Effect of Inflation on Reverse Logistics Models

An analysis of the impact of inflation on reverse logistics and the importance of mathematical modeling for managing return flows and inventory status

by Lalita .*, Dr. Kamal Kumar,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 18, Issue No. 7, Dec 2021, Pages 106 - 110 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


With deteriorating objects there is always pressure on the company to increase the advantage. In the current model, we are working to cultivate a model of control over the existence of creation with two distinct communities of appropriation. In most surveys, interest is normal in the sense that it is not legitimate auxiliary time however, policymakers here have considered equity-based interest rates. Proficient management of return flows and work-in-progress inventory statuses is a rapidly growing imperative for associations. This goes back to monetary, natural and authoritarian reasons. Mathematical modeling of such structures supported dynamic cycles and provided unprecedented insight into the progression of these items and inventory status. In addition, we take into account in the same way that the maintenance cost is a non-negative, non-decreasing and stable time capacity. In this model, defensive innovation is used to reduce the decay rate of the item. A theory is proposed to find the ideal arrangement of the proposed model then it is illustrated with some mathematical models. There is also a binding voting procedure to find the ideal methodology. Finally, attention to the ideal response to variations in potential earnings at various system boundaries and to convexities in cost functions continues to be considered and tracked across boundaries.


inflation, reverse logistics models, deteriorating objects, control, communities, appropriation, interest rates, return flows, work-in-progress inventory statuses, mathematical modeling, dynamic cycles, maintenance cost, defensive innovation, decay rate, ideal arrangement, mathematical models, binding voting procedure, potential earnings, cost functions


The inventory is roughly fixed at the level of interest; it could either be deterministic or probabilistic. When interest is expected to exceed inventory or items in stock, a shortage or shortage occurs. The demand can be classified in two different ways, the first is known as a change or increase in which the retailers do not meet the demand. For example, if a customer plans to pick up books and the books are not available, they can grant the purchase for an extended period and rely on the fund manager to immediately return the books. In this way, the deficiencies are admissible in the case of partial accumulation. The following is called the no-deal circumstance where the interest is lost entirely. For example, electronic devices and equipment, etc. have an exceptionally short future due to imaginative design changes and innovations. Finally, the client may be willing to allow certain things to be insured, for example, fancy things, electronic things, etc. As things deteriorate or deteriorate, those things can become unusable for new purposes. In the current audit, the manufacturers considered that spelling is time-dependent, while in many assessments spelling is normal and constant, which is not possible. Looking back, auditing to legitimize inventory breakdown was initially envisioned by Ghare (2014) where many inventory control models were discussed and a renewed type of Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Model was opted for and in this Attempt demand from producers decreases significantly. Covert and Philip (2016) have re-promoted an EOQ-based model for things decaying under Weibull scattering with fragmented doubling Presenting an inventory control of the model under the effects of learning. Expansion is a key element of today's economies around the world, and huge rates of expansion are typical of many countries. Therefore, when entering the ideal stock plan, the ripple effects and time value of money cannot be overlooked. Various experts have created stock models with an inflationary effect. Buzacott (1975) was the main proponent of the underlying EOQ model, which takes into account the consequences of expansion by considering a constant rate of expansion. Some reviewers have expanded their thoughts for different conditions considering the value of time and money and the different rates of expansion. Gupta and Vrat (2013) created a multi-object equity model with a variable rate growth resource-based system. Pillar and Chaudhuri (2015) studied a time-limited, gap-enabling EOQ extension model. An original model with decaying things and a reasonable remnant in the expanding parts were close to Liao et al. Bad. (2015). Sarkar and Moon (2018) proposed an EPQ model under the influence of a faulty creation extension. Singh et al. (2017) considered a pattern of imperfect blurring in the reserve with gaps in improve over time. This is a result of the nature of learning, which is a reduction in the cost and also the time it takes to create each dynamic entity. For example, information about utilitarian tasks and their environment, as well as the possible uses of devices and machines, is often amplified by obvious repetition. The "learning phenomenon" introduced by (Wright, 2016) focuses on the factors that affect the cost of aircraft. The WLC (Wright, 2016) tends to do this Y(x)=y1x-b,………………………………(1) Where y1 is an ideal opportunity to create the main unit, b is the type of learning (0 < b < 1), x is the total creation, and y (x) is an optimal opportunity to transmit (process) the x-th unit (repetition obviously). Yelle (2016) provided a comprehensive review of accurate models for torque learning. Some models were analyzed and created using the Money Solicitation Sum (Creation) (EOQ/EPQ) model on inverse strategies and a revised framework. For example, Garvin (2017) discussed typical sources of progress for quality and efficiency. An inferior quality brings together a part to be renewed and a superior part, indicating different equipment times, labor, material waste and modalities. Badiru (2018) has cultivated a model of crafting that combines the costs of passing on a thing, relearning, and repairing it while crafting works, following Wright's (2016) Power Structure Learning Twist. Johnson and Wang (1998) considered a moderate evaluation of demolition drills for remediation, reuse, and reuse. Jaber and Bonney (2013) have correctly shown that the expected time to fix something that is missing decreases as creation increases and the timing of the change gets used to the learning relationship. Jaber and Saadany (2018) cultivated a monetary model of creation and redesign with learning effects. Singh et al. (2017) proposed an imperfect creation inventory model with expansion and learning within two constrained accumulation limits.


