A Study on Employees Performance Appraisal in Neycer India [P] Ltd, Vadalur

Understanding and Implementing the 720-Degree Performance Appraisal

by Dr. L. Madan Mohan*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 19, Issue No. 4, Jul 2022, Pages 36 - 40 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


In the early 20th century, the idea of performance evaluation was born. An employee's performance may be evaluated and improved by gathering, evaluating, and documenting information about them. There are several Performance Appraisal techniques depending on the kind of organisation, size of the company, and also the time period during which they are employed. Employees are assessed in terms of Quality, Quantity, Time, and Cost, as well as the value they provide to the organization's overall objectives. Before 720-degree assessment, organisations used a 360-degree approach to evaluate their employees' performance. To far, this evaluation technique has been used for appraisals ranging from 90 degrees to 720 degrees.Managing an organization's human resources is critical since it is the most fundamental part of the business. A company's Human Resources Management (HRM) department is essential to its success. NEYCER INDIA [p] LTD, VADALUR was the subject of a study by the researcher titled A study on Employees Performance Appraisal. There are ways to increase employee performance based on this study's findings. If a business wants to keep its workers happy, they're usually obligated to provide them a reasonable wage and benefits. One of the most current notions is 720-degree Performance Appraisal. An integrated method, as the name says, 720-degree performance evaluation, where the employee's performance is reviewed from a 360-degree perspective (Management, Colleagues, Self, and Customers). The results are compared to the predetermined goals. In other words, 720-degree evaluation is equivalent to twice as many 360-degree evaluations as there are. Prior methods of assessment were hindered by the lack of follow-up guidance for the employee after the evaluation. This is why 720-degree assessment was developed after the first appraisal, when a worker's performance is assessed and evaluated, and goals are created, the worker's performance is assessed again, and this time he or she receives feedback and assistance to help him or her reach the goal. This article examines the extent to which the 720-Degree Performance Appraisal, an expanded version of the 360-Degree Feedback, is understood by stakeholders, consumers, suppliers, and those outside the business. While the 360-degree Performance assessment has been around for a long time, the 720-degree Performance appraisal is a relatively new phenomenon that has emerged in recent years. In the course of developing the 720-degree Performance evaluation system, it went through a series of distinct phases from the 90 degree to the 180 degree to the 360 degree to the 540 degree stages.


employees performance appraisal, performance evaluation, appraisal techniques, human resources management, 720-degree performance appraisal


An organization's performance is managed by keeping tabs on and making adjustments to the work of each of its employees. Individual performance is evaluated in light of the organization's 67 goals and objectives. 67. A company's success is therefore a culmination of each employee's effort and contribution. A critical, if divisive, aspect of management is the evaluation of employee performance. However, in recent years, the idea of training workers based on their performance evaluations has become more popular. Organizations may benefit much from a performance assessment system when it is properly implemented and well used, but this isn't always the case in practise. As a result, it is safe to say that an effective system of performance evaluation provides value to the company.


To examine the impacts of modifying numerous components in an operating level performance assessment system, Cummings (1973) published the findings of a field experiment in an article titled "A field experimental examination of the effects of two performance appraisal systems." To begin with, the multi-purpose character of appraisals in a formal organisation is examined. Brief literature review on "Capturing Judgment Policies: A Field Study of Performance Appraisal" by Taylor and Wilsted (1974) analysed 625 performance reports using mathematical models of judgement policy. Analysis methods such as linear and nonlinear models are used to characterise the most influential signals in determining final score totals. Performance rating policies for each of the 40 raters are also compared to the stated policies. Decotiis and Petit (1978) in their essay titled "The Performance Appraisal Process: A Model the accuracy of performance judgments. Rater desire, ability, and availability of acceptable judgmental standards are the three most important factors influencing accuracy, according to this model. The model's components provide a slew of new hypotheses and directions for further investigation. Herbert and Doverspike (1990) claim that literature analysis leads to a model for incorporating performance assessment information in the process of assessing training requirements in their work "Performance Appraisal in the Training Needs Analysis Process: A Review and Critique." Internal and external variables (employee and work environment) are taken into account when the model analyses performance disparities and recommends solutions. (SK) As Miller and Thornton (2006) write: "How Accurate Are Your Performance Appraisals?" in their paper titled "How Accurate Are Your Performance Appraisals?" Data from published studies serves as a kind of "benchmark." Correcting data errors is also provided so that practitioners' results may be more correctly analysed. Appraisals may be improved significantly when numerous raters are involved. Finally, they provide advice on how the PPM professional might increase the accuracy of performance evaluations based on research into rating vs ranking performance, supervisors' familiarity with the employee, and the number of dimensions being evaluated.


