A Study on impact of Entrepreneurship Management Training on rural Development & Women Empowerment

Exploring the Role of Entrepreneurship Management Training in Fostering Rural Development and Empowering Women

by Durge Madhumati Laxman*, Sonam Bhasin,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 18, Issue No. 3, Apr 2021, Pages 670 - 676 (7)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Entrepreneurship management training programs have gained significant attention as a means to drive rural development and empower women in various societies around the world. These programs focus on equipping individuals, particularly those in rural areas, with the necessary knowledge, skills, and resources to become successful entrepreneurs. By addressing the specific needs and challenges faced by rural communities and women, entrepreneurship management training plays a crucial role in fostering socio-economic progress and gender equality. Rural areas often encounter unique barriers to development, including limited access to resources, inadequate infrastructure, and a lack of economic opportunities. These challenges contribute to persistent poverty and inequality within these communities. Similarly, women in rural areas face additional obstacles, such as cultural norms, limited education opportunities, and restricted access to financial resources and decision-making power. Consequently, their potential contributions to economic growth and community development remain largely untapped. This paper aim to study the impact of entrepreneurship management training on rural development women empowerment.


Entrepreneurship management training, rural development, women empowerment, socio-economic progress, gender equality, unique barriers, persistent poverty, cultural norms, economic growth, community development


Private companies are dynamic, requiring new techniques for business instruction and preparing as well as better administration methodologies. The dispersal of clever thoughts and newfound data is additionally vital for propelling business. The best drivers of public revival and financial thriving are "Business visionaries". In India, private ventures and business are the primary drivers of financial development since they give great positions and assurance a more fair conveyance of pay. It makes it more straightforward to actually prepare resources like capital and gifts, which brings down destitution and joblessness. Schumpeter declares that innovative way of behaving incorporates the presentation of another great, another technique for creation, another market, another cause of supply of unrefined components or half-produced merchandise, and another association of any industry for sure of a syndication position or breaking it. Business visionaries intelligently join the powers of creation into another creation association. Business people do whatever it may take to change or alter the modern cycle along these lines. [1-2] While making up generally 48% of the populace in India, ladies just partake in around 25.7% of quantifiable financial action. Because of this monetary disparity, simply a little part of the populace is becoming progressively rich, while around 66% of the populace keeps on living in neediness and are unaffected by specialized advancement2. In India, ladies make up 31% of the grown-up workforce, an essentially lower rate than in China (47%). When contrasted with China (74%), India (41%) has an exceptionally low female financial movement rate, which is determined as the level of ladies in the populace who are 15 years old and more established and who give or are accessible to give the work supply to the creation of labor and products. [3-4] The job of business venture and private company improvement as wellsprings of work, supporters of the Gross domestic product, drivers of financial turn of events, and solvers of many issues going up against the local area overall and taught youth specifically has drawn in expanded interest as of late. Independent companies are legitimately viewed as the underpinning of any industrialized economy. In the greater part of the world's countries, business preparing is being attempted all the more every now and again to empower nearby business venture and revive the advancement of private companies. As per American examination studies (Brich, 1987),

Ladies currently make up a rising part of the labor force in the coordinated area, up from 19.30 lakh (11%) in 1971 to 48.29 lakh (18.11%) in 2011. Ladies' support in the coordinated area expanded by 1.3 rate focuses somewhere in the range of 2007 and 2011 — a time of two years. Many guess that little undertaking and business will clear the way for new monetary turn of events, even on account of Eastern Europe's fairly represented economies. Most of Eastern European countries have previously made the progress to a market-based economy. Private ventures have a ton of space to develop because of the progressions that happened in the USSR in 1991. India, China, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and numerous other South Asian countries with creating economies have customarily seen the independent company area as a urgent one. [7-8]


A plan was made and tried to complete the essential overview, and afterward meets were finished to get field-level information. Likewise, the perception strategy was utilized to record specific subjective information and realities. Additionally, conversations were wanted to consider current realities and measurements in the examination area. From the enrolled woman business visionaries, an example of 100 female entrepreneurs was chosen. Due thought was paid to the corresponding portrayal of the organizations these ladies business people were engaged with while picking the respondents. These organizations assisted individuals with acquiring financial, specifically, strengthening.

