A study on nose to brain drug delivery system

Advancements in Nasal Drug Delivery Systems for Therapeutic Goals

by Ali Rashed Ali Alazman*, Khalid Abdulrahman Almutairi, Yazeed Abdulrahman Alsolaimi, Amera Khalid Basha, Khalid Qublan Alharbi,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 19, Issue No. 4, Jul 2022, Pages 156 - 162 (7)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Since ancient times, the nasal route has been used as a method for precisely dosing and administering drugs for therapeutic and restorative purposes. This practise dates back to ancient times. Since the start of the 20th century, the fundamental effects of medications that are administered via the nasal route have been the focus of a growing amount of research and significance. Alternatives to the intra-nasal organisation of drugs include the parenteral route, which can be poorly constructed, and the oral route, which can lead to inadequately low bioavailability of medicines. Both of these routes are alternatives to the intra-nasal organisation of drugs. When it comes to delivering the considerable beneficial effects of medicines, the intra-nasal organisation of drugs offers a potential alternative to the parenteral route that is traditionally used. In light of the aforementioned circumstances, it is of the utmost importance to acquire knowledge regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the different nasal drug administration systems. As a result, the purpose of this research is to investigate the numerous pharmacological dose forms that may be utilised in the field or by a fundamental pharmaceutical organisation. The goal of this study is straightforward to improve our understanding of, and ability to put into practise, intra-nasal operations for the purpose of reaching certain therapeutic goals.


nose to brain drug delivery system, nasal route, drugs, therapeutic purposes, bioavailability, pharmacological dose forms, research, pharmaceutical organisation, intra-nasal operations, therapeutic goals


When medication is successfully delivered to the brain via the nasal route, we refer to this as the "Nose brain drug delivery system."Pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies have recognised the nasal medication delivery method as a promising new route to market. The nasal mucosa being evaluated as a potential medication delivery channel to increase drug retention rates and decrease administration times. Researchers have focused on the nasal route for drug delivery because of the large surface area of the nasal cavity and the high permeability of the endothelial film lining the nasal mucosa. Other advantages of the nasal route include a high absolute blood flow and the low trembling of initial-pass digestion. Drug delivery to the brain is a crucial sign for determining whether or not two physiological restrictions are present, namely the Blood Brain Barrier and the Blood Cerebrospinal Fluid Barrier. Other physiological restraints include the Central Nervous System. [1] There is research being done on the feasibility of using an intra nasal drug delivery system for routine and close-by medicine delivery to address local issues such nasal reactions, nose infections, and nasal congestion. However, for decades now, scientists have found the nasal route to be the most practical, dependable, noninvasive, and safe way to achieve a deeper and more rapid level of product absorption. This is an important area of importance due to the possibility that olfactory and germinal neurones in the nose might cross the Blood Brain Barrier and transport medications directly to the brain.For CNS analogues, the nasal mucosa olfactory location is studied because of the direct connection it provides between the nose and the brain. Several therapeutic proteins and peptides, as well as pharmaceuticals, have seen increases in their bioavailability in recent years. The blood-brain barrier (BBB) must be breached in the nose for drugs to reach the brain. [2]

Getting drugs directly into the brain through the nose has its benefits.

This method of administration is painless, simple, and quick.

  • Bypassing the BBB and focusing on the central nervous system can lessen the risk of systemic adverse effects.
  • Quickly exerts its effect.

 No corrosive effects from digestive juices.

