An Overview on Self - Concept of Teenagers

Exploring the Impact of Self-Concept on Teenagers' Mental Health

by Hoshire Nitin Ravindra*, Dr. Arti Bhatia,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 18, Issue No. 6, Oct 2021, Pages 50 - 56 (7)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Children are a very important factor in the world today. At the same time, adolescents are at the center. Because this is the future of the whole world and it is a big responsibility to take care of these adolescents and their holistic development. Children and adolescents have always been an important focus of study for mental health researchers. Studies have highlighted emotional problems such as depression, anxiety, and difficulties in social interaction as well as behavioral problems such as hyperactivity and conduct problems in them.


self-concept, teenagers, children, adolescents, mental health researchers, emotional problems, depression, anxiety, social interaction, behavioral problems


India is known for its huge youngster and juvenile populace. 40% of India's populace is in the age gathering of 0 to 18 years. The huge kid populace not just gives our country a monstrous chance to shape an ideal future, yet additionally simultaneously gives us a colossal obligation and duty. A vast dominant part of youngsters in India has a place with families living in states of extraordinary misery, and hardship. Brutality against young ladies, youngsters living in the city, viciousness in schools and savagery in clash circumstances are altogether on the ascent. A considerable lot of our kids are ignorant, debilitated and malnourished; they live in disregard and are compelled to work since youth. Globalization and financial progression have exasperated the weakness of kids. The dispersion of abundance has developed progressively inconsistent, influencing a great many individuals, a definitive result falls on youngsters. Like other agricultural nations, India also has drawn out a few government assistance programs for ensuring and shielding the interests of kids. Huge number of legislative and non-administrative organizations works in the field of kid government assistance, giving a variety of administrations to guarantee the wellbeing and security of youngsters. The constitution of India ensures principal rights to all kids in the country and engages the state to make unique arrangements for kids. A portion of the established protections for Indian kids are article 21 A which accommodates the privilege of free and obligatory schooling of youngsters in the age gathering of 6-14 years, article 24 which forestalls utilizing kids beneath the age of 14 years in risky work and article 39 F which gives kids the chances and offices to create in a solid way with opportunity and pride. It likewise ensures assurance of adolescence and youth against abuse and relinquishment. Vagrants for the most part have absence of adequate food, convenience, training and clinical consideration and are in danger of abuse and financial misuse (Berry and Guthrie, 2003). The majority of the exploration work on vagrant spotlights on the essential need. There is research accessible yet not much, but rather expanding concern, with respect to the mental prosperity and self-regard of vagrants in Africa (Cluver and Gardner, 2006). Appropriate family climate assumes a significant part in the existences of kids. Nobody can prevent the significance from getting guardians for the improvement and agreeable advancement of kids' personality. However, lamentably merciless fortune pulls out certain offspring of the arrangement, warm, parental consideration through death of single or the two guardians. These kinds of youngsters are known as vagrant kids. As a rule language a vagrant is one who has lost his one or the two guardians by death. Grown-up can likewise be expressed as grown-up vagrants, however then at adulthood, before their parent's passing, they are not called as vagrants. Fundamentally a vagrant is a term utilized for those youngsters, who are too youthful to even think about supporting themselves (Krider. D, 2002). As of late explores on vagrants are increments around the globe (Andrews, Skinner &Zuma, 2006; Atwine, Flisher, Laas, and Robertson, 2006; Bajunirwe, 2005; Cluver G, &Operario, 2007; Cantor-Graae, and Earls, Doku, 2009) The ebb and flow research inspected the distinction in self-regard of vagrant youngsters and kids living with their folks. Self-regard is the inclination of being content with your character and capacities. It is clear