An Analysis the MRI image Segmetnation Utilizing BOA with Fuzzy C-Mean Clustering

Detection and Localization of Brain Tumors using BOA and Fuzzy C-Mean Clustering

by Mandeep Singh*, Dr. P. K. Bharti,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 19, Issue No. 4, Jul 2022, Pages 482 - 487 (6)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Tumors of the brain are referred to by their place of origin, the brain. Tumors are masses of abnormal tissue that develop inside the skull as a result of unchecked cell division. Brain tumors may also develop as a result of metastasis from cancer originating in other parts of the body. In cases when tumors are located in the posterior fossa of the skull, the largest ones tend to be found in the cerebral hemispheres. The tumor region can be detected by segmentation of brain Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI).MRI pictures need to be segmented so that the questionable areas may be located. From each segmented tissue, significant features are identified utilizing optimized utilizing genetic algorithm.In this article, a bio-inspired optimization method is presented for locating potential tumor sites in an MRI scan of the brain. Bat Optimization Algorithm (BOA) make up the bio-inspired optimization tool (BOA). The threshold values for an image are now easily determined by this bio-inspired optimization software. Then, the Fuzzy C clustering technique is used in conjunction with this tool to dynamically determine the threshold value.


MRI image segmentation, BOA, Fuzzy C-Mean Clustering, brain tumors, cell division, metastasis, posterior fossa, cerebral hemispheres, genetic algorithm, bio-inspired optimization


MRI segmentation and classification has been proposed for a number of clinical investigations of varying complexity. In the clinical perspective, medical image processing is normally equated to radiology based investigation or clinical imaging analysis and the medical practitioner or radiologist liable for interpreting the images. Segmentation of MRI images is a vital part of medical diagnostics. It is possible to learn everything there is to know about the composition, location, and blood supply of a brain tumor through the use of magnetic resonance imaging. Brain tumor MRI segmentation is a critical yet time-consuming process that requires the assistance of medical professionals. There have been many recent attempts to solve the MRI brain tumor segmentation challenge by presenting various segmentation algorithms. In the realm of picture segmentation, many studies have been conducted using clustering. In this chapter, we use FCM & Bat Optimization Algorithm (BOA) to separate tumors from MRI images.


Segmenting medical images is crucial for a wide variety of diagnostic & therapeutic purposes. However, accurate segmentation of brain images is crucial for detecting tumors and tissues, and despite the difficulty & mental stimulation involved, it is well worth the effort. Brain MRI contains a composite structure for which fundamental image processing segmentation methods almost not yields better outcomes. Brain MRI images contain utmost seven classes or objects (i)background, (ii)Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF), (iii) White Matter(WM), (iv) Gray Matter(GM), (v)bone, (vi)scalp and (vii)lesion or tumor (Bhattacharjeeet al. 2014). It gives a summary of segmentation of MRI images, cluster based segmentation approaches as well as BOA optimization algorithm. With the aim of enhancing the performance more clever‖ techniques are required for examining info derived from these images (Alegroet al. 2012).

Types of MRI image segmentation methods

The MRI segmentation approaches are classified as for the clinical use,

  • Manual segmentation
  • Automatic segmentation o Semi-automatic segmentation o Fully-automatic segmentation
  • Hybrid segmentation

The term "manual segmentation" refers to the process wherein a trained human operator manually assigns labels to pixels and creates perceptually valid boundary segments inside an image. In this segmentation, the areas containing the labeled anatomical features are painted by hand, much to how slice-by-slice volumetric imaging is performed labeling lesions in brain tumor segmentation. However, manual segmentations are widely used to evaluate the performance of semi-automatic and fully-automatic methods (Tjahyaningtija 2018).