Ali Rashed Ali Alazman1*, Khalid Abdulrahman Almutairi2, Yazeed Abdulrahman

Many treatments for AD and other central nervous system (CNS) disorders are only available through the pharma industry's "extended release" system (Oral and parenteral organizations). Inadequate and weak commitments undermine the effectiveness of the work. When it comes to drug treatment, one of the biggest drawbacks of peripheral medication organisation is the reduced blood flow to the brain of the product pieces or complicated operators. The existence of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), which blocks the passage of most medications, phytoconstituents, proteins, peptides, and other large molecules to the brain to avoid damage, is one possible explanation. Conversely, it has been shown that medication bioavailability decreases considerably throughout the fermentation and enzymatic modification (oral delivery) phase, as well as during structural independence (oral and parenteral). Factors such as the drug's dominant plasma protein, the volume of transport, the delay in the drug's delivery to the brain via blood, and the peripheral symptoms of system drug distribution all lend support to the idea that there must be an alternative route that lawfully transports the medication to the brain. [3] Situation permitting, intracerebroventricular infusion can be preferred, although it's a rather intrusive method. It's easy for scandalous situations in the hands of highly skilled individuals, and it seems to have little practical value. For all the difficulties involved in getting drugs to the brain, the IN5 route stands out as a pleasant and useful way that bypasses the BBB and delivers the medication directly through the nasal passages. Evidence from targeted ideas and investigations suggests that iN's brain's drug distribution mechanism circumvents challenges associated with clinical medication transmission and ensures the drug delivery cycle. [4]

1.2 Biopharmaceutical Consideration

The nose has the potential to be an organ for medication delivery due to its size and location. To achieve its curative goals, the development of a pharmaceutical product is a crucial task. Therefore, before considerable value can be achieved, it is essential to take into account major biopharmaceutical aspects, from the get-go, irrespective of whether or not they are intended to enhance the product. [5]

  • Localised delivery
  • Systemic delivery
  • Single or recurring management

Whether or whether an improvement to the nasal delivery system is acceptable should be determined by essential to adhere to factors that may affect medication declaration, upkeep, and ingestion. It is important to take measurements in a variety of physiological, anatomical, and neurotic states. Nasal formulations in a variety of forms suitable for use in the United Kingdom. Regardless, obtaining the medicine into aappropriate vehicle a network that delivers drug constancy and optimum distribution is a crucial step in the development of nasal product delivery formulations. The selection of individual pharmaceutical excipients, distribution systems, and processing approaches are all areas that warrant special care. [6]


The nose is a vital organ that is housed in the nasal cavity. The nose serves various functions and is a complex organ.Air purging and olfactory perception are two of the nasal cavity's most important functions. In reality, it engages in protective and caring behaviours. The result is cleaner, warmer, and more humid air along the lower reaches of flight paths. Absorption of endogenous chemicals is another essential component of the nasal cavity, in addition to mucociliary activity, which involves the evacuation of bodily fluid to the nasopharynx and an array of healthy trained cells. The ear was also stuffed as if it were a thundering body, and the different depressions connected to the nasal cavity included the frontal and maxillary sinuses. [7] Differentiated squamous and keratinized epithelial cells of the nasal hair were responsible for producing about. 0.6 Cm2 of filling as initial covering of the vestibular area. The smell receptors are almost same. 15 cm2 of surface area allows for substantial vascularization of olfactory sense. Circumference of the lungs, roughly. With its bodily fluid layer fed by extraordinarily particular cells, this 130 cm2 system delivers an effective air purification system. The mucosa in this area is thickened by the presence of microvilli and cilia, and the thickness of the cavity is increased by horizontal dividers that split the nasal cavity into three nasal conchae. This area is vascular to the extreme. The nasopharynx is located at the end of the nasal cavity, whereas the ciliated cells of the upper nasal cavity and the squamous epithelium of the lower nasal cavity make up the rest of the nasal cavity. Due to its extensive vascularization, the olfactory and respiratory regions can be exploited as an efficient absorption surface for topically applied medications, while being a part of the invulnerable mucosal structure. [8]

occurs when the substance is able to cross the nasal mucosal barrier. Elemental superiority allows passage through the fluid layer of the body with relative ease, whereas larger particles may have some difficulty. Mucus contains the protein mucin, which may bind to solutes and alter the dispersion cycle. Ciliated cells have the ability to undergo fundamental alterations within the body (80 per cent). The nasal epithelium is one of several types of epithelium that have been linked to dense junction. [9] . Figue 1: Drug Mechanism Absorption change in the fluid layer caused by nature or physiology. Several methods are available for protecting the mucosal lining of the gastrointestinal tract after medicine is absorbed into the bloodstream. Paracellular transfer during cell differentiation and vesicular transcytosis are two further examples. Certain tools have been proposed, but they only control paracellular and transcellular channels. Weak and disjointed, paracellular movement. Water-solvent combinations' atomic burden decreases with increasing intranasal preservation. Pharmacological agents with an atomic weight greater than or equal to 1000 Daltons have been shown to have non-helpful bioavailability. [10]


