Futuristic Trends of ITEP(Integrated Teacher Education Program) in India under the Light of Nep-2020, A Boon or Bane

Exploring the Strategies, Challenges, and Trends of Integrated Teacher Education Program in India

by Dr. Sadaquat Ali Khan*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 18, Issue No. 7, Dec 2021, Pages 451 - 456 (6)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


An educator is considered as the most innovative and one of a kind individual as in light of the fact that an instructor has the capacity to impact and rouse understudies through his keenness, beliefs, experience, shrewdness and dynamic character and for this reasons instructors are viewed as a genuine draftsman of a country. After autonomy Administration of India had offered exceptional consideration towards training area and set up different councils and commissions, but still India lingers behind different nations in regard to educator schooling. To defeat this NCTE, under the Service of Training has as of late presented the Public Schooling Strategy 2020 where a ton of new guidelines are reported for fruitful execution of Coordinated Instructor Schooling Project (ITEP). ITEP is a particularly planned four years incorporated program which includes a comprehensive four year certification offering B.A. B.Ed. B. Sc. B. Ed. furthermore, B.Com. ITEP will be useful for those understudies who need to join showing calling in future. ITEP will be presented by the multidisciplinary establishments and it will be the base essential capability to turn into a teacher. Anyway fruitful execution of ITEP is difficult for the organizations and establishments should plan techniques for effective execution of ITEP in their particular foundations. This paper attempts to concentrate about the procedures, challenges and modern patterns of Coordinated Educator Schooling Project in regard to NEP 2020.


educator, teacher education, ITEP, integrated program, NCTE, National Education Policy 2020, strategies, challenges, trends, India


A teacher directly contributes to a nation's development, and a nation's education system determines how well that nation develops. For these reasons, the teaching profession is regarded as the most noble of all professions. It has been seen that informed nations are gaining fast headway in the field of agribusiness, medication, innovation, designing, cosmology, correspondence and so on as well as in different fields moreover. Interest in training generally produces exceptional yield and schooling can bring social and financial improvement of a country. "India instructive foundations have existed since the development of civilisation"(Keay, 1972) and we, individuals of India are honored to have blessed books like the Rigveda, the Aranyakas, the Upanishads, the Sagas like Ramayana and Mahabharat and the Puranas; as well as amazingly popular colleges in old India were Nalanda and Taxila. After Freedom, Govt. of India put extraordinary accentuation on training and as needs be set up different schooling commission for the persistent advancement of schooling system like College degree Commission in the year 1948, Mudaliar Commission in 1952, Indian Schooling Commission (1964-66), Public Strategy on Instruction (1968, 1986 and 1992), then, at that point, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA, 2000-2001), Right to Training Act (2009) and the most recent one is Public Training Strategy 2020. The historical backdrop of instructor training program is definitely not another one; it is essentially as old as the historical backdrop of schooling itself and the educator schooling educational plan has been reexamined occasionally. ITEP is a recently sent off educator schooling program by the NCTE for those understudies who need to become instructor in their future life. It is a long term extraordinarily planned coordinated degree program in which an understudy will concentrate on broad course like B.A or B. Sc for the initial long term and over the most recent long term they will learn about educator training and in this manner understudies will actually want to save a year and after the finish of the program they will be granted a degree like BA/B. Sc alongside B. Ed. It has been proposed by the NCTE in NEP 2020 that, the Long term ITEP will prone to be begun from the scholastic meeting 2022-23.


The global education system is changing quickly along with the rest of the world. Many ideas and policies for the advancement of education have been developed in the NEP 2020, and much has been discussed on the educational system. The through the appropriate education, among other things, have been prioritised. In order to help pre-service and in-service teachers succeed in the field of education, the NCTE created a programme specifically for them in the earlier education policy (NPE 1986). A student must typically complete a degree programme lasting at least three years, such as a BA, B. Sc., B.Com., or Master's degree study, before being required to participate in a two-year B. Ed. curriculum if they want to become teachers. According to NEP 2020, if a student wants to become a teacher in the future, they should apply right away to the four-year ITEP. Upon successful completion of the programme, they will receive both a Bachelor's degree & professional degree in teacher education, such as a B. Education. A student may continue his studies in the future if he wants to seek a master's degree. In the ITEP, students have access to a lot of freedom. For example, they are not required to wait 4 years to graduate; instead, they can receive a certificate after 1 year, a diploma after two years, and an honours degree with a B. Ed. after 4 years. It has been stated that the ITEP will take four years to complete, with eight semesters, and that students will have a maximum of 6 years to do so. The ITEP curriculum was developed by the NCTE under the Ministry of Education, & new curriculum allows students to earn a degree in education as well as one in a specialised field like history, mathematics, science, arts, economics, or commerce. Additionally, they will learn about Indian values & traditions, morality, and how to be a good person in general. Additionally, institutions will only admit students under the ITEP after they have passed the NCET, which will be administered by the National Testing Agency (NTA). The ITEP's multidisciplinary curriculum, which will be on pace with international standards, will teach students about Indian traditions, values, and culture in addition to specific papers in science & arts.