in a brilliant sensation of internal equilibrium, grounded on self-acknowledgment and a solid, soothing self-regard towards you. This is very surprising from self-certainty which is profoundly Mazhar (2004) depicted that the importance of self-regard is a self-appreciation, the worth one puts on self and the value one joins to self. Truth be told, self-regard is simply the fundamental conviction. Accordingly, it very well might be contended that, on the off chance that one has a positive conviction framework about one's self, one will have a positive self-regard. Then again, in the event that one perspectives oneself as useless, one will have a negative self-regard. Maslow (as refered to in Boeree, 2006) accounted for self-regard in his chain of command of necessities. He portrayed two forms of regard needs, a lower one and a higher one. The lower one is the requirement for the admiration of others, the requirement for status, acclaim, brilliance, acknowledgment, consideration, notoriety, appreciation, pride and even predominance. The higher structure includes the requirement for self-regard, including such emotions as certainty, skill, accomplishment, authority, autonomy, and opportunity. Juffer, Marinus and Ijzendoorna (2007) found that vagrant kids show lower self-regard than their non-vagrant companions. Vagrant kids are speculated to be in danger of low self-regard. Kids with high self-regard have a lot nearer relationship with their folks than do kids with low self-regard. (Cooper smith 1967; Gecas& Schwalbe 1986; Kernis 2000) Understudies with undeniable degree of self-regard partake effectively in the learning cycle. Such kinds of understudies are more certain, enthusiastic and persuaded towards instruction. Understudies with high self-regard accomplish better evaluations in assessment when contrasted with those understudies who has low self-regard (Jordon and Kelly (1990). Wood et al (1994) found in their examination that there is because connection between self-regard and high pace of scholastic accomplishment. Understudies with low self-regard don't contribute effectively in educating and learning system. They stay peaceful, idle and have a withdrawal disposition towards learning exercises. Likewise Tootoonchi (1993) features that understudies with low self-regard don't portray their abilities or show reluctance to participate in the learning cycle effectively. Instructive brain science has been worried about assessing various kinds of association between both affiliated and prescient that are available between self-concept and scholastic execution. (Gonzalea Pineda et al, 2000). Self-concept, which implies acknowledgment of the self, esteeming self, self-certainty, and self-regard has a significant spot in an individual's life particularly in pre-adulthood. Beginning with diaper days connections during the time frame until puberty including adolescence, elements, which are having impact on the self. Among these elements, financial circumstances (Bilgin, 2001), chipping away at streets (Arnas, 2004), handicap (Ersek, 1992), kids actual appearance (Phillips and Hill, 1998), ailments, their impression of their folks as work-centered (Chamberlin, and Naijian, 2009), their working (Song et al., 2007), peer connections (Büyükşahinçevik, 2007) and private consideration (Avdeeva,2009) can be determined. Among every one of these variables youngsters living in an orphanage may effectsly affect self-concept and self-concept of kids consequently upsetting the all formative territories of kids (Cebe 2005).Being raised by a foundation can influence the kids' development in a negative manner (Sloutsky, 1997; Garland, Hough, McCabe, Yeh, Wood and Aarons, 2001; Üstüner, Erol, Şimşek, 2005; Jacobi, 2009). As indicated by various investigations, institutional consideration effectsly affect kids' psychological wellness (Şimşek and Erol, 2004), social turn of events (Tharp-Taylor, 2003; Pantıukhına, 2009; Shakhmanova, 2010), scholarly development (McCall, 1996; Sloutsky, 1997; MacLean, 2003), level of separation (Aral et al., 2006) and uneasiness and misery level (Gürsoy and YıldızBıçakçı, 2005). Orphanages were at first settled foundations with the essential mean to deal with kids who have lost their folks for different reasons. The objective was to assist the kids with developing and form into sound grown-ups in a protected spot, shielding them from any sort of misuse. The vagrant kids were given food asylum and opportunity for instruction. They were youngsters to be viewed with affection, generosity and compassion.


