Impact of New Education Policy 2020 on Educational System of India

Examining the Impact of NEP 2020 on Higher Education

by Dr. Prabodh Kumar Garg*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 18, Issue No. 6, Oct 2021, Pages 44 - 49 (6)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The New Education Policy declared by Government of India (NEP 2020) was an inviting change and new news in the midst of the multitude of negativities encompassing the world because of the difficulties presented by Covid19 pandemic. The declaration of NEP 2020 was absolutely unforeseen by many. The progressions that NEP 2020 has suggested were something that numerous educationists never saw coming. However the education policy has impacted school and school education similarly, this article mostly centers around NEP 2020 and its impact on Higher Education. This paper likewise traces the striking elements of NEP and investigations what they mean for the current education system.


New Education Policy 2020, Government of India, Covid19 pandemic, education policy, school education, Higher Education, education system


The National Policy on Education (NPE) is a policy planned by the Government of India to advance education among India's kin. The policy covers rudimentary education to universities in both country and metropolitan India. The principal NPE was declared by the Government of India by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in 1968, the second by Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in 1986, and the third by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2020. The National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020), which was endorsed by the Union Cabinet of India on 29 July 2020, diagrams the vision of India's new education system. The new policy replaces the past National Policy on Education, 1986. The policy is an extensive structure for rudimentary education to higher education just as professional preparing in both country and metropolitan India. The policy plans to change India's education system by 2021. The language policy in NEP is a wide rule and warning in nature; and it is up to the states, organizations, and schools to settle on the execution. The NEP 2020 orders various changes in India's education policy. It intends to expand state consumption on education from around 4% to 6% of the Gross domestic product at the earliest opportunity. In January 2015, a board of trustees under previous Cabinet Secretary T. S. R. Subramanian began the interview cycle for the New Education Policy. In light of the board report, in June 2017, the draft NEP was submitted in 2019 by a board drove by previous Indian Space Exploration Association (ISRO) boss Krishnaswamy Kasturirangan. The Draft New Education Policy (DNEP) 2019, was subsequently delivered by Service of Human Asset Development, trailed by various public discussions. The Draft NEP had 484 pages. The Service embraced a thorough interview process in planning the draft policy: "More than two lakh ideas from 2.5 lakh gram panchayats, 6,600 squares, 6,000 Metropolitan Neighborhood Bodies (ULBs), 676 locale were gotten." The vision of the National Education Policy is: "National Education Policy 2020 imagines an India-driven education system that contributes straightforwardly to changing our country reasonably into a fair and dynamic information society by giving excellent education to all." Quality higher education should mean to foster people who are astounding, smart, well-rounded, and inventive. It should empower an individual to concentrate on at least one specific spaces of interest at a top to bottom even out and foster person, moral and established qualities, scholarly interest, logical attitude, innovativeness, administration soul, and the abilities of the 21st century across a scope of fields, including sciences, social sciences, artistic expression, humanities, dialects, individual, mechanical the professional subjects. The new education policy carries some basic changes to the momentum system, and the key features are multidisciplinary universities and schools, with no less than one in or close to each region, patching up understudy educational programs, teaching method, assessment, and backing for upgraded understudy insight, setting up a National Exploration Establishment to help fantastic friend evaluated work and successfully seed learn at universities and schools. gushing into limited examination regions, less spotlight on research all things considered universities and schools, and absence of serious friend assessed scholarly exploration subsidizing and enormous associated universities prompting low degrees of undergrad education. Institutional rebuilding and union expect to end the fracture of higher education by changing higher education organizations into huge multidisciplinary, making well-rounded and creative people, and changing different nations educationally and financially, expanding the gross enrolment proportion in higher education, including professional preparing, from 26.3% (2018) to half by 2035. Holistic and multidisciplinary education ought to endeavor in a coordinated manner to further develop all human limits mental, cultural, social, physical, emotional, and moral. In the long haul, such a far reaching education will be the technique for all undergrad programs, remembering those for clinical, specialized, and professional disciplines. Ideal learning conditions and backing for understudies offer a holistic methodology including satisfactory educational plan, intuitive instructional method, steady developmental appraisal, and sufficient help for understudies.