Clustering (Xuet al. 2005) is the process of group of objects that are a like a mid them and are unlike objects be the property of other clusters. Clustering is appropriate in biomedical image segmentation while the amount of cluster is well-known for specific clustering of human anatomy. Clustering algorithm are categorized into two kinds: Exclusive clustering and Overlapping clustering. In case of exclusive clustering, one data (pixel) is be owned by merely one cluster after that it couldn‗t be owned by another cluster. K-mean is a sample of exclusive clustering algorithm. According to overlapping clustering, one data (pixel) is be owned by two or more clusters. Fuzzy C Mean is a sample of overlapping clustering algorithm (Patel et al. 2014). There are numerous image segmentation methods dependent upon clustering. Samples of clustering algorithm are K-means (KM) clustering, Moving K-Means (MKM) clustering and Fuzzy C-means (FCM) clustering. Clustering is splitting data into collection of similarity. The goal of this method is to discover structures or clusters in a set of unlabeled data by classifying items into groups whose members are similar in some way. Clustering algorithm is being utilized in computer, engineering as well as mathematics field. In the preceding few eras, the applications of clustering algorithm were widening to clinical fields. Therefore is because of the development as well as progression of medical imaging fields. Samples of medical images are image of brain, bone, and as well chest. Clustering algorithm is appropriate in biomedical as it would create the analysis simpler. Segmentation through clustering could as well be utilized to identify the three regions at the brain image. Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) of brain is one among the medical imaging tools utilized to identify irregularity in brain. The radiologist absorbed to look for three noteworthy areas from the MRI brain images (Sulaimanet al. 2014).

Fuzzy Based Segmentation Methods

FCM clustering is known as an unsupervised method (Chen et al. 2006) (Dembeleet al. 2003) which was effectively used to feature analysis, clustering, and classifier designs in regions for instance geology, astronomy, target recognition, medical imaging, and image segmentation. An image is denoted in numerous feature spaces, and the FCM algorithm cost function, which is based upon the distance of the pixels to the cluster centers in the feature domain. Many approaches were presented as well as a condensed literature is existing for taking out the info from an image as well as to split it into diverse regions. On the other hand all suffer from diverse limits in regard to accuracy and time complexityThe image's clusters don't have clear enough borders, causing this, therefore methods except fuzzy bring about disambiguates in segmented images, instead fuzzy image segmentation approaches produce better outcomes (Bhowmiket al. 2012) (Nazet al. 2010). There is some kind of uncertainty related to the real-world images and as a result segmenting these images brings about fuzzy regions. Clustering techniques utilize info such as brightness and spatial location of pixels. However, these methods fall short when it comes to separating regions of an image that share similar pixel intensities. There is a strong relationship between the pixels, meaning that neighboring pixels share very similar feature data. As a result, in recent years there has been a lot of interest in the idea that the spatial correlation of neighboring pixels is a crucial feature that can be of considerable assistance in picture segmentation using fuzzy clustering. Among these aforementioned fuzzy clustering methodologies, FCM is the most relied-upon for picture segmentation since it has robust features for ambiguity and can maintain more information than hard clustering methods. FCM assigns pixels to each category using a fuzzy membership algorithm. Let's say you have a picture of N pixels that you want to sort into C groups, and X =(x1, x2, x3,...xN) represents that image. "FCM" stands for "iterative minimization of the following objection function," which is a technical definition:

Here is defined as membership of pixel xj belongs to cluster ith, the ith cluster center is denoted by vi, the fuzzifier is denoted by m, and the range ||.|| is regarded as a norm metric. Usually, the center of the ith cluster (represented by pixel xj) & Euclidean distance between it and pixel I are used as norm metrics. Both the membership functions and the cluster nodes are updated in the following ways: The cluster centers could be initialized arbitrarily or by an approximation technique. On noisy images, FCM does not integrate spatial info that makes it subtle to noise as well as other image artifacts. Also, as FCM cluster assignment is dependent upon the distribution of pixel intensity, this makes it subtle to intensity variations in the enlightenment or the geometry of the object.


