Effect of Complex Training and Resistance Running Program on 100- Meters Race Performance of Men Sprinters

The Impact of Complex Training and Resistance Running on Sprinters' 100-Meter Dash Performance

by Ram Narain*, Dr. P. Johnson,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 19, Issue No. 4, Jul 2022, Pages 179 - 182 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The present study was undertaken to analyze the impact of complex training and resistance running program on 100- meters race performance of men sprinters. Total N=60 (sixty) male engineering students age ranging from 18-21 years selected from various branches of Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India. The chosen sprinters were assigned into four subgroups by the equated group design on the bases of 100 meters run result performance. The subgroups namely empirical group – I considered as complex training group [CTG = 15], empirical group –II considered as resistance running program group [RRG =15], empirical group – III combined complex training resistance running program group [CCR=15] and control [CG=15] group – IV were restricted from taking part any specific coaching program (Under observation). The training period was for a twelve weeks. The data were collected before and after the training by conducting 100 meter test. The obtained data‟s were analyzed by Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA). The level of significant was fixed at 0.05 levels. The results of the study showed that that complex training, resistance running program and combined complex training and resistance running program were effective to increase the speed of 100 – meter dash performance of sprinters comparative to control group.


complex training, resistance running program, 100-meters race performance, men sprinters, empirical group, ANCOVA, speed, sprinters, coaching program, training period


Sprints required both strength and power for optimal performance in sprinting events. Complex training method is used to develop both strength and power in one training session (Mike 2014). Combination of high intensity Strength-based exercise, followed by the use of a plyometrics-based exercise and sports specific movements is called as complex training. Heavy loaded exercises work on nervous system and activated the muscle fibers, immediately followed by plyometric exercises stress the muscle fibers to produce involuntary force by the body will be higher than needed to lift own body weight over the hurdles (Bevan 2003). Lower-body power is beneficial for sprinting. Illustrates a lower-body complex training combination of exercises consisting of a split squat and a jumping lunge. The theory behind complex training is that the stimulus for the plyometric training will be heightened because of increased motor neuron excitability from the load placed on the body before the plyometric movement (Jensen and Ebben 2003). Speed and acceleration are essential components in 100 meters event. Sprinters want to reduce ground contact time, increase stride length and frequency. Resisted sprint training method such as a weighted vest, sled, parachute used as an overload stimulus include parachute towing, sled towing and weighted vest sprinting. As these devices are being implemented in training programs, optimal loads must be considered to improve the acceleration or maximum velocity phase of sprinting. Therefore various loads and distances may be altered to enhance acceleration or maximum speed (Whitney 2017).


The purpose of the study was to analyze ―effect of complex training and resistance running program on 100- meters race performance of men sprinters.‖


  • It was hypothesis that complex training, resistance running program and combined complex training & resistance running program would result in a bigger improvement in 100 meters dash performance of sprinters.

 It is hypothesized that the combined complex training & resistance running program groups


The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of complex training and resistance running program on 100- meters race performance of men sprinters. Total N=60 (sixty) male engineering students age ranging from 18-21 years selected from various branches of Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India. The chosen sprinters were assigned into four subgroups by the equated group design on the bases of 100 meters run result performance. The subgroups namely empirical group – I considered as complex training group [CTG = 15], empirical group –II considered as resistance running program group [RRG =15], empirical group – III combined complex training & resistance running program group [CCR=15] and control [CG=15] group – IV were restricted from taking part any specific coaching program (Under observation). The training period was for a twelve weeks. The data were collected before and after the training by conducting 100 meter test. The obtained data‘s were analyzed by Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA). The level of significant was fixed at 0.05 levels.


Table F-ratio value at 0.05 level of confidence for 3 and 56 (df) =2.77, 3 and 55 (df) =2.77 *Significant resistance running program group [RRG], combined complex training & resistance running program group [CCR] and control [CG] group sprinters. Since the calculated ‗F‘ value required being significant at 0.05 level for 3, 56 d/f and 3, 55 are 2.77 and 2.77, but the calculated values of 100 - meters performance post and adjusted posttest ‗F‘ values are 14.683 and 46.698 respectively. Which are higher than the tabulated value. Since the obtained ‗F‘ ratio is found significant.


*Significant at 0.05 level of confidence

The table II shows the adjusted final mean difference [MD] between complex training group sprinters and resistance running program group sprinters [MD = 0.349], complex training group sprinters and combined complex training and resistance running program group sprinters [MD = 0.458], complex training group sprinters and control group sprinters [MD = 0.514], resistance running program group sprinters and combined resistance running program and complex training group sprinters [MD = 0.109], resistance running program group sprinters and control group sprinters [MD = 0.923], combined complex training and resistance running program group sprinters and control group sprinters [MD = 1.032] . The study found that evident that calculated mean differences values were higher than CI value 0.273. Therefore significant differences found between training.

Figure 1: Graphical Illustration Showing the Pre-Test Post-Test and Adjusted Post-Test Mean Values on 100 – Meter Race performance


  • First hypothesized was that complex training, resistance running program and combined complex training & resistance running program would result in a bigger improvement in 100 meters dash performance of sprinters. The statistical analysis proved that isolated and combined training significantly enhanced the 100 – meter race performance of their respective empirical groups. Hence research hypothesis accepted
  • Second hypothesized was that the combined complex training & resistance running program groups would be superior than isolated complex training & resistance running program groups sprinters on improving 100 meters speed. Research hypothesized was accepted on the bases of result, it is proved that the combined complex training & resistance running program is superior to isolated complex training & resistance running program to improve the 100 – meters dash performance.


On the bases of analysis, found that 100 – meters performance of the empirical group‘s sprinters improved with the impact of isolated and combined training. The studies on 100 – meters performance were Raghavendra (2017) concluded sand running training is effective method for increasing speed of school boys. Katja et al., (2021) reports that resistance sled training is employed as a training tool to improve sprint performance for acceleration and maximal velocity running, lighter loads seem not provoke changes in maximum velocity kinematics, heavy load is possible to train acceleration. Kratky et al., (2016) result indicated that body weight supporting kite specific method causes to reduce ground contact time, whereas stride length and rate remained unchanged between free sprint and body weight supported sprint. Lockie et al., (2012) found that variety of resistance


Combined complex training and resistance running program is more effective than isolated complex training and resistance running program to increase 100 m run performance speed of the sprinters. Resistance running program is better than complex training to decrease the 100 m run performance time in seconds of sprinters. Finally complex training, resistance running program and combined complex training and resistance running program group were effective to enhance 100 m run performance speed than control group sprinters.


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Corresponding Author Ram Narain*

Ph.D Research scholar, University College of Physical Education and Sports sciences, Acharya Nagarjuna University, AP