Attitude of Secondary School Teachers towards the Use of Information Communication Technology

by Ramanand Bharti*, Dr. Sanjay Kumar Singh,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 18, Issue No. 5, Aug 2021, Pages 247 - 251 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The training framework is the primary wellspring of human asset advancement. Its emphasis is on the obtaining of information, self-learning, conventional and adaptable abilities in communication, business venture, the board and technology that are the attributes of the learning society of today. Information and communication technologies (ICT) has arisen as one of the main parts of human existence and it has impacted each part of school working including organization, time table, example conveyance, project work, assessment, assessment framework and so on ICT have made teaching-learning process more important for the student and associated with reality. In present review, attitude of secondary school teachers of Buxar district towards the utilization of information communication technology in training was contemplated.


attitude, secondary school teachers, information communication technology, training, acquisition of knowledge, self-learning, communication, business enterprise, management, technology, learning society, ICT, school functioning, teaching-learning process, student, reality


The two teachers and students will be relied upon to accomplish more in the twenty-first century. Quick changes happened in virtually every part of society during the 1980s and 1990s. Schools and teachers should manage an assortment of issues, vulnerabilities, and difficulties in such an evolving climate. Schooling goals seem, by all accounts, to be more vague and complex than any other time in recent memory; instruction errands are really intense; public assumptions are more assorted; and public responsibility is looked for like never before previously. Among the individuals who add to instructive improvement, the instructor is a successful and prevailing variable. The adequacy of teachers is to a great extent controlled by their attitude, character characteristics, and classroom peculiarities like environment, association, and the executives. Different commissions and panels have made proposals for ways of further developing training quality. Therefore, teachers are roused, propelled, and endure in growing better educational plan, course books, and teaching helps. Be that as it may, every one of the endeavors will be to no end except if teachers take on an inspirational perspective toward instructive technology. In this period of information blast, one of the most fundamental prerequisites for instruction is to plan students for interest in an arranged information society. To address these new difficulties, instructive organizations all around the world are being compelled to foster better educational strategies. The utilization of technology in our day to day routines is exceptionally normal in this day and age. Everybody utilizes it for an assortment of purposes at different areas, for example, at home, working, at a business, or somewhere else. Beside conventional instruction, a fundamental capability as PC proficiency, which incorporates education as well as effectiveness and ability, is for the most part needed at practically all degrees of work. In light of the far reaching utilization of technology in all parts of life, instructive foundations should likewise set up their students to be technology proficient (Kalanada, 2015). The utilization of information technology in the teaching and learning process is a moderately new peculiarity that has drawn the consideration of instructive specialists. Teachers and executives face a test in adequately incorporating this technology into classroom rehearses. A few investigations guarantee that fusing new technologies into the classroom is basic for students to figure out how to work in the information age. As Yelland (2017) brought up, conventional instructive conditions don't give off an impression of being reasonable for getting ready students to work and be useful in the present working environments. The utilization of ICT in schooling can assist with inspiration and comprehension overall. IT mix in training alludes to a technology-based teaching and learning process that intently identifies with the utilization of learning technologies in schools to acclimate students with classroom, couldn't possibly be more significant. This is on the grounds that the utilization of technology in schooling essentially affects instructive perspectives, as the use of technologies will prompt powerful learning with the help and backing of IT components and parts (Jamieson-Procter et al; 2017). With regards to powerful learning with the utilization of PCs as learning helps, information technology gives help and reciprocal help to the two teachers and students (Jeorge et al; 2018). ICT plagues current culture to the degree that numerous nations presently respect the dominance of information and communication technology as a center component of essential schooling close by proficiency and numeracy. In any case, ICT is something other than one more subject for students to study; ICT can possibly be a significant device in upgrading the nature of teaching and learning. For instance the utilization of radio projects in classrooms can give intriguing and pertinent substance in a scope of subjects, including social investigations and English language; while virtual experiences and representation technologies can assist students with learning complex ideas in more substantial ways. An assessment of nations in the Asia-Pacific district has shown that in this area ICT isn't being utilized to its maximum capacity in upgrading the nature of teaching and learning. There are both specialized and limit related obstructions that must be survived. Numerous nations of the area don't utilize ICT by any means in their