i. Sprays and Drops for the Nasal Cavity

When compared to other forms of distribution, drops have one of the simplest and most advantageous methods. The main problem is the potential for tainting from repeated use, as well as the lack of precision of the intended amount. A pipette or squeezable tube should be used to administer nasal drops. Such remedies are often sug-gested for the therapy of neighbouring disorders, with the exception of issues involving microbiological growth, mucociliary breakdown, and equivocal misery emanating from the nasal cavity or the posterior pharynx. A functional actuator, storage space, and a chamber are all part of the nasal shower's construction. Nasal splashes are nearly as exact as drops and may create surface tension, and viscosity may affect bead size and portion accuracy, thus it's important to describe them in depth (menaka and pandea). Multiple factors, including functional force, hole size, syphon design, and bead size, might affect shower nasal conditions. [11]

ii. Nasal Gels

A gel is a large-scale mixture of at least two separate liquids that is smooth, hard, or tractor trailer.There are two distinct mechanical properties that may be used to define the semi-solid nature of gels; these are the flexible modulus G' and the viscous modulus G". Varying from highly viscous solutions (such Hypromellose, methylcellulose, thickener, and chitosan) to extremely rigid, The polymer, fixing method, and gel's corporeal state all have a role in how weak a gel is (for instance: Gellan gum, gelatin and alginate). The use of bioadhesive polymers has shown promising results for nasal formulations, as they may regulate the rate and amount of drug discharge, leading to less frequent drug organisation and better patient consistency. A slower rate of mucociliary development may improve medication bioavailability as a result of the longer association time control at the site of absorption. [12]

iii. Nasal Suspensions and Emulsions

In some cases, suspensions are the tried and true method of administering a drug orally. Watery ophthalmic deferral of loteprednoletabonateand watery nasal deferral of the same drug were both developed by and licenced to Senju Pharmaceuticals Japan for neigosa. Nasal suspension for insulin administration has been the subject of research. Both a 6.7% and an 11.3% increase in pharmacological bioavailability were achieved by using steryl glycoside and sterol blends derived from soy beans. However, a few researchers found that emulsions improved bioavailability of insufficiently dissolved drugs more than suspensions, and this pattern is similar to that seen with nasal formulations. The solubilization of medications and the use of lipophilic ingestion enhancers contributed to the organization's improved retention rates. Drugs like diazepam and testosterone, which have limited solubility, will be more easily absorbed by the body if they are combined with other substances in an emulsion. [13]

iv. Nasal Powders

It is common practise to combine product material and excipients in particle-based nasal dosage systems, with the drug then being dried or frozen before being dispensed. Distribution of peptides and proteins through the nose using a dry-powder formulation that includes bio adhesive polymers has

Ali Rashed Ali Alazman1*, Khalid Abdulrahman Almutairi2, Yazeed Abdulrahman

and deposits a gel that stays in the nasal cavity for a while. It only reduced glucose by 33% as much as an intravenous infusion of the same quantity of insulin would have. Glucagon with microcrystalline cellulose, leuprolide and calcitonin with microcrystalline cellulose in combination with Hydroxypropyl cellulose, and gentamicin sulphate to HPMC are all examples of powder formulations that have been studied for nasal drug administration. [14]

v. Nasal Microparticles

In 1987, researchers published a method that utilised microparticles to increase the time spent in the nasal cavity. It was suggested that a gel-like layer be formed using microspheres made of egg whites, starch, andC24H45NO16(Dextran ethyl aminoethyl) and then progressively withdrawn from the nasal canal. Increasing social contact time may help people learn to take in more information, it has been suggested. [15]

