Role of Social Media in Cyber Security

Addressing the Challenges of Cyber Security in the Age of Social Media

by Vaibhav Pradhan*, Dr. Ashish Chourasia,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 18, Issue No. 7, Dec 2021, Pages 5 - 10 (6)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Cyber crime keeps on wandering down various ways with each New Year that passes thus does the security of the data. The most recent and problematic innovations, alongside the new cyber apparatuses and dangers that become known every day, are testing associations with how they secure their framework, yet how they require new stages and insight to do as such. There is no ideal answer for cyber crimes except for we should attempt our level best to limit them to have a free from any danger future in cyber space. cyber-security is both with regards to the insecurity made by and through this new space and about the practices or systems to make it (continuously) secure. Effort to check the cyberspace should give an authoritative need else the data technology won't be reasonably utilized by customers. The terrorist of things to come will win the conflicts without releasing a shot just by pounding the country's vital base assuming advances are not taken to deal with the inescapability of the development in such a cyber-attack.


social media, cyber security, cyber crime, data security, cyber apparatuses, cyber threats, system security, cyberspace, information technology, terrorists


Today man can send and get any type of information might be an email or a sound or video just by the snap of a button however did he at any point think how safely his information id being communicated or shipped off the other individual securely with next to no spillage of data?? The response lies in cyber security. Today Internet is the quickest developing foundation in consistently life. In the present specialized climate numerous most recent innovations are changing the essence of the humankind. However, because of these arising innovations we can't protect our private data in an extremely powerful manner and thus these days cyber crimes are expanding step by step. Today in excess of 60% of absolute business exchanges are done on the web, so this field required a great of security for straightforward and best exchanges. Thus cyber security has turned into a most recent issue. The extent of cyber security isn't simply restricted to getting the data in IT industry yet in addition to different fields like cyber space etc[1]. Indeed, even the most recent advancements like distributed computing, versatile figuring, E-business, net banking and so forth likewise needs undeniable degree of security. Since these advancements hold some significant data in regards to an individual their security has turned into an unquestionable requirement thing. Improving cyber security and ensuring basic data foundations are vital for every country's security and financial prosperity. Making the Internet more secure (and ensuring Internet clients) has become vital to the improvement of new administrations just as legislative strategy. The battle against cyber crime needs an extensive and a more secure methodology. Considering that specialized measures alone can't forestall any crime, it is important that law requirement organizations are permitted to explore and indict cyber crime adequately. Today numerous countries and legislatures are forcing severe laws on cyber protections to forestall the deficiency of some significant data. Each individual should likewise be prepared on this cyber security and save themselves from these expanding cyber-crimes.[2] Cyber-security is both with regards to the insecurity made by and through this new space and about the practices or methodology to make it (dynamically) secure (Kumar, and Somani, 2018). It insinuates a ton of activities and measures, both particular and non-specific, expected to guarantee the bioelectrical condition and the data it contains and moves from every single imaginable danger. This examination plans to accumulate all the data and outline connected with cyber-crime and give the authentic realities and perform covers the investigated information of various attacks announced wherever over the most recent five years. In view of the examined data, we might want to give every one of the countermeasures that associations might embrace to guarantee further developed security that would uphold in shielding the associations from Cybersecurity has turned into a central issue throughout the most recent long term in the IT world. In the current world, everyone is dealing with a great deal of issues with cyber-crime. As programmers are hacking significant delicate data from government and some undertaking associations the people are particularly stressed as cyber-security attack can achieve everything from discount misrepresentation, to coerce huge organizations. They are numerous assortments of cyber-crimes arising where everybody should know about the tricks and they are various measures and apparatuses which can be utilized for staying away from the cyber-crimes. Each association needs to get their classified information from getting hacked. Getting hacked isn't just about losing the secret information yet losing the relationship with clients on the lookout (Bendovschi, 2015) The Internet is the present quickest developing foundation. In the present specialized climate numerous new advancements are evolving humankind. Yet, because of these arising advancements, we can't ensure our private data productively, so the cyber-crimes are definitely expanding on consistent schedule. Greater part of the exchanges both business and individual are finished utilizing the means online exchange, so it is critical to have a mastery who require a top notch of security keeping a superior straightforwardness to everybody and having more secure exchanges. So cyber security is the most recent issue. Trend setting innovations like cloud administrations, mobiles, E-trade, web banking and a lot more they require an exclusive expectations and more secure course of security. Every one of the devices and innovations required for these exchanges hold the most touchy and crucial client data. So giving the vital security to them is vital. Working on the cybersecurity and defending the delicate information and foundations are essential to each nation first concern security (Panchanatham, 2015).[4] Cybersecurity worries with the comprehension of encompassing issues of different cyber attacks and concocting safeguard systems (i.e., countermeasures) that protect privacy, honesty and accessibility of any advanced and data advances. • Privacy is the term used to forestall the exposure of data to unapproved people or frameworks. • Respectability is the term used to forestall any alteration/cancellation in an unapproved way. • Accessibility is the term used to guarantee that the frameworks liable for conveying, putting away and handling data are open when required and by the individuals who need them. the cyberspace. Malware alludes to a wide class of attacks that is stacked on a framework, ordinarily without the information on the genuine proprietor, to think twice about framework to the advantage of a foe. Some model classes of malware incorporate infections, worms, Trojan ponies, spyware, and bot executables. Malware contaminates frameworks in an assortment of ways for models spread from contaminated machines, deceiving client to open corrupted records, or charming clients to visit malware engendering sites. In more substantial instances of malware contamination, malware may stack itself onto a USB drive embedded into a tainted gadget and afterward taint each and every framework into which that gadget is thusly embedded. Malware might spread from gadgets and supplies that contain implanted frameworks and computational rationale. So, malware can be embedded anytime in the framework life cycle. Survivors of malware can go anything from end client frameworks, servers, network gadgets (i.e., switches, switches, and so on) and process control frameworks like Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA). The multiplication and complexity of quickly developing number of malware is a main issue in the Internet today.[5]

