Attitude of Teachers about the Use of Information and Communication Technology

Exploring Teachers' Attitudes towards ICT Use in Teaching

by Ramanand Bharti*, Dr. Sanjay Kumar Singh,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 18, Issue No. 6, Oct 2021, Pages 198 - 202 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The current review researches attitude of teachers teaching in Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Bihar towards the utilization of ICT both graphically and similarly. In this review endeavor has been taken to think about the attitude of teachers based on their sex and stream. For this review expressive cum causal near strategy was taken on, where 60 teachers were thought about arbitrarily. To gather information a normalized attitude scale was utilized. The discoveries of the review uncovered that close around 60 teachers communicated solid uplifting outlook and rest 40 inspirational perspective towards the utilization of ICTs in teaching-learning process. The discoveries of the concentrate additionally uncovered no critical distinction among the attitude of teachers concerning their sex and stream.


teachers, attitude, use, information and communication technology, Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Bihar, ICT, graphically, review, sex, stream, teaching-learning process


Information and Communication Technologies (ICT from now on), including PC applications, portable technology or recording and communication frameworks, have become fundamental and exceptionally important things in teaching (Friedman, 2016) and there is an overall inclination that understudies should figure out how to utilize this sort of technologies since being at school (Cuban, 2019). These new requests towards the educative focuses, simultaneously, have achieved an expanding interest in ICT instructor preparing in light of the fact that they empower the procurement of explicit capacities, information and encounters for the teaching calling (Hammond, Crosson, Fragkouli, Ingram, Johnston-Wilder, Johnston-Wilder, Kingston, Pope, and Wray, 2018). Notwithstanding, viable ICT use in class is an intricate interaction that requests time (Baron and Harrari, 2015) and institutional help (Donelly, 2017; Condie, Simpson, Payne and Gray, 2017).

Attitudes towards ICT

A past advance to preparing is to comprehend instructor's convictions and attitudes toward ICT in light of the fact that they initially build up its application (Donelly, 2010). A few examinations feature how the teaching attitudes assume a fundamental part when teaching curricular substance through ICT (Ertmer, 2005; Goos, Galbraith, Renshaw, and Geiger, 2003). Shaft, Sharfman &Wu (2004) declare that they are the best way to predict practices related with the reconciliation of ICT in the classrooms. Many exploration works have underscored the investigation of teachers' attitudes towards the utilization of new technologies in the classroom. The outcomes show exceptionally uplifting outlooks and the normal acknowledgment that their utilization will be soon totally extended among teachers (Cüre and Özdener, 2018; Foley and Ojeda, 2018; Karagiorgim and Charalambous, 2016). It is by all accounts that an early age is a profoundly pertinent element for the teachers who have an inspirational perspective towards the consolidation of ICT (Shaunessy, 2017; Aduwa-Ogiegbaeni, 2018) in light of the fact that the people who are youthful have really teaching experience with ICT and hence, they feel more associated with their utilization than more established teachers (Hammond et al., 2018a). Askar and Olkun (2015) arrive at the resolution that the two teachers' age and the time of utilization of ICT influence the nature of teaching. Different investigations evaluate the attitudes of university students towards ICT as teaching apparatuses (Sagin Simsek, 2018; Collins and Veal, 2019; Meyer, 2016, Olapiriyakul and Scher, 2016). These attitudes are exceptionally certain towards the presentation of ICT in the classroom as a result of two characteristics which make them altogether different from customary teaching: adaptability and communication. With respect to the primary trademark, the members of the concentrate by Schoech (2017) surveyed the adaptability of the course as sure in view of the more extended time for the learning-teaching process. In the review by Le &Le (2019) the outcomes showed how the members restricted by the states of being of the conventional classroom. At last, different investigations call attention to the positive relationship between's inspirational perspectives towards PCs and students' accomplishment in both the topic learned and the utilization of communication technologies (Yu and Yang, 2016; Levine and Donitsa-Schmidt, 2018).

Use of ICT in class

Nonetheless, in spite of the fact that we realize that the inclination towards executing ICT in class is exceptionally good, it actually stays obscure whether ICTs are utilized as constant assets in teaching separated from simply encounters of greatness (Ekizoglu, Tezer and Brozer, 2017). Morris (2018) affirmed that internet based conversations have been presented I yet they are not oftentimes utilized at this point. Also the clarification behind that will be that (1) teachers have essential information on these technologies, however it isn't enough as to set up their students for new friendly difficulties (Kocak Usluel, Kuskaya and Demiraslan, 2017) and (2) teachers' specialized administration of ICT instruments (for example Advanced white board, wikis or online journals) doesn't ensure how to educate with ICT (for example instructive adequacy) (Schoepp, 2015).


1. To review attitude of teachers about the utilization of ICTs in teaching-learning process 2. To look at mean scores of attitude of male and female teachers towards the utilization of ICT. 3. To think about the mean scores of attitude of expressions, science and trade teachers towards the utilization of ICT.



As the motivation behind the review was to concentrate on the attitude of teachers towards the utilization of ICTs, the elucidating study technique was utilized, where the attitude scale was dispersed to the chose teachers and their reactions were assembled. Then again, causal-similar technique was taken on to look at the attitudes of teachers about the utilization of ICTs comparable to their sex (Male Vs Female) and streams (Arts Vs Science Vs Commerce). Thus, enlightening review cum causal-relative technique was utilized to research the current review.

Population and Sample:

Every one of the teachers teaching in Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Bihar were the population teachers were taken including both male and females.