NEP 2020: New Education Policy To Revamp The Education System Of 21st Century

The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 was as of late endorsed by the Union Cabinet and it has proposed a ton of moderate and inspiring changes in the education system. The National Education Policy 2020 (NEP2020) which has as of late been supported by the Union Cabinet can possibly redesign and redo the education system in New India of the 21st Century. NEP 2020 has a few sections and elements every one of which needs a different examination and commentary. This brief article centers around higher education specifically that can shape the New India through certifiable application-arranged education in science, innovation, designing and math (STEM) while gaining similarly significant headway in relational abilities and relational characteristics to assist India with recovering its recorded job as a worldwide forerunner in the field of education.

NEP 2020's vision and responsibility towards innovative work of science and innovation is reflected as far as the arrangements of the National Exploration Establishment (NRF) and the National Educational Innovation Discussion (NETF).

The NRF and NETF won't just assume significant part in working with to complete critical thinking exploration and creating advanced assets of study materials yet additionally investigate inventive manners by which innovation can be utilized to serve understudies and analysts. At the point when the Government upheld projects will foster cooperative energy with privately oversaw humanitarian drives for the development and utilization of the most recent advances, it will bring about superb results. It just so happens, this is the ideal opportunity to bridle the public-private association in this direction. Interestingly, the IIT Graduated class Chamber, which is a free worldwide collection of graduated class of all IITs, has dispatched the "India Development Organization (I2Net)" to speed up research on irresistible infections, principally the Coronavirus pandemic.” The chamber is wanting to make an advancement ecosystem with admittance to more than 30,000 PhDs and arriving at a large number of understudies and great many new companies that can be on-boarded. Such sort of jump activities and quantum hops in spaces of the scholarly community and exploration is conceivable when inventive thoughts are assembled with state of the art advancements.

Autonomy for educational institutes

Among a few interesting elements of NEP 2020, perhaps the best arrangement is to allow more independence to educational foundations, particularly those that are giving quality education. This will help compensating foundations that aim towards excellence. Also, the focal government's arrangements to setting up ten Indian Establishments of Aesthetic Sciences/Multidisciplinary Education and Exploration Universities on the model and guidelines of the Indian Organizations of Innovation (IITs) will likewise achieve the truly necessary changes. This shows the all around thought accentuation in the policy on sustaining innovativeness and decisive thinking alongside empowering intelligent dynamic and advancement in the social and education spaces. One more significant part of NEP 2020 is its endeavor to get rid of the unbending stream-based education system. Rather than this, it vows to offer adaptability that can permit understudies to follow their enthusiasm in a different cluster of spaces/subjects. On one hand, this policy perspective will open a few helpful opportunities for understudies to seek after a variety of subjects of their decision, it will likewise represent a test to the current system to change or adjust to carry out this viewpoint by better approaches for selection tests for admissions to different surges of expert education. Given that, it requires finding ways of coordinating the school education system with the higher education system, so understudies who pick multidisciplinary subjects at school level ought not be victimized or punished when they need to seek after Single regulator of higher education The other angle that has raised sharp responses from the two specialists and the general population is the presentation of a Solitary Controller for Higher Education. While some consider it to be a way of decreasing red-tapism, others view at it as an endeavor to concentrating the power and consequently imperiling the independence of institutions. To me, NEP 2020 is a policy that keeps the independence of foundations as its focal topic. Subsequently, I feel that the feelings of dread communicated by some concerning a solitary controller prompting lessened independence of foundations are misplaced. In truth, through isolated verticals, the elements of standard-setting, subsidizing, accreditation and guideline will be isolated and directed by autonomous bodies. This will dispose of the grouping of force and irreconcilable circumstances. Further, another game-changing policy angle is the arrangement of various ways out and passage focuses. This will assist understudies with pursueing a course of their decision at their own speed without getting impacted by the impacts of their own conditions.

