Research Librarian a Roadmap to statin and promote research activities

by Mr. Shripad Vasantrao Chandratre*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 19, Issue No. 1, Jan 2022, Pages 252 - 257 (6)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Libraries are growing from web 2.0 to web 4.0 with complete metamorphosis in terms of the acquisition, processing to services. Subject librarian concept modified with research and research methods related queries to pay the role of research librarian. The Library professional involve in this research supportive activity is the Library researcher or research librarian. He marketing hisher library services and same time tries to establish connections or partnerships for research base activity. Interdisciplinary approach is growing more today. This embedded, collaborative role may strengthen the academic librarians to sustain with time and to grow an important agenda of parent institute.


research librarian, libraries, web 2.0, web 4.0, acquisition, processing, services, subject librarian, research methods, library professional, research supportive activity, connections, partnerships, interdisciplinary approach, academic librarians, parent institute


After the industrial revolution, Information Technology has taken the role of humanism, every sector of the economy changing with time. The role of the Librarian also changed with the Information Technology revolution. No doubt, that Internet Communication Technology respectively from the preservation of communication of records, the custodian to modern techno perceptive digital librarianship. There is a need to understand today‘s infodemic of Information and still should not forget the basic ethical role of knowledge provider i.e. bringing together the People and Graphical Records. The records say that 17th-century libraries are open for society to utilized the communication records; in 18th-century bibliographies and subject heading, services started for its use. The 19th to 20th century was the golden era for librarianship as classification, cataloging significant reforms and modern innovation technology change the communication records forms; simultaneously librarian‘s role also started molding with time. He played the role of administrative and system librarian, information officer, information scientist, emerging technology librarian, metadata librarian, and digital librarian to cyberian. Modern Librarianship will always base on the user‘s satisfaction as a Clint or consumer of information. The passionate and professional librarian is always on his toes to recheck his/ her role for the longevity of the profession. This critical thinking and rechecking gave the birth of innovative library services and practices for laypeople and researchers. The collaborative librarianship is one of them, where the librarian starts becoming a partner for utilizing communication records up to the mark to bridge the gap in research, and helped the researcher to create a new form of knowledge. This paper deals with the above mention role of librarian as a teacher, trainer to support faculties in the research activities.


Christopher Cox predicts the significant ways academic libraries will shift in terms of collections, services, spaces, and operations because of the pandemic.[1] The above the statement is very true in the current situation of the Infodemic, pandemic. The role of libraries is pivotal in research activities and projects. Libraries are acting as an ‗electronic hub‘, which focuses on support resources for teaching, learning, and research. Libraries are growing from web 2.0 to web 4.0 with complete metamorphosis in terms of the acquisition, processing to services. There is a still need to understand that how to provide research support services to faculties, students, or researchers effectively. Which type of training given and how it can implement systematically for the researchers. For example- Research orientation, gathering of information, writing papers, creating presentations to complete the goal. The Library professional involve in this research supportive activity is the Library researcher or research librarian. He marketing his/her library services and same time tries to establish A review of the literature was carried out to know about changing roles of librarians as research librarians. The current trends and developments from the last 15 years are as follows:- Winner, M.C. (1998) written on the leadership role of librarians to teach library skills, research strategies, and methodologies for lifelong learning. He also explained the librarians‘ partnerships with classroom faculty to teach subject content and research methodologies courses.[1] Shen, Zhijia; Gresham, Keith (2000) observes the role of Librarian as a teacher of Information literacy and research methods; collaborative work with faculty in curriculum development.[2] Sheila Corrall (2010) explores the phenomenon of hybrid library services of academic libraries, their professional development through continue education and explain the need to Educating the academic librarian as a blended professional.[3] H K Olsen (2012) in his article ―research group librarian- a cooperative partner in research?‖ concluded that the research librarian role could be extremely useful for the development of the librarian‘s research process insight and the library facility as a whole. What probably does have transfer value is this protective way of working as a librarian‖.[4] According to UK Report on The value of libraries for research and researchers - Research Libraries UK (2014) Libraries are promoting and exploiting the new technologies and new models of scholarly communications. In addition, Libraries are a physical manifestation of the values of the academy and of scholarship [5] Geraldine Delaney & Jessica Bates (2015) review the current issues and trends on embedded librarianship. In addition, suggested that academic libraries need to continue to adapt their roles and develop stronger relationships across the university in order to maintain and promote their relevancy to all stakeholders.[6] Ohaji, I.K., Chawner, B. & Yoong, P. (2019) analysis role performance of data librarian in academic and research libraries to understand the data management and e-research and concluded that data Librarians needs to enhance practice and training programs to understand research data management and e-research. Furthermore, they observe that the data librarian can play important role in scholarly communication i. e. the literature and conversation within the academic and/or research library, research community around.[7] Process, Information Literacy skills, Library services, and user‘s expectations, etc.[8] In an attempt to define researchers, research, and librarian services to facilitate research, the authors present some key challenges for the future of libraries. They want librarians to be able to answer the question: ―How do librarians add value to the research process?‖ (Webb et al., 2007, p. 3)[9] DEEF. (2009) stated that fundamental changes have been taking place regarding research in most disciplines. New forms of collaboration have developed between Researchers, institutions, countries, and disciplines. New technologies and digital tools challenge the researchers both in terms of mastering the actual tools and in orientating themselves in the increasing sea of information and publications. And he questions following 1. ―Is there a future for research libraries? 2. Which possible roles can the Does research library adopt? 3. Can we draw a roadmap to help us move towards a new desired future?‖ (DEFF, 2009, p. 7)[10] Can we have established a much greater cooperation between Researchers, institutions, countries, and disciplines by providing Library services? However, there is still need to provide other research-related support and services to students in order to be more effective. The most common way to start your research is to have a tour of your local library or online library database. You need to know about the reference room, the card catalog, the periodicals, and the information desk. In this way, you will be able to understand the organization of the library and the ways in which you can get help from there.