The last comprehensive Education Policy was introduced way back in the year 1986. About thirty-four years later, a new policy, NEP 2020 is presented by the Government of India. NEP 2020 thus replaces National Policy on Education, 1986. The policy has the potential of being a huge milestone for India‘s education system, which definitely provides ways to make India an attractive centre for higher education world-over. The actual consultation process for the New Education Policy was launched in January 2015 as a result of the Government of India's initiative, and it was presided over by former Cabinet Secretary Shri. T. S. R. Subramanian. A committee under the direction of former Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Chairman Dr. K. Kasturirangan submitted the draught of the NEP in 2019 based on the committee's report from June 2017. The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) subsequently announced the Draught New Education Policy (DNEP) 2019, which The new policy document in development has been amended, revised, and ultimately adopted on July 29, 2020. The new educational system in India is envisioned in NEP 2020, which was approved by the Indian Union Cabinet on July 29, 2020. The policy aims to create an education system that is centred on India and directly contributes to the nation's transformation into a just and thriving knowledge society through the provision of high-quality education to all of its citizens. The strategy offers a thorough framework for education ranging from primary school to higher education, including vocational training in both rural & urban India. By 2021, the initiative expects to have changed and transformed the Indian educational sector. The policy unambiguously supports and calls for a significant increase in central & state government spending on education.


Regulations for the Bachelor's in Teacher Education Programme: NEP 2020 mandates that in order to start and deliver 4-year ITEP by the year 2030, present TEIs must comply with specific conditions. The ITEP will not be implemented until 2030, at which point the lowest level of qualification will still be a barrier. The ITEP will be improved holistically by specialisation in areas like language, history, music, math, computer science, chemistry, economics, art, physical education, etc. A deeper understanding of history, science, psychology, sociology, early childhood care & education, fundamental literacy, and numeracy skills, as well as an understanding of India and its values, ethos, art, and traditions, among other things, will benefit research, but Teacher Education will also benefit from this.(NEP 2020) When recommending the Teacher Education programmes for NEP 2020, consideration was given to Justice Verma Committee Recommendation Number-3, which stated that "The Teacher Education should be a part of Higher Education and the duration of the teacher education programme needs to be enhanced."NEP 2020 regulations state that HEIs that offer 4-year integrated B.Ed. programmes may also provide a 2-year B.Ed. programme for students who already have a bachelor's degree in a specific subject. A one-year B.Ed. may also be made available to students who have a four-year undergraduate degree in a particular field, as shown in figure 1.

Figure 1: NEP 2020's Bachelor's Degree Teacher Education Programme

Note: (Implemented from NEP 2020. MoE, New Delhi: Government of India)


1. ITEP shall be made available immediately following (5+3+3+4 years of education). As a result, real candidates who are interested in pursuing a career in teacher education or school administration can enrol at an early stage and be shaped under the direction of skilled and exceptional educators. 2. The ITEP programme will be able to train competent teachers who can adapt to the essential modifications in the school curriculum required by NEP 2020. 3. Teachers who have completed ITEP courses will have a broad base of subject knowledge that will enable them to advise students on choosing a stream that is relevant to their area of professional interest and takes into account the unique needs of each and every child. 4. ITEP also offers material and pedagogical expertise to foster the nation's keen minds. 5. According to NEP 2020, the ITEP programme will be launched in education departments of universities at very large sections in higher education, which will ultimately lead to a huge demand & vacancy in teacher education. As a result, ITEP will be the minimum educational qualification for school teachers. This suggests that NEP 2020 will offer numerous career opportunities in the area of teacher education in the following year. 6. Per NCTE (Norms & Standards for ITEP Programme) Regulations, 2014 Gazette Notification No. 509, dated October 22, 2021, published on October 26, 2021, ITEP shall be executed in a phase-wise manner, beginning with piloting in multidisciplinary HEIS/TEIs, and then nationwide expansion in accordance with NEP 2020 timeframe. The exit system shall be applicable in ITEP as finalised in the National Higher Education Qualification Framework by UGC aligned with NEP 2020. This multiple exit and entry method will help strengthen teacher education since it provides pupils freedom of movement, freedom from worry about wasting time, and convenience. bring out hidden talent in the classrooms, teacher education programmes have been running for a longer time in India and their curriculum has periodically been revised. An innovative teacher training programme called ITEP allows students to graduate with a B. Ed. in just four years, saving them a year of academic study time. The 4-year ITEP will begin in the academic session of 2022–2023 at the 50 chosen interdisciplinary institutions around the nation, as proposed by NCTE in NEP 2020. It has also been suggested that by the year 2030, ITEP will be the minimal educational need for hiring school teachers. The ITEP curriculum was developed by the NCTE under the Ministry of Education. However, implementing ITEP in higher education institutions is a difficult endeavour, thus institutions must adequately prepare themselves for ITEP implementation to go smoothly. Here are a few obstacles to an ITEP that should be taken into account.-

