The Effect of Employee Engagement on Employee Performance: A Case Study

by Dr. Suhasini Palle*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 19, Issue No. 3, Apr 2022, Pages 317 - 321 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The amount of dedication and interest displayed by workers in their organisation and the ideals it promotes is referred to as employee engagement and the word comes from the phrase engaged employees. In addition to investigating the link between employee engagement and performance, the outcomes of this research will analyse the variables that influence employee engagement.In addition to compensation and benefits, evaluations look at health and safety conditions as well as the company's overall performance, as well as internal communication, leadership development, and other aspects of the job. As part of this study's design, it included both the causal and descriptive parts of research.In order to obtain the data, a standardised questionnaire was used, and the number of workers that comprised the sample was predetermined to be 100. When doing an analysis of the data, descriptive statistics are an important tool to have at your disposal.


employee engagement, employee performance, dedication, interest, organisation, ideals, compensation, benefits, health and safety conditions, company's overall performance, internal communication, leadership development, job, standardised questionnaire, sample, data, descriptive statistics


An organization's production and profitability are directly correlated to its employees' levels of engagement. This book deals with a variety of topics, including commitment, fulfilment, and organisational behaviour. "Employee engagement" refers to a worker's commitment to his or her employer and its values. When employees are engaged, they are aware of the company's issues and work together with their coworkers to improve their job. Emotional connection to the work of colleagues is associated with higher productivity. People exhibit their involvement in a variety of ways, including via their actions and personality traits. ―The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that help employees feel like they belong at work‖. It is therefore possible to enhance employee performance by discovering the main elements that characterise engagement. A person's performance at work may be defined as their accomplishments and successes there. The importance of a company's workforce's sense of purpose is well-documented. According to research, greater levels of employee commitment to the company are associated with better quality work product. The influence of employee engagement on productivity is studied using a variety of factors. Engaged workers are thought to boost organisational performance, reduce attrition, and have a more favourable attitude about their jobs. One of the most important concerns is the broad interest in employee engagement. Identifying and conveying expectations of one another may lead to clarity in expressing a clear vision, and this can be achieved via the use of an intranet. It fosters a sense of trust and cooperation among team members and inside the company. Even under the most difficult of circumstances, the employee works hard to keep the company's reputation intact. To put it another way, these factors help to clarify the relationship between employee involvement and job success inside a business.


As stated by Dr.Suhasini (2021), According to the report, employee engagement is a complex issue that cannot be solved with successful training programmes. Through opportunity thinking, decision making, and employee involvement, organisations may boost engagement. Reducing the likelihood of employee attrition and fostering more creative thinking at work are both aided by high levels of employee engagement. A research by Sivasubramanian and Rupa, 2017, found that stronger incentive programmes and techniques that indicate an interest in employee career development are a sign of employee satisfaction. In order to enhance employee engagement, organisations need to find means of acknowledging the contributions of their workers.

In the work of Dr Naveen Prasadula. MSC (I.T), MBA, PHD (2021) Department of Business Management

Osmania University, as a retention strategy and a growth driver, high levels of employee engagement have been shown to have a positive impact on organisations. Employee involvement at private banks was found to be lacking in this


Researcher: NP Myilswami, Dr: R. Gayati to put it another way, the amount of employee engagement has a direct impact on productivity and staff retention. Certainly. Increased loyalty, retention, safety, productivity, and profitability are all bolstered by a more engaged workforce. People who are really invested in their jobs are more likely to be loyal to the company as a whole.It's all about how deeply and for how long a person becomes involved with the hub and how long they stay there

as a consequence.

Employee engagement, according to Robinson et al. (2004), is defined as a favourable attitude among workers toward the company and its principles. Employees that are actively involved in their work adapt to changes in the business environment and collaborate with their coworkers to better their own performance and that of the mutual respect and cooperation if they are to

achieve meaningful employee engagement.


1. Insights about the relationship between employee motivation and output. 2. Employee engagement may be studied by looking at the elements that impact it. 3. Employee involvement as a setting for investigating job satisfaction.


In order to collect data, a structured questionnaire is employed to collect methodological information. Employees of manufacturing enterprises are the focus of this research. Non-probability sampling method called "convenient sampling" is utilised to get answers from workers, and 100 employees are the chosen sample size for the study. The effect of employee engagement may be measured using a variety of methods.


Figure 1: Descriptive Statistic

Only 7 percent of workers disagreed and were indifferent; no one was displeased. This data is based on the question answered by employees: "How satisfied are you with the total salary in your organisation?" No one objected to the assertion

remuneration received by workers is satisfactory. "

Figure 2: Commendation and praise for excellent work * performance evaluation aids in goal setting and attainment.

Workforce members are happy with the company's reward and recognition systems, as seen in the graph above, and the performance evaluation component aids them in setting and achieving their desired goals.When asked whether their company provided frequent appreciation for exceptional performance, 33 workers said they did, and they also said it helped them create and accomplish significant objectives. The impact of one on the other, however, is well-known for both.

Figure 3: Get all the information you need for the

work with the help of this

Observation: It was discovered that 45 workers in one business had given their express approval to receive all of the information required to carry out their jobs, according to the interpretation provided by the researcher. Both views were supported by 31 workers. Employees can acquire the knowledge they need to execute their jobs when there is open communication throughout the company's ranks.

It can be deduced from the data in the table above that the company's workers are dedicated to ensuring that all employees are treated equally and fairly. More than two-thirds of workers have agreed to both standards, but just 28 have agreed to both considerations. This indicates that employees are fair and just, but they also believe that these conditions dominate management since all employees are treated equally.


The remuneration package offered by the corporation was generally well-liked by employees. It's common for employees to be rewarded and acknowledged for their efforts. Occupational health and safety are just as important as output and quality in the workplace. After a performance review, employees are given a raise in pay. As a whole, employees are pleased with how well the company is doing its job. Employees are made aware of company policies, objectives, and plans. Employees like their time spent at the company. The workers have all the tools and supplies they need to get the task done. Employees at the company are given the proper training by their managers. Employees have confidence in their abilities and are motivated to their employees with helpful criticism. The improvement in total pay satisfaction as a result of the wage increases. The research found that employees are more likely to create and accomplish meaningful objectives if they have a positive attitude about workplace incentives and recognition and the performance evaluation process. Additionally, managers' input is addressed by the firm in its training programmes for staff.


According to the study's findings, workers are happy with the company's overall performance. Employees are provided with the knowledge they need to perform their duties effectively. Engagement has a favourable effect on employee output in the company in all of its facets. The total remuneration of the company is well- received by all workers. To ensure that all workers are aware of the organization's objectives and initiatives, training and communication are available. I discovered a substantial correlation between the variables using the crosstab test. People agree that rules are conveyed and that they are provided with the knowledge they need to execute their jobs, and they believe that performance appraisals assist the company achieve an important objective. The business has leadership because all workers are treated equally.


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Corresponding Author Dr. Suhasini Palle*

Associate Professor, Head of the Department, CSI Institute of PG studies, Secunderabad