A Study on Impact of Information Technology in Human Resource

Exploring the Role of Information Technology in Human Resource Management

by Neela Mehta*, Dr. Narender Singh,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 19, Issue No. 1, Jan 2022, Pages 275 - 281 (7)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Information Technology (IT) has transformed the globe into a one village based on communications and other enterprises, thanks to technology. The Internet has revolutionized our everyday lives and the manner in which we connect with others, as well as how we study and learn, work, and spend our time. Information Technology is important in many parts of life, bringing precision, speed, availability, and convenience to our daily lives. Individuals and businesses can use information technology as a package of delivered programmes through physical infrastructure, and it plays a critical part in the expansion of Human Resources (HR). This article provides a brief overview of the importance of information technology in human resource management. Today's ruling leaders and top executives recognise the value of the Internet and digital systems in achieving organisational objectives. Information technology's application and the Internet not only aids in achieving organisational goals, but also in improving work evaluation.


information technology, human resource, impact, internet, digital systems, organizational objectives, precision, speed, availability, convenience


Human resources have almost universally been identified as a company's or organizations most valuable asset for future growth. Human engagement in the development and growth process is essential since human beings are the most priceless component and source of progress. The existence of experimental and fresh information is the main aim of human resource development. Furthermore, Information technology is a term used to describe a process It entails the utilisation of computers that may help to grow and build new possibilities in the human resource management system. Information technology, which has caused a major revolution in today's life, is one of the most crucial variables that impacts everyday business and how workers grow in response to new technologies. Information technology has evolved on a regular basis. Human Resource Management (HRM) and Information Technology have a wide range of interactions; as a result, human resource experts should obey to adopt technologies that enable human rescue reengineering, a big change to maintain and organise a stream of performed tasks could be very simple through the use of technology, and being able to maintain a suitable management climate for a creative, innovative, and well-managed organisation. Information and communication technologies (ICT), a wide phrase used to describe encompasses all technologies associated with new media (social networking sites), the Internet, mobile communication, and personal computers, enable businesses to better manage their internal processes. Structures,core competenciesand appropriate markets globally. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are widely employed in all areas of the business and affect practically every company on the planet. The human resource management system must be focused on the strategic objective, and these strategic goals must be achieved via information technology techniques. [1]


Technology is a relatively recent phenomenon, particularly in underdeveloped nations like Afghanistan, and it is fast expanding. "Technology refers to a collection of procedures, processes, equipment, methods, tools, machines, and skills used to create a product or provide a service. Technology is defined as "the application of science to commercial activity via the use of systematic and directional procedures and research" .Information technology is a collection of tools built for the aim of constructing information systems, and it may have certain drawbacks due to inappropriate system utilisation, incorrect design, and partly constructed information systems. The abuse of these systems by developers, designers, and computer engineers is what causes the overwhelming majority of issues. In human worlds, information technology is a strategy, concept, notion, and tool of innovation Rapid development, installation, and protection of information systems is one of the most crucial collection of cultural and intellectual systems. As a result, information technology is an information-oriented concept without popularising a culture of information building. Information technology is made up of a succession of designs and practical items like as personal computers, supercomputers, cables, and wires that are combined and connected. Organizations' information development and gathering systems are referred to as information technology. By making computer programmes cheaper, simpler, and smaller, computing has enabled access to information from everywhere [2]


IT's Role in Human Resources In the modern era of information technology, Alvin Toffler's third wave in an international society is facilitated Economic markets, as well as data transmission and communication confront the issue of receiving a large part of global advantages. Organizations nowadays frequently employ computer and information systems technology to discuss anything at any time. Managers require it in order to put their skills to work in their organisations, as well as to reduce their weaknesses and other aspects in a timely manner, In terms of organisational learning, effective communication with workers, an outstanding organisational learning process, and the availability of knowledge everywhere and at any time, IT and the Internet are highly remarkable. The organisation, including human resources, has steadily altered as a cosequence of information technology. [3]


The HR department has established a new method of tackling HR applications because to information technology. This type of IT application in HR operations includes remote placement (web-based recruitment), e-learning, and HR self-services. Virtual Recruiting is a web-based recruitment process that involves a virtual interview, an online psychological exam, a resume search, and an online job statement. It has streamlined and streamlined the recruitment procedure. These applications also eliminated potential barriers to entry into the candidate pool. Before the Internet, HR recruiters had to rely on print periodicals like -journal, but information technology has made the recruitment process more successful and efficient than the previous manual hiring method. [4]


With the new IT phenomena, the human resource manager may more effectively educate new employees in the firm, and their availability is no longer a problem. With the use of technology, they can teach new employees remotely. Lecturers can work directly with new employees using information technology and training programmes delivered via online seminars,


