A Study on Occupational Stress Among Bank Employees During the Covid 19

Understanding the Impact of New Technology and Working Circumstances on Occupational Stress Among Bank Employees

by Dr. Suhasini Palle*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 18, Issue No. 7, Dec 2021, Pages 306 - 320 (15)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Throughout the last several years, banks have undergone a major overhaul in their structure and architecture. The working circumstances and regular routines of representatives have been modified as a result of new innovation and improved methods to structuring the operation. By constantly changing business and working circumstances, the deregulation of markets, the rise of new technology, and the development of new types of employment have dramatically reshaped working life. Organizational affiliation and the well-being of the working population are directly impacted by this kind of circumstance. In light of the recent rise in psychosocial concerns among workers, the financial sector is particularly deserving of a thorough analysis.It relies on primary data taken from a sample of 182 residents of Muvattupuzha and Thodupuzha municipalities. A pre-drafted and pre-tested Questionnaire is used to gather the data. The findings of this research shed light on the main sources of occupational stress and the variables that influence it among bank personnel. Overwork, technology, a lack of training, job autonomy, customer relationships, grievance redress, and the work-home interface are the most immediate sources of stress. Individuals are affected by these elements to varied degrees and in different ways.


occupational stress, bank employees, Covid 19, working circumstances, new technology, employment, organizational affiliation, psychosocial concerns, primary data, occupational stress sources


A brief history of stress

Many investigations have been prompted to be concerned about the last century. One or two of the suppositions underlying it have been resolved and recognised, while others are still being examined and debated. Sees have been fiercely kept and aggressively protected throughout this period of seeming open conflict between opposing guesses and definitions. This is complicated by the fact that we all immediately sense that stress is something we have all experienced. Certain professionals had to be called upon when the overwhelming majority of people were digging in their houses to get rid of Corona infectious ailments. Experts in banking were part of the foundational administrations. Many of the Government's assistance measures are obtained over the counter, which leaves them vulnerable to disease transmission. Previously, an investigation found that Indian customers prefer to use branches over online banking. As a whole, stress isn't tied to any one individual, movement, or sector. No sector is free from this, and the banking business is no exception. An important portion of a country's operations is carried out by banks and their network of branches and other affiliates. The advancements in the financial strategy include not just the country's economy, but also its customers and employees. A functional level of workers is required to transmit, convince, and entertain customers. Workers will be under a lot of stress throughout this period. As a result of this stress, families are disintegrating and people are suffering from more and more injuries. Stress may cause anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, and even depression. When you're stressed, your body reacts by going into overdrive. When the alarm goes out, we immediately stop what we're doing and our attention is drawn to the alarm bell that the body is sounding because to accidental strain. Strain no longer just alerts us to the possibility; it also shuts down a variety of basic processes in our body. Our thoughts will halt any speculation in favour of a more heightened sense of attentiveness to the possibility.


According to Richard S. Lazarus, "Stress is a state or sensation experienced when a person feels that demands exceed the personal and social resources that an individual is able to mobilise," the most frequently recognised definition of stress. We experience it when we believe we have no control over what is going on around us. Most of us in this sector of mind tools use this term to refer to an automatic stress reaction when faced with a

Workplace Stress Factors

The interaction between employees and their working environment is a major contributor to workplace stress. There are two schools of thought when it comes to work stress. Personality and copying style, according to one theory, are the biggest indicators of what would stress one person and not another. The focus then changes to devising preventative measures to make it easier for employees to cope with the challenges of their jobs. According to a different perspective, a variety of workplace problems, such as job loss worries, severe task demands, a lack of clear direction and inadequate or dangerous physical working conditions, inflexible work hours, and contradictory job expectations are inherently stressful. When it comes to minimising workplace stress, the emphasis shifts to removing or reducing problematic elements. Stressors that contribute to work-related stress often come from four sources. In fact, A. Increased pressures within the organisation B. The pressures of the workplace C. Personal stresses. D. Stressors inside a group

A. Stressors in the workplace

An employee's mental health might be impacted by external factors such as current political, economic, and technical conditions. Political instability or insurgency may induce fear and terror among the workers since it impacts their job stability and work environment harmony. There was also a mention of economic changes as a cause of stress at work. Uncertainty in the economic cycle might lead workers to worry about their jobs and pay. Lack of familiarity with new technology and its deployment in the workplace is a significant source of occupational stress.It is a combination of political, economic, and technical factors.

