Determining how often and for what Purposes the Response use the Internet

Addressing Challenges and Preferences in Online Education

by Anita Mahajan*, Dr. Ritesh Mishra,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 19, Issue No. 4, Jul 2022, Pages 651 - 656 (6)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


As a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, schools throughout the globe have been forced to cancel classes. In order to maintain their academic programs, most universities and colleges have begun using online learning platforms. For a developing nation like India, where technological limits like suitable devices and bandwidth availability presents a severe barrier, the concerns concerning the readiness, designing, and efficacy of e-learning are still not completely understood. In this survey research, 307 students from the field of agriculture were asked about their thoughts on and preferences for online education. To aid in the development of an efficient virtual classroom, we also investigated student preferences for a variety of features. Seventy percent of respondents mentioned they would consider taking courses online to help with curriculum management during the outbreak. Most pupils favored using their smartphones as educational tools. Content analysis revealed that students would benefit most from having each class session videotaped and ending with a quiz. Students think that online courses are appealing because of their adaptability and convenience, but that lack of internet access in remote locations is a barrier to participation in online learning programs. While a total transition to online mode may not be feasible in the agricultural education system, as many courses are practice-oriented, the insights from this article might be useful in creating the curriculum for the new normal.


COVID-19 outbreak, online learning platforms, developing nation, technological limits, e-learning, survey research, agriculture students, virtual classroom, curriculum management, smartphones, content analysis, internet access, remote locations, agricultural education system, curriculum