schooling frameworks because of specialized boundaries (like absence of foundation, hardware and availability) however even in nations where the specialized hindrances have been survived and ICT is available in classrooms, different sorts of obstructions remain. In these nations, ICT is frequently utilized just as an enhancement for existing educational practices. Anyway to satisfy the capability of ICT as an instrument for improving teaching and learning, ICT should be completely incorporated into educational cycles, which requires an intellectual shift with respect to instructors, educational plan designers, overseers and strategy creators. In view of the objective of conquering the specialized and limit related obstructions, and completely coordinating ICT into schooling in the Asia-Pacific locale in order to upgrade the nature of teaching and learning, the ICT in Education program has carried out a few cross-cutting ventures. These tasks unite instructor preparing drives with plans to foster locally pertinent and imaginative substance. Our reality is evolving quickly. Improvements in information and communication technologies (ICT) and the rise of information social orders are changing the manners in which we live, work and connect. Our instructive frameworks should react in like manner, in giving students ICT abilities, however in saddling the In this 21st century, ICT is a specialist of welcoming many changes, openings and offices for the advancement of understudy and just as teachers. The reconciliation of ICT in the field of teaching learning-process acquires extreme change and improvement the educator's ability in the field of training both in created and emerging country. ICT assists with establishing harmonious climate and gives freedom to communicate information in a more straightforward manner which serves to the two teachers and students for cultivating their scholastic limits. One of the noticeable sayings of teaching through ICT is creating teaching abilities among the teachers at various levels. The teachers should be enough ready to find out with regards to the use of ICTs both hypothetically and essentially, so it might assist them with defeating distinctive classroom related issues viz: variety and heterogeneity. The ICTs assume crucial part in planning educational program according to the necessities of the students and society, then again, it additionally helps for cautious arrangement, the board of assets and nonstop expert help to the teachers in scholarly viewpoints. If there should be an occurrence of planning ICT based educational plan more worries with respect to the discoveries of instructive examination are required, for which likewise ICT assumes fundamental part. The point of training for students is to help them in gaining and building information and creating abilities which help them in further developing their life possibilities, just as prepare them to have the option to contribute towards public development and advancement for the government assistance and thriving of society and country too, where likewise the job of ICTs can never be misjudged. In this way, it very well may be expressed that singular's development and supportable improvement for the local area and society are additionally conceivable with the utilization of ICT in teaching-learning process. The higher instructive establishments and preparing have a basic role of getting ready educator with significant striking information and abilities, where additionally ICTs assume fundamental part. In this 21st century teaching has become one of the most difficult callings as information is growing quickly and quite a bit of it is accessible to students just as teachers in the web simultaneously. In this current time, the meaning of learning is moved from securing of information to the development of information, where the teachers assume the part of facilitator and gives full opportunity to the students to advance free learning. The mechanical headway of inventive instruments has made additional opportunities in teaching calling and likewise these have set more requests on teachers to find out with regards to the utilization of satisfactory technologies to make their teaching

boosts instructional classes are required. It very well may be expressed that ICT is probably the best instrument to fortify the teaching-learning process progressively, to raise nature of training by making learning and teaching as a functioning interaction associated with reality. Current age is named as the time of information blast. Utilization of current mechanical devices has prompted the ascent of information and communication technology. Presently, ICT is being utilized in various fields. The field of training isn't immaculate by ICT. As ICT comes to overwhelm and change our lives schools can't stay impermeable to it. ICT is tracking down a spot in schools across the world The reconciliation of ICT in schooling has turned into a significant worry in both created and agricultural nations. We can't picture schooling without the utilization of ICT. In the Education and Training 2020 procedure structure, the European Commission has unequivocally stressed the creative utilization of ICT and distinguished it as vital and impetus for accomplishing change in schooling (Vanderlinde van Braak, 2010). The coordination of ICT into schooling has been accepted as the new innovative apparatuses to alter an obsolete instructive framework (Albrini, 2006). Numerous nations include


The term, information and communication technologies (ICT), alludes to types of technology that are utilized to send, store, make, offer or trade information. This expansive meaning of ICT incorporates such technologies as: radio, TV, video, DVD, phone (both fixed line and cell phones), satellite frameworks, PC and organization equipment and programming; just as the gear and administrations related with these technologies, for example, videoconferencing and electronic mail.


