The Study on the Role and Functions of Headmaster in Private and Government Schools

Developing a Democratic and Culturally Diverse Education System

by Shanti Sharma*, Dr. Manoj Pathak, Dr. Sathish Kumar,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 18, Issue No. 6, Oct 2021, Pages 171 - 175 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The Universalization of Education is the requirement for information society. CABE (2005) proposed that the primary Secondary period of general and free auxiliary training finished continuously 2015 and afterward extend it to senior optional instruction in the second stage constantly 2020. The traditional assumption from optionalsenior auxiliary schooling lies in its part in making the vital base for creating specialized individual force, raising the capability of a general public in adding to the development of information and abilities and in this way improving the country's ability to confront the test of worldwide seriousness. That in itself establishes a huge piece of the vision. Be that as it may, this isn't all. The contemporary and extra assumption from optional schooling is to fabricate a vote based citizenship that is focused on the Constitutional objective of empowering India to move towards a libertarian, mainstream and illuminated society while additionally being touchy to India's rich social and semantic variety and its composite culture


Universalization of Education, Role of Headmaster, Functions of Headmaster, Private schools, Government schools, Information society, Secondary education, Auxiliary training, Technical skills, Global competitiveness


The majority of secondary schools in 1993-94 were in the rural areas and most of these were co-educational schools. Of the total 66 thousand schools, rural areas according to management reveals that the majority of schools had either the government (37.46 per cent) or private management (51.25 per cent). Majority of private schools were aided schools (68.62 per cent). On the other hand, percentage of schools run by the local body and private unaided managements were only 11.29 and 16.08 per cent respectively. A close look at the distribution of schools according to enrolment reveals that the highest percentage of enrolment was in schools run by the private aided management (46.04 per cent) followed by the government (37.67 per cent), private unaided (8.72 per cent) and local body schools (7.57 per cent). It may however be noted that private schools had higher enrolment and the government schools lower enrolment than their share in the total number of secondary schools. Private schools offering primary education have grown at a rapid rate in India. According to recent estimates, 25% of all enrolment in primary education in India is in private schools (SRI, 2005; DISE 2006-07). Attendance in these schools is not limited to the non-poor or children in urban areas. A large number of children belonging to poor households study in private schools which charge low fees; nearly 30% of villages in India have access to a private school within the village itself (Kremer and Muralidharan, 2006; De et al. 2002).

Parents value good quality education and are willing to pay for it. Apart from tuition fees, parents incur considerable expenditure to send a child to a private school spending money on uniforms and textbooks, which they can otherwise avail for free in a government school. Poor quality of education in government schools is considered as a major reason for the rapid growth in the number of private schools. Parents perceive private schools to be more accountable and offering better quality education. The Probe Report (1999) notes that ―In a private school, the teachers are accountable to the manager (who can fire them), and, through him or her, to the parents (who can withdraw their children). In a government school the chain of accountability is much weaker, as teachers have a permanent job with salaries and promotions unrelated to performance. This contrast is perceived with crystal clarity by the vast majority of parents.‖ Headmaster

The headmaster is basically a senior teacher with the great responsibility for the management of school. The section 20 of Bihar School Examination Board (Senior Secondary) Affiliation Bylaws 2011 Head of the School/ Principal will be the ex-officio. Hony. Secretary of the School Managing Committee. Be responsible for the proper maintenance of accounts of the school, school records, service books of teachers, and such other registers, returns and statistics as may be specified by the Society/ Board. 1. non-teaching staff) in time and according to the instructions governing such payment. 2. Be responsible for proper utilization of the Pupils Fund. 3. Arrange for informal and non-class room teaching. 4. Send regularly the progress reports of the students to their parents or guardians. 5. Devote at least twelve periods in a week to teaching of the pupils 6. Will function as, the Head of the office of the school under his charge and carry out all administrative duties required of a head of office. 7. Handle Official correspondence relating to the school and furnish, within the specified dates, the returns and information required by the State Government/ Board. 8. Ensure that the tuition fees, as levied, are realised and appropriately accounted for and duly appropriated for the purpose for which they were levied. 9. Make all payments (including salaries and allowances of teachers and other Headmaster as Administrative manager Advances in technology, IT and communications have made these tasks much easier, making them routine and increasing opportunities for adapting and making use of the data gathered. The set of what are described as teaching tasks performed in a school is quite varied and its boundaries are not fully defined. The school‗s central activity, the process of teaching pupils, is influenced by virtually every aspect of its functioning. Management of teaching is considered to relate to the content of teaching, its organization and methods, and assessment of pupils‗ learning and of their progress. It may to a greater or lesser extent be constrained by decisions, regulations and standards established at local, regional or national level. Here again widely divergent degrees of school autonomy are found. The broadest educational autonomy entrusts the entire responsibility for management of teaching to the school, which decides what curricula to teach, which methods to apply, how to group pupils,

are very strict standards stipulating curricula, teaching methods, methods of organization and assessment rules. What happens in the classroom depends on each teacher, who is of necessity autonomous in the teaching methods used Quality of Education

Providing quality education to children is ultimate dream of every parent. The biggest difference parent finds between private and government schools is medium of learning. The mode of communication of many private schools is English. Private schools try to inculcate English in the daily life of students. In fact, now, most of the private institutions teach other foreign languages besides English. It attracts parents whereas children in government institutions are taught in regional language.

