Effect of Teaching Methods on Achievement Level of Students

Exploring the Impact of Teaching Methods on Student Achievement

by Hariom Maddhesia*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 19, Issue No. 3, Apr 2022, Pages 188 - 192 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


In light of heightened teacher responsibility, student accomplishment became a hot subject in education. Any teacher's ultimate objective is to raise pupils' aptitude levels and get them ready for maturity. Being an effective teacher requires understanding what constitutes student accomplishment and what variables affect learning. The quantity of academic material a students acquire in a given period of time is measured as student accomplishment. There are learning objectives or instructional standards for each grade level that teachers must follow. There are several factors that may affect how well students do, but the most important ones are learning difficulties and instructional strategies. The best way to characterise a teaching approach is the kind of principle and instructional techniques employed. Various teaching techniques exist, based on the knowledge or skill the instructor is attempting to impart.


teaching methods, achievement level, students, teacher responsibility, student accomplishment, aptitude levels, learning objectives, instructional standards, learning difficulties, instructional strategies


The typical ways of delivering material to students and setting up teacher-student interactions during a class are known as teaching strategies. Each teaching technique has a corresponding approach. There are both general and specialised teaching strategies. The approach used to teach a variety of subjects is known

as a general teaching technique.1

The goal of this study is to ascertain the effects of teaching strategies used to teach social, such as lecture illustration, lecture-demonstration, and interactive, on students' academic performance in social. On the other hand, specific teaching strategies may only be applicable to particular teaching


Education is crucial for the political, social, & economic growth of every community in Cameroon and around the world. More specifically, education is a fundamental human right and a fundamental lesson for accomplishing the objectives of social cohesion, political stability, equality, & unleashing all of a nation's


The facilitation of learning, information, skills, attitudes, beliefs, and habits that are taken by a group of people and transferred to other individuals via storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, or research is another aspect of education. Planning, preparation, or the means utilised to distribute the contents are all crucial for successful teaching and learning. Before doing this, the instructor must have a thorough understanding of both the subject matter or the

different teaching strategies.4

Education refers to the whole process of human learning, including the influence on knowledge, the development of faculties, and the acquisition of skills. teaching methods are the procedures and approaches instructors use in an attempt to aid pupils' learning. It is an action that transforms the learning objectives and aims of the curriculum into the experiences that students get by interacting with their instructor. Therefore, the effectiveness of the instructor in using the various tactics would greatly

enhance the academic achievement of the pupils.5

The effectiveness with which the goals will be reached depends on the teaching techniques used in the curriculum. Based on the goals to be achieved, the instructional techniques are selected. According to Tambo (2003)23 there are several kinds of learning outcomes. Learning outcomes of a higher order and lower order may be found. Higher learning outcomes aid in problem-solving rather than knowledge retention, which is the ultimate purpose of school. Whether or whether students learn anything depends in part on the instructional strategies used. understanding of a variety of topics. Vocational electives and non-vocational electives both fall under

the umbrella of "core" courses.6

Core or non-vocational electives both provide social as a course option. To achieve one's educational objectives, social is critical. The teaching of social science course in secondary schools has its share of difficulties. Many investigations have found that

students in Social are underperforming academically.7

This was also aided by the country's high failure rate in public exams like the G.C.E. This has been blamed on the ineffectiveness of the tactics and methods employed non our classroom. What the teacher performs in the classroom affects the level of education they deliver to pupils, social students have historically performed poorly because of the subject's heavy reliance on old-fashioned teaching

techniques like lectures.8

Social, has historically used a broad variety of teaching methodologies. A paradigm change from teacher-centered and learner-centered teaching practises is necessitated by the nature of the topic,

which is both physical and human.9

Teachers that employ these tactics may not be doing so out of familiarity, but rather a lack of formal training. If a teacher has not had training, he and she may not be able to employ these strategies effectively, which results in the students' attention being aroused and

their performance being desired.10

Figure 1: depicts the training components for teachers' professional growth.

