A Study on Impact of Industrial Air Pollution on Agricultural Production

Examining the effect of industrial air pollution on crop yield and economic losses

by Akash Sehra*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 18, Issue No. 6, Oct 2021, Pages 192 - 197 (6)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


This paper intended to concentrate on what industrial air pollution means for crop yield by researching the connection among result and changes in factors. A translog production work was assessed with regards to stochastic outskirts investigation utilizing information gathered from a field review on account of corn. The collaboration between the elements just as the effect of industrial air pollution on the connection between factors was dissected utilizing mathematical recreation, trailed by the assessment of monetary misfortunes of corn yield in the dirtied region. Results show that industrial air pollution causes a decline in crop yield for two reasons. In the first place, industrial air pollution changes the result flexibilities of production factors and lessens its outright sum. Second, industrial air pollution prompts the connection among work and capital, work and synthetics, capital and seeds to change from substitutable to integral it additionally brought about a contrary outcome for the connection among capital and synthetics. The paper presents another clarification of what industrial air pollution means for agricultural production according to a financial point of view.


industrial air pollution, agricultural production, crop yield, factors, translog production function, stochastic frontier analysis, economic losses, result flexibilities, labor, capital, chemicals, seeds


Industrial air pollution influences human wellbeing as well as contrarily affects agricultural exercises, bringing about colossal government assistance misfortunes. The direct monetary misfortune on agricultural production and the circuitous mischief on different receptors is an overall political and logical issue assessing the outer expenses not just gives data to evaluate the financial achievability of dirtying industrial exercises however can likewise fill in as contribution for strategy making. There are four principle wellsprings of air contaminations dependent on industrial movement (1) carbon monoxide, oxides of sulfur, oxides of nitrogen, and residue from the burning system; (2) photochemical oxidants, carbon monoxide, and sulfuric corrosive exhaust from the fixed cycles, including heaters, treatment facilities, and so on; (3) harmful natural gases from the course of risky squanders; (4) hydrocarbons, oxides of nitrogen, carbon monoxide and particulate from the portable interaction, which can be characterized as one equipped for moving starting with one spot then onto the next under its own power. Air pollution influences agricultural efficiency in two ways (1) contaminations upset plants' biochemical and physiological responses partially, and (2) corrosive downpour coming about because of air pollution causes soil debasement and brings down the centralization of supplements that yields need. These impacts are combined and extremely durable. Many examinations show that industrial air pollution altogether affects crop development and yield. The harvest yield relies generally upon encompassing conditions, particularly air quality. Air pollution can bring about a decrease in crop yield. For instance, in the United States, financial misfortunes because of air pollution were USD 40–50 billion of every 1997 in Pakistan, when the occasional normal centralization of O3, NO2, and SO2 was 70 ppb, 28 ppb, and 15 ppb, the yields of three rice assortments diminished by 43%, 39%, and 18%, separately, during the 2003–2004 season [5]. There are four techniques normally used to survey agricultural misfortunes from industrial air pollution. The first is the portion reaction condition, which is set up utilizing field test information to show the connection between the real or assessed misfortunes and the convergence of contaminations the subsequent one is the field correlation test. For instance, utilized the open-top chamber technique to concentrate on wheat and rice yields' change in the wake of being impacted by a specific level of SO2, NO2, and O3. The third one is the technique for local correlation, which breaks down the effect of industrial air pollution on crop yield by choosing two areas with similar regular conditions and social qualities. One region is tainted while the other region isn't impacted by industrial air pollution. The fourth one is assessment utilizing existing models. Consolidated a biophysical crop model with a financial stockpile model to anticipate and measure the impact of industrial air pollution on farming. The biophysical crop model gives a yield work dependent utilize test information and portion reaction condition to gauge financial misfortunes because of air pollution. This technique actually has a few issues as a result of the absence of a summed up portion reaction work. The current techniques on the relationship among contaminations, crop yields, and quality are not steady. The current portion reaction work was developed utilizing information from a particular region and a particular blend of contaminations and may not mirror the genuine circumstance as it is utilized somewhere else There have all the earmarks of being an absence of an efficient report on the impacts of air contaminations on crop yield, which are impacted by the outflow examples of toxins, barometrical stream and measure of poisons that the harvest leaves retain, just as the biochemical obstruction of harvests to toxins. In some non-industrial nations, pollution checking stations, hardware, reserves and related HR are restricted, making it hard to survey the effect of industrial pollution on farming by directing investigations or building portion reaction capacities In addition, since huge data sets and industrial monetary models on agricultural production are inadequate with regards to, it is additionally hard to appraise the effect of pollution on farming dependent on existing models. Specifically, the agricultural misfortune is related with makers' progressions in their bits of feedbacks and production practices yet the previously mentioned strategies can't resolve these issues. There are a couple of papers that pre-owned makers' feedback and result information (for instance), just as financial information to evaluate the agricultural misfortunes coming about because of air pollution. Notwithstanding, there is as yet an absence of study on what air pollution means for the production capacity of harvest yield, in which the minor results of variables and the connections between elements might be modified. This paper intends to fill this hole by concentrating on the effects of industrial air pollution on agricultural result. The paper plans to assess the outer expense of industrial air pollution on farming by investigating the manners in which industrial air pollution influences a variable's peripheral result and the connection between factors. The concentrated on crop is corn. The review site is a silicon industrial park and its encompassing region in southwest China. The silicon industrial park was set up in 2008, and it has eight silicon plants up until this point, whose fundamental item is metallurgical silicon. Because of the quick advancement of the world photovoltaic industry as of late, the recreation area's result additionally developed quickly. The result was 5000 tons in 2008 and expanded to 8.5 million tons in 2014. The fundamental air poisons of industrial silicon production are SO2, NOx, CO, and PM. To lessen production costs, silicon plants don't introduce reduction gear or don't utilize it regardless of whether introduced. Accordingly, silicon production exercises cause genuine air pollution on neighborhood natural hypothetical speculations and examination techniques. The third part talks about information sources and factual examination. The fourth part presents the exact outcomes and their clarification. The last part is ends and strategy suggestions.