Cyber Crime

Cyber crime is a term for any criminal behavior that involves a PC as its essential method for commission and burglary. The U.S. Division of Justice grows the meaning of cyber crime to incorporate any criminal behavior that involves a PC for the capacity of proof. The developing rundown of cyber crimes incorporates crimes that have been made conceivable by PCs, for example, network interruptions and the scattering of PC infections, just as PC based varieties of existing crimes, for example, fraud, following, harassing and illegal intimidation which have become as serious issue to individuals and countries. Normally in like manner man's language cyber crime might be characterized as crime carried out utilizing a PC and the web to steel an individual's personality or sell booty or tail casualties or upset activities with vindictive projects. As step by step technology is assuming in significant part in an individual's life the cyber crimes likewise will increment alongside the innovative advances.[6]

Trends of Cyber Security

Cyber Security accepts a basic role in the space of information technology. Protecting the information have turned into the best trouble in the current day. The cyber security the primary thing that strikes a harmony is cybercrimes which are expanding immensely bit by bit (Samuel, and Osman, 2014). Various organizations and associations are going to numerous lengths to keep these cybercrimes. Extra the various measures cyber security is at this point a

Web servers

The danger of attacks on web applications to isolate data or to circle malevolent code persists. Cybercriminals pass on their code utilizing great web servers they have compromised. Regardless, data taking attacks, an extensive parcel of which get the thought of media, are additionally a critical danger. As of now, people need a more strange highlight on getting web servers just as web applications (Bendovschi, 2015). Web servers are basically the pre-prominent stage for these cybercriminals to take the data. In this manner, one ought to dependably use an extra solid program, principally in the midst of fundamental trades generally together not to fall as a quarry for these pollutions. [7]

Cyber Security

Protection and security of the information will forever be top security estimates that any association takes care. We are by and by facing a daily reality such that all the data is kept up with in an advanced or a cyber structure. Social systems administration locales give a space where clients have a real sense of reassurance as they cooperate with loved ones. On account of home clients, cyber-lawbreakers would keep on focusing on social media locales to take individual information. Social systems administration as well as during bank exchanges an individual should take all the necessary security measures [8].