The spread of ICT is seen as a factor in human development, which is defined as "the degree to which all members of a society enjoy a high standard of economic, political, and civic rights. The International Development Union claims that the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) may hasten the achievement of each of the Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations. The notion that the Internet should be seen as a driver of societal and economic development, however, has been stated much earlier. During the recent COVID-19 epidemic, numerous writers acknowledged the Internet's expanding significance in providing access to health-related information and health services. According to Benda and Ancker, the COVID-19 pandemic proves that the AMA's identified socioeconomic determinants of health are affected by a lack of broadband Internet access. These writers argue that despite calls for social distance, it has a significant impact on health care delivery, economic security, education, food distribution, and the preservation of interpersonal relationships. Numerous studies indicate an alarming digital gap exists between younger and elder generations. According to the comprehensive study published by Fang et al. various characteristics such as education, income, gender, handicap status, location of residence, and relationship status affect older people' and the elderly's access and use of ICT, including the Internet. A research conducted in the early 2000s found that older users not only spent less time on the Internet overall but also had a narrower focus when it came to their online activities and the number of websites they visited. On the other hand, several studies have shown that senior Internet users had better indices of happiness, mental and physical health state, and health behaviors than nonusers. In addition, there was a statistically significant correlation between Internet usage and improved self-reported health, increased life satisfaction, enhanced quality of life, enhanced general or psychological well-being, reduced loneliness, reduced depression and/or anxiety, and improved health behaviors and increased participation in preventative programs. It has also been suggested that using ICT is linked to a reduced risk of dementia or, at the very least, a slower pace of cognitive deterioration. The Internet has been linked to both social isolation and social capital by behaviors remains unclear. It is also unclear what other variables may contribute to higher rates of Internet use and therefore better health outcomes. Health literacy (HL) and socioeconomic level (SES) seem to be related factors. That factors such as income and race contributed to the digital gap that many seniors face. According to Levy et al.'s research, older people with poor HL were less likely to utilize the Internet to seek out health information than those with acceptable HL. Eurostat predicts that Poland's rapidly aging population will persist in the next decades. This pattern, which is also seen in many other European nations, is connected to people living longer and having fewer children. In Poland, those 65 and above made up 17.7% of the population in July 2020. Although the number of Poles who use the internet has been rising rapidly over the last decade, the proportion of senior citizens who do so is still rather small. In 2019, 69% of Polish people went online at least once per week; however, among those under the age of 35, almost 100% did so. 56% of individuals between the ages of 50 and 64 use the Internet, compared to just 26% of those over the age of 65. Telephonic consultations are still the most popular form of telemedicine interaction, particularly among the elderly, despite the increasing interest in telemedicine and e-health caused by the COVID-19 epidemic. Previous research has shown that younger ages are more likely to utilize the Internet as a source of health-related information, while those aged 50 and more are less likely to do so. These results are consistent with those found in research conducted in other nations. The study conducted that older age, in addition to lesser education, rural residence, and single status, was significantly linked with lower usage of e-health technology. Older adults would benefit greatly from using the Internet to obtain access to health-related information and services if the digital gap did not exist. Inevitably, the aged population will see a rise in the frequency of multimorbidity as the incidence of chronic illnesses rises. Knowledge and information about available services received through the Internet and associated technologies might help lessen the personal difficulties faced by persons suffering from chronic illnesses and disabilities. Researchers have long suspected that those with long-term illnesses would be among the most avid Internet users. According to research by those with chronic illnesses were 1.3% more likely to use the Internet to research health topics than those without such conditions. Ayers & Kronenfeld used multiple regression analysis to show that the number of chronic conditions, rather than the existence of any one chronic ailment, affected the extent of Internet usage. This was based on data collected in the United States in 2007. People with several chronic diseases used the Internet for health-related activities 1.15 times more often. profoundly affected by the Internet since it is one of today's most potent technologies. The danger of "internet addiction" is developing as a key behavioral addiction pandemic to be confronted internationally in parallel with the explosion in access to the Internet worldwide brought on by the advent of new-generation devices. Two hundred undergraduates were surveyed cross-sectionally, 100 from the medical field and 100 from the engineering field. A semi-structured, pre-tested questionnaire was used to gather information on internet use habits. Using Young's online addiction scale, the prevalence of internet addiction was calculated. The participants' mean age was 18.850.197 years, and there were somewhat more women (52%) than men (48%). Analysis of internet use habits revealed that 80% of users (160) had been connected to the web for less than five years, while 50% of users (101) spend less than two hours each day browsing the web. Both of these variables were shown to be strongly linked to excessive internet use. Hostels accounted for 51.5% (103 total) of all locations with internet connection. Among the student body, 93.5 percent (187) had access to mobile phones, and 60% (120) of internet users did so primarily to engage in social media. Of the 134 medical and engineering students surveyed, 67% were addicted to the internet. Professional college students are particularly at risk for developing an internet addiction, as shown by the results of the current research. Large-scale epidemiological studies are needed to accurately evaluate the situation and guide the development of effective solutions. D. Akram Hossain (2017) The Internet's widespread appeal as a learning resource has attracted the attention of many academics. However, there is little evidence from which to draw conclusions about internet use patterns among college students. That's why researchers at Bangladesh's University of Dhaka polled students from the schools of Business Studies, Science & Arts to get their take on how they use the internet and how they feel about it generally. We conducted a poll amongst students to learn more about their demographics, internet habits, and online motivations. As a result, we sent out 50 surveys to each academic field and received 150 fully useable responses. After collecting data, we used SPSS to analyze it. According to the data, all of the students from the business studies, science, and arts departments use the internet. Researchers concluded that Science and Arts majors would benefit most from increased internet use. All students, regardless of socioeconomic status, should increase the amount of time they spend online each day and the resources they devote to doing so. The report also suggests that schools make available sufficient online resources and an encouraging atmosphere to their students. This research provides