1. Study the role of the research Librarian with respect to different services provided in support of research activities. 2. Making of Road map of strategies to implement it for UG and PG level colleges to find out collaborative partnership stages, opportunities and services offered by the library. 3. What the benefits of these activities to research group, libraries, and on institute? implemented in UG and PG level colleges and not a university or special research libraries. This study mainly focused on library services especially related to research activity where a librarian will play the role of teacher, trainer for knowing about research as overall, Literature Review, Writing of Research, research metrics, and making research profile for visibility. However, the post-research activity is an important activity to enhance the visibility of research conduct and publishing. Still, due to time constrain and the last stage of publishing paper is still on the way post-research activities are not included.


It is a review-based theoretical study. Researchers reviewed the concepts ‗Research Librarian‘ through literature review and proposed the six steps roadmap to implement in their college libraries. Observations, interviews, and feedbacks discussed as a case study for future improvement.


According to curricula, librarian always tries to adopt changes and makeover his/her profile to satisfy the demand of library users. For playing the role of research librarian, he/she has to be an information literacy educator and digital library manager. He/ She has to interact with academicians, students simultaneously to understand the demands of educational institutions, professional bodies and employers and on this basis the hypothesis was formed that is ‗Beneficial cooperative relationship (partnership) can be established between librarians and researchers.


I) while reviewing the previous literature available on these topic researchers found that the following are the services/ ways to act /play the collaborative role of a research librarian. 1. Collection 2. IR/ Databases etc. 3. Research base training activities (RM, Search Strategies, using …) 4. Research profile making 5. Communication or formal meetings interviews 6. Provision of data on demand Information Network (RIN) on ‗The value of libraries for research and researchers‖ in 2011 has given the key messages:- 1. Good libraries help institutions to recruit and retain top researchers 2. Libraries help researchers win research grants and contracts 3. Libraries promote and exploit new technologies and new models of scholarly communications 4. Repositories increase the visibility of the institution and raise its research profile 5. Outward-facing libraries contribute to institution-wide initiatives 6. Specialist staff work in partnership with academic departments 7. Connecting with researchers enhances the value of the library‘s services 8. Dedicated spaces provide a better work environment for researchers 9. Easy access to high-quality content is a key foundation for good research 10. Libraries are a physical manifestation of the values of the academy and of scholarship The section second on ‗ the environment for libraries and research‘ the review of library services in support of research was very well explained in Figure 3 (overleaf) indicates the range of services offered by libraries indifferent ways to different categories of users and stakeholders. These stakeholders are prospective researchers, publishers, researcher managers, researchers, external researchers; while a range of services is ICT services, training, feedback, etc. II) Both The researcher are having UG and PG college base libraries. According to the type of academic library and courses undertaken in the colleges' researcher studied the scope of Research Methods subject in the syllabus that implemented in colleges as a curriculum. Both the Librarians are already practicing library orientation, database services, open access services, and information literacy program every year. Syllabus study forces them to implement them information literacy program in detail. To walk on this 1. Started getting involvement in research environment and research project (interacting with faculties and students) 2. Orientation and Marketing of library the facelifted base of ‗to know their library‘ its services supporting to their curriculum and research. 3. Training for Information Literacy skills in the Research process on a priority basis to bring quality in research output, to bring cooperation with subject departments and experienced faculties, to know about the latest trend and developments in the field. 4. Study of different information approaches of user‘s and blending of new services by making Researcher‘s Profile. (Researcher‘s personality, research interests, knowing the field of research/subject, skills and approach to information literacy and learning) 5. Formal, informal communication with the researcher, faculties to know the update and feedback to the right way. 6. To provide Supportive help to researcher in writing research papers, dissertations, and citation writing. How to give complete references, plagiarism check, and publishing advisory support (impact factor and h-index).