Human resource managers utilise information technology to improve employee performance and to assess employees based on their own feedback or input from investors for the organization's benefit. HR managers may analyse their employees' performance and set performance criteria using a variety of tools, hardware, and software. HR managers assess an employee's actual performance to the standard performance and correct any discrepancies, as well as providing further training to his or her personnel. IT is critical in learning about an organization's people, understanding their output, learning about their talents, and receiving input from other stakeholders. [6]


Information technology is vital for the development of human resources in firms and organisations, and it determines the human resource development principle according to the demands of the staff and companies, since it has created a major revolution in human existence. On a continuous project, information technology collaborates and contributes to human resource development by increasing human ability and quality. Information is always created, processed, disseminated, and structured in the information technology process, thus information technology will be a better solution to difficulties during employee training and human skills that are merged, and so develop and increase productivity. A company or organisation may boost capacity building locally and train its employees from other countries using information technology.


Nowadays, information technology plays an important part in idea management by giving information on new improvement suggestions presented by employees in a business, as well as assisting in the creation of new concepts. It may offer information on an organization's input and income, as well as aid in the adoption of a new idea in the organisation for future use. The fundamental purpose of online information assistance in idea development and management is for it to become the cornerstone of a successful business and for all employees to have access to it. It enables employees to submit their existing ideas and consider future enhancements during meetings and discussion groups. Many benefits of information technology conclude speed, availability, transparency, conserving time, money, and all resources, lowering costs, and boosting work performance through rapid action and on-time communications. [7]

It is a type of storage system used to store an organization's data and information. The Human Resources Information System (HRIS) is a data collecting and storage a system in use forHR analysis and decision-making. Human resource job is always made easier by technology. In electronic format, human resource managers store and retrieve information such as firm files, profit and loss, and other data. Employee data, the hiring process, job characteristics, application conditions, selection and staffing, professional and individual development, corporate structure, performance assessment, training expenses, organisation, personal planning, and so on are all covered by HRIS. A management may use IT to keep their data in numerous more secure locations that are accessible anywhere and at any time.


Information technology is becoming a more important element in all parts of life. Increased revenues, reduced administrative expenditures, increased productivity, improved decision-making process, and improved customer service are just a few of the benefits that information technology delivers to an organisation or company. To recruit and pick a good candidate for an interview, manage workers, save their data, and appropriately evaluate it, a business needs a variety of technologies for human resource management. There are also several sorts of apps, software, and hardware packages available for this purpose, which the business utilises based on their requirements. Many firms now utilise the Internet to acquire employee applications and to hire new workers based on their performance and contribution to the organisation. [8]


India is a developing country, and information technology is a relatively recent phenomenon there. The population of the nation is also unfamiliar with the use of IT in their everyday activities, which explains why IT services are used so infrequently in comparison to emerging countries such as the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom. As in other developing nations, information technology is employed in a large number of activities, however in India, it is now used in only a handful of the following: Telephones, Facebook, Twitter, and Whatsapp are examples of social media., office automation, SMS services via mobile phones, mobile money, and a few companies, hotels, and general stores that provide online purchasing services. There are a few negatives to IT that have been discovered in our study here in Afghanistan. 1. Lack of IT literature 2. Lack of laws and policies such as copy right and more. 5. Less understanding of IT driven applicants and English language literacy 6. Lack of confidence on IT systems to make them satisfied that their data is secured and the system will work better for their companies and/or organizations 7. Often of the old-aged employees worry about the new IT systems and they think to do not lose their current jobs with replacing it an advanced IT-based system. Some of them think that a person or robot can work instead several employees that will cause reduce the amount of workers total in an organization. Employees who do not speak English and/or are unfamiliar with IT-related issues sometimes try to obstruct the installation of IT-related equipment such as the Internet, computers, printers, and other specialised programmes required by such firms. On the contrary, the younger generation, which is more familiar with IT systems and understands their benefits, is ready to replace manual methods with computerised sophisticated systems, particularly in the discipline of human resource management. The younger generation has learned that with the use of technology, they can fill many open roles and work remotely from many different places, which is why they are keen to replace the present manual methods and society with an information society. [9]