Profile of the Study Area and the Respondent:

Quite possibly of the most established area in Bihar is Bhagalpur. The region is one of Bihar‘s more evolved regions in examination. However, the significant improvement files place it 10th among the State‘s areas. As per the Registration of 2011, the locale of Bhagalpur has a populace of 30,32 lakh individuals, or 3.02 percent of the complete populace of the state. 81.40 percent of the populace lives in rustic regions. Planned positions make up 8.77 percent of the populace, while Booked Clans make up a forsaken 1.86 percent. The locale‘s disturbing sex proportion is 879 females to each 1000 guys. There are 1180 individuals for each square kilometer. Country occupants make up 56.94 percent of individuals that live in destitution. Male and female education rates are, individually, 70.30 and 54.89 percent. It was found that there is a 15.41% orientation dissimilarity in education. Alluvial plane), its northern part is north of the Ganges. Its Naugachia region explicitly falls under Agro-climatic Zone II (North-East Alluvial Plane). The pH is somewhere in the range of 6.8 and 8. With a typical yearly precipitation of 1167.16mm, the Bhagalpur region has a sub-muggy and subtropical rainstorm environment. The locale has an extremely changed scope of cultivating conditions. Old alluvial soils are more common south of the Ganges Waterway. They are normal soils utilized for developing rice, and their surface reaches from residue soil in the upper fringe to mud soil in the low-lying segments. Here, just rice is planted during the kharif season. Wheat, gram, and various paracrops are then developed during the rabi season. The locale contains a sizable piece of ―Diara lands,‖ which are forever lowered in floodwaters during the blustery season. Regardless, these fields are vigorously cultivated all through the pre-kharif, summer, rabi, and post-flood kharif seasons. The main harvests in the district are maize, wheat, and green gram, while bananas are the principal cash crop in Naugachia Region, which is found north of the Gange. This region‘s dirt has sand layers and is very porous. The family individuals that worked professionally commonly took part in horticultural pursuits and made a normal of Rs. 56.50 each functioning day. The majority of individuals who were paid a compensation worked in the confidential area, procuring pay rates that went from as little as Rs. 1200 every month to as much as Rs. 14500 every month. Evaluations of the family‘s typical yearly pay from different work open doors showed that the family‘s individuals who were taken part in their own homestead development and creature cultivation exercises acquired Rs. 13126, instead of Rs. 19543, Rs. 25052, and Rs. 6081 from organizations and exchanges, as well as Rs. That‘s what examination showed, rather than the help enterprises, horticulture has not been a reasonable business today. However, 32% of families had something like one extra individual who was utilized on a compensation. Horticulture and different sources represented 73.42% of family pay, which was split between firms themselves (26.58%) and families in general.


  • Empowering Entrepreneurs

At the point when asked what roused them to begin their business, the respondents expressed that their own monetary worries represented 42.5% of the reasons they chose to begin a micro business inside the gathering. 22.5 percent said they laid out the business to get government support, while 21.4 percent said they sent off the micro business to become independent. 9.4% of respondents guaranteed that they started a micro business to The table beneath gives an assessment of the components that added to the foundation of micro businesses in view of the respondents' ages. Table 1: Age and Factors, which lead to launching of micro enterprise The diagram shows that most of respondents across all age bunches guaranteed that their powerlessness to earn barely enough to get by propelled them to send off their business. Monetary issues were liked by 44.7% of moderately aged respondents, while the requirement for freedom drove 36.9% of respondents in the 50-65 age section to send off a micro business. This exhibits that most of respondents in their center years expected to squeeze by monetarily. Most of respondents in the more established age bunch communicated a longing to become free so as not to irritate their families. This shows how the old ladies in Kerala are advancing. Since they stress that nobody will deal with them in their last years, most of them wish to become free and independent during the dusk of their lives.

  • Family and business drive at their most elevated levels

In view of the respondents' degree of training, the wellspring of inspiration in the family was analyzed. To decide how much the last option is subject to the previous, the table's investigation is helpful.

It was found that though 51% of respondents with just essential instruction expressed their youngsters were their most prominent wellspring of motivation, 80.7% of respondents with training up to the pre-degree level guaranteed their spouses persuaded them the most. Thus, the spouse was the person who propelled them when their instructive level was high. For a major extent of responders who had more elevated levels of instruction, the life partners have all the earmarks of being very steady. Numerous ladies in Kerala battle with taught joblessness; for this situation, the demeanor of the mates is vital; strong spouses will allow wives to work, whether it be to reinforce the family pay or to become independent. The fundamental motivation behind the uneducated people and less taught individuals is to help themselves while instructing the children for a superior future. How much the authority adds to extending the sum in the gathering record will be made clear by dissecting the length of administration in the venture in light of the sum in the gathering account.

Table 3: Amount in the group’s account and Duration of Leadership in enterprise

record, contrasted with half of respondents who had stood firm on initiative footholds for under two years. This shows that how much cash in the gathering account and the length of the authority are irrelevant. If not, the cash in the gathering's record ought to have move while the pioneers stood firm on those footings for a more drawn out timeframe. Starting now and into the foreseeable future, the gathering's frugality assortment stays unaffected by the authority's residency. Despite who is in control, the gathering and their ability to fortify it are esteemed more than the actual pioneers.