3.1 Limitations of Nasal Drug Delivery System

The blood-brain barrier must be broken in order to allow drug molecules to go from the nasal cavity to the brain through the olfactory or trigeminal nerve route.The brain drug delivery structure may be used to detect many different central nervous system illnesses, including tumours, Parkinson's, and other neurodegenerative disorders. Transporting large atomic weight mixtures, such as proteins and peptides, is crucial. The active pharmaceutical ingredient in this distribution system is able to legally alter blood flow and prevent Presystolic digestion. It does its purpose with little intrusion and maximum efficiency. The mucocillaryclearin in the nose is responsible for the rapid elimination of drugs that enter the brain through the nose. The surface area absorbed by the nasal cavity is somewhat less than the stomach region. It is possible that the mucosal poisoning brought on by the plan's usage of an absorption enhancer. Mucosal breakdown and digestion by enzymes can reduce bioavailability. An inefficient management plan might lead to mechanical failure of the dosage system. [16]


  • To investigate the physicochemical properties of particular medication candidates (Haloperidol and Donepezil)
  • To optimise formulation characteristics


5.1 Methods employed for haloperidol (hp)

  • Calculating the melting point
  • The use of spectra to describe

5.2 Solubility determination

It was found that the "Mechanical shaker method" was the most accurate way to test for solubility. To generate the HP saturated solution, an overabundance of the medication was dissolved in distilled water (10 mL) and incubated in a mechanical shaker at 370.5 oC for 72 hours to achieve equilibrium. When using a UV-Visible spectrophotometer, the solution was measured at 247.5 nm after being filtered with Whatmans' filter paper (0.45 m, Sigma Aldrich, USA).

5.3 Partition coefficient determination

"Shake flask technique" was used to calculate the HP's partition coefficient. A conical flask with 50 ml of 1-octanol and distilled water (1:1) was used, and an overabundance of the medication was added to the mixture. We then stored this concoction in a mechanical shaker at 37 0.5 oC for 48 hours. After 48 hours, the solvents were separated by taking the mixture out of the motorised shaker and letting it sit in a separating funnel for another 24 hours. The absorbance of the solvent mixtures was measured using a UV-Visible spectrophotometer at the solvent's specific max (247.5 nm) after they had been filtered and diluted appropriately.

5.3 HPLC method

Numerous techniques have been created for the HP determination in drug manufacturing. The HP content was previously established using HPLC analysis, use a mobile phase of methanol and water (63:37, v/v) with 0.2 M ammonium acetate and sample was recorded as the internal standard. The mobile phase was somewhat adjusted in this technique. The pH of the mobile phase was adjusted to 3.5 using o-phosphoric acid, and it was made up of 100 mM/L potassium dihydrogen phosphate-acetonitrile-TEA (10:90:0.1, v/v/v). For 15 minutes, the mobile phase was sonicated before being processed through a 0.22 m filter membrane. Eluents were examined at a 230 nm wavelength, with a constant 2 ml/min mobile phase flow rate.A 20 l HPLC injector was used to introduce the samples. All measurements were taken with the temperature set at room temperature and for a duration of 5 minutes. The assay's sensitivity, the amount of time needed for analysis, and the use of readily accessible, cost-effective solvents all had a role in determining the system's viability.

5.4 Screening of lipid

melted lipid. However, investigations of solubility equilibrium are now impossible. To determine which solid lipid has the greatest drug solubilization capacity, we used a procedure (Joshi and Patravale, 2006). Glycerylmonostearate (also known as Imwitor 900 and GMS), glycerylbehenate, precirol ATO 5, stearic acid, and palmitic acid were all candidates for the role of HP solubilizer. A screw-capped vial of 20 mg HP was utilised for this procedure. It was necessary to heat the solid lipids to temperatures that were higher than their particular melting points before they could be dissolved. These lipid melts were added gradually, in increments, while the vertex mixer was continually agitating the mixture in order to prevent the HP in the vial from settling. This was done in order to prevent the HP from settling (above the melting point of lipid). The end result of the solubility procedure was a solution of lipids that was colourless to pale yellow in appearance and clear. It was determined visually how much fat needed to be heated in order to successfully dissolve the 20 grammes of HP. The experiment was performed three times, and the data are reported as the mean and standard deviation.


6.1 Description of the improved formulation

Various characterisation approaches were used to assess the following properties of the improved HP-SLN formulation (OPH): In section, the method for determining these parameters is described. In Figs. 2 and 3, respectively, the typical curves for particle size, size distribution, and zeta potential of the optimised formulation (OPH) are displayed. It was discovered that the average particle size and PDI were 115.1 2.78 nm and 0.409, respectively. The fundamental definition of PDI is the standard deviation to mean particle size ratio, and its value demonstrated that the majority of particles were in the nano range and were of uniform size. The surface charge of the improved formulation was established by calculating the Zeta potential. It serves as a predictor of nanoparticle stability. The improved formulation's zeta potential was discovered to be -16.7 mV.