IT Services and Business Process Outsourcing are the two key components of the IT–ITES business (BPO). India's service sector boom has been led by the IT–ITES industry, which has contributed considerably to rising GDP, employment, and exports. India's IT–BPO business achieved US$100 billion in sales in FY2012, according to NASSCOM, with earnings from exports and local sourcesof US$69.1 billion and US$31.7 billion, respectively, representing a 9 percent increase. Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai, and Kolkata are the key cities that contribute about 90% of the sector's exports.Bangalore is renowned as the "Silicon Valley of India." since it is the leading exporter of information technology in the country. Exports contribute for around 77 percent of total revenue in the IT–ITES industry. Despite the fact that exports drive the IT–ITES industry, with strong revenue growth, the local market is equally important. The industry's contribution to total India‘s exports (goods and services) has increased dramatically since FY1998, when they were less than 4%. to almost 25% in FY2012. Tata Consultancy Services, Infosys, Cognizant, Wipro, and HCL Technologies are the "Top Five Indian IT Services companies," according to Gartner. There has been a huge growth in employment as a million people directly and8.9 million people are indirectly employed. It is by far the the most powerful participantin the global outsourcing sector. With India's ascent to prominence in the Information Age, it was able to forge strong both the United States and the European Union have strong links. [10]


Sharma summarizes the economic impact of India's technologically inclined services industry, which accounts for 40% of the country's GDP and 30% of export revenues while employing just 25% of the workforce as of 2006. (2006). Bangalore is renowned as India's Silicon Valley, accounting for 33% of the country's IT exports. Many of the worldwide SEI-CMM Level 5 firms, as well as India's second and third largest software companies, are headquartered in Bangalore. TCS, India's first and largest IT company, is headquartered in Mumbai, as are well-established firms such as Reliance, i-Gate Patni, L&T InfoTech, i-Flex, WNS, Shine, Nokri, clickjobs.com, Jobs Pert, and others. And these high-octane IT and dot-com firms are ruling the roost in Mumbai's comparably high-octane IT industry. With 21,000 employees in India, Cap Gemini will soon have more employees than it has in its home market of France, demonstrating the rapid expansion in investment and outsourcing. Vadodara, previously known as Baroda, is the third biggest and most populated city in the Indian state of Gujarat, behind Ahmedabad and Surat, according to the latest GESIA (Gujarat Electronics and Software Industry Associations) report. It has a literacy rate of 78 percent, which is high by Indian standards (2001). Petrochemicals, engineering, pharmaceuticals, plastics, aviation, IT, tyres, electronics, fertilisers, chemicals, and Forex are all major industries. With its recent designation by NASSCOM as an emerging IT/ITES destination, Vadodara is quickly developing as the country's IT/ITES hub. Several renowned BPO/KPO businesses have set up shop in Vadodara. Vadodara was just named the greatest rising city in India by India Today in the overall category. In terms of Vadodara city industries, IT/ITES has a 14 percent stake, biotechnology has a 4% share, engineering services has a 23% share, chemicals has a 25% share, pharma has a 12% part, electrical has a 10% share, and other has a 10% share. [11]


Human resources are the lifeblood of the IT industry, since skilled personnel is the source of competitive advantage. The IT industry is considered to be the most vibrant by nature because it has innovative work culture methods such as virtual office and virtual migration that are unique from other sectors. However, there is a high attrition rate, a lack of work satisfaction, employee job hopping, flexibility, and individualization, which are all regular occurrences in the business and

development programmes, differ significantly from those in manufacturing and other service industries.

The technique of recruitment and selection is being considered as a tool for achieving strategic goals. Ongoing recruiting, employee recommendations, realistic work previews, and the establishment of clear-cut selection criteria are some of the most prevalent recruitment techniques. Every organization's continuous success necessitates the development and training of its employees. Employee training and development allows employees to gain the skills and competences they need to improve their company's bottom line. In the Indian IT industry, skill redundancy is rapidly increasing. With the passage of time and even faster-changing technologies, Indian companies have begun to recognise the importance of corporate training and to combat this, organisations have begun to priorities training and skill enhancement programmes on a continuous basis. Performance is a reflection of training that serves as a scale for evaluating an employee's performance. It is an objective technique for evaluating an individual employee's capacity to do his or her job. In the Indian IT industry, the process of performance appraisal has become the core of the HRM system. Employee incentives are critical for inspiring and keeping people in the firm. In the Indian IT business, compensation and awards have long featured a base pay component as well as a bonus pay component when the company achieved bigger profits.Work-Life Balance has lately become an HR buzzword. Employees in today's environment don't see money as the sole motive for high performance; instead, they place a greater focus on meaningful work that allows them to spend time with their families while still taking care of critical domestic responsibilities. For these reasons, the business world has recognised the importance of work-life balance and has begun to take steps to improve employee well-being and happiness. Employees distinguish a good employer from any other employer by the sense of 'well-being' they experience at work. Employee retention is aided by a balance of work and personal goals, as well as the desires of workers. [12]