  • It is anticipated that India's student population would surpass 250 million by the end of the year 2030. Educating these students effectively would be a tremendous task for instructors, and institutions must hire a pool of teachers with the necessary training to meet this demand.
  • Enough money is needed to operate an educational institution adequately; without sufficient funding, an institution cannot run efficiently. Both public and commercial organisations may provide financing.
  • The success of the ITEP cannot be assured unless the institutions hire a sufficient number of teachers with a variety of specialisations in accordance with the NCTE's norms & regulations.
  • Proper infrastructure facilities, such as more classrooms with benches, contemporary labs for practical classes, creation of smart classrooms with projectors for demonstration, provision for electricity with generator backup, internet capabilities, a digital library, and provision for hygienic lavatory facilities for all people, including students with disabilities, are essential for the teaching & learning process.
  • An institution must hire a sufficient number of qualified teachers with the requisite training & abilities before implementing ITEP, per NCTE guidelines. In order to hire brilliant people as teachers, the institution must also offer a competitive pay structure.

 A teacher should be encouraged to participate in various orientation programmes, refresher courses, and seminars offered by colleges and universities periodically so that they can stay current on the most recent teaching access to research possibilities & should encourage them to enrol in the newest courses. In this case, authorities should also provide teachers some leeway by allowing leaves without reducing their pay, scheduling classes in the absence of any teachers, and offering financial advantages like salary increases, promotions, and other things after research is finished.

  • The most difficult work for ITEP's implementation, which is planned to begin in the academic year 2022–2023, is developing the curriculum. The NCTE, which is part of the Ministry of Education, is working to develop the ITEP curriculum, but it is ultimately up to the state governments and affiliated colleges to make the decision.
  • Once more, in order for ITEP to be a successful teacher education programme, local requirements & aspirations should also be taken into account while developing the curriculum.


A strategy is a blueprint or general plan for carrying out a task effectively and on schedule. It was suggested in NEP 2020 that by the year 2030, every teacher training institution must implement an ITEP, and that ITEP serve as the prerequisite for hiring school instructors. Currently, all teacher training colleges in India offer a two-year regular B. Ed. programme. To be eligible for admission, a student must have earned a graduation or postgraduate degree with at least 50% of the required marks. However, ITEP will replace the current system of teacher education, thus students who want to become teachers in the future must enrol in ITEP following higher school. However, the standard graduation & post graduation programmes will continue to be offered, and if a student wants to later enrol in a teacher education programme, he must enrol in a regular two-year B. Ed. course after graduating or completing his postgraduate studies. In order to be ready for the next teacher education programme, institutions must undertake the necessary preparations and establish the methods that are outlined below:

  • It is the role of the NCERT, NUEPA, and SCERT to collaborate and construct the ITEP curriculum while taking into account the cultural variety, local aspirations, and regional demand of the country.
  • In accordance with NEP 2020's suggestion, ITEP is anticipated to start in the academic year 2022–2023 as a pilot programme at 50 selected institutions. Therefore, those 50 institutions must hire a sufficient number of qualified teachers from various academic
  • In order to entice the greatest teachers with the strongest academic qualifications, an institution's administrators must offer a competitive compensation package as well as additional benefits such periodic promotions, salary increases, support for research initiatives, maternity leave for female staff, etc.
  • In today's technologically advanced world, it is impossible to separate the education sector from the use of digital learning systems & technologically based instruments. Institutions must first provide all teachers & students with reliable internet access so that they may connect with one another smoothly and without interruption before introducing ITEP. Additionally, it is urged for teacher training institutions to create digital libraries so that books can be accessible from any location and at any time.
  • Institutions must set up orientation programmes, educational seminars, and refresher courses for teachers so that they can stay current on the most recent developments in the educational area.
  • Additionally, it is advised that the educational institution providing ITEP work in partnership with the local university so that teachers can enrol in research-oriented programmes like Ph. D. to advance their knowledge.


