Role Conflict between Family and Workplace among Women: A Sociological Analysis

Understanding the Impact of Role Conflict on Working Women's Lives

by Sakshi Patel*, Dr. Anjula Rajvanshi,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 19, Issue No. 4, Jul 2022, Pages 141 - 144 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Conflict is defined as a conflict that occurs in a humanitarian relationship (intrapersonal or interpersonal) between one party and another in achieving a goal, conflict will arise due to differences in interests, emotions or psychology and values. Role conflict happens when employees are given multiple, incompatible roles at once or when their role overlaps with that of another employee or work group. A worker is more likely to experience stress at work if there is more role conflict.Aims-To assess the socioeconomic profile of the working women and the factors of role conflict between family and workplace. Methods-The data for the present study have been collected by using the observation and interview schedule technique from 100 respondents for the fulfillment of the information. Purposive sampling was used to select the working women in private sectors.Result-The majority of respondents are 31-40 yrs. age group, female, Hindu, married and degreediploma holder. Work-family conflict is high degree for working women in private sector. Role conflict generating factors are heavy work load, negative attitudes of senior, financial problems unfavourable attitude of husband, failures in children care and multiple roles.


role conflict, family, workplace, women, sociological analysis, socioeconomic profile, factors, stress, work-family conflict, working women


In general, role conflict occurs when a person can't effectively perform two (or more) roles at once without running into issues. In this context, the term "properly" has two distinct meanings. The first is the fulfillment of the expectations associated with the position. The second is that the performance of the role brings enjoyment and contentment to the role's owner. The following are some clarifications regarding the tensions between family and job roles:

  • A position where a woman's roles at home and work conflict and prevent her from performing them effectively;
  • A situation where her roles at home and work conflict and prevent her from performing them effectively.

Role conflict does not exist for its own sake. However, I believe that focusing on effective interactions between these two groups of responsibilities is less informative. Since I really believe that you should always learn from your mistakes, it would seem important to examine the problems in order to discover answers. Conflict is defined as a conflict that occurs in a humanitarianrelationship (intrapersonal or interpersonal) between one partyand another in achieving a goal, conflict will arise due to differences in interests, emotions or psychology and values.Multiplerole conflicts will affect the psychological condition of employeesand do not rule out causing stress, stress also indirectly affectsemployee performance and organizational goals.Work stress ismore likely to be experienced by women because working womenface conflicting roles as career women and as housewives. According to Gelsema (2015), one of the sources of work stress from aworking woman is the conflict between work and family.


1. To assess the socio-economic profile of the working women. 2. To identify the factors of role conflict between family and workplace.


Muis et al. (2020) analyzed the effect of multiple role conflict and work stress on the work performance of female employees at the BNI branch office in Makassar used a cross-sectional study design and find out that there is an influence of dual role conflict Bhandari (2018) investigated the role conflict among working women in private education sector in Kathua district of J&K used stratified random sampling and interviews. It highlights the role conflict and various factors responsible for it. The major factors are married life, small children, husband-wife conflict, treatment by family and official seniors, low wages etc. The role conflict is more among the married women who have children than others. Pardeep (2018) analysed extent of role conflict and consequences of role conflict and its suggestive measures among working women. The data collected from 200 married women engaged in various government jobs in Haryana by using simple purposive sampling and find out that majority of the respondents face high degree of role conflict. Because of role conflict working women experience many problems at household level and at workplace. Majority of the respondents also suffering from physical disorder, stress and so on. Some suggestive measures as support from parents, support from husband, self-help, social interaction with other female etc. in the study. Somashekher, C. (2018) examined work-family conflict related impact on women employees engaged in organised sectors of Bangalore city, Karnataka from 280 women employees using interview schedule and finding out that a majority of Indian women employees experience a relatively a high degree of work-family conflict and seem to be performing under stress at work which would have its adverse effect on family life. G. Shiva (2013) Studied Indian women's work-family conflict. There were attempts to pinpoint the most contentious region and to examine occupational differences with regard to role conflict. The study discovered that, despite being comparable, the prediction patterns for various conflict zones were not the same. The spouse's support was the best predictor. The profession versus parent category showed the highest, but minor, friction. Role conflict was found to be unaffected by occupational type significantly. Gani and Ara (2010) analysed the cause, consequences and correlates of work-family conflicts among dual-career women and also examined the constraints they faced and the family and organizational support they received in the process. The result shows that many factors contribute to make role conflict of working women a reality. The success of conflict are depend on the availability of various support systems within and outside the family as well as the organisation where she works.