Only 7(seven) firms meet the requirements for being chosen as a participating company using the technique described above. The following is a quick overview of all of the firms that were chosen for this study: All Scripts India has been based in Vadodara with around 400 employees. Physicians' offices, hospitals, and post-acute care groups in the United States try to provide the finest patient care. All

customer experience possible. They assist 180,000 doctors in 50,000 practises, 1,500 hospitals, including 100 percent of the "Honour Roll" institutions listed by US News & World Report, and 10,000 post-acute care organisations. E-Intelligence, India is a prominent Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Marketing Management, Web Designing and Development Company that is growing by the day. e-intelligence is a prominent worldwide full-service digital marketing firm with roughly 90-100 workers that has been delivering customised and continually rotating solution-based services for a variety of marketing applications across multiple business verticals,internationally. They provide a custom solution that helps your company develop internationally by overcoming obstacles and outperforming the competition. Companies may establish a worldwide workforce with the help of Talent Anywhere Services Pvt Ltd, which offers an end-to-end solution. Their award-winning approach, which employs about 100 people in Vadodara, Pune, and Bangalore, is the most tried and true technique for building and developing a team in emerging markets. They employ a vertically integrated strategy to secure the success of our clients' worldwide businesses. No other foreign or offshore business model can match their success record. They assist major corporations in establishing new offices and teams in new areas. From recruiting and facilities to ongoing project management, they assume responsibility for guaranteeing effective execution. Rishabh Software Pvt Ltd., based in Vadodara, is involved in Mobile App Development, Cloud Development, Software Development, Software Management, Software Testing, Engineering, BPO, and provides services to the telecom, finance, health care, supply chain, and education industries. Live Mind Creative's Pvt Ltd. is a fast-growing start-up with roughly 30 people and only two years of experience. They create Smartphone apps with simple, straightforward concepts that are really useful to users. Their influence may be felt in three key areas: the Smartphone sector, the internet, and among the youth. The emphasis while developing applications is on making them appears attractive, have a seamless interface, and, most importantly, be as user-friendly as possible. Window Maker Software Ltd. is one of the most well-known software providers to the window and door industry in the world. Window Maker, which was founded in 1983, has the knowledge and skills to create unique market-leading solutions that are utilised by thousands of clients every day. Window maker is a United Kingdom with offices and partners in many other nations. Window maker employs approximately 800 employees, with more than half of them dedicated to software development, ensuring that the company's products stay on the cutting edge of technology and provide clients with new features and functionality on a regular basis. Manufacturing, Profile Systems, Machinery Links, Third Party Solutions, Software Development, and Software Consultancy are some of the services offered. Voniz.com, a Vadodara-based firm with 40 workers, offers the best online solutions to both individuals and businesses. Build websites using PHP and.NET technologies, as well as CRM, ERP, Invoicing, Hospital Management, and Transportation Management applications. [13]


The present work carries out a systematic and exploratory analysis study to investigate the role of the Internet and information technologies in human resource management system. The work is based on secondary data and the secondary data source is collected using published articles, journals, books, the Internet, seminar materials, and web technologies, information and human resource management, etc.


During my research, I discovered two examples of human resource management employing information technology.In both the public and private sectors, there are several benefits to adopting IT

Speed: Information technology helps people save time by allowing them to discover information rapidly. Availability: An employee may access data from any location and does not need to carry data files. Backup: Employees can save data on drives, taps, the cloud, and other devices. Data might be kept in a more safe and secret manner. Placement: The study's main focus is on placement or staffing, and we can use IT and the Internet to generate numerous opportunities both locally and worldwide. Employees and organisations suffer from the disadvantages of information technology.Because Robots may be utilised as employees, the development in information technology limits employment prospects in the business, and a big number of people are unemployed. A single person desired position inside the organisation. Building a new IT system in your company might be pricey.


Based on the foregoing, information technology considerably enhances an organization's internal operations and has the potential to revolutionize the placement process in both developing and developed countries. Employees may apply, take exams, and even work from home anywhere on the world, resulting in economic growth, which is a great potential for developing countries. It may aid the flow of information extremely quickly and efficiently in local and distant area applications utilising personal computers, the Internet, printers, copiers, scanners, fax machines, robots, and telephones, among other things. The human resource management strategy evolves faster with the use of information technology, and work performance improves. Information technology (IT) is a collection of software and hardware for individuals and businesses that play a critical role in human resource development In terms of planning and management, placement, training, and development and maintenance, information technology has an impact on the whole human resource management business. A person may use information technology to communicate, apply for jobs, and conduct tests all over the world, as well as work remotely. Information technology has the potential to enhance recruitment and the number of open employment, making it easier for job seekers to find work. IT is the ideal instrument for developing nations with a low or medium level of economy to improve their economy through IT, outsource their people to abroad to have possibilities for placement, generate money, and create capacity, all of which have a direct influence on economic progress.


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