(1) Comparative studies of self – concepts between orphanage students and students living with their families


Self-concept: meaning and definition

As per International Encyclopaedia of Education, "self-concept" signifies "perspectives on oneself". Self-concept is an individual's thought of oneself, and includes mind boggling and huge factor in one's conduct and a generally suffering part of personality. It is viewed as an intention, mentality or incentive by methods for which an individual relates with climate. Self-concept is considered to contain different element of, zones of features, some of which are more identified with certain personality viewpoints (physical, social, Emotional), while others have all the earmarks of being more connected to scholarly accomplishment (in various territories and subjects). characteristics that we use to depict ourselves. It is perceived to be in a general sense an engaging evaluation and has an intellectual subtlety. The significance of self-concept originates from its prominent commitment to personality development. Self-regard has to do with social 23 skill, since it impacts how the individual feels, how the person thinks, learns, values himself or herself, identifies with others, and eventually how the person acts.

What are Self Concepts?

Self-concept implies thought without help from anyone else. This is separated into numerous divisions in particular wellbeing and sex suitability, capacities, self-certainty, self-acknowledgment, value, present, past and future, convictions and feelings, sensations of same, friendliness and feeling. Wellbeing and sex propriety is the conduct of the understudies in his medical care and his modes keeping with sex discipline. Self certainty of an understudy should put solid in his capacity. Self-acknowledgment is a propensity through which he possesses a status in the public eye. Present, past and future alluded to the thoughts or considerations of an understudy in his endeavour to stay up with all occasions. Convictions and feelings are understudies' inductions of his contemplations. Disgrace and blame is the inclination of an understudy who shows up at the after-effect of his activities as far as social conduct. Amiability addresses the amount he is acknowledged or obliged into the general public where he resides. An understudy is supposed to be passionate when he offers vent to his sentiments, for example, outrage or bliss. Capacity of an understudy alludes to the amount he can apply his psyche and energy towards accomplishing his desire. Self-concept of an individual is showed through his capacity to adjust and to reproduce the variables of his current circumstance. Trained people structure the 26 parts of a restrained country. By this, feeling of order can be taught in youths. Likewise propensities, the correct sort of self-control, efficiency and public reliability can be demonstrated. They can show young people 'regard' for what is honourable and valid; availability for self-penance, feeling of obligation to the general public thought and regard for other people, which is the establishment of selflessness and the premise of every great way. The corporate existence of the foundations ought to build up that premium for reasonable play and dependability to each other which is the core for the more extensive comical inclination in later life. The goals of the school are basically self-improvement, self-articulation, the quest for interests and social development. The kid or young lady who is timid, self-cognizant and subdued seldom has a lot of freedom to take an interest in exercises and to required social abilities. Subsequently in the informed young people character and order become instilled with a confidence in the pride of physical work and a

Self-Concept and Academic Achievement

The accentuation on the investigation of the self as a significant determinant of conduct both in brain science and schooling because of its impact on inspiration, personality and learning is of ongoing beginning disregarding Stephenson writing in 1953 that "the self is wherever inferred in like manner sense brain research" and All port that "the presence of the self is the one truth of which entirely persuaded". The acknowledgment of the significance of the Self-Concept is on considerably later inception and has advanced in high and the quantity of factors to which it has-been connected and is likewise various and broad. The self-concept has been dealt with both as a predecessor and subsequent factors. The elements of the self-concept inside the self-structure as a post of reference and its significance to the person of all that is imperative to him, along with the worth characteristics by sure and pessimistic equilibrium connected to it, make it a significant determinant of the worth arrangement of the individual concerned. Since rule of decision is a significant determinant of conduct more than the self, it is conceivable to confirm that the self-concept is a significant determinant to conduct and a significant angle that the understudies who are occupied with the interaction 28 of schooling and since it relies upon its level of viability for most extreme execution it gets conceivable to hypothesize that the self-concept is a significant determinant of scholastic accomplishment. This relationship has been speculated hypothetically early an exact investigations completed in the west, India has served to affirm the way that self-concept and scholarly accomplishment are connected decidedly and essentially. This proof of the basic job of self-concept in scholarly accomplishment has significant applications the forecast of accomplishment and the organization of healing software engineer for winning disappointment and under accomplishment. This is conceivable on account of the specific attributes of the self-concept.


An achievement in human reflection about the non-actual internal identity came in 1644, when Rene Descartes composed Principles of Philosophy. Descartes recommended that uncertainty was a chief instrument of trained request, at this point he was unable to question that he questioned. He contemplated that on the off chance that he questioned, he was thinking, and consequently he should exist. Accordingly presence relied on insight. A second achievement in the advancement of self-concept hypothesis was the composition of Sigmund Freud (1900) who gave us new comprehension of the significance of inward mental cycles. While Anna (1946) gave focal significance to personality advancement and self-understanding. The possibility of self-concept and changes in self-concept is key to the brain research of youth. Youth has been considered as when self concept increments in conspicuousness. The juvenile is confronted with to some degree troublesome undertaking of shaping and keeping an intelligent feeling of what his identity is and what reason he will at last serve 30 in this world. As the youth advances, the self-concept typically turns out to be more steady. The self-concept seems to assume a basic part when all is said in done mental change among youths (Indian Psychological Review 1988). Indeed, even babies as youthful as a year seem to perceive themselves. For some personality scholars, for example, Carl Rogers, expressed self-concept addresses the absolute most significant part of one's complete personality. Numerous specialists keep up that low self-concept prompts financial issues that charge the public handbag. Others accept that the economy itself adds to personality problems, which bring about sensations of low self-concept and low self-regard.

Self-Concept and Student’s Performance

An understudy with positive or high self-concept has high self-regard. High self-concept creates self-certainty and helpless self-concept obstructs beginning school change and scholarly advancement too. Understudies with high concept will in general acknowledge their disappointment just as restrictions. They are better achievers. They are more resolved to accomplish their objectives. They don't experience the ill effects of feeling of inadequacy. They are liberated from mental 34 ailments and work enthusiastically and express their thoughts and convictions to other with certainty and conviction. They are normal in their approach and have a capacity to intrigue others.