  • Share of Organizations Womens' affiliations were regularly restricted to conventional undertakings like food, normal items, vegetables, pickles, papad, etc after freedom and until the 1970s. In any case, female business visionaries have entered different contemporary regions later during the 1980s and from that point onward. In any case, given everything, they are still in customary settings, and she immediately jumps all over the chance to take part in them essentially to expand her family's pay or as a side work. The consequences of this study show that the example of female business people additionally participated in the commonplace enterprising exchanges that are recorded in table No. 4.10 Table 4: Share of Enterprises in the Sample

As displayed in table No. 3.1, 35% of the example is comprised of individuals who work independently, making potato chips, badi, and papad, trailed by 23% of individuals who make jam and jam, 21% of individuals who save foods grown from the ground, 14% of individuals who keep honey bees, and 9% of individuals who make pickles and murabba. Most of these organizations were worked by the example ladies in their homes or farmsteads utilizing straightforward devices such a shaper, blender, extractor, sickle, siver, burner (gas and lamp oil), boxes for honey, containers, and so on. These organizations could be named family organizations..

  • Profile of Women Enterprises In order to analyse the enterprises, here a brief profile of the women entrepreneur‘s vis-à-vis enterprises have been presented which may be seen in table No. 4.11.

Table 5: Profile of Entrepreneurs as according to Enterprises

That's what the table shows, out of 100 female business visionaries, the biggest number of respondents came from the matter of making potato chips, badi, and papad, while the most un-number came from the matter of making pickles and murabba, with 9 (nine) respondents. Aside from the exchange of beekeeping, where the example had a place with the overall classification, the quantity of other in reverse ranks in every undertaking was bigger trailed by broad and timetable station. The measurements additionally showed that main in the enterprising exchange of potato chips, badi, and papad, which addressed 11.43 percent of the multitude of organizations, were planned standing individuals present in the example. What's more, other in reverse standings had a sizable portrayal in the example, going from at least 33.33 percent for beekeeping to a limit of 73.91 percent for the enterprising exchange of making jam and jam. Like beekeeping, the overall position makes up a greater part of the example occupied with making papad, badi, and potato chips, with a most extreme portion of 66.67% and a base portion of 25.71%. As far as the level of ladies business people who own property as per their particular exchanges, the quantity of minor possessions was higher in the pioneering exchange of making potato chips, badi, and papad, arriving at a limit of 48.57 percent, and lower in the enterprising exchange of protecting foods grown from the ground, arriving at least 14.29 percent. Medium homesteads were the greatest in the beekeeping exchange (41.67%), and were least 8.70 per cnet in the readiness of dilemma and jam. Essentially, little property were tracked down greatest in the pioneering exchange of planning of pickles and muraba (66.67%) to at least 25% in the enterprising exchange of beekeeping. There were no huge ranches in one or the other activity. I. Preparation of Potato Chips Badi and Papad The exchange of making potato chips, badi, and papad got the most elevated level of respondents (35%) out of the five example pioneering exchanges. 14 (or 40%) of the absolute were prepared, while 21 (or 60%) were undeveloped. This is the most well-known family task performed by ladies, perhaps for homegrown use, and is ordinarily finished in basically every family. The organizations had a 6.5-year life expectancy by and large. Each of the ladies in the example were doing their organizations as it was done in the good 'ol days. However, the market's oversaturation with marked merchandise really wants hand tailored products. In these circumstances, the natural product is either sold in neighborhood commercial centers or straightforwardly to towns, neighbors, or relatives. About the costs, the example entrepreneurs were viewed as sickened in light of the fact that they much of the time didn't get the standard costs in return for the offer of their produce. Maybe this makes sense of why most of the example business people ran their organizations essentially to assist with supporting their families. Out of the aggregate, 33 example ladies entrepreneurs ran their organizations as sole owners, with the leftover 2 working in a gathering of 4-5 different ladies individuals from the SHG, of whom the respondents were likewise individuals. The firm simply required a couple of machines and other gear, concerning their necessities. The data in table No. 3.5 was taken from the assertion of records for the example ventures' most recent three years, which took care of expenses and benefits/misfortunes for those three years. By and large, Rs. 12602.06, Rs. 11844.40, and Rs. 11308.35 for the first, second, and third years, separately. For the main year, repaired costs made 2.30 percent of this aggregate and variable costs 97.70 percent. The expense organization was practically indistinguishable in the second and third years too. Around 91-92% of the expense is spent on paying workers' wages, with unrefined substances coming in at 4%, and so forth. It shows that the organizations rely vigorously upon work. For the first, second, and third years, the normal selling continues were Rs. 17340, Rs. 14390, and Rs. 14450. For the past first, second, and third years, the not entirely settled to be Rs. 4739.94, Rs. 2545.60, and Rs. 3141.65, individually. It is richly clear that the net revenue is little to the point that it can increment family pay and work. II. Preparation of Pickles and Murabba The trade of making pickles and murabba got the fewest responders (9), out of the five sample entrepreneurial trades (nine). Of of the total number of female entrepreneurs, 4 had trade training while the other 5 did not. All of the responders were chosen from the Bhagalpur district, where various native fruits are grown and raised in the villages. These fruits include bamboo, jackfruit, amla, jamun, karanj, bel, and mango (biju). But, in recent years, forest mafias have caused the woods to erode, which has caused a shutdown in the supply of raw materials to domestic businesses that rely on the forest. The jackfruit and mango (biju) trees have been severely cut down, which has a negative impact on the local pickle industry. The ladies who had previously worked mostly in the pickling of locally available raw materials were observed switching to the production of murabba (amla, karanj) and mixed pickles. Also, the average age of the sample businesses was 7 years, making it one of the most traditional businesses in this region or area. Because the business is often run at the family level using a sickle, mixi, utensils, etc., and because most produce is sold locally and through personal touch, there was little need for large machinery and equipment. Branded pickle varieties can hinder local pickle marketing, but because there aren't many of them, the effect isn't too great. The majority of the sample entrepreneurs were found to have taken it on as a side job. In addition, everyone was running the businesses on their own terms and as sole proprietors. The statement of financial accounts for the last three years is presented in Table No. 3.7. The information showed that, on average, the yearly production costs were Rs. 5968 for the previous year, Rs. 6358 for the preceding second year, and Rs. 6034 for the preceding third year. Of of the total costs, variable expenses make up roughly 97%, while fixed expenses make up about 3%. The costs for labour and raw materials were nearly equal across all the goods and total 45–46% each. Together with costs, the sample businesses also reported their total sale