1. Factors in the economy

Changes in the business cycle lead to economic uncertainty and apprehension. People become concerned about their personal safety as the economy declines.

2. Technological Factors

developments, such as computers and automation, pose a danger to many individuals and induce stress.

B. Organizational Stressors

Conditions in the workplace that put workers under stress are known as organisational stressors. Work-life balance issues like lack of control over work, excessive time pressure, rigid work schedules, ambiguity about responsibilities and duties, a lack of enthusiasm for one's job, and a lack of support and consistency from coworkers are all too common. Other issues include organisational confusion, job changes, and a lack of certainty about one's future employment prospects, to name a few.

C. Individual Stressors

Employees' personal issues might conflict with their workplace duties, resulting in stress. Personal stresses include, but are not limited to:

1. Feeling of inadequacy.

A significant cause of anxiety is the fear of losing one's employment. Changes in the causes Employees' lives are thrown off kilter when they are often relocated as a consequence of promotions and transfers.

2. Problems with money

.Stress is caused by a lack of money and resources to live a normal life.

3. Changes in Life

Individual stresses include major life events including marriage, childbirth, illness, divorce, the loss of a spouse or other close family member, a move, and so on.

4. The Tempo of Existence

The more duties a person has, the more capable he should be of carrying them out. When a person is continually working or doing something else, a frenetic pace of life might cause more stress than a more calm pace of living.

D. Stressors for the group

Another cause of stress in the workplace is a lack of trust or dispute amongst coworkers. Conflicts might arise among the group's members or between the group's managers and its employees. Employee behaviour, performance, and work happiness are all a group.

1] Cohesiveness in the Group

When it comes to lower-level workers, the Hawthorne experiments have shown that group cohesion is critical. Those who are unable to flourish in solitude might suffer greatly from a lack of togetherness.

2] Lack of support from other people

When it comes to happiness, on the other hand, external cues have an important role. There are a number of things that contribute to a positive work environment, such as the ability to get along with others, the respect of the group, and the ability to feel safe and secure in one's work. If a person does not have this kind of social support, it may be quite stressful for them.

3] Disputes

In the workplace, there is a lot of interpersonal and intergroup conflict. Stress is felt by everyone concerned when a dispute culminates in an unsatisfactory outcome.

4] Environment of the Workplace

A lot of group or individual relationships are affected by the organisational environment. It's possible to have a calming or tense environment in the workplace.

E. Stress-Inducing Factors Within

One's own actions might also be a source of stress. Internal causes of stress include uncertainty or anxiety, a gloomy mood, self-criticism, unrealistic goals or beliefs, perfectionism, poor self-esteem, and aggression.

Burnout and Exhaustion

An extreme case of stress is known as burnout. Stress may lead to a condition of exhaustion on both a mental and physical level. Only work-related exhaustion and pessimism qualify as burnout. For a long time, one feels drained and bored, especially in one's work. Overwhelmed and unable to keep up with ever-increasing expectations might lead to this. This diminishes a person's motivation or drive to carry out a certain role in official life. Burnout has a negative impact on productivity and energy levels. It depresses and corrodes one's spirit. In the workplace, relationships, and health, burnout may have a detrimental influence. The signs and symptoms of burnout are more mental than physical. changes and becomes more competitive. An ever-increasing number of representatives are showing signs of weariness and burnout as a result of this job stress. Stress may lead to a loss in one's ability to perform at a high level, which in turn reduces one's usefulness. The financial sector, more than any other, is plagued by high levels of anxiety. The analyst was forced to do an experimental evaluation of the topic "A Study on Occupational Stress among Bank Employees" because of this. Scientists are conducting an assessment of stress in the banking industry, focusing on the causes and consequences of stress among bank personnel.


