A Study of Operational Research Challenges

Exploring and addressing challenges in operational research

by Kawle Nabha Prakashrao*, Dr. Rahul Dwivedi,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 18, Issue No. 6, Oct 2021, Pages 463 - 467 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Operational research, also known as operations research, is a field of study that applies mathematical modeling, statistical analysis, and optimization techniques to solve complex decisionmaking problems in various domains. This study aims to explore and analyze the challenges faced in the field of operational research. By identifying and understanding these challenges, researchers and practitioners can develop effective strategies and approaches to overcome them, leading to improved decision-making processes and outcomes. This paper provides an overview of the key challenges in operational research and highlights the significance of addressing these challenges for advancing the field.


operational research, challenges, mathematical modeling, statistical analysis, optimization techniques, decision-making, complex problems, strategies, approaches, improved outcomes


Operational research plays a crucial role in addressing complex decision-making problems in today's dynamic and rapidly changing world. From optimizing supply chains and transportation networks to resource allocation and scheduling, operational research provides valuable insights and solutions to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and improve overall performance. However, the field is not without its challenges. The challenges faced in operational research stem from the inherent complexity of real-world problems, the need for accurate data, and the dynamic nature of decision-making environments. These challenges can impede the effective application of operational research techniques and hinder the realization of its full potential. Therefore, it is essential to understand and address these challenges to ensure the continued growth and advancement of the field.[1] One of the primary challenges in operational research is the complexity of real-world problems. Many decision-making problems involve multiple objectives, constraints, and uncertainties, making their analysis and optimization challenging. Additionally, the interdependencies and interactions among various components of a system further increase the complexity. Developing appropriate mathematical models and algorithms to capture these complexities and provide feasible and optimal solutions is a significant challenge for operational researchers. Another challenge lies in the availability and quality of data. Operational research heavily relies on data for modeling, analysis, and decision-making. However, obtaining accurate and reliable data can be challenging, especially in domains where data collection processes are costly, time-consuming, or subject to errors. Incomplete or inaccurate data can lead to flawed analyses and suboptimal decisions. Therefore, data collection, validation, and integration pose significant challenges in operational research.[2] The dynamic nature of decision-making environments also presents challenges for operational research. Real-world systems and problems are subject to changes over time, such as shifts in demand patterns, disruptions in supply chains, or regulatory changes. These dynamics require operational researchers to develop flexible models and adaptive decision-making approaches to account for uncertainties and adapt to changing conditions. Incorporating dynamic elements into operational research models and algorithms is a challenging task that requires continuous monitoring and adjustment.

History of Operations Research

Operations Research was born in the midst of battle. This is because the challenge of timing the detonation of a bomb dropped from an airplane into a submarine was the first to be approached methodically. In reality, Operations Research may trace its roots back to the Second World War. During World War II, the British military leadership commissioned a group of experts to examine the country's air and ground defensive strategies and tactics. The dilemma grew in significance as the keep the populace alive throughout the conflict and keep the military running. The best way to use the available means to accomplish the goal needed to be determined. It was also important to be careful with the use of the military's resources. Therefore, the military's top brass convened a think tank comprised of scientists, physicians, mathematicians, businesspeople, academics, engineers, etc., and presented them with the challenge of optimizing their use of available resources. Experts in the field got together and came up with a solution they dubbed "Linear Programming" after the mathematical framework it uses. The war issue was successfully resolved using this strategy. As the names suggest, Operations is used to relate to military issues while Research is utilized to develop new approaches. Since this approach to the issue was developed during wartime, it is referred to as "OPERATIONS RESEARCH" (or "O.R." for short). Due to a shortage of raw materials after World War II, manufacturing output hit a record low. There was a downturn in industry, and linear programming was employed to provide a good answer to the issues plaguing that sector. Since then, a lot of research has been conducted, and multiple approaches to resolving various difficulties have been developed within the area of O.R. The success the British military had using these methods inspired American military leaders to adopt and adapt them for use in a wide range of military, civilian, and industrial endeavors. Many other labels have been applied to this field of study. Operations research, systems analysis, system evaluation, quantitative techniques, optimization strategies, management science, etc. are all examples. However, OPERATIONS RESEARCH is by far the most common. The primary issues addressed by these methods in the business sector are related to maximising profit or minimizing expenses. In 1947, American mathematician George B. Dontzig introduced linear programming and the simplex method of solution, which paved the way for new approaches and applications made possible by the efforts and cooperation of interested persons in the academic sector and the industry sphere. Things are really different now. Numerous Operations Research professionals are readily accessible to address a wide range of issues. Similarly, the O.R. Society of India (1959) is available in India to assist with a wide range of issues. Operations Research methods are now routinely included in high school curricula. Some Indian businesses that employ Operations Research specialists to help with decision-making include M/S Delhi Cloth Mills, Indian Railways, Indian Airline, Hindustan Lever, Tata Iron and Steel Company, Fertilizers Corporation of India, and Defense Organizations. An organization's decision-making process, and Operations Research specifically, cannot be overstated.[3-4]