A research technique is a method for resolving a research issue in a methodical manner. To put it another way, it is a discipline that studies how research is done scientifically, and hence it focuses on how a researcher goes about solving an issue using logical reasoning. There are several aspects to the research that contribute to the study and expand the scope of the study.

Top 5 Performance Appraisal Methods

Traditional and contemporary techniques of performance assessment are two major categories used to categorise the many ways in which an employee's performance may be evaluated.

Design for Research:

The next stage in a formal research project is to identify the source from which data must be obtained after defining the study's goal. The study's data collecting is a fascinating part of it. The information comprises of two categories of data for the aim of attaining data effectively. Principal Data: Questionnaire, Interview, and Observation procedures are used in the collection of data from workers. Minor Data: In addition to books, periodicals, and other sources, secondary material is also gathered from different files and journals.

Chart 1: showing the performance appraisal in the organizationhel pst orecognize the competence and potential of an individual.


According to the data in the table above, 75% of respondents agree that performance appraisals at work help identify employees' skills and potential, while 10% strongly agree. The remaining 5% disagree, while the remaining 5% are neutral, while the remaining 2.5% strongly disagree with the statement made above.

Chart 2: Company policy appraisal table indicating that employees have been appraised equally. Inference

According to the above table, 57.5 percent of respondents agreed that the workers were assessed fairly according to the corporate regulations, 32.5 percent of respondents were indifferent, and 5 percent of respondents strongly agreed, while 5 percent of respondents disagreed.

Chart 3: Advice and suggestions are given to employees throughout the appraisal process via a table showing the recommendations.


There were 30 percent of respondents who disagreed with the statement, 25 percent who agreed, and 7.5 percent who strongly agreed, according to the above table. The majority of respondents (37.5%) were in a neutral position, and none of them disagreed with this statement.

Chart 4: Showing the objective of performance evaluation is the growth and development of the individual potential carrier.


According to the above data, 60% of respondents agreed with the development of individual potential, career, progress, and development. 26 percent of the workers strongly agreed with the preceding statement, while 14 percent of the employees were in a neutral position and had neither agreed nor disagreed with the remark.

Chart 5: Showing the performance appraisal follower in the organization helps to assess the training and development needs of employee. Inference

More over two-thirds of those surveyed agreed that an organization's performance evaluation system may assist determine an employee's training and development requirements, while 15% strongly agreed, 10% were indifferent, and 5% disagreed. Where there is no disagreement among the participants.


We may infer from this analysis that the organisation has to take all available efforts to strengthen its performance assessment programme.Improvements to the performance evaluation process are a popular topic in the workplace. For the sake of all stakeholders and higher organisational quality and standards, policymakers, executives, academics, and researchers must work together to enhance performance evaluation systems in light of globalisation. Employees should be made aware of the company's performance evaluation policy. It is necessary to enhance the performance evaluation program's methodology. There are at least four main sorts of advantages that may be found in the theoretical and empirical literatures when considering performance-based pay systems: There are four main effects of this strategy: (1) an increase in the effectiveness of organisations at all levels; (2) improved communication and socialisation among employees; (3) increased trust in an organisation among key stakeholders both inside and outside; and, (4) an increase in the perceived legitimacy of an organisation. We've gathered facts and information from all across the world that speaks to these performance evaluation and compensation system efficacy criteria. From a wide range of fields, as well as from a wide range of related issues, theories, empirical research, and clinical trials have been included in the previous pages. In addition to the formal proof, information on current practises in private-sector enterprises has been gathered.


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Corresponding Author Dr. L. Madan Mohan*

Associate Professor, Padala Rama Reddi College, Commerce And Management, Hyderabad