Societal pressures are making the banking industry more competitive than ever before. Stress at work is one of the most damaging causes and dangers to your ability to perform well in the workplace, and it has a bad impact on your loyalty to your employer. Modern society, which is rife with man-made hazards, is complicating human existence. Stress, anxiety, conflict, tension, and dissatisfaction are common in our day. At work and at home, there is a lot of pressure. These situations have a detrimental impact on people's behaviour, which eventually leads to both individual and organisational inefficiency and illness.. The negative effects of stress on productivity, job quality, absenteeism, and self-control are well-documented in the scientific community study by Dr Naveen Prasadula on a



ELECTRICITY UTILITIES‖ from JIWAJI State University GWALIOR. People who work in stressful environments are less likely to be loyal to their employers. As a result, the researcher has attempted to study the purpose and expression of strain by determining the relevance of strain control among bank personnel. This investigates the purpose of establishing awareness among bank personnel, which creates a frightening scenario and incites a constant desire among them to persevere in such a situation.


Based on the following precise goals, this research is being conducted.

  • To investigate the numerous factors that contribute to the stress that bank workers feel on a daily basis.

 There are several factors that contribute to an employee's stress, such as their job role, The study's goal is to investigate the following hypothesis: No matter what your age, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status, stress is caused by the same things.


Data from both primary and secondary sources have been used into the research. In spite of this, original data is often cited. The main data is collected using a random sampling method. Using secondary sources such as books, journals, and websites dedicated to the topic of bank employee stress, primary data was gathered.


It relies on primary data taken from a sample of 182 residents of Muvattupuzha and Thodupuzha municipalities. A pre-drafted and pre-tested Questionnaire is used to gather the data. It was tested with 10 people and the appropriate changes were made to the pre-drafted questionnaire. 182 completed questionnaires were received from 200 bank workers in Muvattupuzha and Thodupuzha municipalities. Seven public sector banks, three old private sector banks, and two new generation banks were used in this study by Dr Naveen Prasadula on a PHD Thesis



UTILITIES‖ from JIWAJI State University GWALIOR.


Statistics and mathematics have been used to analyse the data obtained. Percentage analysis and weighted average are examples of descriptive statistics. The hypothesis has been tested using Chi-square, ANOVA, and Regression Analysis.

Calculating percentages

It is common practise for the use of percentages in data presentation because they simplify numbers by making them all fall into a 0 to 100 range, which makes it easier to compare them to one another.

The Weighted Mean

To find out whether the hypothesis is correct, respondents are asked to rate their level of satisfaction with each element on a 5-point scale: strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, strongly disagree. They are then polled again to see if they still feel the same way. Weighted mean scores for each element are calculated using these tests and the results are based on my responses. simplest and most extensively used. There are a variety of ways to apply the chi-square test to get information about the variance and dispersion of the population. It may be used to assess the validity of numerous hypotheses about the causes of stress in different types of workers with different ages and ethnicities.


Analyzing Variance (ANOVA) is a statistical method for detecting the significance of variations in mean values between more than two similar series by comparing their variances.


Characteristics of the Population

Respondents' age, education, occupation, marital status, and duration of service are all taken into account while analysing their demographic profile.

  • Involved individuals' ages

Employees are categorised according to their age in the following table.

Table 1: Cross-tabulation of age and bank type

A primary source of data A comparison of public, private and new generation bank age groups shows that there is no difference. The majority of workers in three industries are under the age of 35. In contrast to the other two categories, NGB is dominated by teenagers. To see whether there is a correlation between respondents' ages and the sorts of banks they work for, we ran a Chi-square test and the findings are shown in the table below.

Table 2: Age and Bank type- Chi-Square Tests

Source: Primary data It was found that there was no statistically significant variation in the age of bank employees across various sectors (.709 >.05) at the 5% level of significance. Consequently, each sector is distinct from the other. As a result, the age of PSB, Old Private Sector Bank, and New Generation Bank may be regarded as the same.

