Analysis of Theatre as a Communication Media

Exploring the Role of Theatre in Communication

by Akhil Pratap Gautam*, Dr. Sanoj Singh,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 18, Issue No. 6, Oct 2021, Pages 339 - 343 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Theatrical communication is a dramatic art form. The trying to impart or sharing of information by talking, trying to write, or using some other medium (Cambridge Phonetic spellings) is what communication entails. Humanity's basic inclination is to perform on stage. We gather knowledge from our surroundings. Information = knowledge. So we collect a lot of data or sensory data using our five senses clear view, having to hear, odour, grasp, and flavours. We express ourselves in such a manner that we encounter anything from our globe through theatre. Theatre is an experience. Theatre also informs. Audiences become imaginative as actors share their experiences or details. Viewers reminisce about their own life experience while watching the theatre. It is the most fundamental relationship between the actor or entertainer and the viewing public.This research is a modest attempt to perceive the theatre as a communication media that can considerably add to the potential to efficientlyperform various communication functions. It also aims to discuss the importance of addressing communication studies from an Indian viewpoint, highlighting parallels between Aristotle's Poetics and Rhetoric and Bharata's Ntyasstra.


theatre, communication media, dramatic art form, knowledge, information, sensory data, experience, imagination, actor, viewer


Drama plays an important role in Indian culture. Whether it's music, dancing, or drama, India has long been a haven for art enthusiasts. However, because drama fundamentally involves both music and dance, it might be appropriate to rank drama ahead of them. The numerous parts of theatre have been thoroughly treated in the Ntyasstra, an ancient Indian scripture. The Ntyasstra, attributed to Indian philosopher Bharata, is widely regarded as the first treatise on dramaturgy. Ntya is the Sanskrit word for drama.According to Bharata Muni, ntya is the pretend of people's varied emotions and situations through abhinaya (acting). The word Abhinaya is consist of two words: 'abhi'1 which means 'towards' and 'ni' which means 'to carry.' As a result, abhinaya literally translates to "taking a play to the point of direct ascertainment of its meaning towards the audience." (1990) (Pandya). Theatrical performances are educational. Theatre is instructive. Theatre has the ability to reach a wide range of people. It has access to valuable information and has the ability to alter people's attitudes and behaviours.To a particular audience, theatre has the ability to communicate information and raise idea of human privileges and favourable health problems. In theatre, the actor or entertainer and the viewing public are the most important and distinct elements. When actors and viewers come together to create theatre, it is called theatre. In theatre, spacetime are the most important factors. S. 'Theatre: Barranger's Remarks': A Way of Seeing‘: In theatre, communication is direct; in cinema it is through images‖ (Badal Sircar , “The Third Theatre” On Theatre, Calcutta: Seagull Books 2009. ). Peter Brook insists ―hidden impulse of man‖ which is the main inherent human emotion . This human emotion produces communication between actors and audiences. However, the question of how the performer would convey the meaning to the audience arises. This is where communication plays a crucial role. The act of transmitting ideas between humans through the use of meaningful symbols is referred to as communication. It's a method by which one person or a group of people tries to persuade another person or group of people to agree with their viewpoint on a certain topic. It is crucial to social functioning because social life can only survive when significant symbols are passed down from one person to the next. As a result, communication fundamentally refers to the process of establishing common ground among the participants in a communication through sharing information.When a communication process lasts a long time, certain attitudes and ideals are instilled in the audience's thoughts, which eventually leads to the formation of social ties. Raymond Williams says that persons and societies are bound together by relationships in describing, learning, persuading, and exchanging Mukhopadhyay (Mukhopadhyay, 1999) As a result, it is only reasonable that theatre be viewed as a medium for building a common ground between the actor (communicator) and the audience (communicated) that is based on communication. Communication is a multi-dimensional activity in humans. While communication has always been thought of as a means of exchanging information, it has a far broader scope. Instruction, persuasion, education, entertainment, development, and other roles are all part of it. All of the communication channels have changed over time to fit the varied functions of communication, and the theatre is no exception. Now we'll look at how the theatre, as a communication medium, may help with a variety of communication tasks.


Throughout history, one of most vital duties of communication was always teaching. Communication in academic achievement, on the other hand, has largely been restricted to official communication practises and has very seldom been exploratory.However, theatre can effectively used as amedium of education. In Chapter I of theNātyasāstra, the great sageBharata narrates to us theeducational purpose of drama as declared by Lord Brahma. Thus sayBharata, “This (Nātya/Drama) teaches duty to those bent on doing their duty, love to those who are eager for its fulfilment,and it chastises those who are ill-bred or unruly, promotes self-restraint in those who aredisciplined, gives courage to cowards, energy to heroic persons, enlightens men of poor intellect andgives wisdom to the learned… It will [also] give relief to unlucky persons who are afflicted withsorrow and grief or [over]-work, and will be conducive to observance of duty (dharma) as well as tofame, long life, intellect and general good and will educate people.” (Ghosh, 1950).