In today's education, the focus is on the student, which means that teachers need to be well-trained in the use of effective teaching techniques so that they can show because of this that skilled teachers are able to teach properly and instil in students a love for the topic, whilst untrained teachers are more likely to instil in

students a dislike for the subject.11


1. To begin with: Something to pique people‘s attention, such as a provocative question or an amusing occurrence. 2. Experimenting: Students are given the chance to work with materials, to investigate, and to obtain data. 3. Developing an Idea: As a result of having something in common, students are better able to connect to the vocabulary and ideas that are being discussed in class. 4. Indications of Use: This might be an enrichment exercise, a chance to put what you've learned into practise, or a test for evaluation.

Table 1: Cognitive Domain: Taxonomy of Educational Purposes


Methods of teaching may be seen in the table below.


Pupils are taught via lectures, in which the teacher presents a subject or topic to a class of students on a regular basis. The size of the gathering might range from 20 to 1000 people. The teacher is in charge of providing the subject matter in its entirety to the students. As far back as schools, colleges, and universities can remember, this is a common technique of instructing students. Students get information from the teacher using the lecture style of teaching. The classic lecture or teaching approach is also known as the lecture method. The conventional lecture style, according to many educators, is not more effective in helping students' cognitive growth since it is a passive form of teaching.12 The students are not involved in the instructional process in any way. In most classes, the teacher gives the whole lecture in front of the students. The students get the lecture notes and

lecture mode of instruction. Figure 2 depicts some of the most significant aspects of lecture instruction. Because it doesn't engage pupils, lecturing is now seen as a "boring" instructional style. Incorporating information technology tools, on the other hand, may make it more effective. Telling, great strategy for students since the teacher presents all of the information in detail.13

Figure 2: Lecture Method Teaching Characteristics


Groups employ the discussion teaching approach to achieve their educational goals via cooperative learning. In a discussion, the teacher splits the class into small groups and encourages active & collaborative learning on a particular subject or real-world situation. It's a method in which students may freely communicate with one another and with the teacher. In a discussion-based classroom, students take an active role in contributing their own thoughts and ideas. Researcher found that discussion-based instruction is the most often used mode of instruction in a variety of educational settings across the globe, including higher education. Students' thinking skills, cognitive learning capacities, attitudes, and public speaking skills all improved as a result of the discussion teaching style.14 Figure 3 depicts the primary aspects of the discussion teaching approach. The discussion approach looks to be the most successful and sophisticated teaching method currently accessible. Discussive teaching is a practise that allows students to express themselves openly on a course's content. Students and instructors work together to attain the goals of education through collaborating on ideas. When it comes to learning, conversation teaching allows students to communicate with instructors without hesitancy, resulting in better comprehension of learning activities. As a result of their active participation and attentive listening, pupils' learning capacities improve. It's a great way to keep the audience engaged throughout a presentation.15

The instructor's role in this kind of discussion-based instruction: As a teacher, it's challenging to get students engaged in productive debates on difficult topics. When we talk about teaching methods, we can't forget about the instructor's role. As a classroom leader, a teacher must be an effective communicator. During the conversation, the students are free to ask questions or make remarks. To be a good leader, you must be able to answer all of the learners' inquiries. Before the talk, the teacher should have a strategy in place to deal with all of these potential issues. In the discussion technique, the teacher must be ready for the unfavourable remarks. The teacher may utilise a

educational resources.16

Figure 3: discussion teaching


The lecturer takes on the role of principal, and the students pay close attention while the lesson is delivered. It's also known as the presentation or demonstration way of teaching. The stages that explain how various objects function are included in the demonstrative teaching technique. Students' learning and motor abilities may be improved and honed through demonstrative teaching methods, according to experts.17 According to certain studies, students benefit from the display approach of teaching and their cooperative learning skills increase as a result. This strategy is used in conjunction with the other teaching methods in order to stimulate the learning process and excite the students. The primary goal of the demonstration learning approach, is to demonstrate and present models and activities in accordance with instructional media. The teacher is the star of the show while using the demonstrative teaching style. Figure 4 depicts the primary aspects of the demonstrative teaching technique.18