  • Education

Employees' stress levels are strongly influenced by their degree of education. It's possible that highly educated individuals may be able to handle stress more effectively. Classification of workers based on their educational background is shown in the table below.

Table 3: Education and Bank type Cross tabulation

The prime statistics cause Based on the data shown above, we can conclude that 98% of the 182 employees have completed some kind of higher education.That is to say, the vast majority of responses are college alumnae. Compared to PSB and OPSB, NGB is dominated by graduates. While OPS bank is dominated by postgraduates. The Chi-square test is used to compare the educational attainment of personnel in PSBs, old private sector banks, and new generation banks.In the following table, you can see the results of this experiment:

Table 4: Chi-Square Tests

At the 5% level of significance, the Chi-Square test reveals that the result is not significant (.833>.05).Consequently, there is no correlation between banker training and the sort of bank they work for. PSB, Old Pvt. Sector, and New Generation banks all have personnel with the same level of educational attainment.

  • Employment Status

Workers are classified by their job status in the table below.

Table 5: Emplo. Status and Bank type Cross tabulation

Source: primary data It can be seen from the above table that the majority of responders are clerks (28 percent) and supervisors (28 percent). Clerks make up the vast bulk of those who take the survey at public sector banks (32.9 percent). Officers make up the bulk of NGB respondents, whilst managers make up the majority of OPSB respondents. PSB's managers make up 19.5% of the workforce, while assistant managers make up 28.5%, officers make up 19.5%, and clerks make up 32.9%. In the Old Pvt. Sectors, 42.5 percent of managers, 25 percent of deputy managers, 10 percent of officers, and 22.5 percent of clerks are in charge. New Generation Banks have 20% assistant managers, 50% officers and 30% clerks in their workforce. ―The Chi-square test is used to investigate the link between bank type and

Table 6: Chi-Square Tests

Source: primary data The value is significant at a 5% level of significance (.00 .05), according to the Chi-square test findings‖. Because of this, work and banking are intertwined. There are major differences in respondents' work situations depending on the sorts of banks they work for. Management in OPSB, officers in NGB, and clerks in PSB are all dominated by their respective positions.

  • Status of Matrimony

Employees are categorised based on their marital status in the following table.

Table 7: Marital status and Bank type Cross tabulation

Source: primary data There are 119 married workers out of the total of 182. In other words, the overwhelming majority of those who answered the survey are married. Most workers in the public and private sectors are married. Almost all new generation bank employees are unmarried men and women. Bank type and employee marital status are examined using the Chi-square test. In the table below, you can see the final result

Source: Primary data There is a direct correlation between the marital statuses of bank workers and the sorts of banks they work for. That is to say, the kind of bank and marital status of the employees varied significantly. The PSB and OPB are dominated by married workers, whereas the NGB is dominated by unmarried employees.

  • Continuity of supply

The following table displays how long each employee has been with the company and how they are classified.

Table 9:Len.of serv. and Bank type Cross tabulation

A primary source of data 101 of the 182 workers have worked at the company for less than five years. In other words, most responders have served for less than five years. The bulk of new generation bank workers have shorter tenures than those in other industries. The next generation bank does not have any workers who have worked there for more than 11 years. The Chi-square test is used to examine the link between bank sectors in terms of service time. The findings are summarised in the table below.-

Source: primary data If the value is significant at the 5% threshold of significance (p=.010, then the test is significant). Because of this, the duration of service and the banking industry are intertwined‖. As a result, the average duration of employment for workers in various industries varies significantly. Compared to PSB and OPSB bank workers, NGB personnel have a shorter average tenure with the organisation.

Stress is caused by a variety of factors.