Decision Making And Some Aspects Of Decision

up. Exactly what qualities does it possess? Since the focus of Operations Research is on the decision-making process, it would be useful to define the term "decision" for our purposes. A choice is the result of a process in which a person considers the advantages and disadvantages of available options in order to choose the one that will work best for a given issue or set of circumstances. The term "decision making" refers to the mental and physical processes required to choose the best option from a set of possibilities. To make sound decisions, you need (i) a clear idea of where you want to go, (ii) a way to objectively weigh your options, (iii) a set of principles by which to evaluate potential paths forward, and (iv) a way to foresee the consequences of your decisions. Because judgments must be made one after the other, weighing the repercussions of each option is crucial.[5] Because we live in a world with competing wants and desires, where resources are finite and often few, we must constantly make choices. Everyone is in a race to see who can best put these tools to work for them. Our demands may fall into one of many categories: physiological, material, social, psychological, and spiritual. One of the most distinctive features of decision-making is the inherent conflict that arises between the various goals relevant to any decision situation (for instance, a student considering studying and getting first division while also wanting to enjoy his youth without attending classes, or a man wanting to have a lot of leisure in his life while also earning more). There are two stages to every choice. In the first stage, you'll define your aims, make a list of any relevant limitations, and figure out what options you have. The second phase involves deciding on the best possible next step to take under the current conditions. The field of Operations Research analyzes every possible course of action and their related costs and benefits in order to determine the best one to take. Depending on the criteria used or the goal at hand, decisions may be categorized in several ways. Here are just a few examples:

The circumstances, such the level of confidence, may be used to further categorize decisions. One may, for instance, "decide with certainty," "decide with uncertainty," and "decide with risk." The first two are outliers, whereas the third has a probability-defined middle ground.[6]

Figure 1: Decision based on degree of certainty Objective of Operations Research

The intricacy of modern company structures makes the current environment in which managers must operate very challenging. Today's corporate units are often divided up into specialized departments whose combined efforts are what allow the whole to achieve its goals. While doing so, the individual goals of one department may be at odds with the purpose of the other department, despite the fact that both departments are working for the same organizational objective. The general manager will have a difficult time achieving departmental harmony and allocating available resources of all types to the departments in such a setting. Managers face time pressure to make quick choices because of the ever-changing nature of the Historical Development. environment in which their businesses operate. On the other hand, the consequences of delaying or making a poor choice might be severe. Because of the context of competing it is preferable for a contemporary manager to use scientific approaches with a mathematical basis wherever possible. Therefore, a manager's understanding of Operations Research is crucial for making decisions. To make the best choice possible for his company, he has to draw on his understanding of arithmetic, statistics, economics, etc. This information is provided by Operational Research, allowing him to make best choices for the organization in a timely manner. Thus, operations research seeks to achieve: "The goal of Operations Research is to employ a team of scientists from different fields, all working together to find a solution that is in the best interest of the organization as a whole, thus providing a scientific basis to the decision maker in solving problems involving the interaction of various components of the organization. This ideal option is the finest possible outcome.[7]

Definition of Operations Research

It is possible to discover a single definition for each topic when it is defined in order to describe what it is. In every case, a definition is provided to provide light on the nature of the topic at hand. If someone were to ask, "What is Boyel's law?" one might provide the same answer regardless of the language being used to express it. But if you're wondering, "What is operations research?" The solution relies on the questions one sets for oneself. Take the hypothetical case of a student who claims that Operations research is the secret to his or her A+ test performance. If you were to ask a businessman the same thing, he may reply that it is the method used to increase profits. One businessperson may characterize it as a strategy for gaining a larger market share, whereas another may disagree. In this manner, everyone may define in his or her own way, based on their own needs. All of these definitions may shed light on some aspect of Operations Research, but none of them provides a comprehensive overview. For the sake of scholarship, though, we will examine a few key definitions.

(a) Operations Research is the study of achieving military victory with little risk to oneself. Doctor Aurther Clarke.

This definition is focused on conflict and does not provide any insight on the topic at hand. What this phrase signifies is that the conflict is won based on predetermined plans laid out in advance and instructions issued from a safe distance. You may have read about a battle between two armies in the Mahabharat or seen an antique painting depicting such a scene, in which the chief minister and monarch guide their troops using a chessboard. As a

(b) Operations research is the practice of finding inadequate solutions to issues for which inadequate solutions already exist. - T.L. Satty

This concept encompasses a particular facet of decision-making, namely, picking the best option among a set of possibilities. It warns that we can end up in a worse predicament if we base our judgments on speculation. However, we may make better choices if we base our selections on scientific evidence. Consequently, this definition only covers a narrow facet of decision-making and does not adequately define operations research.