At the present time image segmentation turn out to be one among the significant tool in medical field in which it is utilized to excerpt or region of interest from the background. Consequently medical images are segmented with the help of diverse method as well as process outputs are utilized for the additional analysis in medical. On the other hand medical images in their raw produced are signified by the arrays of numbers in the computer, along with the number representing the values of appropriate physical quantities, which show dissimilarity amid diverse kinds of body parts. Processing as well as analysis of medical images is beneficial in converting raw images into a finite symbolic form, in taking out significant qualitative info to support diagnosis as well as in incorporating complementary data from multiple imaging modalities. And one among the basic issues in medical analysis is the image segmentation that finds out the boundaries of objects for instance organs or abnormal area in images. Segmentation of the tumors with the help of FCM from the preprocessed image turns out to be extremely hard task owing to irregular areas. Consequently in this research presented a FCM with BOA by means of eliminating of mistrustful region or tumors for noise eliminated MRI image.


Similar patient T1 & T2 Brain MRI images can be segmented using the FCM Algorithm for intensity in homogeneities or weighted bias estimates. A distance table is created to show the separation between the things in each set. We determine the largest gap between each set & average distance between them. For this problem, we introduced a new objective function J. Here

By means of using same method like conventional FCM, Objective function is minimized. Estimators for U, V, & b are obtained by differentiating Jm with respect to ik, vi, &bk, respectively, equal to zero; they are then used in the development of an algorithm for determining tissue class & bias class. To accomplish this task of evaluating membership, the Lagrange multiplier is employed: Lm is distinguished with respect to μik and is set to zero to calculate μik *. The benefit of NFCM is that it is used at a primary phase of automated data analysis. FCM is identified to efficiently handle image intensity in-homogeneities as well as noise in the image (Nazet al. 2010).


BOA is known as meta-heuristic technique wherein echolocation of bats is utilized (Singh et al. 2017) Principally it is dependent upon the behavior of bats that how bats distinguish amid diverse insects and how they could identify prey by means of utilizing their echolocation. The bats traverse by means of utilizing the time delay from emission to reflection. The pulse rate is described as 10 to 20 times for each second, and it just lasts up around 8 to 10 ms. subsequently hitting and reflecting, the bats convert their own pulse into beneficial info to explore how distant the prey that change in the λ is. The bats are utilizing wavelength range from 0.7 to 17 mm or inbound frequencies f of 20-500 kHz. Therefore, we could as well change f when fixing f is λ and f are associated because of the fact λ, as λ constant. The pulse rate is merely identified in the range from 0 to 1, where 0 denotes that there is no emission as well as 1 signifies that the bat‗s emitting is their maximum (Alihodzic 2013). Generalized rules for BA are: (i) Bats utilize echolocation property to sense the distance, and they identify the difference amid mistrustful region position xi, fixed frequency fmin, variable wavelength and loudness A0 to look for the food. (iii) Bats could differ their loudness from maximum A0 to minimum Amin. Algorithm initializes with bat population by regions of the noise eliminated MRI images as well as these bats progress over the generations to identify the optima selection of distrustful region. Every bat is arbitrarily initialized with the frequency range of (fminfmax), in which fmin and fmax are known as the minimum and maximum frequency values correspondingly for best possible selection of distrustful region dependent upon the fitness function ‗F‘. The velocity vi equivalent to ith bat is disturbed by its predefined frequency fi. Moving in the direction of the mistrustful region solution I, the velocity vi of the bat in time steps t updates as: Here (0,1)is known as a random vector and x* is called a present global best solution of distrustful region amongst all n bats (regions). The novel choice of distrustful region for every bat with the intention of enhancing local search capability of the algorithm is conversed in equation


Here is arbitrarily generated value ranging from (-1 1) and Atis the average loudness value of all the bats. Since the iterations continue, the values of loudness Ai as well as pulse emission rate ‗ri‘ are brought up to date. Typically the loudness reduces while the pulse emission rate rises in this manner: application.


By using BOA to remove the suspect area from the MRI picture, researchers can evaluate how well the study approach works. The numerical measurements are utilized to compute the quality of the image (Unnikrishnanet al. 2007) (Geet al. 2007). With the aim of assessing the performance, The Rand Index (RI), Boundary Displacement Error (BDE), and Variations of Information (VOI) are utilized. The thorough explanation of RI, BDE and VOI metrics is utilized to compute the performance of the algorithm.