Everyday life is full with stress. When one is under a lot of pressure at work, it will naturally spill over into one's personal life. His family life will be more strained as a result of this. There are several non-work stressors that may carry over to the workplace and amplify the stress that is already present in the workplace itself. There are a number of factors that contribute to employee burnout and burnout-related health problems, including the following: work-life balance, work-life balance issues, work-life balance issues, and work-life balance issues. Many of these factors contribute to an employee's stress at work and at home. There are three types of banking in this study: public sector, private sector, and new generation banking. Employee demographics and the sources of stress are examined in the following sections:

Table 11: Causes of Stress- Descriptive Statistics

Different sources of stress are shown in the table above. For example, factors with a large impact on stress tend to be more common than other causes. There are several factors that contribute to stress, including work-life integration and work overload, as well as a lack of training and grievance redressal. stressors and workers' ages is provided in the table below..

Table 12: Descriptive statistics

Foundation: chief data The average impact on stressor causes is shown in the table above. With respect to these quantifiable details, the causes of stress such as lack of training, job autonomy and grievance redressal have high mean value difference on a 5- point scale, are highly influenced by all age group. To test the variation in mean square of various causes of stress, analysis Of variance has been used. Significant at 5 per cent level of significance Source: primary data Because the p value is smaller than.05, the ANOVA findings are significant at the 5% level of significance.In above table, p value is less than .05 in the case of major stressors such as lack of training, job autonomy and grievance redressal (.020, .019, .006 < .05). It means there is significant correlation between dependent variables (causes of stress) and independent variable (age). From the above table compared to other age groups. Consequently, H0 is forbidden. The differences are negligible in the causes of stress such as work overload, technology, customer relationship, work-home on the basis of age (.472, .119, .752, .460 > .05). Therefore, H0 is accepted.

Table 13: ANOVA

  • Education and causes of stress

Following table shows relationship in various causes of stress across education of employees. Source: primary data The above table shows the mean value depicting the influence on the causes of stress. As far as these descriptive statistics is concerned causes of stress such as work-home have high mean value difference in education of employees. To test the variation in mean square of various causes of stress, analysis of variance has been used.

Significant at 5 percent level of significance Source: primary data e ANOVA results indicate that it is significant at 5% level of significance since the p value is less than .05. In the above table, p value is less than .05 in the case of causes of stress such as work- home (.001<.05). It means that there is significant correlation between dependent variable (causes of stress) and independent variable (education). Stress arises due to causes of stress such as work home interface is high in graduates as compared to post graduate. Therefore, H0 is rejected. While in all other cases there is no significant correlation in the causes of stress on the basis of education. That is p value is greater than .05 (.589, .383, .871, .455, .208, .923 > .05). Therefore, H0 is accepted.

  • Causes of stress and Employment status

Following table shows the relationship in various causes of stress across employment status of employees.

Source: primary data The above table shows the mean value depicting the influence on the causes of stress. As far as these descriptive statistics is concerned, the causes of stress such as work overload, job autonomy and work-home have high mean value difference on the basis of employment status. To test the variation in mean square of various causes of stress, analysis of variance has been used.

Table 17:ANOVA

Source: primary data *Significant at 5 percent level of significance The ANOVA results indicate that it is significant at 5% level of significance since value is less than .05. In above table, p value is less than .05 in the case of major stressors such as work overload, job autonomy, work-home (.030, .000, .002 < .05). It means that there is significant correlation between dependent variable (causes of stress) and independent variable (employment status). Stress arises due to causes of stress such as work overload is high in assistant managers. Stress arises due to causes of stress such as jobautonomy and work-home interface is high in officers as compared to others. Therefore, H0 is rejected. In all other cases there is no significant correlation in causes of stress on the basis of employment status. That is p value is greater than .05(.205, .923, .578, .438 > .05). Therefore, H0 is accepted.

  • Causes of stress and Marital status Following table shows the relationship in various causes of stress across marital status of employees.

Source: primary data The above table shows the mean value depicting the influence on the causes of stress. As far as these descriptive statistics is concerned, the causes of stress such as technology and job autonomy have high mean value difference on the basis of marital status. To test the variation in mean square of various causes of stress, analysis of variance has been used.