Figure 4: Demonstration-based teaching strategies

Demonstration teaching has been demonstrated to be beneficial in a variety of academic fields, as evidenced by several research. Performed a quantitative research to assess the effects of different teaching styles, such as lectures and demonstrations, on elementary and high school pupils. According to the study's findings, elementary and secondary school students benefit most from demonstration-based instruction. Learners' critical thinking abilities and cognitive domains are bolstered by this strategy.19 Lecture instruction was also shown to be ineffective by researchers. Inquiry-based teaching The discovery method is another name for the inquiry teaching approach. Observation, experimentation, and research are some of the methods used in an inquiry to learn about fundamental principles and ideas . Inquiry teaching encourages pupils to learn by doing. The teacher acts as a mentor to the pupils and also keeps a close eye on their actions Learners actively participate in their learning activities through


In the inquiry teaching technique, students seek for solutions to their own questions rather than relying on the teacher for assistance . An inquiry approach of teaching may be broken down into three distinct categories, . Open inquiry, structured inquiry, and guided inquiry are all forms of inquiry. The learners discover the issue, the way to address the problem, and the synthesis findings in the Open inquiry method. Structured Inquiry is a technique in which the teacher acts as a guide and provides information and procedures to help students solve a specific topic. In the Guided Inquiry technique, the teacher supplies simply the issue and the relevant resources. Each student determines how to tackle the challenge and compiles their findings. depicts the key features of the Inquiry method of instruction. Many studies have been done to assess the effectiveness of inquiry-based instruction. examined the impact of inquiry-based instruction on students' critical thinking abilities in elementary school. As a consequence of this research, critical thinking abilities in students may be improved via inquiry teaching.20 In a secondary school, conducted study on the impact of inquiry learning methods on students' scientific attitudes and creative thinking. Students' attitudes toward scientific knowledge were shown to be improved as a result of the inquiry teaching technique, according to the findings of the research.

Figure 5: Inquiry-based teaching characteristics Table 2: Advantages and drawbacks of diverse teaching techniques


  • Participate in the planning of various activities with the student.
  • Using what the learner already understands as a starting point.

method of instruction, such as role-playing, project work, or other types of homework.

  • With supervision, short-term objectives may be achieved.
  • Make the content relevant to the audience's requirements or the applications of their knowledge.
  • Knowledge may be used immediately if it is available.
  • A schedule of periodic or summative assessments.
  • Let students know how they are doing and listen to their concerns.
  • Praise those who achieve their goals.
  • The ten requirements for an effective teaching method are as follows:
  • While logic is important, emotion is just as important.
  • Teaching students how to learn and do it in a way that is relevant, interesting, and memorable is as important as motivating them to do so.
  • When it comes to effective teaching, it's important to keep in mind that each student and class is unique and to tailor your approach accordingly.
  • Flexibility, fluidity, experimentation, and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances are all hallmarks of good methodology.
  • Style is also an important part of effective methodology; should a good approach be enjoyable? There is no doubt in my mind.
  • Humor is a critical component of a successful strategy.
  • A good technique focuses on nurturing, caring for, and developing people's brains and abilities.
  • A strong and visionary leadership institution is necessary to support a good technique.
  • Mentoring between senior & younger faculty members, teamwork and being rewarded and encouraged by one pear are all important aspects of good technique.
  • Finally, excellent technique is about having a bit of fun, extinguishing joy and reaping advantages from inside yourself.


Teachers may also profit from the students' knowledge and creativity by implementing a learning-teaching structure based on their active participation. If teachers utilise approaches that students put into practise, they may serve as catalysts for real acquisition of conceived information. As partners in the learning process, they will be able to help students make the personal adjustments necessary for long-term knowledge acquisition by actively and enthusiastically

When teaching, it's important to use a method that emphasises the importance of a student's critical thinking, as well as the importance of a student's ability to connect ideas and schemes to the values and skills they will need in their future careers, in order to motivate students & make them aware of their own understanding and reflection.22


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Corresponding Author Hariom Maddhesia*

Research Scholar, Department of Adult Education, School of Educational Studies, Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar, M.P