This will make them liberated from the present 'either-or' system that takes them out in the event that they need to cease a concentrate course or program in the middle. Such understudies would be benefitted by acquiring an authentication, recognition or degree relying on when they need to stop the course. The other inventive arrangement to enable understudies with opportunity of decision is that of Scholastic Bank of Credit (ABC). This permits carefully store the scholarly credits acquired from different perceived Higher Education Organizations (HEIs) so the degrees from a HEI can be granted considering credits procured by an understudy throughout some stretch of time.

International universities to operate in India Moreover, NEP 2020 states that chose unfamiliar universities, for instance, those from among the main 100 universities on the planet will be worked with to work in India. This is a welcome advance as it will upgrade the opposition among HEIs and work on the general norm of higher education and research.NEP 2020 additionally discusses monetary help to individual understudies through a National Asset made explicitly for giving grants, creating assets and offices for understudies from under-addressed gatherings. If a National Education Asset (NEF) can be set up to cook every one of the monetary requirements of monetarily compelled understudies, it can assist the government with accomplishing its aggressive It can likewise help in increasing the professional education at the undergrad level to a limit of half of enrolments by 2030-35 as pointed by the NEP 2020 policy record. Notwithstanding, remember that we really want to guarantee not to weaken the norm of educational organizations and the nature of understudies only to satisfy the gross enrolment ratio. Though there are various path breaking arrangements in NEP 2020, it won't be not difficult to accomplish all the targets. In the future situation set apart with the expanding job of computerized innovation, the greatest test is the advanced gap that exists among understudies as well as even educational establishments as they don't have the essential assets or framework to proceed with remote getting the hang of/instructing exercises. What's more, to enhance the essential assets and foundation, the ability working of instructors and preparing of educators likewise should be guaranteed with the goal that they can successfully utilize computerized stages and innovation answers for convey quality education and impactful expertise development.

Comparison of new NEP 2020 with Existing NEP: The 1986 National Education policy focused on the modernization of the education area utilizing data innovation. More consideration was given to rebuilding instructor education, youth care, ladies' strengthening, and grown-up proficiency. It likewise recommended that the independence of universities and schools will work on the nature of education administrations. In any case, NEP 1986 neglected to work on the nature of education as far as making graduates with employability abilities and neglected to create research yield as far as licenses and academic distributions. To make up for the disappointment of past NEPs, NEP 2020 has recommendations of a liberal education to help multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary education and examination in under-graduation and post-graduation levels. Table 1 analyzes the upgrades of a portion of the highlights of National Education policy 2020 with its past National Education policy 1986. Comparison of National Education policy 1986 & National Education policy 2020


Higher Education

1. HE checking and controlling establishments like UGC, AICTE, MCI, DCI, INC, and so on will be converged with the Higher Education Commission of India (HECI) as a solitary controller for HEI. 2. The current Accreditation Establishments like NAAC and Seize will be supplanted by a powerful National Accreditation Chamber (NAC). 3. Establishment of a National Exploration Establishment (NRF) to support research in universities and schools. 4. Consolidation of existing divided HEIs into two kinds of Multidisciplinary Universities (MU) and Multidisciplinary Independent Schools (AC) with the grounds having in excess of 3,000 understudies. The Timetable to become multi-disciplinary is by 2030 and to have 3,000 and more understudies by 2040. 5. Multidisciplinary Universities will be of two sorts as (1) Exploration concentrated Universities, and (2) Instructing escalated Universities.