*Significant at 5% percent level of significance Source: primary data The ANOVA results indicate that it is significant at 5% level of significance since the p value is less than the .05 in the case of major stressors such as technology and job autonomy (.021, .001 < .05). It means there is significant correlation between dependent variable (causes of stress) and independent variable (marital status). Stress arises due to causes of stress such as technology is high in married employees while stress arises due to causes of stress such as job autonomy is high in unmarried employees. Therefore, H0 is rejected. In all other cases there is no significant correlation in causes of stress on the basis of marital status. That is p value is greater than .05 (.069, .265, .106, .730 > .05). Therefore, H0 is accepted.

  • Causes of stress and type of bank

Following table shows the relationship in various causes of stress across bank types. The above table shows the mean value depicting the influence on the causes of stress. As far as these descriptive statistics is concerned, the causes of stress such as work overload, lack of training, job autonomy, grievance redressal and work-home have high mean value difference on the basis of type of bank. To test the variation in mean square of various causes of stress, analysis of variance has been used.

*significant at 5 percent level of significance Source: primary data The ANOVA results indicate that it is significant at 5% level of significance since the p value is less than .05. In above table, p value is less than .05 in the case of major stressors such as work overload, lack of training, job autonomy, grievance redressal, work- home (.009, .004,.000, .009,.002 < .05)‖. It means there is significant correlation between dependent variable (causes of stress) and independent variable (type of bank). Stress arises due to causes of stress such as work-home interface, grievance redressal, job autonomy and work overload are high in NGB employees. While stress arises due to causes of stress such as lack of training is high in PSB employees. Therefore, H0 is rejected. In all other cases there is no significant correlation in causes of stress on the basis of type of bank. That is p value is greater than .05 (.759, .260 > .05). Therefore, H0 is accepted.

  • Causes of stress and Length of service

Following table shows the relationship in various causes of stress across length of service.

Table 21: Descriptive statistics

Source: primary data The above table shows the mean value depicting the influence on the causes of stress. As far as these descriptive statistics is concerned, the causes of stress such as work home have high mean value difference on the basis of length of service. To test the variation in mean square of various causes of stress, analysis of variance has been used.

Table 22:ANOVA

*Significant at 5 percent level of significance Source: primary data The ANOVA results indicate that it is significant at 5% level of significance if the p value is less than dependent variable (causes of stress) and independent variable (length of service). Stress arises due to causes of stress such as work home interface is high in employees have length of service between 5 to 10 years as compared to other groups. Therefore, H0 is rejected. In all other cases there is no significant correlation in causes of stress on the basis of length of service. That is p value is greater than .05 (.338, .979, .960, .434, .348, .190 > .05). Therefore, H0 is accepted.

Table 23: ANOVA

ConTotal Source: primary data The ANOVA results indicate that it is significant at 5% level of significance if the sig. value is less than .05 in the case of consequences of stress (.000 < .05). It means that there is significant correlation in consequences of stress in respect of type of bank. Here NGB employees have high level of stress as compared to PSB and OPSB.


Therefore, to reduce the extent of stress, management of stress give cardinal attention to the prominent causes of stress such as work-home, technology, work overload, grievance redressal and customer relationship.The present study unfolds major causes of occupational stress among bank employees along with influencing factors. The proximate stressors during this pandemic are work overload, technology, lack of training, job autonomy, customer relationship, grievance redressal and work home interface. These factors exert influence on individuals in varying degrees and dimensions. The regression analysis reveals that work home interface, technology, work overload, grievance redressal and customer relationship are the major predicators of effect of stress during this pandemic. The bank manager should frame appropriate strategies and tactics to compact the level of stress of employees since it has baneful effect on performance.


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  • http://www.arbestivintitute/stressing
  • http://www.hse.gov.uk/research/crr-pdf/1993/crr93061
  • http://www.askguru.net/study-stress-management
  • http://www.studymode.com/review-literature-on-stress-management

http://www.slideshare.net/52171371/stressmanagementamongbankemployees Associate Professor, Head of the Department, CSI Institute of PG Studies, Secunderabad