Multi-Classifier Ensemble for Content- Preserving Image Forgery Detection: A SVM and CNN-Based Approach

A novel approach for detecting content-preserving image forgeries using SVM and CNN-based ensemble classifiers

by Gupta Avdheshkumar*, Dr. Ashish Chourasia,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 19, Issue No. 3, Apr 2022, Pages 457 - 459 (3)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Digital image forgery detection has become increasingly important due to the proliferation of image editing software and the rise in image-based social media platforms. Content-preserving forgeries pose a significant challenge to existing forgery detection techniques since they aim to maintain the visual appearance of an image while introducing subtle alterations. This research paper proposes a novel method for detecting content-preserving image forgeries using Support Vector Machines (SVM), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), and ensemble classifiers of the machine learning algorithm.


digital image forgery detection, content-preserving image forgeries, support vector machines, convolutional neural networks, ensemble classifiers, machine learning algorithm


By employing a combination of SVM, CNN, and ensemble classifiers, the proposed method aims to improve the accuracy and robustness of content-preserving image forgery detection. The integration of these machine learning techniques allows for the identification of subtle alterations while preserving the visual content of the image intact. The experimental results and analysis demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in detecting content-preserving forgeries compared to existing techniques. This research paper contributes to the field of digital image forensics and provides a foundation for further advancements in the detection and prevention of image forgeries.


Selection of appropriate image datasets: In order to evaluate the proposed method, a diverse and representative dataset is crucial. Multiple publicly available datasets, such as CASIA v2, Columbia Uncompressed Image Splicing Detection Evaluation Dataset (CUFS), and NIST Special Database 32, were considered for the study. These datasets contain various types of content-preserving forgeries, including copy-move, splicing, and retouching. Data preprocessing and labeling: The selected datasets underwent preprocessing steps to ensure uniformity and consistency. Preprocessing techniques included resizing the images to a standardized resolution, converting them to a common color space (e.g., RGB), and normalizing pixel values. Additionally, manual annotation was performed to label the authentic images and content-preserving forgeries, providing ground truth for training and evaluation.


Evaluation metrics and performance measures: The proposed method was evaluated using standard metrics for forgery detection, including accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score. Additionally, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were plotted to analyze the trade-off between true positive rates and false positive rates. Comparison with existing forgery detection methods: To assess the effectiveness of the proposed method, it was compared against state-of-the-art forgery detection techniques, such as wavelet-based methods, local binary patterns (LBP), and deep learning approaches. The comparative analysis focused on accuracy, robustness, and computational efficiency. Impact of SVM, CNN, and ensemble classifiers: The individual contributions of SVM, CNN, and ensemble classifiers were analyzed by training and evaluating each component separately. This analysis provided insights into the strengths and weaknesses of each technique in detecting content-preserving forgeries. Discussion of experimental findings: The experimental results and analysis revealed that the proposed method achieved higher accuracy and robustness compared to existing forgery detection model. The method exhibited high precision and recall rates, effectively detecting content-preserving forgeries while minimizing false positives.


Advantages and limitations of the proposed method: The proposed method offers several advantages, including accurate detection of content-preserving forgeries, robustness to various types of image manipulations, and the ability to preserve the visual integrity of authentic images. However, limitations such as computational complexity and sensitivity to noise were identified, suggesting avenues for future improvements. Robustness to different types of content-preserving forgeries: The experimental results highlighted the effectiveness of the proposed method in detecting a wide range of content-preserving forgeries, including copy-move, splicing, and retouching. The method demonstrated promising results even for forgeries involving complex manipulation techniques. Potential applications and future improvements: The proposed method has potential applications in various domains, including digital forensics, image authentication, and social media content moderation. Further research can focus on enhancing the computational efficiency, developing interpretability mechanisms for better understanding of detection results, and expanding the method to handle video forgery detection.


Summary of the research findings: This research paper proposed a novel method for detecting content-preserving image forgeries using a combination of SVM, CNN, and ensemble classifiers. The experimental results demonstrated the effectiveness of the method in accurately identifying content-preserving forgeries while preserving the visual integrity of authentic images. Contributions to the field of digital image forgery detection: The proposed method addresses the challenging problem of content-preserving image forgeries, providing a robust and accurate solution. By leveraging the strengths of SVM, CNN, and ensemble classifiers, the method achieves improved detection performance compared to existing techniques. Importance of the proposed method for addressing content-preserving forgeries: Content-preserving forgeries present a significant challenge to existing forgery detection methods. The proposed method contributes to the advancement of digital image forensics by offering an effective solution for identifying these subtle and deceptive manipulations,


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Corresponding Author Gupta Avdheshkumar*

Research Scholar, University of Technology, Jaipur