1. To study on Trends of Cyber Security 2. To study on Role of Social Media In Cyber Security


The research methodology in the ebb and flow survey is exploratory, interpretative, evaluative and coherent. All through the assessment work while showing the references. Secondary Data: The secondary data is gathered from numerous assets like visiting to different Libraries, Books, Research Journals, Internet, Magazine, and Literary Columns in Newspapers, Official Website


Cloud computing and its services

Nowadays all little, medium and huge organizations are gradually taking on cloud administrations. As such the world is gradually moving towards the mists. This accessible in the cloud develops, strategy controls for web applications and cloud administrations will likewise have to advance to forestall the deficiency of significant data. However cloud administrations are fostering their own models still a ton of issues are being raised with regards to their security. Cloud might give gigantic freedoms however it ought to forever be noticed that as the cloud develops so as its security concerns increment.

APT’s and targeted attacks

Able (Advanced Persistent Threat) is an unheard of degree of cyber crime product. For quite a long time network security capacities, for example, web sifting or IPS have had a critical impact in recognizing such designated attacks (for the most part later the underlying trade off). As attackers become bolder and utilize more ambiguous strategies, network security should incorporate with other security administrations to recognize attacks. Subsequently one should further develop our security strategies to forestall more dangers coming later on.

Mobile Networks

Today we can interface with anybody in any area of the planet. Yet, for these versatile organizations security is an extremely large concern. Nowadays firewalls and other security measures are becoming permeable as individuals are utilizing gadgets, for example, tablets, telephones, PC's and so on all of which again require additional protections separated from those present in the applications utilized. We should consistently ponder the security issues of these versatile organizations. Further versatile organizations are profoundly inclined to these cyber crimes a great deal of care should be taken in the event of their security issues. [9]

Encryption of the code

Encryption is the method involved with encoding messages (or data) so that snoops or programmers can't understand it. In an encryption plot, the message or data is scrambled utilizing an encryption calculation, transforming it into an indiscernible code message. This is typically finished with the utilization of an encryption key, which determines how the message is to be encoded. Encryption at an absolute starting point level secures data protection and its trustworthiness. Be that as it may, more utilization of encryption gets more difficulties cyber security. Encryption is additionally used to secure data on the way, for instance data being moved by means of organizations (for example the Internet, online business), cell phones, remote receivers, remote radios and so on Consequently by Consequently the above are a portion of the patterns changing the substance of cyber security on the planet. The top organization dangers are referenced in beneath Fig-1.

Fig -1 The above pie chart shows about the major threats for networks and cyber security. Role of Social Media in Cyber Security

As we become more social in an inexorably associated world, organizations should track down better approaches to secure individual data. Social media assumes a tremendous part in cyber security and will contribute a great deal to individual cyber dangers. Social media reception among work force is soaring as is the danger of attack. Since social media or social systems administration destinations are nearly utilized by the greater part of them consistently it has turned into a tremendous stage for the cyber lawbreakers for hacking private data and taking significant data.[10] In reality as we know it where we're speedy to surrender our own data, organizations need to guarantee they're similarly as fast in distinguishing dangers, reacting progressively, and keeping away from a break of any sort. Since individuals are handily drawn in by these social media the programmers use them as a lure to get the data and the data they require. Subsequently individuals should go to fitting lengths particularly in managing social media to forestall the deficiency of their data. The capacity of people to impart data to a crowd of people of millions is at the core of the specific test that social media presents to organizations. As well as enabling anybody to disperse economically touchy data, social media likewise gives a similar ability to spread bogus data, which can be simply being as harming. The quick spread of bogus data through social media is among the arising chances recognized in Global Risks 2013 report. The idea of client name and secret key has been central method of securing our data. This might be one of the principal measures with respect to cyber security.

Authentication of data

The reports that we get should forever be validated be prior to downloading that is it ought to be checked assuming it has started from a trusted and a solid source and that they are not adjusted. Validating of these archives is normally finished by the counter infection programming present in the gadgets. Subsequently a decent enemy of infection programming is additionally fundamental to shield the gadgets from infections.

