Effect of repeated exposure of Auxin (indole 3 acetic acid) in Pleurotus Sajor -caju Mushroom Cultivation: A case study

Enhancing mushroom yield through repeated exposure of indole 3 acetic acid

by Renu Garg*, Usha Singh Gaharwar, Seema Gupta, Prof. Parveen Garg,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 19, Issue No. 3, Apr 2022, Pages 138 - 141 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Mushrooms have long been used for medicinal and food purposes. Pleurotus sajor- caju is edible mushroom species. In present study, Pleurotus sajor -caju was cultivated on wheat straw and during its growth various doses of Indole 3 acetic acid (IAA) a plant hormone at 10ppm, 50ppm and 100ppm were sprayed in mushroom substrate. Thereafter its effect on the growth and yield of all three flushes were recorded. Results showed that IAA was able to induce stimulation in growth and ultimately increase in yield is also recorded. Various doses of IAA resulted in increased biomass production from 14 to 30 with reference to control. This study suggest that exposure of the hormone to substrate can be important tool to increase the production of mushroom and thereby increase nutrition demand can be fulfilled.


Auxin, indole 3 acetic acid, Pleurotus Sajor-caju, mushroom cultivation, repeated exposure


Mushrooms have been reported as good source of nutrition and other health benefits substances. Mushroom possesses several vitamins, minerals and high energy level therefore can be exploited as good food source across the world. India is known for the commercial production of mainly three species includes Agaricus bisporus, Volvariella volvacea and Pleurotus. Several health related benefits (medicinal and nutritional values) (Dunkwal et al., 2007) have been observed in these species. Mushrooms are known to have antioxidant potential, thus mushroom intake may reduce oxidative stress level in body hence mushroom show protective properties also (Adams et al., 1999). Earlier studies reported that plant based food products protect us from many diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases and also plays immunomodulatory role (Halliwell & Gutteridge., 1984). Pleurotus species which are usually known as oyster mushroom, are mainly edible mushroom and also have commercial importance. Pleurotus mushrooms are highly rich in protein minerals and vitamins therefore considered to be healthy source of food (Feeney et al., 2014). It has been taken as functional food due its several advantages i.e. high medicinal value, nutrition substances and good taste and aroma. Pleurotus species (Oyster mushrooms) are very important species due to its medicinal, nutritional and commercial advantages and hence it is being cultivated globally (Knop et al., 2015). Agricultural based countries are facing issue in order to manage the agricultural residue. Oyster cultivation attracted world due its ability to use agricultural residue as substrate to grow thus address the nutritional scarcity on one hand and environmental protection in other hand. More than 900 million tons of agro waste is being produced worldwide such as wheat, paddy and various cereals straw. The cultivation of the Pleurotus mushrooms helps in recycling the agricultural wastes and also became an alternative food source to combat with nutritional scarcity globally, especially in developing countries where growing population is major challenge in order to provide nutritional food. Thereafter, utilized substrate rich in protein content can be further used for different purpose includes production of biogases, cattle feed and also as organic fertilizer (Kakon et al., 2012). Low cost production techniques are being employed for the production of the Pleurotus species (Jegadeesh et al., 2018). All edible mushroom are reported to be delicious however, P. sajor-caju is one of the most cultivated species among all (Zhang et al., 2002). Zadrazil 1980, reported that pleurotus can make its colonies in sterilized wheat straw which is pasteurized (60°C- 90°C and fermented (55°C, 120 days) since it has high saprophytic colonizing properties. Unsterilized content and high protein content commonly 19 to 35% proteins (dry weight based) (Wani et al., 2010). Hence, identification and commercialization of many varieties of Pleurotus species has been done. Nonetheless, their medicinal aspect and other benefits are still to be evaluated. Several plant hormones played promising role in the growth and development of plants (Costacurta & Vanderleyden., 1995). Existing studies reported that indolebutyric acid and 2,4- dichlorophenoxyacetic acid have been found effective in growth of Claviceps purpurea where it has been observed to induce increase in fresh weight as well as dry matter content however, Indole acetic acid only had positive effects in fresh weight while negatively affected dry matter content in (Rerabek., 1970). Agaricus campestris production also reported to increase in protein and biomass content by the application of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) or kinetin (KIN) (Guha and Banerjee., 1974). Indole-3-acetic acid, kinetin and gibberellic acid have been observed to increase the biomass production in food yeast Kluyveromyces fragilis grown on deproteinized whey while protein content of biomass remain unchanged (Paul et al., 1994). Therefore, in this present study we have determined the effect of repeated exposure of indole-3-acetic acid on the total yield of the P. sajor-caju grown on wheat straw.