In this article, we will design a multi-thing model with inverse coordinate factors based on the following assumptions: Let us consider several elements, i=1, 2, … j In addition, throughout this article, we will use the suffix "r" to indicate the quantity of renewed inventory, the suffix "m" to indicate the quantity of inventory created, and the suffix "r" to indicate that the quantity corresponds to stock returned. . Thus, it represents, for example, Iir(t) the stock level of the ith item at a given time ti in the repack stock.

Fig. 1 Overview of product flows in a cycle Hypothesis

1. By promoting the numerical model, the first hypotheses are made: 2. The model is created for a long time. 3. The production rate of new items and the regeneration rate of accumulated returned items are immediate time elements. 4. Demand rates for build and rebuild cycles increase time capacity. 5. The cost of the loan will be covered with a selection of recently transferred and renovated properties. 6. Used items are collected at the rate or on the δmDm primary and secondary market δrDr. 7. Conservation innovation is considered for the cycle of creation and redesign. 8. The decomposition rate of dropped objects is time dependent. 9. Redemption items are collected from the market where the seller simply recycles used materials that are of a quality above the expected market level and the various items are protected. 10. The cost of ownership is a time capacity that increases significantly. 11. The reactivation rate is unlimited and the execution time is zero. 12. Missing quantities are not allowed. 13. There is no support or replacement for weakened things. 14. The model is set in an inflationary and learning environment. 2. Study the formulation of mathematical models

Formulation of mathematical models

From the graphical representation of the model in Figure 1, the authors can see the inventory system. here, go Im Final units, W units move OW, and ( I am - W) units move RW. As the model specifies, between the time intervals [0, ] policymakers may view the decline in RW inventories simply as a combined effect of falling and interest rates. For OW, the inventory decreases only at expiration, since in the interval [0,] there is no interest in continuing between periods [𝑡𝑑 , 𝑡 1], as a result, the inventory starts to decrease to zero (expiration). the overall effect of interest rates also over a comparable period is similarly weakened. Immediately after completing a cycle, an equivalent strategy for the complementary cycle occurs.

Figure 2. Graphic representation of the model

We have planned a production remake framework of multiple things. Indicates for each renewal cycle Iir(t) the inventory at the time ti the plant comes into operation at time 0) t=ti0 (initially ti0= the renewal process begins and the inventory increases at the time Also, the inventory appears at its most noticeable level and the respawn box has come to an end. Thus, through the combined effect of interest accrual and deterioration, inventories steadily decrease and eventually reset to zero t=ti2 (completion of regeneration cycle). The cycle repeats. Therefore, inventory can be stretched during the regeneration cycle based on several conditions: With the initial condition Iir(t)=0 at ti0 (ti0=0) and the final condition Iir(t)=0 at ti2.