Anti-virus software

Antivirus software is a PC program that distinguishes, forestalls, and makes a move to incapacitate or eliminate vindictive software programs, for example, infections and worms. Most antivirus programs incorporate an auto-update include that empowers the program to download profiles of new infections so it can check for the new infections when they are found. An enemy of infection software is an unquestionable requirement and fundamental need for each framework.

Table 1: Techniques on cyber security


Cyber morals are only the code of the web. At the point when we practice these cyber morals there are great possibilities of us involving the web in a legitimate and more secure manner. The underneath are a couple of them: DO utilize the Internet to impart and collaborate with others. Email and texting make it simple to keep in contact with loved ones, speak with work associates, and offer thoughts and data with individuals across

Try not to call individuals names, lie about them, send humiliating pictures of them, or do anything more to attempt to hurt them. Web is considered as world's biggest library with data on any point in any branch of knowledge, so involving this data in a right and legitimate manner is dependably fundamental. Try not to work others accounts utilizing their passwords. Never attempt to send any sort of malware to other's frameworks and make them bad. Never share your own data to anybody as there is a decent possibility of others abusing it lastly you would wind up in a difficult situation. At the point when you're online never claim to the next individual, and never attempt to make counterfeit records on another person as it would land you just as the other individual into inconvenience. Continuously cling to protected data and download games or recordings provided that they are allowable.[11]


Computer security is a tremendous theme that is turning out to be more significant on the grounds that the world is turning out to be exceptionally interconnected, with networks being utilized to do basic exchanges. Cyber crime keeps on veering down various ways with each New Year that passes thus does the security of the data. The most recent and problematic advances, alongside the new cyber instruments and dangers that become visible every day, are testing associations with how they secure their framework, however how they require new stages and insight to do as such. There is no ideal answer for cyber crimes except for we should attempt our level best to limit them to have a free from any danger future in cyber space. cyber-security is both with regards to the insecurity made by and through this new space and about the practices or methodology to make it (continuously) secure. Effort to confirm the cyberspace should give a conclusive need else the "data technology" won't be reasonably utilized by customers. The terrorist of things to come will win the conflicts without releasing a shot just by pounding the country's fundamental foundation assuming that means are not taken to deal with the inescapability of the extension in such a cyber-attack. They can carry an obscure investigate the existences of others, whether or not they live close by or over the globe.[12]


[1] Bendovschi, A. (2015). Cyber-Attacks – Trends, Patterns and Security Countermeasures. Procedia Economics and Finance, pp. 24-31. doi:10.1016/S2212-5671(15)01077- Information Security. doi:10.1186/s13635-018-0080-0 [3] Dervojeda, K., Verzijl, D., Nagtegaal, F., Lengton, M., & Rouwmaat, E. (2014). Innovative Business Models: Supply chain finance. Netherlands: Business Innovation Observatory; European Union. [4] Gade, N. R., & Reddy, U. G. (2014). A Study of Cyber Security Challenges And Its Emerging Trends On Latest Technologies. Retrieved from [5] Gross, M. L., Canetti, D., & Vashdi, D. R. (2017). Cyberterrorism: its effects on psychological well-being, public confidence and political attitudes. Journal of Cybersecurity, 3(1), pp. 49–58. doi:10.1093/cybsec/tyw018 [6] Hua, J., & Bapna, S. (2013). The economic impact of cyber terrorism. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 22(2), pp. 175-186. [7] Kumar, S., & Somani, V. (2018). Social Media Security Risks, Cyber Threats and Risks Prevention and Mitigation Techniques. International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Management, 4(4), pp. 125-129. [8] Panchanatham, D. N. (2015). A case study on Cyber Security in E-Governance. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology. [9] Samuel, K. O., & Osman, W. R. (2014). Cyber Terrorism Attack of The Contemporary Information Technology Age: Issues, Consequences and Panacea. International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, 3(5), pp. 1082-1090. [10] Sharma, R. (2012). Study of Latest Emerging Trends on Cyber Security and its challenges to Society. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 3(6). [11] Sreenu, M., & Krishna, D. V. (2017). A General Study on Cyber-Attacks on Social Networks. IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE), 19(5), pp. 01-04.

Corresponding Author Vaibhav Pradhan*

Research Scholar, University of Technology, Jaipur