One of the primary concerns related to education today is the excessive workload upon the studentsthatcontinues to threaten to dehumanise them to the point where they are increasingly cut off from normal culture. In this case, the theatre may be able to help us. Dramatic methodologies blur many lines by trying to transform the official space of the schoolroom through game play and discussions.sometimes even actually breaking down its physical order. Someminimising of the social distance between the teacher and the taught infuses trust in the latter andmakes conversation possible. More than interaction, the regard and respect of community practicesthat honour children's out-of school skills in storytelling can go a long way in making childrencommunicative. (Singh, 2004).

Those in positions of authority (in relatives, company, armed services, civic, or private affairs) frequently initiate interaction with their supervisors, either to notify them or to tell them what to do, how to do something, when to do it. This type of communication is called as command (commanding or ordering someone) or Instructive (giving or taking instructions). In a hierarchy organization, subordinates must recognise strict directions from their superior officers in order to complete specific tasks. In formal organisations, the control and informative functions of interaction are more visible than in informal organisations. The communication process anytime we order or instruct another's behaviour in some way serves the control intent. Whether this order is given by one person or in some collective way it is the command function of communication. The second important function of communication is command or instructive function. The main useful to communicate as a control or informative function is to notify the beneficiaries of the data what to do, how to do it, when to use it, and so on. Since olden history, theatre has been a preferred medium of communication.The theatre had become a gathering place for thinkers, but only for thinkers suchphilosophers as wished not just to explain the world but also to change it. So we had philosophy, wehad instruction.‖ (Mukhopadhyay, 1999)


Dissemination of information is the primary function of the news media. Newspapers, radio and TV provide us news from around the world and keep us informed. Mainstream media have arrive to also include local drama, analysis, and a factored 50 therapeutic interventions to news when describing the events. News organizations are no longer just'reporters.' They've evolved into news experts who communicate the ramifications of major stories. Also more ‗soft stories‘ are filed these days. In addition to dissemination of information news media provided us information and also helps understand the news events, ideas, policy changes, etc.,We require information that meets our sense of wonder, reduce risk, and gain a better understanding of our position in the world. When especially in comparison to 38 years ago, when a few television networks, local radio, and publications started competing to keep us updated, the quantity and dissemination of data is already overpowering. The media saturation has led to increased competition to provide information, which creates the potential for news media outlets, for example, to report information prematurely, inaccurately, or partially.

other functions find application. The primaryfunction of any form of media, thus, is to collect, store, process and disseminate information in orderto help the receivers understand and react to their existing environment. (Andal, 2004) This is true ofthe theatre as well. Since antiquity, the primary purpose of the theatre was to distribute message to the public, either explicitly or implicitly, in order to meet the basic requirement of interaction. In reality, it was highly regarded in olden historythat the dutyof the dramatist was to equally entertain the masses and to provide men with information whichgives ample opportunities to flourish him. The importance of theatre as a means of enlightening the public was highlighted when it was used to inform the rural people of areas such as Orissa, Uttar Pradesh, and Bihar about the Kargil conflict. The theatre emerged as one of the few successful channels to inform the rural people of the various aspects of the conflict, as well as the valour and sacrifices made by the Indian soldiers, at a time when broadcast media has grown exponentially and means of transportation and travel are within reach of the common man. Instilling a sense of patriotism in the audience was also a success of the plays. Vir Bala Aggarwal (Vir Bala Aggarwal, 2002)


Media outlets interpret messages in more or less explicit and ethical ways. Newspaper editorials have long been explicit interpretations of current events, and now cable television and radio personalities offer social, cultural, and political commentary that is full of subjective interpretations. Although some of them operate in ethical gray areas because they use formats that make them seem like traditional news programs, most are open about their motives.


The mass media use persuasion to influence how their audience—the general public—should think about or perceive certain topics. Specific contextual cues are added to media messages that persuade people to think one way or another about an issue and influence their actions.Synthesizing the various definitions of persuasion offered by communication scholars, Perloff (2016) said that persuasion is a "a symbolic procedure in which speakers try to persuade others to modify their own attitudes and actions about an issue by communicating a signal in a free zone." The third important function of communication is the persuasive function. According to David Berlo(1960), the sole aimof communication is to influence people and persuade them into anyparticular way of thinking or acting. When it comes to persuading people to behave in an intended way, communication's significant period of time. History has shown us how the theatre has oftenacted as a vehicle for agitation and propaganda.