UNESCO perceives the capability of ICT to help with accomplishing EFA goals, specifically the capability of • ICT to empower the incorporation of gatherings which have up to this point not approached instruction, • Work on the nature of teaching and learning, • Increment the proficiency and adequacy in arranging and organization in instruction services, schools, classrooms and local area learning focuses. technologies (ICT) into schooling frameworks offers the possibility to expand the nature of instruction and the adequacy and proficiency of training conveyance, just as the possibility to work with more prominent admittance to information and administrations by underestimated gatherings and networks. Bridling of this potential is seen by UNESCO as a method for adding to the accomplishment of UNESCO's Education for All (EFA) goals and to the decrease of the Digital Divide.


Position of PCs has an effect

Setting PCs in classrooms as opposed to isolating PC labs empowers a lot more noteworthy utilization of ICTs for 'higher request' abilities. To be sure, fewer PCs in classrooms might empower more genuine use than a more noteworthy number of PCs situated in isolated PC labs). Identified with this is an expanding measure of consideration, given by the two teachers and students, to the utilization of workstations (and in certain spots, 'PCs on-wheels'), just as, to a lot lesser degree, the utilization of individual advanced associates and other cell phones.

Models for effectively coordinating ICT use in school and later school hours are as yet arising

There are not many effective models for the reconciliation of understudy PC use at home or in other 'relaxed environments' outside of school offices with use in school.

The suitable ages for acquainting PCs with students are fervently discussed

As a rule, suitable ages for understudy ICT use overall are muddled. Nonetheless, unmistakably certain utilizations are pretty much fitting, given understudy ages and capacities. Arising research alerts against far reaching use at more youthful ages.

ICTs can advance student independence

Proof exists that utilization of ICTs can build student independence for specific students.

Sex influences sway

Employments of ICTs in schooling as a rule to be impacted by the sex of the student. Devoted ICT-related intercessions in instruction that present another device for teaching and learning might show enhancements just on the grounds that the endeavors encompassing such mediations lead teachers and students to accomplish 'more' (possibly redirecting energies and assets from different exercises).


1. To review the attitude of male and female secondary school teachers towards utilization of ICT in instruction. 2. To review the attitude of urban and rural region school teachers towards utilization of ICT in instruction.


Distinct overview technique was utilized to lead the current review.


Specialist utilized purposive irregular inspecting procedure. In the main phase of test determination, 50 secondary school teachers were chosen based on Sex (30 male and 20 female), territory (25 rural and 25 urban), kinds of association (30 government and 20 private) and age bunch (95 above age 40 and 105 beneath age 40) from various secondary schools of Buxar District of Bihar state.

Tool Used

To get the significant outcomes from the review, the specialist has utilized ICT Attitude Scale created by agent herself.

Data analysis

From the examination and translation of information, the examiner came to at the accompanying discoveries. 1. Female teachers showed more attitudes towards utilization of ICT as compared to male teachers 2. Teachers of urban regions school showed more attitudes towards utilization of ICT as compred to rural region school teachers 3. Private School teachers showed more prominent attitude towards utilization of ICT in instruction when contrasted with government school teachers school teachers.


The current request has surveyed the attitude of secondary school teachers towards the utilization of ICT in instruction. The PC information is extremely essential for students and teachers. Teachers need to see ICT as essentially an instrument for teaching and learning across the educational plan in spite of the fact that there are establishments abilities in ICT that students need to learn before they can take part completely in an ICT rich classroom.


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Corresponding Author Ramanand Bharti*

Assistant Professor, Department of Education, L. N. College, Bhagwanpur, Vaishali (Constituent Unit of B.R.A.B.U, Muzaffarpur)