Feedback from Users Researcher (Students & faculties):- Researcher (Students & faculties) reported their writings through email and some submitted as an assignment to Google Classroom. Emails, WhatsApp, and Google The meet used during the lockdown to solve the queries, to understand the process, and to train the faculties and students. Formal and informal interviews of faculties and students gave positive feedback about the research-based activities and the role-played by Librarian as a research librarian. They said that they fill that the support provided by these ways is a very good supportive, directive one, and it built confidence in researchers to do it on right track. The teaching of Information Literacy and Digital literacy skills, searching strategies, reference writings or management tools, etc. are very beneficial to researchers and faculties. These skills were lacking previously to the researcher. The Literature search and searching strategy teaching help them a lot to work independently and given guidance to make the social and cultural milieu of research methods and research concepts. The use of Reference Management tools, ethical writing and plagiarism check, etc help them to increase the quality of research. Even the old Ph.D. qualified faculties very fond of these new tools and techniques of literature searching through the literature databases by discovering new, most relevant authors, publications, and methods for the subject area. Publishing related matters are now clearer to avoided predatory journals. Many times searching new literature is like a new start to search. Faculties and students reported that due to literature searching training it was easier for them to plan or write literature Review Articles and helped them to map the research activities pathway. The faculties while discussing the training output pinpointed that students and research scholars are submitting the assignment without a cut, copy past and we did not found Wikipedia as a resource or reference but we found references that are more relevant. Experiences of the Librarian Before giving, the training and starting these researcher librarian activities, librarian got the chance to overview all library services and given the check to physical library space, library physical and digital resources. Library staff and librarians got a chance to brush up and refresh his/her knowledge of research methodology and research tools. Training giving activity helps research students, faculties, and librarians to value and respect each other. Researcher, Faculties very well understand the library as the information source and librarian as an intermediate to serve them with an understanding of their needs. This Intune training activity helps to understand different phases of the research project and got chance to sharpened knowledge about the research project. Librarian got the idea/ outlook for library services, their potential, and implementation. The day-to-day communication at each phase served as a way of marketing the library to other faculty members of the institute and students too. research methods related queries to pay the role of a research librarian. Formal as well informal help and meetings to understand researcher‘s demands of researcher help in the development of bond or a relationship between librarian and researcher or faculties more closed. It was a notable change that computer as well digital literacy level increased in the institute and so the speed of literature searching activity was an increase. This change in role as a research librarian initiated the journey of a team player, collaboration, and ultimately personalizes service provider. This is a very positive impact noted through this activity and for the same librarian has to act proactively all the time to sustain as an effective partner. Librarian has to adopt new technologies, has to understand users‘ expectations (Researcher Scholar) to frame policy to act as a research librarian. The patrons required more individualized instruction sometimes. Librarian can implement research-based activities like Exploring literature search, Research Output / Scholarly writing, and COPYRIGHT and FAIR USE; Plagiarism, How to avoid Plagiarism; What is a citation, publishing, and Funding of research etc. at UG and PG level colleges up to the mark. This pathway of research librarian forced librarian to change his role and acquire new knowledge and services. Each subject and discipline varies in its nature, different methodologies, resources, etc. In addition, the research environment and individual researcher lookout always matter. An interdisciplinary approach is growing more today. This embedded, collaborative role may strengthen the academic librarians to sustain with time and to grow an important agenda of parent institute.


Institutes will decide soon which reference tool should use for the research activities as a reference management tool. Is Information repositories are important? What kind of research support for Funding and economic level provided by the library?


1. Winner, C.M. (1998). Librarians as Partners in the Classroom: An Increasing Imperative. Reference Services Review, 26(1), 25-29. curriculum", Reference Services Review, Vol. 28 No. 4, pp. 360-368. 3. Corrall, S. (2010), "Educating the academic librarian as a blended professional: a review and case study", Library Management, Vol. 31 No. 8/9, pp. 567-593. 4. Olsen, H.K., 2012. Research group librarian – a cooperating partner in research?. LIBER Quarterly, 22(3), pp.190–212. DOI: 5. The value of libraries for research and researchers - Research Libraries UK Accessed: 2021-06-04 6. Geraldine Delaney & Jessica Bates (2015) Envisioning the Academic Library: A Reflection on Roles, Relevancy and Relationships, New Review of Academic Librarianship, 21:1, 30-51, DOI: 10.1080/13614533.2014.911194 7. Ohaji, I.K., Chawner, B. & Yoong, P. (2019). The role of a data librarian in academic and research libraries Information Research, 24(4), paper 844. Retrieved from (Archived by the Internet Archive at 8. Daland, H., & Hidle, K. M. W. (2016). New roles for research librarians: Meeting the expectations for research support. Chandos Publishing. Accessed: 2021-06-04 9. Kemp, B. E. (2008). Providing Effective Library Services for Research, by Jo Webb, Pat Gannon-Leary, and Moira Bent. London: Facet Publishing, 2007. 278 p.£ 39.95. ISBN 978-1-85604-589-6. 10. The Future of Research and the Research Library A Report to DEFF Denmark's Electronic Research Library (2009)


Corresponding Author

Mr. Shripad Vasantrao Chandratre*

Librarian G.E. Society‘s RNC Arts, JDB Commerce & NSC Science College, NashikRoad-422101