Murat Tezer (2017) The primary goal of this research was to identify any correlations between college students' levels of internet addiction and their mobile device usage, social networking habits, and overall internet consumption habits. There were a total of 363 college students that took part in the study; 255 were women and 108 were men. In this investigation, researchers relied on quantitative techniques. The researchers created a survey and sent it to the pupils. The data showed that students used the internet daily throughout the week on their personal computers, and that they were always linked to the web while using their mobile devices and social media accounts. In addition, college freshmen reported using the internet during their free time. John Mark R. Asio (2021) The global epidemic has had an immediate impact on the educational system, which moved quickly to address the issue of student learning. Students' home internet speeds and the availability of electronic learning aids were measured in this survey. The online survey was the major data collection instrument in a descriptive cross-sectional study. This research collected data from 2,894 students at a single local university in Central Luzon, Philippines, using a convenience sample strategy. A modified questionnaire was employed, and the collected data was analyzed using elementary statistical methods. Seventy percent of pupils surveyed reported having home internet connection. However, among the many learning gadgets accessible to students, smartphones rank at the top. As a result, the school can provide a more adaptable curriculum for the pupils, which is particularly important during the current epidemic. The researchers also provided suggestions for improving the institution's educational infrastructure. Franklina Adjoa Yebowaah MS (2018) The internet is a technology that plays a significant role in people's lives nowadays. Internet access has come a long way over the last several decades and is now accessible almost wherever you go, including at your home, at the workplace, while traveling, and at school. The availability of resources has been shown to affect students' academic performance in recent research. It is unclear if Senior High School Students in the Wa Municipality utilize online, and if they do, what effect this has on their academic performance, since there have been so few research on internet usage among this demographic. Therefore, this research looks at how and why internet usage has affected pupils in high school in the Wa Municipality. A convenience sample of 314 juniors and seniors in high school provided the primary data. Questionnaires were used to gather the data, which was then analyzed using descriptive statistics, chi-square tests, and analysis of variance. According to the findings, senior high school students get access to the internet via a variety of locations, including the school's Information Communication academic outcomes. However, pupils' individual online habits do not predict how well they would do in school. The research found that not all pupils had instant access to the many online resources that were made available to them. As a result, we advise that principals of senior high schools work with the Ghana Education Service's administration to improve the institution's connectivity. This is significant since providing schools with internet access is a proven method of raising student achievement.


Population of the Study

A population is the set of components under research that has been conceptually defined. However, the authors defined a study's population as the sum of its constituent parts. The two went on to say that in practice, it is difficult to ensure that every element satisfying the theoretical specifications set out would be included in the sample. Thus, the Senior Secondary School Students attending public schools in Lagos State constitute the demographic upon which this study is based.

Sampling Technique

A random sampling technique was employed to determine which of the three local government areas of Nigeria (Ikosi, Ikeja, and Yaba) would provide the sample. We got at these three municipalities by writing down all twenty municipalities and picking three at random. The three winners out of twenty were chosen at random, eliminating the possibility that the same municipality would be chosen twice. The first was chosen at random from a pool of 20, the second from a pool of 19, and the third from a pool of 18. Despite the random selection of the three municipalities, the selection of the three schools within each municipality was guided by factors of accessibility and convenience. The majority of the schools' third-term examinations coincided with the data collection period, leaving students with limited time to fill out questionnaires.

Instrument for data collection

In order to conduct this study on the selected schools, a questionnaire was employed. A survey with 18 sets of structured questions was given to 150 students from 3 schools in each of the state's selected local governments. Fifty surveys were sent out to each institution. Each school's 50 questionnaires were split evenly among the science, business, and arts departments. Senior Secondary School (SHS) I and II students, covering all relevant learning metrics. The three High School graduates who were not present throughout this project did so because they had already graduated before the One hundred and fifty questionnaires were handed out, and 149 were returned (a response rate of 99.3%).

Validity and Reliability of the Instrument

The questionnaire used in this study has been shown to have high levels of face validity, meaning that it closely matches the stated aims of the study. The content validity of the instrument was discussed with the research supervisor along with the research questions. Following her evaluation and suggestions, the researcher revised the instrument to increase its reliability and validity. The reliability of the instrument was established using a test-and-retest procedure in which it was administered to respondents who did not take part in the study.


The following sections give findings from the study's examination of qualitative and quantitative data.

