The Effect of Yoga on Stress of Students

Exploring the Effects of Yoga on Stress Levels in Students

by Dr. Anita Singh*, Dr. Vijay Francis Peter,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 19, Issue No. 3, Apr 2022, Pages 17 - 19 (3)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Introduction Yoga is a science of right living and it works when integrated in our daily life. It works on all aspects of the person the physical, mental, emotional, psychic and spiritual. The word yoga means ‘unity’ or ‘oneness’ and is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘yuj’ which means ‘to join’. Yoga through its techniques of meditation, asanas, and pranayama yields a positive effect in the management of stress in adolescents. The processing of sensory information at the thalamic level is facilitated during the practice of pranayama and meditation. Material Using stress inventory for school students (SISS) by Seema Rani and Dr. BasantBahadur Singh Methodology This study was conducted to find the effect of yoga on stress of subjects with the age range 14 to 18 years. For this 30 subjects were drawn from Intercollege ofIndore, (M.P.)by using purposive sampling. Pre and post data were collected before and after yoga (treatment) for 10weeks using stress inventory for school students (SISS).The selected subjects that are yoga practice (experimental group) was subjected to a 10-weeks yogic asanasprogram. Standing Postures, Balancing Postures, Arm-Balancing Postures, Inverted Postures, Backward-Bending Postureswere used as an yogic practice. Result and Conclusion The data collected for the study was statistically analyzed by using‘t’ ratio at 0.05 level of significance. The calculated value of t ratio (=2.5181) is greater than tabulated t0.05 (58) (= 2.0017).The effectiveness of yoga program may be attributed to the reason that yoga program decrease the level of stress of an individual, as by practicing the yoga the arousal level of the individual is regulated which in return help us to decrease the stress level. Hence it is concluded thatYoga decreases the stress of students and produces positive and majorpart to decrease stress of students.


yoga, stress, students, adolescents, meditation, pranayama, sensory information, thalamic level, asanas, experimental group

Abstract – Introduction: Yoga is a science of right living and it works when integrated in our daily life. It works on all aspects of the person: the physical, mental, emotional, psychic and spiritual. The word yoga means ‘unity’ or ‘oneness’ and is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘yuj’ which means ‘to join’. Yoga through its techniques of meditation, asanas, and pranayama yields a positive effect in the management of stress in adolescents. The processing of sensory information at the thalamic level is facilitated during the practice of pranayama and meditation. Material: Using stress inventory for school students (SISS) by Seema Rani and Dr. BasantBahadur Singh Methodology: This study was conducted to find the effect of yoga on stress of subjects with the age range 14 to 18 years. For this 30 subjects were drawn from Intercollege ofIndore, (M.P.)by using purposive sampling. Pre and post data were collected before and after yoga (treatment) for 10weeks using stress inventory for school students (SISS).The selected subjects that are yoga practice (experimental group) was subjected to a 10-weeks yogic asanasprogram. Standing Postures, Balancing Postures, Arm-Balancing Postures, Inverted Postures, Backward-Bending Postureswere used as an yogic practice. Result and Conclusion: The data collected for the study was statistically analyzed by using‘t’ ratio at 0.05 level of significance. The calculated value of t ratio (=2.5181) is greater than tabulated t0.05 (58) (= 2.0017).The effectiveness of yoga program may be attributed to the reason that yoga program decrease the level of stress of an individual, as by practicing the yoga the arousal level of the individual is regulated which in return help us to decrease the stress level. Hence it is concluded thatYoga decreases the stress of students and produces positive and majorpart to decrease stress of students. Keywords - Yoga, Stress