Agricultural pollution and impact

Agricultural pollution is unreasonable conduct which agricultural makers chasing agricultural production misuse synthetic composts, pesticides, plastic film and different harms to annihilate the biological climate. China's horticulture models are chiefly individual family cultivating, on the grounds that the ranchers' attention to natural assurance is feeble, they don't perceive the likely dangers in maltreatment of pesticides, composts and others. Crop production will be impacted assuming ranchers don't utilize pesticides or synthetic, so there are normal medication use in crops, natural products, vegetables and hydroponics industry.

Air Pollution Problems in India

During the beyond thirty years public mindfulness and public clamor against wrongs of air pollution has developed extensively. India is the most moderate country among the underdeveloped countries in distinguishing key regions and ventures of air pollution and endeavoring control measures. The quick and imbalanced industrialization and inappropriate urbanization have brought about intense pollution issues. Autoexhaust pollution in thickly populated urban communities has added to winning pollution conditions. The greatness of the issue has not been completely surveyed because of absence of appropriate preparation of industrialization. The endeavor was made by Government of India to control air pollution. A specialist panel was named in 1970, and in compatibility of the suggestions of Stockholm gathering in 1972, parliament authorized an autonomous regulation in particular Air Pollution Act, 1981 and Environment Act, 1986. A National Air Quality Monitoring Network (NAQMN) has been set up by National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) Nagpur, in ten Indian urban areas to screen significant air contaminations viz., sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and suspended particulate matter. The greatest yearly normal worth of S02 was recorded at Calcutta (53.26 ug/m3) trailed by Ahmedabad (41.57 ug/m3), Bombay and Cochin (33.35 ug/m ), Delhi (31.14 ug/m3) Hyderabad (21.8 ug/m3), Kanpur (15.4 ug/m3) and so on Jaipur was the cleanest city with least pollution (7.98 ug/m3) (Dave, 1986). With the increment in financial flourishing, the quantity of engine vehicles expanded intensely making added peril air pollution. Car discharges add high measures ability to debilitate oxygen transport.


The evaluation of the effects of industrial air pollution on agricultural production was done as follows. Initial, two districts with comparative regular and financial attributes were chosen for information assortment; one is the dirtied region while the other is the non-contaminated region. Informational collections from the two regions were delegated the dirtied bunch and the reference bunch. Second, three translog production capacities were assessed dependent on Stata, two utilizing each dataset and one utilizing the pooled information. In view of the three production works, the effect of industrial air pollution on agricultural production was broke down and was tried.


