acknowledgements, and dismissals. The concept was first born out of management and political practices rather than a rational one. The Nursery's influence on shifting local and global climate architectures, multi-year surges' persistence, as well as the recurrence of catastrophic storms, mainland forest fires, and other disasters, have all contributed to the current situation's rising clarity.[9] The need for sustainability has long been recognized; the Brundtland Commission provided the most widely accepted definition of sustainable development in 1987, characterizing it as "development that addresses the issue of present without bargaining the capacity of things to come government to address their own issues." In order to achieve social and economic goals, the commission perceived that biological systems, which must be protected, and the reduction of normal as unfavorable as well as a necessity. Many people disagree with this definition and claim that it does not include the moral responsibility of humans as well as the need of respecting other members of the biological community. The concept put out by Brundtland as a fundamental political tradeoff between the north's protectionism and the south's requirements for development and human well-being was expanded by Dresner in 2002 and Purvise and Grainger in 2004. By accepting the current methods to economic development, this theory links the earth and generational measures in neo-traditional economic development. This recognizes the improvement in human states of forming countries with the growth in economics considering the ecological boundaries and requirement of who and what is to come on a very basic level. The authors of strategies, academics, and professionals are now working through some confusion and unclarity on sustainability. They have accepted the principles of sustainable development as a framework while reaffirming their noble and beneficial objectives.[10] In the middle of the 1990s, an effort was also made to value the earth by hiding all of the external costs to the economy associated with pollution, human health, and depletion of common resources. However, it was unclear how to value depleting and basic common resources, sustainable distribution problems, and intergenerational demand. Economic assessment modifications to address the problem have led to better government resources to invest in the innovation that would be helpful in ecological upgrades.[11] Another approach to dealing with sustainability is to decide the operational limits for the natural space to be used. This approach, which discusses the

withstand without basic misfortune. This is comparable to theoretical biological impression criteria. According to Pearce, the decline in asset use in the North will not increase the affluence of those in the South. He suggested flexible valuation (for the whole planet) so that developing countries might spend more on the similar costs of developed ones (with restricted utilization).[12] The sustainability hypotheses are constrained when it comes to spatial planning since current theories, whether they are being discussed locally, regionally, or globally at the same time, ignore the spatial relationships between them (Purvise and Grainger, 2004). To express Sustainable Development with human topography that may be calculated with natural and social scale, an explanation is required. In this instance, Purvise and Grainger also emphasize the use of the "participatory worldview" Center economic Development arrangement, which may be as effective as other alternatives Bankent on legal, strategic, and institutional framework for the successful grassroots dimension action. They also claim that the current organizational structure resembles a tokenism on the parts of nations, states, and the global scale.


In 2005, Ayre and Callaway raised the issue of academic literature still being focused on various configurations of approach aims to achieve sustainability on a global scale. The developed written works, concepts, and arguments were continuously elaborating the Northern Strategy, which focused more on natural security (such as environmental change, biodiversity, and assurance of species and living spaces), while the South was still fighting for the well-being of people and economic development for its development. This has sparked the deliberate development of contemporary sustainability understanding. Elkington further on this in 1997 when he described sustainability in terms of its three pillars, as seen in Figure 3-2: Triple Main Concern for Sustainability. There are many more definitions of sustainability offered by experts, academics, government officials, method developers, humanists, economists, and eco-activists, but all of them recognise the three pillars of sustainability. As the aims stated are multi-dimensional and need learning how to modify destinations and how to pass judgment on Change and disappointment, these three components or columns have also acquainted possible entanglements with the initial plain definitions.[13] This was further developed in O'Riordan's Russian Doll Chart or Installed Model of Understanding, published in 1998, where he expanded on the idea that all economic activities should be directed toward the network's social development, which should be accomplished in the center to the greatest extent from the weak sustainability paradigm. It is said that this notion is unreachable since it seems too simple.

Figure 1: Russian Doll Clarification

With these three columns as a base, couple of analysts recognize culture (Upgrading personal satisfaction and nature of place) as the fourth Pillar of Sustainability while some distinguish Governmental issues (Vote based system) as the fourth component of sustainability.[14]

The Economic Viewpoint

According to the neo established hypothesis, sustainability is defined as the "amplification of welfare through time"; this welfare is anticipated to be human welfare since non-humans will be taken into account from a biological point of view. In terms of the availability of food, clothing, housing, transportation, healthcare, and educational governances, human welfare is also defined. In economic terms, sustainability seems to indicate effective asset governance or architecture, which is similar to the conventional economic premise. However, since assets depreciate with use, the question of what could happen in the future remains. Therefore, since business analysts do not provide maximum cutoff criteria, the low rebate rate should be pushed or there should be some guidelines about the asset employed and the natural consequence.