Basic assumptions regarding self-concept

A significant number of the victories and disappointments that individuals experience in numerous everyday issues are firmly identified with the manners in which that they have figured out how to see themselves and their associations with others. It is likewise turning out to be certain that self-concept has at any rate three significant characteristics of premium as advocates: • It is learned • It is organized • It is dynamic components of self-concept The concept of self has three major components and they are: • The Attitudinal The perceptual part is the picture an individual has of the presence of his body and of the impressions he makes on others. It is regularly called the actual self-concept. The individual's conception of his particular qualities, his handicaps, his experience, his source and his future indicates the conceptual segment. It is regularly called the mental self-concept. The attitudinal parts allude to sentiments an individual has about himself, his demeanour about his current status and future possibilities, his inclination about his value and his perspectives of self-regard, pride and disgrace.


Gupta, P. (1984) explore on Self-concept, Dependency and Adjustment Pattern of Abandoned Institutionalized Preadolescents, the reason for the examination was to research the passionate make-up of 'Home' and 'SOS town' subject regarding their self-concept, reliance and nervousness content. Based on information assembled in regard of the raising frameworks, the between reliance of three elements were decided in regard of change examples of both the orphan gathering and either parent alive however practically missing 'Home ' bunch subjects. 'Home' implies the public authority/intentional office run foundations, where the kids lived and which they have needed to consider as their own home by aberrant pressing factor. The SOS town, for example save our spirits Village, was an intentional consideration association where the chief turned into the 'father' of the youngsters, and the chief controlled twenty 're-enacted mother' volunteers. Here the unwanted youngsters felt a model of family. The example comprised of 400 preadolescents matured 10-13 years, who got regulated inside the initial five years of life. The test gathering (n=300) was partitioned into home-oversaw orphans and home oversaw either parent alive deserted, and SOS town dealt with, each of100 kids. A benchmark group of 100 offspring of ordinary family set-up was taken. The exploratory benchmark group configuration was utilized and the factual devices utilized were t-test, Mahalonobis D2 and item second r. The significant discoveries were:1. There was some connection between self-concept, nervousness reliance and change for the test gathering. 2. Subject raised in a fake family climate with proxy moms would do well to self concept and change with less uneasiness concept and change were emphatically associated and they had negative relationship with tension. 4 The entire test bunch varied from the benchmark group, for example their normally raised partners. contrasted with ordinary understudies. Issues: The current investigation centres around the change, nervousness, self-concept and insight or orphan understudies living in orphanages when contrasted with typical understudies. Targets were: To consider the change, nervousness, self-concept and knowledge of orphan understudies in examination with those of typical understudies. He utilized The example included 560 high school going orphan understudies in the twenty perceived orphanages of Gujarat State. For the current examination, the scientist restricted the populace to the orphan understudies of norms VIII, IX and X. The investigation covered 541 of the 560 orphan understudies. The remainder of the understudies (nineteen) were excluded in light of the fact that they were missing on the times of testing. The specialist chose 541 typical understudies from similar class of similar school where the orphan understudies were orphan examining, by the strategy for arbitrary testing. In this manner out of an absolute example of 1082 understudies, 541 were orphan and 541 were ordinary. Accordingly the specialist made both the gatherings equivalent in sex, evaluation, age, and equivalent in religion. The apparatuses utilized included, change, Inventory, Manifest Anxiety Scale, Self-concept Scale, and Desai-Bhatt Group Intelligence Test. Applicable measurable strategies were utilized to discover the contrasts between the mean scores of the reliant factors and their importance was resolved and the significant finding were Typical understudies were better changed at that point orphan understudies. 2. Sex evaluation and religion had no impact on the distinction of change of orphan and ordinary understudies' Orphan understudies were more on edge than ordinary understudies. 4. The self-concept of typical understudies was superior to the self-concept of orphan understudies'. Sex had no impact on the distinctions in the self-concept of orphan and typical understudies'. The self concept of orphan Muslim and typical Muslim understudies was comparative .7. The knowledge of typical understudies was higher than the insight of orphan understudies. 8. Sex and grade had no impact on the distinction in insight of orphan and ordinary understudies'. The insight of orphan/typical understudies of ages 16, 17 and 18 was similar.10. The knowledge of orphan Muslim and ordinary Muslim understudies was comparable. Vijayalashmi, R. (1991) concentrated on Relationship between self-concept and personality change of family-raised and foundation raised kids. Issue: The current examination centres around the connection between self-concept and personality change of family-raised and foundation raised kids. The fundamental goals were - (I) To evaluate the self-concept of family-raised and establishment raised personality change, and to discover the connection between the self-concept and the personality change of kids at home and of the individuals who are standardized. She utilized the example included 200 family raised and organization raised kids in the age gathering of 13 to 15 years in Anna District and the significant finding were-1. Family-raised and establishment raised youngsters were comparable in their self-concept. 