(c) Research Into Operations Is What We Call "Operations Research". - J. Steinhardt.

This description is vague and only states that Operations Research is "research into operations," which does not provide much insight into the field. Military operations or the executive's daily work in running his or her organization and making judgments are both appropriate here. The very definition of "research" is a quest for novel methods. For this reason, a modern CEO must seek out novel approaches whenever he engages in decision-making for the good of his company.

(d) The term "Operations Research" refers to a branch of science that uses quantitative analysis to help upper-level management make choices about the activities they oversee. - P.M. Morse and G.E. Kimball.

This definition implies that the field of Operations Research offers empirical tools to help executives choose the best course of action. However, it provides no details on the different models or techniques. However, this indicates that top-level managers might benefit from scientific approaches when making choices.[9]

(e) According to this explanation, the field of Operations Research offers managerial decision-makers empirical tools for reaching the best possible outcomes. But it doesn't explain the many models or techniques that may be used. However, this indicates that top-level managers may make decisions based on scientific evidence.

This definition goes into further detail than the ones that have already been provided. It draws parallels between Operations Research and the natural sciences, where experiments are undertaken, findings are validated, and only then is a plan of action determined upon. That Operations Research is also an applied science is made abundantly evident by the fact that, before any course of action is settled upon, all feasible options are analyzed scientifically and the best one is chosen. However, in natural sciences, the experiments we run are rigorous and accurate in

Operational Research Challenges

Operational research, also known as operations research, faces various challenges in its application and effectiveness in solving complex decision-making problems. Some of the key challenges in operational research include:

  • Complexity of Real-World Problems: Many decision-making problems in operational research involve multiple objectives, constraints, and uncertainties. The interdependencies and interactions among different components of a system further increase the complexity. Developing appropriate mathematical models and algorithms to capture these complexities and provide feasible and optimal solutions is a significant challenge.
  • Data Availability and Quality: Operational research heavily relies on data for modeling, analysis, and decision-making. However, obtaining accurate and reliable data can be challenging. Data collection processes may be costly, time-consuming, or prone to errors. Incomplete or inaccurate data can lead to flawed analyses and suboptimal decisions. Data collection, validation, and integration pose significant challenges in operational research.
  • Dynamic Decision-Making Environments: Real-world systems and problems are subject to changes over time. Shifts in demand patterns, disruptions in supply chains, or regulatory changes are examples of dynamic elements. Operational researchers need to develop flexible models and adaptive decision-making approaches to account for uncertainties and adapt to changing conditions. Incorporating dynamic elements into operational research models and algorithms is a challenging task that requires continuous monitoring and adjustment.[10]

 Optimization Complexity: Optimization is a core component of operational research, aiming to find the best possible solutions. However, solving optimization problems can be computationally complex, especially when dealing with large-scale problems or nonlinear relationships. Developing efficient algorithms to solve complex optimization problems is a challenge in operational research.

interests and preferences. Engaging stakeholders and obtaining their buy-in for the proposed solutions can be challenging. Ensuring decision acceptance and implementing the recommended strategies require effective communication and collaboration with stakeholders.

  • Implementation and Execution Challenges: Translating operational research findings into practical actions and implementing them within organizations or systems can be challenging. Factors such as resistance to change, resource constraints, and organizational barriers can hinder the implementation process. Overcoming these challenges requires careful planning, stakeholder engagement, and effective change management strategies.
  • Ethical Considerations: Operational research often involves making decisions that have significant impacts on individuals, communities, and society as a whole. Ensuring ethical considerations, such as fairness, equity, and sustainability, are addressed in decision-making processes is a challenge. Balancing conflicting objectives and considering the long-term consequences of decisions is essential in operational research.

Addressing these challenges requires continuous research, innovation, and collaboration among operational researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders. By developing advanced methodologies, incorporating new technologies, and fostering interdisciplinary approaches, the field of operational research can overcome these challenges and contribute to improved decision-making processes and outcomes in various domains.


In conclusion, operational research faces several challenges that hinder its application and effectiveness in solving complex decision-making problems. Understanding and addressing these challenges are crucial for advancing the field and unlocking its full potential. By developing innovative approaches, incorporating flexibility, and improving data collection and analysis techniques, researchers and practitioners can overcome these challenges and contribute to better decision-making processes and outcomes in various domains.


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Corresponding Author Kawle Nabha Prakashrao*

PhD Student, Kalinga University, Raipur (CG).