The Natural Point of view

Contrary to economists, biologists have modified cutoff points, i.e., sustainability must emphasize limits on population and use levels. The calculations made by biologist Paul Ehrlich and his colleagues show that humans already use 40% of the basic energy available for all local organisms; increasing the population further would still result in a loss in the necessary energy supply for other species on the planet (Ehrlich, 1986). The fundamental idea of breaking points doesn't always conjure up images of economic experts' viewpoints since there are possible outcomes of genetic fair variation and the By characterizing sustainability in this way, the market analyst distinguishes it from the human-driven definition of WCED and the business analyst's utilization-based guidelines. The importance of the environmental perspective is becoming more obvious as a result of nature's dissatisfaction, environmental change, atmospheric instability, floods, the melting of ice sheets, rising sea levels, and other factors. This calls for the synchronization of the economy and condition in the development, which might be achieved via sensible social activities.

The Social Point of view

The social sector is seen by sustainable development as a fundamental component of the novel notion. Underscoring the problem of human development are fundamental requirements and values that may be separated via economic theory. The Human Development File, which is determined by the accomplishment of GDP and GNP, also focuses on issues such as popular governance, sexual orientation equity, neediness and moreover conStrongates the future, adult proficiency, and school enrollment percentages, among other things. Therefore, the concept of sustainable development also raises the question of whether current lifestyles are worthwhile and can be passed on to the young. These two concepts should be closely related because development architectures that maintain the current inequalities are neither sustainable nor deserving of support. Despite what has been said, the World Bank has proposed Veritable Investment Funds as a measurement (ex. Consumption in training or Use in improving characteristic assets and so on.). Both social and ecological factors have an impact on the measurement. Through the social perspective of sustainable development, social development might be improved..

The Cultural Point of view

The word culture is a mind boggling and logical word that has diverse understandings and implications. The writing still discovers two interrelated definitions for the word (Hawkes, 2001). "The culture is a social generation and transmission of personality, implications, learning, convictions, values, goals, recollections, purposes, mentalities and comprehension. The culture is a 'lifestyle' of a specific arrangement of people: traditions, confidence and traditions, code of habits, dress, cooking, dialect, expressions, science, innovation, religion and customs, standards and directions of conduct, conventions and foundations." the fourth component of sustainable development. In addition to being recognized as a popular government that gives citizens a voice to sustain and uphold state in dealing with the social, economic, and ecological Development of the general public, political framework is a social power used to decide on approaches and choices on economic aspects and condition. Here, the capacity to choose, participate, and contribute is absolutely necessary, as is an emotionally supporting network at the local, regional, national, and global levels. In order to revitalize majority rule governance, Development of popularity based foundations around the globe Limit working for NGOs, Proficient affiliations and different components of energetic culture; Destruction of debasement in government and business; and Fairralization of basic leadership at nearby dimensions. This empowers long haul Sustainable Development through open support in each part of sustainability.

Human Development File and Sustainability

The NDP launched the Human Development File (HDI) in 1990 with the intention of shifting the focus of attention away from economics or salaries and toward the percentage of human development. In any event, it recommended to include per capita income as one of the three key factors among three that determine a nation's dimension of human development, regardless of whether it did not dispute this (e.g. future during childbirth and grown-up proficiency). Meghanad Desai introduced the concept of HDI and environmental degradation in 1995, urging that low HDI suggests reduce ecological corruption and bad habits reciprocally. There are still many debates over the best way to define human development as it is determined by Bankent on Learning (Training record), Long and Strong life (future), and a fair way of life (GNI-Net National Pay). As emphasized by Amartya Sen, the ravenousness to win is one of the most compelling arguments. Neumayer and Qizilbash in 2001 had done extensive research here to acknowledge the proposal set forth by Desai in 1995 to coordinate asset misuse and natural debase These tragedies, as planned for their causes, are brought on by frequent cataclysms, a voracity for wealth, and terrible governance or societal wrongdoing. Alongside the morality and deep Development as


Through a thorough analysis of the literature, this study demonstrated a speculative assumption on the concepts of sustainability and smart cities. It generated some information to understand the relationship between the concepts of participatory urban development and intelligent urban regions. The challenge of making urban places more appealing to people comes the need for clarity in language and concepts, but surprisingly, this is not the case with smart cities—despite the fact that they are considered as cities that use innovation to produce natural enhancements and Sustainable benefits. However, sustainable urban areas are distinct from Smart urban communities since they emphasize the need for citizen engagement in urban development. Additionally, despite their promise to provide controllable outcomes with the aid of cutting edge tech, smart cities are harshly criticized for being little more than a trendy term that has outlived its use. This study is motivated by the question of whether the concept and use of smart urban areas can promote sustainability in our urban communities. In bringing up this fundamental problem, the study highlights the need for impending tests, and the overview provided here may serve as a launching pad for such examinations.


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Corresponding Author Arsheed Sheikh*

PhD Student, Sunrise University, Alwar, Rajasthan