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India has a rich tradition of yogic practices. Now-a-days yoga, the ancient practice of postures, breathing and meditation is gaining a lot of attention from healthcare Professionals. With increasing scientific research in yoga, its therapeutic aspects are also being explored. The word “yoga” has come to describe a means of uniting or a method of discipline: to join the body to the mind and together join to the self (soul), or the union between the individual self and the transcendental self. Ayurvedic texts describe 8 components or arms of Yoga that encompass a philosophy of life: (a) yama (self-restraint); (b) niyama (routines); (c) asana (postures and physical exercises); (d) pranayama (use of breathing to achieve focus); (e) pratyahara (withdrawal of mind from sense organs); (f) dharana (concentration); (g) dhyana (meditation); and (h) samadhi (emancipation). Yoga through its techniques of meditation, asanas, and pranayama yields a positive effect in the management of stress in adolescents. The processing of sensory information at the thalamic level is facilitated during the practice of pranayama and meditation. These two practices along with physical postures (asanas), cleansing practices, devotional sessions, and lectures on the theory and philosophy of yoga were focused to bring about an improvement in the steadiness of school students following 10 days of practice. This improvement was believed to be due to improved eye-hand coordination, attention, concentration, and relaxation.


The aim of study was to find the Effect of Yoga on Stress of Students. This study was conducted with30 samples from Intercollege of Indore, (M.P.).Sampleswere selected by applying the purposive sampling,their aged range 14–18yrs.p. 35–37,


Pre and post single group Symbolically, G-P1-T-P2 Where, G= single group, P1 = pre- test, T= Yoga treatment, P2= Post-test

Stress inventory

Using stress inventory for school students (SISS) by Seema Rani and Dr. Basant Bahadur Singh. Firstly, byusing SISS questioner of each subject was measuredand post measurement of SISS questioner for thesame subjects were taken after allowing practice of yoga for 10 weeks.

Details of Yogic Practices

The selected subjects that areyoga practice (experimental group) was subjected to a 10-weeks yogic asanas program. The asanas program was consisting of a variety of yogic asanas:

Standing Postures

1. Tadasana 2. UtthitaParsvakonasana 3. Paadhasthasana

Balancing Postures

1. Vrakshaasana 2. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana 3. Bakaasana

Arm-Balancing Postures

1. Vasisthasana 2. Padambakaasana 3. Mayurasana

Inverted Postures

1. Sarvangasana 2. Halasana 1. Setu Banda Sarvangasana 2. Dhanurasana 3. Bhujangasana The yogic practices program was given to experimental group for 10 weeks of one session in the morning between 5.45 A.M. to 6.30 A.M for three days on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday as shown in Table.

Yogic Practices Program


The data collected for the study was statistically analyzed by using„t‟ ratio at 0.05 level of significance.


Table -1 Comparison of two means (Pre and Post) on stress of student Group Mean SD N


t ratio












*Significant at 0.05 level of significant, Tab t.05(58)=2.0017

For two-tail test, the value of tabulated t at 0.05 levelof significance t ratio =2.5181. Hypothesis may be accepted and it may beconcluded that practice of yoga causes significantdecrease in the stress of students.


The effectiveness of yoga program may be attributed to the reason that yoga program decrease the level of stress of an individual, as by practicing yoga the arousal level of the individual is regulated which in return help us to decrease the stress level. Therefore,proposed hypothesis has been accepted in case of stress of students.his study have shown that yoga may help reduce stress and anxiety. Yoga can enhance your mood and overall sense of well-being. Yoga might also help you manage your symptoms of depression and anxiety that are due to difficult situations. Practicing yoga may lead to improved balance, flexibility, range of motion and strength. Yoga can help reduce risk factors for chronic diseases, such as heart disease and high blood pressure. Yoga may also help manage low back pain, neck pain and menopause symptoms. Yoga might also help relieve symptoms of several chronic conditions, such as pain, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, arthritis and insomnia.


  • Yoga decreases the stress of students.
  • Stress reduction. Stress in students cause serious negative effects, both physical and academic.
  • It results from poor sleeping habits, academic pressure, and poor nutrition and unhealthy eating habits.
  • Parents and teachers should work together to ensure that students do not experience much stress.


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Corresponding Author Dr. Anita Singh*

Greater Noida, Gouttamboudh Nagar