Teachers Education:

1. All independent Educators Education Organizations should change over themselves as Multi-disciplinary HETs by 2030 to offer just four years coordinated B.Ed. program. 2. All schools of establishment, preliminary, center, and auxiliary level ought to select 4-years coordinated B.Ed. degree holders as educators with double significant specialization (Education and Subject). 3. Till 2030, there will be two years B.Ed. program for a considerable length of time UG and one-year B.Ed. for a considerable length of time UG and the individuals who have Graduate degree in different subjects. 4. M.Ed. will be one year with research center. The personnel profile in Divisions of 5. All intrigued senior or resigned personnel will be used short or long haul for directing, coaching, or expert help for research/preparing/advancement. A different National Mission for Coaching will be set up.

Professional Education:

1. All independent expert education establishments in any field will mean to become multidisciplinary organizations offering holistic and multidisciplinary education by 2030. 2. HEIs will be urged to plan experts in farming and veterinary sciences through programs incorporated with general education. HEIs offering agricultural education should zero in on the neighborhood local area and association in setting up Agricultural Innovation Parks in the district to advance innovation hatching and scattering. 3. Universities/foundations offering law education should like to offer bilingual education for future legal counselors and judges - in English and State language. 4. Healthcare education system should be coordinated so that all understudies of allopathic clinical education should have an essential comprehension of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy (AYUSH), as well as the other way around. More noteworthy accentuation ought to be given in all types of medical services education to preventive medical care and local area medication. 5. Technical education ought to be presented inside multidisciplinary education establishments and should zero in on freedoms to connect profoundly with different disciplines. The attention ought to be on offering Man-made consciousness (simulated intelligence), three dimensional machining, enormous information investigation, and AI, notwithstanding genomic considers, biotechnology, nanotechnology, neuroscience, with applications to wellbeing, climate, and maintainable living.

Innovations in NEP 2020:

1. 100 top Indian Universities will be urged to work in outside nations. 2. 100 top Unfamiliar Universities will be permitted and worked with to work in India 4. Faculty Solidness will be furnished in a selected organization with by and large no exchange to different foundations. 5. Faculty individuals get educational plan and instructional method opportunity inside a supported structure. 6. Based on scholarly and research execution, workforce motivating forces and responsibility will be fixed. 7. Faculty quick track advancement system for high impact research commitments will be advertised. 8. A different boundary based Programming interface policy with peers and understudies' criticism, advancements in educating and teaching method, proficient development exercises, Quality and impact research, commitment to a foundation as far as confirmation, and social local area commitment will be set up. 9. The Programming interface policy will unmistakably be characterized in the Institutional development plan. 10. Focus on accomplishing practical Education Development Objective (SEDG) and GER of half by 2035.


Higher education is a significant viewpoint in choosing the economy, social status, innovation reception, and sound human conduct in each country. Further developing GER to remember each resident of the country for higher education contributions is the obligation of the education division of the nation government. National Education Policy of India 2020 is walking towards accomplishing such goal by making inventive arrangements to work on the quality, appeal, moderateness, and expanding the inventory by opening up the higher education for the private area and simultaneously with severe controls to keep up with quality in each higher education foundation. By empowering merit-based confirmations with free-ships and grants, merit and examination based persistent entertainers as employees, and legitimacy based demonstrated forerunners in controlling bodies, and severe observing of value through biennial accreditation dependent on self-affirmation of progress through innovation based checking, NEP-2020 is relied upon to satisfy its goals by 2030. All higher education foundations with current classification of partnered schools will extend as multi-disciplinary independent schools with degree finance for creative ventures in need research spaces of fundamental sciences, applied sciences, and social sciences and humanities. HE system will change itself as understudy driven with the opportunity to pick center and associated subjects inside a discipline and across disciplines. Employees additionally get independence to pick educational plan, system, instructional method and assessment models inside the given policy structure. These changes will begin from the scholastic year 2021-22 and will proceed until the year 2030 where the principal level of change is relied upon to apparent. Subsequently, the Indian higher education system is moving from instructor driven to understudy driven, data driven to information driven, marks driven to abilities driven, assessment driven to trial driven, learning driven to explore driven, and decision driven to capability driven.


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Corresponding Author Dr. Prabodh Kumar Garg*

Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Shia P G College, Lucknow