The role of Test Anxiety on Academic Performance of Adolescent Students

Understanding and Managing Test Anxiety in Adolescent Students

by Dr. Kiran Maheshwari*, Swati Bhardwaj,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 19, Issue No. 3, Apr 2022, Pages 263 - 265 (3)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


School is a garden where children are its flowers, the kind of education we nurture those flowers, that motivates them to make them responsible citizens. Not only motivating thembut also personality and thoughts inspire them to be responsible citizens but the pressure of education on today's teenagers is increasing too much. Which makes them academic anxious and in Academic Anxiety the important role is of Test Anxiety and this is why adolescents are not motivated to prepare well for exams and reduce academic performance and less anxiety makes adolescent students prepare well for exams are motivated to do and have a positive impact on academic performance.Therefore, knowing the cause and level of test anxiety of adolescents and suggested tips will help adolescents to advance in academic careers and reduce test anxiety. Motivate and motivate yourself to do better academically next time by learning from negative causes of test anxiety.


test anxiety, academic performance, adolescent students, education, motivation, personality, thoughts, pressure, exams, tips


The pressure of education on students to achieve success at high level of academic performance is destroying their enthusiasm and leads them to worry and despair day by day due to which many adolescent students are very worried about their career. When a student is in this type of test anxiety, it also has a very negative effect on their academic performance, which affects their grades as well as starts to worry about health.Anxiety can be identified by detecting the many changes that take place in the activities of the students, that they are very worried about their test anxiety. The pressure on the students in the competition is increasing and they see themselves unlike their expectations, they start feeling incapable. Most of the students in the test go through a period of anxiety. It is normal to worry about the exam. Every person's level of worry is different. The level is high, those students do not have good academic performance, so test anxiety has a negative effect on students' academic performance. So it is very important to know the reasons of exam anxiety of students due to which the level of test anxiety increases – 1) Self neglect - Adolescent students start neglecting themselves more than themselves, then they spend more and more time in studies in the desire to perform well in every subject. 2) Study load - After studying for a year, the entire book has to be read at the time of examination, if a topic is missed, then a situation of worry arises. 3) Expectation of parents - Parents expect their children to perform well in the examination as a teacher, to fulfill this expectation, anxiety arises in the student. 4) Fear of getting low marks- The fear of not getting good marks in the mind of some students even before taking the exam also creates anxiety. 5) Competition with other students- There is competition for the number you get during the exam. Anxiety can arise in doing better academic performance than others. 6) Negative thinking- There is a fear in the mind of the student that if the questions come from the lessons which are not studying, whether I will remember anything in the examination or not, remembering the whole syllabus, there is always more certainty about the questions coming in the examination, all these worries can be the reason. At the time of the test, some students are relaxed and start preparing for the exam and the same few are immersed in the fear and anxiety of other how children use these days efficiently before the exam. While discussing the problems of such students, we will tell some such measures, with the help of China, students can prepare for the examination effectively and improve their academic performance while driving away their fear. 1) Positive thinking- Prepare for the upcoming exam with full dedication and positive thinking and confidence. Positive thinking about the questions coming in the exam will lead to good academic performance and positive thinking always motivates you to move forward. 2) Stop worrying and study- As much time and energy is wasted in worrying about the exam, if the energy and effort is spent in preparing for the exam, then the result of academic performance will be better. 3) Study with concentration- It is very important to be focused and alert during the exam so that every question can be answered correctly and thoughtfully. 4) Eat healthy, get enough sleep and exercise- A healthy mind resides in a healthy body, the concentration of fit and active students is very good. Students often sit and study throughout the night, due to which they do not get enough sleep and anxiety increases. To give rest to the mind during the examination 6- 8 hours of sleep is very important . 5) Fear of falling short- Some children may be worried for the fear of failing in the examination due to the fear of getting low marks. There is also concern, this fear should also be reduced.


In conclusion, it can be said that the role of testing public on the academic performance of adolescent students goes a long way. can do well Some teens have anxiety about exams teens can encourage students to answer questions to ease their fears . To overcome the anxiety of examinations, by conducting examinations from time to time according to the abilities and evaluating them, can improve the soul effectiveness and Academic performance of the students.


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University Jaipur (Rajasthan)