Demographic details of respondents

Age, sex, education level, and country of origin were all taken into account as demographic factors. Respondents averaged 23 years of age. There were 172 women (56.03%) who participated compared to 135 men (43.97%). Table 1 shows that among the respondents, the majority (140) came from rural regions, followed by those from urban areas (121; 39.41%) and then those from peri-urban areas (46; 14.98%).

Table 1: Demographic details of the respondents. Basic information regarding online classes (Table 2)

Only 145 (47.23%) of respondents had attended an online course previously, while 162 (52.2%) had never done so. Also, 82% of students reported that their schools had already begun offering online courses. Sixty-seven percent of students who responded to a survey about how to deal with schoolwork during the current COVID19 pandemic said that online courses could be used in place of in-person instruction to cover the syllabus; 29.97 percent wanted the curriculum to be suspended; and 2.93 percent wanted teachers to provide only assignments and reading material. 30% of respondents were not in favor of online courses. The limitations of online education for students will be discussed in the paper's last section.

Table 2: Basic information regarding online classes.

Technical availability Respondents' preferences for accessing online courses ranged from smartphones (57.98%) and laptops (35.78%) to tablets (4.89%) and desktops (0.65%), indicating that any company interested in creating an app for online learning should prioritize making the platform mobile-friendly. 82% of respondents said they used a mobile data pack to connect to the internet. See Table 3a for details, however keep in mind that the vast majority of responders (62%).

Table 3: Technical requirements for online classes. Structure of online classes

The majority of students (54.40%) would rather study from lectures that have already been filmed and made available on the university's website, YouTube, or another app, while 27.04 percent like live sessions that can be recorded, 17.92 percent favor live classes, and 0.65 percent favor solely reading materials. Most responders like the versatility afforded by recorded lessons and live sessions that can be recorded. The vast majority of respondents (84%), when asked about their favourite reading medium, said they would rather watch

presentations (Table 4).

Table 4: Structure of online classes.

Frequency and duration of online classes Some 58% of students surveyed indicated a preference for twice-weekly, 45-minute online sessions. Approximately 48% of respondents planned to spend just 2–4 hours per day on online class and requested a break of 15–30 minutes in between each lesson (See Table 5).

Table 5: Frequency and duration of online classes. Respondent’s perception towards online learning

Table 4 displays the frequency and percentage for each of the seven assertions along the five-point continuum. There seemed to be no variation in how undergraduates and postgraduates viewed online education. Half or more of those polled think online education is a better way to hone technical abilities than classroom instruction. About the same percentage of respondents also agreed with the assertion that interaction with the lecturer is more difficult in online classrooms. Between 20% and 30% of those who took the survey think that online and in-person programs are about the same quality when those factors are considered. It's also worth noting that the general agreement swung from 0.40 to 0.56.


Efforts to control the new coronavirus have led to a shift in the educational landscape, with online courses replacing traditional classroom training. Schools are moving their curricula online, and universities are following suit. Although it may be premature to predict how students and instructors will adapt to online learning as they learn about the limits and reorient to meet them, we have sought to chronicle the perspective and preparedness of teachers and students as a crucial factor. The results of this survey showed that, in the aftermath of Corona, the vast majority of students had a favorable impression of online education. It was determined that the online learning was beneficial since it gave students more freedom and convenience. Well-organized material with recorded videos published to university websites was the most popular choice among students. They also said that finishing each lesson with an exam and some kind of project will help them retain more information. Most students, however, also said that online lessons might be more difficult than face-to-face ones due to technical limitations, slowed feedback, and teachers who aren't adept at using ICTs efficiently. Therefore, it is important to take into account all of these elements when designing an online course so that it may best serve the needs of its students.After the dust settles from the COVID-19 outbreak, it's likely that more schools may begin embracing online platforms as a supplement to traditional classroom instruction. Therefore, the findings of this research will be helpful for those who are considering revamping traditional forms of higher education to include online components.


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Corresponding Author Anita Mahajan*

Research Scholar, The Glocal University, Saharanpur(U.P)