.............. (2)

Similarly, for each Iim(t) the production cycle, the stock level is given when ti. the system starts, when t=ti2 the production process starts, and the stock level increases until t=ti3 the stock level reaches its maximum and the production cycle is interrupted. of the build cycle). The cooperation is repeated. The stock level can then be loaded during the build cycle by changing to differential conditions:

............ (3)

With the initial condition Iim(t)=0 at ti2 and the final condition Iim(t)=0 at Ti.

Additionally, for each return cycle, Iir(t) the inventory level at a specific time is displayed ti. When the restructuring system finally comes t=ti0, online, inventory will decrease due to the combined effect of demand and deterioration up to that point. t=ti1 so the regeneration frame stops and the inventory becomes zero. So the inventory starts to increase so far. t=Ti where inventory appears at its normally outrageous level. The cycle repeats. Inventory can now be stretched during the return cycle by switching to differential conditions:

........ (4)

Where ϕir=ηrδrAi and ϕim=ηmδmai With the final condition IiR(t)=0 at ti1 and the initial condition IiR(t)=0 at ti1.

........ (5)

The present value of the cost of setup /ordering ith the item during the replenishment cycle is as follows: Installation costs of the regeneration cycle, Cost of establishing the production cycle, Cost of ordering the returned bicycle, The present value of the production costs of ith which during the charge cycle is as follows, The thing during the work cycle is according to the accompaniment, Operating costs for returned items ith which during the charge cycle is as follows,

............ (7)

The current benefit in terms of participation costs, e.g. ith the thing during the refresh cycle is as follows, Storage costs for returned items, .......... (8th)

Fig. 3. Inventory variation of an EPQ model for the reverse logistics system Optimal solution method

From eq. Note that based on the ti2 following ti1, it can be determined ti2=f(ti1) From eq. We find that Ti this can be determined on the basis ti1 that Ti=f(ti1) From eq. We find that ti3 this can be determined in terms of ti2 and Ti, then ti1 as follows:


trim frame. The conditions are extremely indirect, so we used PC MATH 8.0 programming to set these conditions. They also come with me. The solution is used to derive the optimal solution ti1 valued; This helps executives decide on the optimal top-up strategy for perfectly normal basic purchases.


Numerical example

The model was also examined mathematically. The following data is used to explain the model, taking into account the authentic revisions of the units. We run this model for two reasons. Mathematical auditing was used to find the ideal arrangement of the creation model for various things.

Results of table 1

If n = 1, the typical total cost for the first is 373,369 and for the second is 107,352 and the typical absolute cost is 480,721.

Table 2 The optimal value of ti1, ti2, ti3, til, e TAC for the first element, , i = 1


This article introduced an inventory model with a reverse scheduled operation, which allows you to create new things together and repair defective and returned things. The bias in our model comes from the fact that operational costs, creation, renewal, demand, returns, and expiration dates for items are time-conflicting, and creation is imperfect. This study promoted a self-destruct inventory model in which we invest resources in the cost of protection innovation (PT) to reduce the rate of item decay and expand structural advantage. We have cultivated a logical meaning of the problem in the structure described above and discovered an ideal accommodation methodology with the ideal re-energization technique. From our survey results, we said that the impact of learning on the cost of storage system indications limits the overall cost, considering how, given learning functions, the large- impact of benchmark limits on the ideal turnaround time and absolute ordinary cost of the inventory structure, and the calculation results show that this model can bring minds a chance of success for real decisions. between different networks, policies Organize work environments with different borders. For future research, it is interesting to extend the proposed model for a very long duration and repack the packets per interval, the effect of ignoring the bounces on the build and repack speeds, and the constancy effect, which corresponds to the inverse network plan problem. is added to scheduled tasks.


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Corresponding Author Lalita*

Research Scholar, Baba Mast Nath University, Rohtak, India