Bella Joseph (2013) Teachers actually shape kids' destinies, which means they also determine our nation's course. Due to their beneficial contributions, teachers in India are currently the most regarded members of society. Only the most gifted and informed individuals may become instructors. In order to provide children the moral ideals, information, and abilities that were necessary, society gave everything through teachers or gurus. The spirit of greater status for teachers, respect for them, and respect for instructors must be renewed in order to motivate teachers to select better candidates for their profession. Bharadwaj B.P (2016) Education is essential for the full fulfilment of human potential, the development of a just society, and the promotion of global civilization. The provision of universal access to high-quality education is the driving force behind India's continuous competition and leadership on the international arena in terms of economic progress and growth, social justice and equality, scientific advancement, national integration, and cultural preservation. A firm foundation and boost are provided by an efficient teacher preparation plan for outlines the goal for India's future educational system. It adds a positive dimension to teacher preparation in general & education system as a whole. It also provides solutions to the problems that teacher education is currently confronting. In order to fulfil the objectives of an egalitarian society & sustainable development, this article discusses the issues with teacher education in India & potential solutions. Chakrabarti M. (1998) The capacity of every nation to develop depends on its ability to educate its people. The knowledge, dedication, competency, and motivation of instructors are the factors that determine high-quality education and learner achievement. Today, governments all around the world have a huge challenge in providing such educators. Due to the ever-expanding amount of information now available, teaching has grown more challenging in light of new pedagogical & psychological theories, philosophical, sociological, and globalisation ideas. Today, teacher education programmes need to be well-planned and original. Today, the teacher education programme needs to be examined, modified, rethought about, and reoriented. One of the key aims of the Indian government is to promote excellence & quality in the educational system. The Indian government has been concentrating on quality & excellence in education at all levels in order to attain the goal of improved quality at all educational levels. The current study focuses on how teacher educators' roles are altering in light of NEP2020. Additionally, it emphasises the numerous tasks that NEP2020 mandates instructors take on in the classroom. The study offered solutions to the problems that teacher education faces. This essay is analytical in style. Various research papers, books, and articles have been utilised that are pertinent. According to the requirements of the study, data & information have been gathered from relevant sources. Akhil Kumar Rai et al. (2020) Teachers are concerned about the future of our children, who are also our country's future. It is considered that teaching is the most honourable profession. Teachers are the centre of the educational process because they instill in our children the values, knowledge, empathy, creativity, ethics, life skills, and social responsibility that are necessary to build a progressive, just, educated, and prosperous society. Education of teachers has the greatest positive impact on the neighbourhood & helps social reform initiatives. In order to correctly analyse the various aspects of teacher education listed in NEP—2020, it is important to consider social responsibility, an integrated viewpoint, and social concern. All students will be taught by instructors who are enthusiastic, motivated, highly qualified, professionally trained, & equipped, according to NEP 2020's stated goal. In this context, NEP 2020 offers sweeping policy changes in the teacher education system to address any problems or difficulties educators may be experiencing at the pre-service and in-service levels of teaching at various levels of Mr. Sachin J. Sakhare (2020) The NEP 2019 envisions an Indian-centered educational system that, by offering top-notch instruction to everyone, directly contributes to our country's sustainable transformation into a just and thriving knowledge society. Examining the characteristics and functions of instructors in the 2019 NEP is one of the main objectives of the current conceptual research article. (i) To know the core ideas behind NEP 2019. (ii) To review the aspects of NEP 2019. (iii) To discuss how instructors ought to conduct themselves in light of NEP 2019. To review the core NEP 2019 observations (iv). The present conceptual paper focuses on the NEP 2019 elements and the instructor role. The focus of the current essay is on NEP 2019's core elements. This paper discusses the NEP 2019 features. The current study discusses the role that teachers have in the development of a country. The current research investigates national policies and their connections to educators. The current study also focused on the role of the teacher, whose job it is to mold the brains of the next generation. In the modern educational period, student-teacher connection is crucial. Study some NEP 2019-related observations as well.


India finally has a new education strategy, known as the NEP 2020, after waiting for more than 30 years. This policy was created while taking into consideration the most recent advancements made by other nations in the field of education. The National Policy on Education, 1986—as it was known to us—has been replaced by NEP 2020. Our society can anticipate more committed & responsible teachers who will be committed to their profession and who will shape the future of our nation through their knowledge, skills, wisdom, and experience thanks to the innovative & unique ITEP concept. For teachers & teacher educators, NEP 2020 envisioned innovation & establishment of standard-setting regulations. Additionally, NEP 2020 places emphasis on advancing research & development in the area of teacher education and transforming the organisation into a provider of multidisciplinary courses. In the near future, NEP 2020 will be recognised as a turning point for India's educational system.


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Corresponding Author Dr. Sadaquat Ali Khan*

Associate Professor and Principal, MANUU, College of Teacher Education, Bidar Karnataka