Rand Index (RI)

RI counts the fraction of pairs of pixels whose labeling are reliable amid the computed segmentation as well as the ground truth averaging crosswise multiple ground truth segmentations. It is a degree of the similarity amid two data clusters. The Rand index (R) is,


To calculate a, count the number of pairs of elements in S that belong to the same set in both X and Y. The number of different sets of elements in X & Y is denoted by b, and the number of different pairs of elements in S. c refers to the number of pairings in S where one member is in the same set in X and the other is in a different set in Y. The proportion, denoted by d, of items in set S that appear both in different sets in X & same set in Y is given Here, a + b is called the number of agreements amid X and Y and c + d as the number of disagreements amid X and Y. The Rand index contains a value amid 0 and 1, with 0 representing that the two data clusters don‗t decide on any pair of points as well as 1 representing that the data clusters are accurately the same.

Variation of Information (VOI)

The Variation of Information (VOI) metric describes the distance amid two segmentations as the average conditional entropy of one segmentation provided the other, and as a result computes the amount of randomness in one segmentation that could not be described by the other ((Geet al. 2007). Presume we contain two clustering (a division of a set into Here, H(X) is known as entropy of X & I(X, Y) is mutual info amid X & Y. The mutual info of two clustering is known as the loss of ambiguity of one clustering when the other is provided.

Boundary Displacement Error (BDE)

As part of its process, BDE determines the average displacement error of a set of boundary pixels, and also the closest boundary pixels in the other segmentation (Geet al. 2007). The error of the segmentation algorithm is calculated by means of computing the difference amid one and RI is defined in this manner,

Table 1 Metrics of performance vs. segmentation techniques for comparison

The algorithms k means, enhanced k means, FCM, and provided BOA with FCM segmentation are tested on a large dataset, and the results are shown in Figure 4.1-4.4 together with key statistical parameters & displayed in Table 1. A segmentation method is optimal when its RI value is high and its BDE, VOI, & error values are low.

Figure 1 RI vs. Segmentation methods

The rand index of the provided BOA with FCM segmentation is higher (0.9548) compared to other approaches, as shown in Figure 1, which illustrates the results of performance study. Figures 2, 3, & 4 show, respectively, that errors, informational variation, and border displacement errors are smaller than those shown in other figures. Figure 2 illustrates the results of the performance study, which reveal that the error of provided BOA with FCM segmentation is lower (0.0452) than when matched up with k means, IKM, & FCM techniques, respectively.

Figure 2 Error vs. Segmentation methods Figure 3. VOI vs. Segmentation methods

Figure 3 displays the results of the performance analysis, which reveal that the VOI of the provided BOA using FCM segmentation is smaller (0.1058) than when matched up with k means, IKM, & FCM techniques, respectively.

Figure 4 BDE vs. Segmentation methods

The results of the performance analysis are shown in Figure 4, which shows that the BDE of the provided BOA with FCM segmentation is lower (0.0752), being 0.2066, 0.1596, & 0.1141 lower when compared to the k means, IKM, & FCM methods, respectively. It demonstrates that when compared to other means, the K means produces the worst results. Regardless of how many iterations enhanced k requires, the results it produces are still embarrassing. When compared to both K means and modified K means, the FCM algorithm produces somewhat superior results. When compared to other methods, it became clear that the given IFCM methodology performed better.


The purpose of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is to produce images of inside body structures & organs using a magnetic field & pulses of radio wave radiation.MRI images need to be segmented so that the questionable areas may be located. As you may imagine, this is not a simple procedure. It is necessary to improve the precision with which suspicious areas are identified. In this article, we introduce BOA as a means of detecting brain cancers by identifying worrisome spots in an MRI scan of the brain. Then, the FCM Clustering algorithm is used in conjunction with these techniques to dynamically determine the threshold value.


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Corresponding Author Mandeep Singh*

Research Scholar