Table-1: Objective wise analysis chart

The primary goal of the review was to explore the attitude of teachers teaching in university. To achieve this unbiased, as a matter of first importance the information was assembled from the example of 60 teachers and every one of the information was coordinated and scored according to the scoring guide. Subsequent to scoring the information they remove score was determined, the table beneath gives the remove score.

Table-1 Cut-off score on the attitude of teachers

In the wake of deciding the reach, the crude scores of the example was considered and likewise division was made to test their attitude towards the utilization of ICTs. The crude scores which ignited the most elevated cut score were considered as exceptionally uplifting perspective and lower crude scores implied negative attitude towards the utilization of ICTs. Notwithstanding, according to the information of the table, it was distinctive that the teachers showed an uplifting outlook towards the utilization of ICTs in schooling. Every one of the got crude scores were restricted to the initial two determined reach for example 61-75 and 46-60, which uncovers inspirational perspective.

Figure-A: Attitude of teachers in percentage

the utilization of ICTs in teaching-learning process as their crude scores contacted the most noteworthy reach; and then again close around 40% teachers showed uplifting outlook towards the equivalent. Thus, all in all it very well may be expressed that the attitude of teachers teaching in university showed uplifting outlook towards the utilization of ICTs. The second level headed of the review was to look at the attitude of male and female teachers about the utilization of ICT in schooling. To achieve this evenhanded, the whole information was jumped into two sections corresponding to sex for example male and female, later that Independent t-test was utilized with the assistance of SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) and the end was drawn which is uncovered from the table beneath;

Table-3: Sex-wise mean, SD, N, DF and t-esteem on attitude of teachers

Not significant at 0.05 level

From the Table-3, it tends to be seen that the t-esteem is 1.219 which isn't critical at 0.05 level with df= 58 showed that the mean scores of male and females don't vary altogether as the got t-esteem 1.219 was not exactly the table worth 2 at 0.05 level. Consequently the invalid theory that there is no huge distinction between the mean scores of attitude of male and female is acknowledged. It might consequently, be said that the attitude of both male and female teachers about the utilization of ICT in teaching-learning process is comparative. The third unbiased of the review was to look at the attitude of teachers corresponding to streams about the utilization of ICT in schooling. This goal was separated into three sub-targets viz: Arts Vs Science, Arts Vs Commerce, Science Vs Commerce; and in like manner estimation was made. To achieve this unbiased, the whole information was jumped into two sections comparable to stream for example Expressions and Science, later that Independent t-test was utilized with the assistance of SPSS and the end was drawn which is uncovered from the table beneath;

Not significant at 0.05 level

From the Table-4, it very well may be seen that the t-esteem is 1.30 which isn't huge at 0.05 level with df=38 showed that the mean scores of teachers of expressions and science stream don't vary fundamentally as the got t-esteem 1.30 was not exactly the table worth 2.02 at 0.05 level. Accordingly the invalid speculation that there is no critical contrast between the mean scores of attitude of Arts and Science teachers is acknowledged. It might accordingly, be said that the attitude of the two teachers of expressions and science stream about the utilization of ICT in teaching-learning process is comparable. The following sub-objective of the review was to analyze the attitude of teachers corresponding to streams about the utilization of ICT in schooling. To achieve this evenhanded, the whole information was jumped into two sections according to stream for example Expressions and Commerce, later that Independent t-test was utilized with the assistance of SPSS and the end was drawn which is uncovered from the table underneath;

Table-5: Stream insightful mean, SD, N, DF, t-esteem on the attitude of Arts and Commerce teachers

Not significant at 0.05 level

From the Table-5, it very well may be seen that the t-esteem is 0.218 which isn't critical at 0.05 level with df= 38 demonstrated that the mean scores of teachers of expressions and business stream don't contrast fundamentally as the acquired t-esteem 0.218 was not exactly the table worth 2.02 at 0.05 level. In this manner the invalid theory that there is no huge distinction between the mean scores of attitude of expressions and trade instructor is acknowledged. It might in this manner, be said that the attitude of the two teachers of expressions and


The basic investigation of the gathered related literary works and significant discoveries uncovered that the discoveries of the current review upheld the discoveries of various exploration led in various pieces of the nation and the world, which uncovers that the shows show uplifting outlook towards the utilization of ICT in schooling, and no critical contrast among of attitude of teachers comparable to their sexual orientation, territory (Cavas et. al, 2009; Kaur, 2012; Ndibelema, 2014; Dixit and Kaur, 2015; Lydiah et. al, 2015; Ganeshan, 2016; Aydin et. al, 2016; Agrawal and Ahuja, 2018; Beri and Sharma, 2019). However, a review uncovered that main 25% teachers show inspirational perspective towards the utilization of ICT (Mahajan, 2016), which is contradict to the discoveries of the current review.


In the wake of investigating the aftereffects of the current review, it tends to be presumed that the essential target was to look at the attitudes of teachers, which uncovered that no such measurable importance contrast was found among the attitude of teachers corresponding to their sex, stream and teaching experience. So one might say that the teachers have a solid uplifting outlook towards the utilization of ICTs in teaching-learning process, it is on the grounds that the ICTs assist the instructor with making their teaching quicker and learning simpler, it permits the teachers to save their important time in introducing their thoughts regarding the topic, it likewise assists them with meeting the enhanced necessities and requests of the students. Along these lines, the ICTs ought to be utilized in each part of instruction.


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Corresponding Author Ramanand Bharti*

Assistant Professor, Department of Education, L. N. College, Bhagwanpur, Vaishali (Constituent Unit of B.R.A.B.U, Muzaffarpur)