Figure 2: A Formulation's Optimised Particle Size Distribution Curve Figure 3: Optimised formula for the zeta potential curve 6.2 Scanning Electron Microscopy Study

SEM analysis is discussed in further depth in subsection 6.2, and a SEM picture of the improved formulation is presented in Figure 4. The form of an optimal SLN was rather round. The results generated by SEM analysis and the particle size data presented above were consistent with one another.

Figure 4: Optimal Formulation as Seen by SEM 6.3 Transmission Electron Microscopy Study

As described in subsection, the structure of optimised SLNs was investigated using transmission electron microscopy. As can be seen in Fig. 5, TEM images of the improved formulation reveal a dense, approximately spherical pattern. Particle size and scanning electron microscopy results, as stated

Ali Rashed Ali Alazman1*, Khalid Abdulrahman Almutairi2, Yazeed Abdulrahman

Figure 5: Optimized Formulation Shown via Transmission Electron Microscope

6.4 Calculating Drug Loading and Entrapment Efficiency

According to the results, the improved HP-SLN formulation had a 71.561.56% entrapment efficiency and a 26.350.56% drug loading.

6.5 Study physicochemical properties of medication candidates (Haloperidol and Donepezil)

Desorption/selection curve analysis (DSC) examines the melting and re-crystallization behaviour of crystalline materials, such as lipid nanoparticles. This concept is founded on the observation that various lipid modifications have varying melting points and enthalpies. In materials undergoing structural changes, heat is transferred between the substance and its environment in the form of, for example, melting and crystallisation. DSC monitors these heat exchanges during controlled temperature regimens, providing insight into the sample's structural qualities. DSC can detect and report on extremely small temperature changes in a sample (depending on the sensitivity of the instrument), but it is unable to track the origin of these changes. Increase or decrease in heating power is proportional to the rate of heat transfer into or out of the sample, respectively. DSC signals are obtained by measuring the temperature difference between two points in time or space. Following first-order transitions and peak-shaped signals, phenomena including melting, crystallisation, and polymorphic alterations are seen. These signals, upon integration, supply the heat transferred during the phase change.

Figure 6: (a), (b), and (c) HP DSC Thermograms (c)

A differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) thermogram reveals that the melting point of HP is 151.895 degrees Celsius, whereas the melting points of GMS and enhanced HP-SLNs are 60.376 and 55.856 degrees Celsius, respectively. The melting point of HP is 151.895 degrees Celsius (Fig. 5.24). Because the melting peak of crystalline HP at 151.895 degrees Celsius does not appear on the thermaogram of SLNs, this indicates that the medication has been completely solubilized inside the lipid matrix and is now in the amorphous form. The decrease of 4.52 degrees Celsius in the temperature at which the melting peak of GMS occurs in SLNs is suggestive of the potential that GMS in SLNs exists in the form of crystals. The minute particle size of the HP results in a high surface energy, which allows SLNs loaded with HP to reduce their melting point. This effect is produced by the fact that the HP has a very small particle size.


Nasal administration of drugs has been a hot topic since at least the early 2000s, when it emerged as a potentially useful and flexible option. Specifically, it is highly promised in the field of drug distribution that its ingenious potential to enhance drug discharge will be realised through the maintenance of hepatic initial-pass absorption and subsequent transmission of pharmaceuticals to the brain. A growing body of evidence suggests nasal medication delivery can be used for challenge pharmaceuticals, which may inspire new approaches to drug development, manufacturing, and distribution in the pharmaceutical industry. Their research audit discusses the many different pharmaceutical dose regimens and their applicability by local or systemic medication organisations. Instinctively, it seems like this kind of review would be useful for understanding and maybe expanding intranasal formulations for targeted therapeutic purposes. However, the multiple specialised and ground-based concerns.


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Corresponding Author Ali Rashed Ali Alazman*

Pharmacist at PSMMC, Riyadh KSA