A function of both interpersonal and mass communication in which the sender seeks to please and the receiver is expected to enjoy. For Schramm, entertainment is one of the key functions of communication from the point of view of the individual (others call this a diversion function), and also viewed socially (see also social functions). From another perspective, the entertainment function can be seen to be analogous to the aesthetic function (see aesthetic codes) featured in other framings of communicative functions, an analogy which flouts the distinction between high culture and popular culture.


F. Everett M. Rogers, a mass interaction expert, defined information about potential as "the uses to which interaction is put in order further to advancement." These kinds of applications are designed to either improve or expand on something that already exists in a general way, such as by increasing the level of the mass media exposure among the nations citizen, in order to create a favourable climate for development, or to support a specific definite program or project‖. According to Rogers' definition, for the advancement of a community, the society will promote an atmosphere or climate conducive to development. This environment will be divided into two categories: physically and mentally. G. Effective communication, on the other hand, is "an component of the strategic plan in the overall preparation and design of developmental programmes," according to Rosario Braid. As a result, advancement communication is defined as the proof of identity and proper implementation of existing expertise in the advancement process in order to increase the participation of young public for whom it is intended, even if it is at the grass-roots level.Development communication also tries to maintain the established values of the society by playing a socializing role. In playing these roles, development communication seeks to create an atmosphere for change as well as providing innovation through which society may change. For a successful development communication policy it is necessary to identify the core areas of development. The use of mass media and technology for progress should be substantial and considerate. It is important to remember that it is a tool in the sector . government for positive development.When using the media for advancement, the grow communicator must remember that the use is substantial. And, in order to accomplish this, the mainstream media framework should be started planning, and measures should be taken to reach the largest number of people possible at all times. During a discussion in 1958, Daniel Lerner the relation of development with that of any mass media said that: ―the greater the communication facilities, the greater or even faster is modernization.‖ According to Wilbur Schramm, the role of media in development can be divided into three parts i.e. (i) to inform (ii) to instruct and (iii) to participate. To notify: the key consideration for societal development are proper social, governmental, and financial influence. This data should be both multinational in nature. People should be aware of the issues or facts that stymie innovation.To educate: Mass literacy is a critical component of progress. This can be accomplished by instilling basic skills in the individuals.. Mass media plays an important role in this. Mass media can instruct people and educate them. People can improve their cost of life by learning these fundamental skills. To participate: Voluntary and steady participation of the citizen of the country is necessary for its overall development. Such participation is possible in a liberal society. Such awareness is possible through debate, conflict and discussion. The text should elicit a desire for improvement and transformation among ordinary people. In order to effect dynamic stages, the media must act as both a decision - makers and a teacher.

Television, as a form of mass, appeals to a wide range of people. As a result, reality tv is strategically used to encourage people to take part in developmental programmes.. Feature, documentaries or development campaigns should be such that it creates interest in the mind of viewers, contents should be contemporary to attract people of all ages and should be capable of influencing viewers to take part in the developmental programs.


By its very nature, the theatre provides a forum where dialogue can readily take place without the attendant antagonisms that would ordinarily exist in a directly actual scenario. Theatre can play a variety of roles in educational and organisational processes, including bringing people together and creating contexts for collective reflection; eliciting involvement and expression of popular concerns, as well as analysis; overcoming people's fears and rationalisation and gaining confidence and identification; stimulating It's worth noting that Aristotle, who produced the first Western treatise on play, the Poetics, is also credited with developing the first model of human communication. Though Aristotle never explicitly stated a model, other thinkers derived one from his ideas in the Rhetoric, which primarily deals with the art of discourse. The model contains the speaker, the speech or message, the audience, the occasion, and the result, which are all crucial parts of communication. Aristotle discusses his theories on the art of speech building by speakers for various audiences and contexts in order to achieve various effects in the Rhetoric. However, it is reasonable to suppose that Aristotle's concept was formed by his firsthand experience with Greek theatre and observations of the same. As it stands, Aristotle's speaker most likely refers to the actor, while the occasion most likely refers to the act of theatrical presentation. The remaining parts, namely the actor's words, the audience's experience of the performance, and the effect produced in the audience's minds, are key components of any dramatic act.


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Corresponding Author Akhil Pratap Gautam*

Research Scholar, Sunrise University, Alwar, Rajasthan