2. They were additionally comparable in their personality change. 3. The self-concept of these youngsters was identified with their personality change. Usha Mishra (2004) made an examination to evaluate the impact of parental support on self-concept of higher optional young lady. The example of the examination comprised of 200 young lady drawn from higher auxiliary schools of Allahabad city. The consequence of the examination uncovered that the parental consolation had a positive and critical impact on self-concept of higher optional young lady. Vashistha K. C. (2004) made an examination to decide the impact of Parental Encouragement on Self-concept and Academic Achievement of Visually Challenged Children. Discoveries show that Self-concept is fundamentally contrasting in two gatherings, i.e., High PE and Low PE. The kids has a place with HPE bunch dominate in their Self-concept. High Parental Encouragement is prompting High Academic Achievement. High Self concept gathering and High Academic Achievement bunch is discovered to be huge at P 0.05 level. It means that High Self-concept was prompting High Academic Achievement. Hence, it was inferred that Visually Challenged Children with low Self-concept have low scholarly accomplishment. Reema (2010) directed an examination on "Connection between Self-Concept and Adjustment of Visually Impaired Adolescents Studying in Inclusive and Special Schools". 200 outwardly weakened young people concentrating in unique and comprehensive settings have established the example of the current investigation. The Visually Impaired youths concentrating in comprehensive and extraordinary school setting were chosen based on separated and arbitrary testing method. Understudy to understudy or one to one coordinating strategy was received for this reason. Instruments utilized in the examination were starter information clear (self-created), self-concept survey created by Sarasvat R.K. also, Adjustment stock (self-created). Adsul and Ganvare (2011) have contemplated the self concept of high and low accomplishing young people. Results showed that there is no huge distinction among high and low achievers on self-concepts in particular physical, social, passionate, good and instructive self-concepts. In any case, it is Rakshanda Ahad, Shabnum Ara1and Shawkat Ahmad Shah (2016) his considered that Self-Concept and Aggression among Institutionalized Orphans of Kashmir. The example comprised of 88 juvenile orphans (47males and 41 females) taken from various orphanages of Kashmir. The age of the example bunch went from 15 to 17 years with mean age of 16 years. Purposive examining method was utilized for the exploration reason. Self-concept Questionnaire (SCQ) by Raj Kumar Saraswat (1984) and Aggression Scale (A-Scale) by Pal and Naqvi (1983) was utilized. Results uncovered that the greater part of these juvenile orphans have better than expected degree of self-concept and lion's share of them were found to have moderate to undeniable degree of animosity. The discoveries of the current examination likewise uncover that there is no huge relationship in self-concept and its four measurement ofs for example actual self-concept, social self-concept, moral self-concept and scholarly self-concept with hostility. Notwithstanding, sensitive self-concept measurement of has critical negative relationship with hostility and instructive self-concept measurement of has huge positive connection with animosity. Results further uncover critical mean contrast in self-concept of male and female young adult orphans. Notwithstanding, no critical mean distinction was found in the animosity level of male and female juvenile orphans. As indicated by Cebe (2005) all the more significantly among these variables living in an orphanage may effects affect self-concept of youths through influencing all formative zones of these teenagers?


A person's relationship with the community as well as his family is very important for his overall development But what changes in the personality of children who do not have family support, ie children who live in orphanages? And so it has some kind of good or opposite effect on their social and personal life And what kind of solutions should be planned so that they can be used for the overall development or for the overall development? 2. Children who are often disadvantaged, orphaned, neglected, and impoverished are the widespread incidences of child-abuse or anti-social behavior or rampant anti-social behavior. If they study their personality and their self-concept and creative thinking, they can create happiness in their life by training them in a unique way by comparing their personality, attitude towards self, positive elements and negative elements and giving their life to the society by giving them culture, skills.

concept. The test has a total of 90 statements in one section and is divided into three sections . For this research, 100 boys and girls living in the orphanage and 100 boys and girls living with the family. total of 200 boys and girls were used. Self-concept shows some differences between children living in an orphanage and children living with family Self-esteem, real self, ideal self, social self, self-concept Children living with family have a higher level of self-concept. , So the children living in the orphanage have less self-concept because of the events in the life or past life of the children living in the orphanage. They are caused by the conditions of the place where they currently live, the environment there and the mental problems they face. They seem to have a big impact on their own concepts.


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Corresponding Author Hoshire Nitin Ravindra*

PhD Psychology