This review utilized the translog production work rather than the Cobb-Douglas production work in light of the previous' adaptability in dissecting the connections between various factors in the production work. That is, the relationship can be broke down by including the quadratic type of elements and the association between factors the translog work is communicated as follows: where lny addresses the logarithm of result; lnxi addresses the logarithm of the ith input; lnxi ∗ lnxj is the connection between factors; α, β and γ are the coefficients to be assessed; D is the variable addressing the degree of industrial air pollution; lnxi ∗ D is the association between production factor and industrial pollution; zk addresses the financial attributes of respondents and their families, including sexual orientation and long stretches of tutoring; n and k are the quantities of elements and financial factors; and µ is the blunder term. Production factors are work (L), capital (K), seeds (S) and synthetic compounds (C, including composts, pesticides and herbicides). The variable of industrial pollution, D, is addressed by the intermediary of the straight separation from the farmland to wellspring of industrial air pollution. As the centralization of contamination will in general diminish as the separation from the pollution source turns out to be farther, the distance is a sensible intermediary for the degree of industrial air pollution that harvests get. The agricultural result is additionally impacted by the financial qualities (Z) of makers, including respondents' sexual orientation (Z1), instructive achievement (Z2) and number of relatives (Z3). The translog model to be assessed was communicated as: The limitation of Equation (3) was utilized to test the presence of a Cobb-Douglas production work. That is, the production work is as CD if Equation (3) is fulfilled.

Relationship between Production Factors

In a production function, it is possible for the relationship between two factors to be substitute or complementary. The relationship can be estimated using the following equation [22]:

Where xi and xj addresses the ith and the jth production factors; MPi and MPj are the minimal result of the ith and the jth factors. Two variables are substitutable εij > 0, and reciprocal εij < 0. Notwithstanding its immediate effect on agricultural result, industrial pollution additionally by implication affects agricultural production by in a roundabout way influencing the connection between factors. Accordingly, the effect of industrial air pollution on the connection between variables can be reflected from the progressions in εij. The production work is generally assessed utilizing the conventional least-squares strategy (OLS), whose fundamental supposition that will be that the maker amplifies benefit or limits production cost at a specific result level. Be that as it may, it is typically difficult to meet this prerequisite for normal makers in the genuine production exercises in this way; the review utilizes the stochastic outskirts investigation (SFA) strategy, rather than utilizing the OLS to gauge production capacities.

Estimation of Economic Losses

Regardless of whether it influences agricultural production through industrial air pollution will lessen crop yields or diminish the nature of agricultural items. The previous can be estimated by changes in crop yields, while the last option can be reflected through crop market costs. Consequently, the financial misfortunes (EL) of a specific yield can be assessed by utilizing the accompanying recipe:

Where P addresses the market cost of value item; Y C and Y T are the normal harvest yields in non-dirtied region and contaminated region, separately; impacted by many variables, including development rehearses and the financial qualities of rancher family. The distinction in yield is in this manner to be measured dependent on similar arrangement of information sources. With the exception of the variable of industrial air pollution, the worth of any remaining contributions for the agricultural production ought to be something very similar. We likewise set three situations; any remaining data sources take their own base worth, individually, called as the "Min" situation.

Data and Descriptive Statistical Analysis

The review region is Nujiang prefecture, which is situated in India,. Notwithstanding its wealth in normal assets, this prefecture is immature with few businesses. To advance local financial turn of events, the Nujiang government requires extraordinary exertion in acquainting venture with investigate its normal assets. A silicon industrial park was worked in 2006 and finished in 2008 to acquaint financial backers with produce metallurgical silicon. In the beyond quite a few years, Nujiang, as a crude region, was liberated from natural pollution due to few industrial production exercises. As silicon businesses were acquainted with this prefecture, ecological quality has been extraordinarily diminished. The production of metallurgical silicon is the underlying segment of the industrial chain of sunlight based energy age, in which SiO2 in sand or quartzite is diminished to Si in a circular segment heater. The principle air poisons of industrial silicon production are SO2, NOx, CO and PM. To lessen the production costs, silicon plants don't introduce decrease gear or don't utilize them regardless of whether introduced. Thus, silicon production exercises caused genuine air pollution. To evaluate the effect of pollution on crops, the review chosen two towns an and B for correlation Town An is the region where the silicon industrial park is found and is subsequently seriously impacted by industrial air pollution. Information from this town was seen as the information of dirtied bunch. Situated around 30 km from the silicon industrial park, town B is liberated from industrial air pollution and along these lines information from this town was utilized as the reference. The two towns have comparative regular habitat qualities, for example, vegetation, environment and soil type, and high likeness in friendly attributes like agricultural practices and ethnic and way of life perspectives. There are two significant contrasts between the two towns. In the first place, the separation from the diverse pollution sources is unique. Every one of the information was gathered through up close and personal meetings. The survey agricultural production exercises. To upgrade its fittingness and viability, the poll was changed through a pilot study. Towns an and B have 1016 ranchers and 806 ranchers, separately. Given the monetary imperatives, the inspecting mistake was set to 7.5% and the two towns' examples were set at 151 and 145, individually. Expecting an invalid poll pace of 20%, the example sizes for review in the two towns were 180 and 175, individually. Reacting families were arbitrarily chosen in every town. The overviews were finished between December 2014 and February 2015. In the long run, an aggregate of 333 duplicates of substantial surveys were gathered, including 158 for the contaminated gathering and 165 for the reference bunch.