Facilities provided

Most of the government institutes lack basic facilities like electricity and proper classrooms etc. Whereas private school tries to provide an environment that helps in learning better. Apart from education, they provide proper infrastructure and equipment required for the physical development of children.

Private schools are attended by choice, but choice is not limited to the private sector.

Private schools provide an alternative for parents who are dissatisfied with public schools or have other reasons for wanting their children to attend a private school. Within the private sector, parents can choose among a range of religiously affiliated and nonsectarian schools (as long as they can afford the tuition charged or receive financial aid). Some private schools are very selective in their admissions, while others are not. In 1993, 9 percent of all students in grades 3–12 attended a private school. Parents of students in public schools can sometimes choose or exert influence over which schools their children attend. In 1993, 11 percent of students in grades 3–12 attended a public school chosen by their parents. In addition, parents can indirectly choose among public schools for their children to the extent that they can choose where to live. While 80 percent of public school students in grades 3–12 attended an assigned public school in

SOURCE: NCES, National Household Education Survey (NHES), 1993 (School Safety and Discipline File).

1993, the parents of 39 percent of the students in these grades indicated that their child attended an assigned school but that their choice of residence was influenced by where their children would go to school. Thus, less than half (41 percent) of the students in grades 3–12 attended assigned public schools over which their parents had exercised no direct or indirect choice.

Teacher attrition is higher in private schools, but private school teachers are more satisfied with their working conditions.

Teacher attrition tends to be higher in private than public schools: Between the 1993–94 and 1994–95 school years, 10 percent of full-time private school teachers left teaching, compared to 6 percent of their public school counterparts.13 Nevertheless, private school teachers were more likely than public school teachers to be highly satisfied with their working conditions (36 versus 11 percent).14


Many school reform efforts have focused on the organization and management of schools in the search for ways to increase school effectiveness. Public and private schools, in the aggregate, are organized differently in terms of school and class size and the locus of responsibility for decision making in a number of important policy areas