profits were 8344, 5430, and 7871 rupees, respectively. According to a review of the accounts, the entrepreneurs' margin of profits was close to 40% to 50% of the entire sales. Table 7: Average Statement of Accounts of an Enterprise for Last three Years

  • Comparative Analysis of Sample Women Enterprises It is a reality that horticulturally based innovative exercises assist rustic ladies with expanding their livelihoods or the earnings of their families. Practically these exercises depend on neighborhood assets, especially unrefined components, and are ability based. With regards to the unrefined components, they are either created nearby or bought and delivered locally. Table 8: Comparative Analysis of Sample Women Enterprises

An examination of the example ladies business visionaries is displayed in the table. On account of big business V, the normal expense of creation of the whole amount was likewise determined to be Rs. 6120/unit, with undertakings IV, II, I, and III coming in at Rs. 6221.35/unit, Rs. 8825.78/unit, Rs. 8923.64/unit, and Rs. 11918.27/unit in a specific order. The projected unit costs for the produce were Rs. 15016.67 for big business I, Rs. 14215.67 for big business II, Rs. 15393.33 for big business III, Rs. 13287 for big business IV, and Rs. 13335 for big business V. For endeavors I, II, III, IV, and V, separately, the normal per-unit still up in the air at Rs. 6093.03, Rs. 5389.89, Rs. 3475.06, Rs. 7065.65, and endeavors IV (1:1.88), endeavors I (1:1.68), undertakings II (1:1.58), and endeavors - III (1:30.58). (1:1.29). Endeavors - IV (32.17%) had the most elevated rate commitment to family pay, trailed by Undertakings - V (30.52%), Ventures - II (27.22%), Endeavors - I (26.87%), and Undertakings - III (16.13%). Like different organizations, endeavor V invested more energy every day took part in pioneering movement (26.05%), trailed by big business IV (23.96%), undertaking I (2084%), endeavor II (18.75%), and undertaking III (17.71%). It is clear from this that the example units were all productive and could hence be gone on from now on.


Most of the example business people were found to have agreed with it on as a particular stance work. Moreover, everybody was maintaining the organizations in their own particular manner and as sole owners. Along with costs, the example organizations likewise revealed their absolute deal continues, which for the first, second, and third years individually were Rs. 14312, Rs. 11788, and Rs. 13905. For the first, second, and third years, the net benefits were 8344, 5430, and 7871 rupees, separately. As indicated by a survey of the records, the business people‘s edge of benefits was near 40% to half of the whole deals.


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Corresponding Author Durge Madhumati Laxman*

PhD Student, Calork Teachers University, Ahmedabad