Descriptive Statistical Analysis

The distinct measurable investigation of the information is displayed in Table 1. As referenced above, town B is 30 km from the silicon industrial park, while the normal distance of reviewed families to the silicon industrial park is 3.67 km. There were more male respondents than female respondents in the dirtied bunch, while the quantities of male and female respondents were almost equivalent in the reference bunch. There was no conspicuous contrast in the degree of schooling, number of relatives and per capita family pay among the interviewees. Overall, the normal grounds of farmland in the dirtied bunch were somewhat higher, while the yield per section of land was marginally lower than in the reference bunch. All things considered, the contributions of work, capital, composts and pesticides per unit of farmland in the reference bunch were somewhat higher than in the dirtied bunch. In any case, the contribution of seed per unit of farmland in the dirtied bunch was higher than in the reference bunch. Furthermore, there are 80 guys and 85 females in the reference bunch, and the dirtied bunch incorporates 122 guys and 46 females. This review sets Z1 as a fake variable with "Male (M) = 1" and "Female (F) = 0", so we might process the mean and standard deviation for the two gatherings.

Table 1. Descriptive statistical analysis

germination. Because of the lower unit yield, work and capital contributions for collecting were correspondingly lower in the dirtied bunch. What's more, as the development of seeds is restricted by industrial air pollution, more unit contribution of manure was needed in the dirtied bunch.


The assessed consequences of the translog production work are displayed in Table 2. Three models were assessed. Model I was assessed from the pooled information, model II from the reference bunch information and model III from the dirtied bunch information. To accomplish fair-minded assessment, the vigor was checked. To start with, the multicollinearity between informative factors was checked by the connection framework. The relationship between's the informative factors is under 20%, i.e., the connection is exceptionally feeble. Second, the homoscedasticity was tried utilizing the White test strategy the chi2 measurements are 201.61 (p = 0.3207), 136.63 (p = 0.1285) and 122.00 (p = 0.4574) for the three models, individually and every one of them don't dismiss the invalid theory of homoskedasticity. Third, the presence of inordinate factors in the production work was checked utilizing the Wald chi-square worth. As determined, the Wald chi-square worth of the three production capacities were 1837.32, 586.73 and 3482.30, individually, and their p esteems are 0.0000. These show that there are no over the top factors in the assessed production capacities. The consequences of model I show that most info factors like work and the collaboration coefficients are measurably huge, and that the coefficients of the industrial air pollution variable and its cooperation with different elements are additionally genuinely huge. The coefficient of the variable of relatives is critical at the 95% certainty level. Then again, model II shows that the coefficients of most element factors and the collaboration are critical. Nonetheless, the effect of an increment in a variable information (say, work) on the result is dubious on the grounds that the outcome was together settled by work, capital information, seed data sources and substance inputs. The coefficient of sexual orientation is critical at 90% certainty level. Assuming that ranchers were men, corn result will increment 0.042% than on account of female ranchers.