Qutoshi, Sadruddin & Khaki, Jan-E-Alam. (2014). Many investigations have been directed internationally on head teachers " role in School Improvement (SI). In Pakistan, in any case, this is a new however progressively extending space of study centering various sorts of schools (Khaki, 2005) including private, public, and local area based. This concentrate Afghanistan. A contextual analysis, utilizing semi-organized meetings from head teacher and different partners were utilized to investigate the head teacher‘s role in SI. The discoveries show that role of the Head teacher in SI is mind boggling, overwhelming, multi-dimensional, and multifaceted (Lizotte, 2013; Moos, 2013). Head teacher plays out her best to give better instruction to students; attempts to meet partners "assumptions as far as further developing educating and picking up, further developing school framework (e.g., up-degree of the school building), keep her teachers inspiring and fulfilling guardians. The debilitating variables incorporate absence of financial assets, teachers "turnover, and asset management yet school overseeing panel and enthusiastic teachers play as empowering factors in SI (Bryk, 2010). Given her logical impediments innate locally school, she is benefiting as much as possible from what is accessible to her through rehearsing disseminated authority style. Mardhatillah, Mardhatillah & Musdiani, Musdiani & Khausar, Khausar. (2019). The point of this Research is to discover the headmaster's role in carrying out quality instruction management in primary school (SDN) Gunung Keling, Meureubo region, Aceh Barat Regency, to discover what imperatives the chief faces in executing quality management of training in primary school (SDN) Gunung Keling, Meureubo region, Aceh Barat regime. The review utilized a qualitative methodology. This kind of Research is (descriptive research). Research time is on August 8 to 27, 2018. His data collection techniques, for example, perception methods, talk with methods and documentation methods. The research data to be examined in this review is the role of the headmaster in executing instruction quality management in primary school of Gunung Keling, Meureubo region, Aceh Barat regime, specifically: the role of the headmaster as Educator, Manager, Administrator, Supervisor, Leader and Motivator. What impediments looked by headmaster in executing training quality management in primary school of Gunung Keling, Meureubo locale, Aceh Barat rule, seen from the consequences of the review are: to conquered the deterrents to further developing teacher quality completed is to consistently do correspondence and instructive quality culture lobbies for teachers who are still low on awareness and in beating the absence of showing staff for super durable subjects, the school demands teachers to work through the Aceh Barat area Education Office. Nagarathanamma and Rao (2019) planned an examination to see the contrast between young adult young men and young ladies on accomplishment inspiration. They found that there was no critical contrast among young men and young ladies with respect to accomplishment inspiration level. The first hut a study of the relationship of birth order and n Ach among the tribals is not likely to reveal a similar relationship because of the fact that women invariably go out to work…………………. Beata Žitniaková-Gurgová (2019) performed on the example of 213 college understudies, out of whom 102 were ladies and 111 men. The examination strategy was accomplishment inspiration stock (AMI), which analyze the accomplishment rationale, nervousness upsetting accomplishment and tension supporting accomplishment. The exploration discoveries have affirmed presumptions about sexual orientation contrasts in every one of the deliberate factors. Higher occupational status, according to Nutall (1964) is attained by persons with a high n Ach. Mehta (1966a, 1966b) finds a curvilinear relationship between the achievement motivation of boys and their father‘s occupations. Studying occupational status of the father and n Ach level of pupils among the tribal community will throw some light on the effect the fathers‘ occupation has on the pupils‘ motivation to achieve as a large portion of the tribal population earn a living by working as labourers or cultivators and some as peons and clerks…………………. Anand and Dave (2014) evaluated the writing on relates of accomplishment more than 2014-78. The pattern report was coordinated by broad corresponds. SES, character, educational plan association, and over and underachievement. Knowledge, n-ach, parental empowerment, passionate environment and instructive offices in the house were identified with scholarly accomplishment. The greater part of the investigations on SES and scholastic accomplishment are replications or redundancies, setting up similar useful connection among SES and accomplishment as prior detailed in the Survey of Research in Educational Psychology (Buch, 2014). Character considers distinguished certain values, thought processes, and non-intellectual attributes impacting accomplishment. While n-accomplishment was discovered to be an essential to high scholastic accomplishment, show uneasiness and extraversion were discovered to be contrarily identified with achievement. Manju Mehta, Prachi Maheshwari and V.Vineeth kumar (2019) analyzed the character examples of SC, ST and non–in reverse higher optional young men. The delayed social segregation antagonistically affects the advancement of the character of these oppressed, which is a serious hindrance in giving 'social equity' and 'social correspondence' to the majority. By making a relative report, the distinctions in character designs among in reverse and non-in reverse classes can be featured which will empower us to comprehend and take out the prudent as well as the instructive, social and political backwardness of the general public overall. For the examination, on an example of 600 rustic and metropolitan male understudies of XI norm from Jaipur area having a place with SC, ST and non- uncovered critical contrasts in character designs among SC, ST and non-in reverse young men. These distinctions were more conspicuous in country regions in contrast with metropolitan regions. Vansteelandt and VanMechelen (2017) found that in spite of the fact that character factors assume a huge part however our conduct in some random circumstance is an intricate capacity of both our character and situational factors in our general surroundings. This interactionist viewpoint is stylish. Society and the way of life, to which an individual has a place, consistently assume a significant part in molding the character. Another indication of continued educational'^ backwardness are the activities of the non-working population. Among the general population, 16.55 per cent of the non-workers were fulltime students; corresponding figures for the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes are 9.17 per cent and 3.46 per cent, respectively. As regards economic activity, the national average was 43 per cent; 57 per cent of the tribals and-47 per cent of the scheduled castes were economically active. This is a measure of the comparatively low dependency ratio among the tribals; it also seems to indicate the comparatively low capacity of the scheduled tribe workers to support large numbers of students.


• To assessment the interactional effect of station and sexual direction on understudies' person type. • To study the School organization and management system


The schooling framework keeps the presence from getting struggle of class interests, class relations with the world and digresses serenely from the cadence of the real world'. In India the expanding request of privatization of schools and decrease in the public assets on one hand and quick speed of universalization of training on the other through different projects no place mirror the significance of value instruction or needful schooling. There are such regions where the inaccessibility of school became social issue or low quality of schools inside there at schools. There are numerous kids who can't peruse and compose in the wake of finishing eighth class. There is the arrangement of not bombing the understudy till ninth standard appears to be redirecting the interest for additional advancement of a kid. Subsequently, through the discoveries one might say that the quality instruction inside government school are as yet the significant concerns on the grounds that consistently the quantity of work is expanding. We are zeroing in on the amount instead of value. For the advancement of

the viewpoints of the unreached local area. Also, the instruction ought not be just for expanding education rate yet for getting a noble work for reasonable turn of events.


We thank Mr. Shashi Sharma, Dr. Manish Mishra (SAGE UNIVERSITY), Dr. Alok Mishra (B.U. BHOPAL) for his valuable suggestion during our study and to improve our manuscript.


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Corresponding Author Shanti Sharma*

Rabindranath Tagore University Bhopal