The role conflict that working women encounter is the main topic of the current study. When playing their responsibilities, which serves as a barrier to entry into the workforce, are closely related to the issue of women's employment. These factors lead to the role conflict. As a result, the stress factor increases, and she frequently experiences guilt conscience and feels torn between her residences, places of employment, and society. This finally causes a lot of issues. The present study's scope includes a thorough review of numerous facets of conflict and issues resulting from the performance of multiple roles.


100 married women working in different privateemployee in Meerut block, Uttar Pradesh were interviewed for the data. Respondents were chosen using simple purposive techniques, a form of non-probability sampling. The respondents, who worked in a range of privateemployee including teaching, banking, and other sectors, were picked from the Meerut Block of Uttar Pradesh.


Table 1: Demographic Profile of the Respondents

Source: Data collected by the researcher himself during Jan.-Apr. 2022. Table-1 shows that out of 100 respondents, majority of the respondents were in the age group of 31-40 yrs. (45%), female. Majority of the respondents were married (58%) and large number (38%) were degree/diploma holder. Other socio-economic profile were statistically similar.

Table 2: Work-Family Conflict Work-Family Conflict No. Percentage

High 57 57% Moderate 35 35% Low 08 08%

Total 100 100%

Source: Data collected by the researcher himself during Jan.-Apr. 2022. In the table-2 majority (57%) of the respondents indicated that work-family conflict was in a high degree and minority (38%) of the respondents indicated that work-family conflict was in a moderate mode. While very few (08%) of the respondents indicate that work-family conflict was in a low degree.

Table 3: Stress-Generating Factors

Source: Data collected by the researcher himself during Jan.-Apr. 2022. Table-3 shows majority (54%-91%) of the respondents were stated that heavy work load, financial problems, attitude of husband, failure in children care and multiple roles are responsible factors for role conflict and minority (23%) of the respondents were stated that negative attitude of senior also is a responsible factor for role conflict.


According to the data gathered and analysed for the current study, more than half of the respondents were found to be dealing with significant work-family conflict. Specifically from the perspective of the structure and functioning of work organisations, the nature of job requirements, and the familial situations in which female employees live and work, more structured and focused research is needed to measure conflict as well as assess the nature of the process of and reasons for work-family conflict. In the lives of female employees, stress is the main source of anxiety. Stress at work is becoming a more serious issue for employees, businesses, and societies as a whole, and it frequently has adverse affects on home life as well. Due to numerous factors related to social transformation and economic development, the people of India are currently experiencing a fundamental shift in societal norms and values. Because of their ability to make more money by picking a career and gaining decision-making authority, female employees have been developing new values and raising their status and importance in the family despite patriarchy. Female employees' careers, objectives, and lives are impacted by work-family conflicts, stress, and strain, as well as the lives of their family members. A working woman who priorities her job might not take her family obligations seriously as they could go in the way of her future professional goals.However, push themselves over their physical and mental limits, which results in high levels of stress and work-family conflict.This circumstance calls for a sensitive attitude and orientation toward female employees on the part of both the family and society and the employers and work organisations.


Since there were so many interesting aspects that could not all be included in the research, it was quite challenging for me to focus my research at first.This section provides the following suggestions for additional study:

  • Role conflicts in the home and workplace from the perspective of men. It would be interesting to take into account men's coping strategies since such issues are not limited to women.
  • Role conflicts among various roles within an organisation, with a focus on leaders. Leaders play various roles in addition to the role of leader, including manager, colleague, and team member. Further research may be needed to understand how these roles relate to one another.
  • Conflict over the principles that each role supports For instance, given the current economic climate, recent graduates have a tendency to take the first job that comes their way without carefully analysing the company's beliefs. As a result, people may occasionally find themselves confronted with values and feel it necessary to compromise in order to maintain their employment.


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Corresponding Author Sakshi Patel*

Research Scholar, Dept. of Sociology, R.G. (PG) College, Meerut