With the expanding worries on industrial air pollution, more examination is being directed on the effect of industrial air pollution on farming. Nonetheless, existing writing either concentrated on this issue from the perspective of science and biophysiology, or assessed the direct agricultural monetary misfortunes coming about because of industrial air pollution. There is no review on what industrial air pollution means for the agricultural result by influencing the production factors yet. This paper resolved this inquiry by contrasting the agricultural results in a contaminated region and a non-dirtied region. The discoveries show that industrial air pollution brought about a decrease of corn production. The effects are in two ways. To start with, industrial air pollution decreases the result flexibility of the production factor, and essentially changes outright measure of result versatility. Second, industrial air pollution changes the relationship of certain elements. Specifically, industrial air pollution makes a few elements change from substitutable to correlative relationship, like work and capital, work and synthetic compounds, capital and seeds; and furthermore prompts one more inverse outcome that corresponding relationship of two variables becomes substitutable, like capital and synthetic compounds. Considering various mixes of elements, industrial air pollution brought about a result deficiency of 50–520 kg mu−1 and a financial deficiency of 150–1560 Yuan mu−1 for farmland with a distance of 3.67 km to the silicon industrial park. This review presents a financial clarification of the effects of industrial air pollution on agricultural production and advances the writing in this field. It likewise gives valuable data to the monetary practicality investigation of contaminating industrial exercises in agricultural regions and for making polices on the natural insurance and the plan of pay rate for farming. Besides, the review can fill in as a source of perspective for seeing what industrial air pollution means for agricultural production in different spots, particularly when xeromorphic crops, like wheat and sorghum, are concerned. Kalogeropoulos, K.; Karmiris, I.; Moussiopoulos, N.; Chourdakis, E.; Banias, G.; Limperi, N. (2010). Economic damages of Ozone air pollution to crops using combined air quality and GIS modeling. Atmos. Environ., 22, pp. 3352–3361. 2. Vallero, D.A. (2014). Fundamentals of Air Pollution, 4th ed.; Elsevier: Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 3. Heck, W.W.; Taylor, O.C.; Tingey, D.T. (1988). Assessment of Crop Loss from Air Pollutants; Elsevier Applied Science: London, UK. 4. Lee, E.H. (2000). Early detection mechanisms for tolerance and amelioration of ozone stress in crop plants. In Environmental Pollution and Plant Response; Agrawal, S.B., Agrawal, M., Eds.; Lewis Publishers: Boca Raton, FL, USA. 5. Wahid, A. (2006). Influence of atmospheric pollutants on agriculture in developing countries: A case study with three new varieties in India. Sci. Total Environ., 371, pp. 304–313. 6. Adams, R.M. (1983). Issues in assessing the economic benefits of ambient ozone control: Some examples from agriculture. Environ. Int., 9, pp. 539–548. 7. World Bank (2007). Cost of Pollution in China-Economic Estimates of Physical Damages; World Bank: Washington, DC, USA. 8. Rai, R.; Agrawal, M. (2008). Evaluation of physiological and biochemical responses of two rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars to ambient air pollution using open top chambers at a rural site in India. Sci. Total Environ., 407, pp. 679–691. 9. Khai, H.V.; Yabe, M. (2012). Rice yield loss due to industrial pollution in Vietnam. J. US-China Public Adm., 9, pp. 248–256. 10. Lindhjem, H.; Hu, T.; Ma, Z.; Skjelvik, J.M.; Song, G.; Vennemo, H.; Wu, J.; Zhang, S. (2007). Environmental economic impact assessment in China: Problems and prospects. Environ. Impact Assess. Rev., 27, pp. 1–25. 11. Humblot, P.; Leconte-Demarsy, D.; Clerino, P.; Szopa, S.; Castell, J.-F.; Jayet, P.-A. (2013). Assessment of ozone impacts on farming systems: A bio-economic modeling 12. Ishii, S.; Bell, J.N.B.; Marshall, F.M. (2007). Phytotoxic risk assessment of ambient air pollution on agricultural crops in Selangor State, Malaysia. Environ. Pollut., 150, pp. 267–279. 13. Dixon, B.L.; Garcia, P.; Mjelde, J.W.; Adams, R.M. (1983). Estimation of the Economic Cost of Ozone on Illinois Cash Grain Farms; Final Report to USEPA, Corvallis Environmental Research Laborator; University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station: Urbana, IL, USA. 14. 14. Ye, H.; Ma, W.; Yang, B.; Ren, J.; Liu, D.; Dai, Y. (2007). The lifecycle assessment of industrial silicon. Light Met., 11, pp. 46–49.

Corresponding Author Akash Sehra*

Research Scholar, Maharaja Ganga Singh University, Bikaner, Rajasthan