Microorganism/ Pure Culture

Spawn sample of plurotus sajor caju was procured from the National horticulture research institute, Janakpuri, New Delhi.


Fresh Wheat straw was collected from nearby fields in Alipur (Delhi) area.

Plant Hormones suspension preparation

Indole-3 acetic acid was procured from the sigma Aldrich co. in and other chemical were used of the analytical grade. Solutions of different concentration i.e. 10 ppm, 50 ppm and 100 ppm were prepared by dissolving the IAA in alcohol and further diluting it in deionized water for the spray.


Small Scale cultivation was done in Swami Shraddhanand College, University of Delhi. 1 Kg (Wheat straw) substrate was prepared by the soaking the wheat straw in the water along with the formalin (Sagar et al., 2014) (40%) 500 ppm for 24 h thereafter extra water was removed to keep the moisture 65- at 22± 2C. Two holes were made in the bags for aeration of spawned substrate, and to avoid anaerobic patches.

Growth of mycelium

Polythene packets were observed twice daily for the any development sign. Mycelium growth was over after 14 days which was signified by the white run in the substrate. Mycelium bind to the substrate tightly then polybags were removed to observe their further growth.

Hormone Treatment

Total four groups were made for hormonal study. One bag has been considered as control however other three were treated with different concentrations of IAA hormone i.e. 10, 50 and 100 ppm. Hormonal exposure was achieved with the spray bottle. Three repetitive exposures have been done after three days each. Humidity and moisture content was maintained by the water spray at the regular interval.

Plucking of the fruits

Appearance of the pins was observed after three days once the packets were opened. Fruits were collected after 2 to three days of pinning. A total of three flushes were taken. They were kept under refrigerator or in – 20oC for further study.

Yield measurement

Total yield was measured by the taking weight of each flush and it was recorded in grams.


The effect of the different concentration of the hormones was closely monitored daily and also various photographs were taken to study the growth (Figure 1). The effect of IAA was observed in growth and yield of the pleurotus sajor- caju. Total yield is shown in Figure 2 where all three doses were found to be effective however; maximum yield was recorded at 50ppm. Both the doses i.e. 10 ppm and 50 ppm were found to be more effective to the control one. The highest dose also showed increase in yield while it was quite lesser with respect to other two doses. 50ppm was found to be most effective dose as resulted in the best yield with respect to all groups. A slight decrease yield was noticed in 100ppm spayed substrate nonetheless it was also 14 % more yield with respect to control.

Figure 1: different stages of pleurotus sajor -caju‟s growth 1) Spawn run throughout the wheat substrate after 15 days. 2) Development of pinning can be seen by appearance of young basidiocarps on wheat substrate. 3) Mature mushroom/ mature basidiocarps can be seen with gills on their surface and they are ready to harvest. Table 1: Table depicts all flushes and yield in grams collected from each treatment groups after mushroom got mature. Control and IAA sprayed yield has been summarized with total yield from each treatment. Treatment IAA (ppm) First flush (g) Second flush (g) Third flush (g) Total Yield (g)

Control 136 110 105 351

10 171 121 147 439 50 157.3 122.1 169.6 449 100 167 161 72 400

Figure 2: Total biomass production of pleurotus sajor -caju after the exposure of the Indole 3 acetic acid.


Growing demand of mushroom production opens the door for the different approaches which may induce increase biomass production of mushroom to fight with nutrition challenges over the world. Plant growth hormones have been reported to induce the significant changes in the growth either positively (Makarem & Alldridge., 1969; Paul et al., 1994) or negatively (Brian et al. 1954; Oravec et al., 1959). Therefore, aim of present study was to evaluate the stimulatory effect of the IAA hormone on pleurotus sajor caju‘s biomass production and also dose dependent response was noticed in this study. Exciting results were observed in this study where different concentration were able to result increased biomass production. Our results are in line with the study by Mukhopadhyay et al. (2005) reported that IAA resulted in increase in biomass and protein concentration mushroom. In contrast, Gruen et al. (1959) reported that IAA does not have any evidence of growth promotion in fungi.


Present study suggests that the indole 3 acetic acid can be used as positive modulator to increase the productivity of the mushroom. Therefore hormonal spray may be exploited as promising strategy for the total yield of mushroom.


Authors thankfully acknowledge to the Swami Shraddhanand College, University of Delhi for providing the laboratory and all the necessary facilities to complete the study.


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Corresponding Author Prof. Parveen Garg*

Department of Botany, Swami Shraddhanand College, University of Delhi