Green Peopleism: A study Factors that Persuade People to buy Green Products

Understanding the Factors Influencing Indian Consumers' Preference for Green Products

by Rahul Singh*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 19, Issue No. 6, Dec 2022, Pages 169 - 175 (6)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The environmental effects of goods have become an issue of concern for both manufacturers and consumers. Many consumers and businesses are taking notice of the environmental benefits of items like low-power-consumption (energy-efficient) devices, organic foods, lead-free paints, recyclable paper, and phosphate-free detergents. In recent years, there has been a gradual uptick in interest in the green marketing idea in India. There have been a number of green marketing studies done globally, but not nearly as much academic work has been done on how Indians perceive and value green products. The factors that influence consumers' decisions to purchase green products are dissected here. Here, analyze the responses to a questionnaire designed to elicit information on consumers' attitudes about green marketing strategies and the items they end up buying as a result. Based on an analysis of 150 respondents' opinions, this study discovered a favorable correlation between the availability of ecolabeled items and people's desire to reduce their environmental impact. Customers' preference for ecofriendly products was shown to be independent of both price and gender.


Green Peopleism, factors, persuade, people, buy, green products, environmental effects, manufacturers, consumers, low-power-consumption devices, organic foods, lead-free paints, recyclable paper, phosphate-free detergents, green marketing idea, India, academic work, Indians, perceive, value, green products, influence, consumers' decisions, purchase, responses, questionnaire, consumers' attitudes, green marketing strategies, items, analysis, 150 respondents' opinions, favorable correlation, availability, eco-labeled items, people's desire, reduce, environmental impact, customers' preference, eco-friendly products, price, gender


In the recent decade, both public awareness of environmental challenges and consumer demand for eco-friendly products have exploded (Nguyen et al., 2018). The quest for safer, more ecologically friendly solutions has undoubtedly been influenced by the growing public awareness and concern about these concerns (Pothitou et al., 2016). Consequently, shoppers in both industrialised and developing nations are becoming more conscientious about their influence on the planet (i.e. climate change). The rising demand for eco-friendly goods may be attributed to the growing number of health- and environmentally-conscious consumers (Cerri et al., 2018). Green goods have been heralded for a number of reasons, including their focus on recycling, reusability, refillability, long life, degradability or compostability, and high quality in terms of green performance, energy saving, and the use of recycled materials. Businesses aspire to enhance their financial standing and increase market share by catering to the expanding population of conscientious consumers (Biswas & Roy, 2015). Environmentally friendly products will be researched, designed, and manufactured if countries and corporations are serious about enjoying the economic benefits of environmental protection (Olson, 2013). The adoption of policies and strategies that prioritise sustainable development and environmental concerns has allowed South Africa (SA) to make significant achievements in environmental management during the last decade (United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), 2011). In spite of this, the country is still struggling to meet the extraordinary demand for both electricity and water (Eskom, 2016b). According to the UN Environment Programme, achieving sustainable development would need broad implementation of policies and practises that reduce energy usage and water use


It is unclear how people's knowledge, attitudes, habits, and comprehension of green products affect their propensity to purchase and actual purchasing behaviour in a developing nation like South Africa, where the vast bulk of past research has concentrated on measuring these factors (Vigar- Ellis, 2014). This research attempts to fill a gap in the existing literature by determining what factors may support or discourage the purchase and usage refrigerators, washing machines, dryers, heaters, stoves, irons, and kettles are the focus of this study. South Africa (SA) is experiencing rising water and electricity shortages, but these eco-friendly products have been demonstrated to assist. Due to their greater propensity to care about social concerns and the environment than earlier generations, millennials in the Gauteng region are the primary focus of this research (Gule et al., 2018). Given these benefits, the author of the research expects the results to give theoretical and practical insight into the variables influencing millennials' perspectives on and choices for green appliances in emerging countries. Marketers in the green economy might utilise this data to promote the numerous benefits of eco-friendly appliances over their less eco- friendly rivals, thereby increasing demand for and uptake of green goods.


More and more people are opting for "green," or environmentally friendly, items (Chan, 2001). The most common metric used to evaluate green buying is consumers' reported intent to make a purchase. People's inclination to purchase green items is referred to as their "green purchasing intention." Environmentally conscious consumers' intentions are a reliable indicator of the elements that ultimately guide their actions in the store (Ramayah, Lee, and Mohamad, 2010). Making moral choices might be challenging, but eco-friendly purchases are seen as a positive example of caring for the community. A conscientious consumer "considers the broader effects of their decisions and attempts to utilise their buying power to affect constructive social change," as the phrase puts it (Moisander, 2007). A product is considered "green" if it not only meets consumer demand, but also benefits the environment and encourages people to adopt more sustainable lifestyles (Shamdasami, Chon-Lin and Richmont, 1993). These items have a less ecological footprint and a longer service life. The packaging of environmentally friendly goods is often smaller, and it may be easily recycled (Chan and Chai, 2010). Organic foods, energy-efficient appliances, natural medications, eco-friendly laundry detergent, etc., are all examples of green products. Previous research has attempted to explain the motivations behind people's preference for eco-friendly items by exploring their beliefs and preferences (Foxall and Pallister, 2002; Vermeir and Verbeke, 2006, Wheale and Hinton, 2007). Most research has used either Ajzen and Fishbein's (1980) Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) or their Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) (1985). Different hierarchical models of values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours were 1980). An additional component that determines one's behaviour is one's sense of control over that behaviour, which was introduced as a part of TPB (Ajzen, 1988). Perceived behavioural control refers to the extent to which a population feels it can influence its own buying habits. Several research (Arvola et al., 2008; Smith and Paladino, 2010; Tanner and Wölfing Kast, 2003; Tarkiainen and Sundqvist, 2005), among others, have used TPB as a model to examine consumers' attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours in relation to the purchase of eco-friendly goods. Most studies have shown the attitude-behavior gap, or the discordance between consumers' expressed positive opinions about acquiring green products and their actual purchase behaviours (Tanner and Wölfing Kast, 2003; Vermeir and Verbeke, 2008; Webster, 1975; Wheale and Hinton, 2007). Although environmental concern and attitude features have been shown to be inadequate in most investigations, they may be useful in predicting environmental altruism (Bamberg, 2003, Hines et al., 1987, Schultz et al., 1995;Scott and Willits, 1994, Tanner, 1999). Most research concluded that TPB fell short because it ignored the customer's emotions, despite evidence that such factors play a significant role in shaping people's ethical decisions (Magnusson et al., 2003, Padel and Foster, 2005). Clients' typical purchasing patterns were also ignored (Padel and Foster, 2005; Thgersen and Lander, 2003). The impact of other contextual factors (such as financial restrictions) on the link between environmental attitudes and behaviours has also not been investigated thoroughly (Mainieri, Barnett, Valdero, Unipan, & Oskamp, 1997). Although the TPB method is useful for analysing consumer preferences before a purchase is made, it is not comprehensive enough to explain why and how consumers make decisions during the actual buying process or if they would repurchase the goods (post-purchase behavior). The ambient and situational aspects that may influence consumers' purchases are also not taken into account in the attitude-intention-behavior models. These ideas are shared by Foxall (1993) and Carrington et al. (2010). Several research have suggested different tweaks to TPB to fix its flaws. Some of the seeming contradictions between green people's beliefs and their conduct may be explained by these modifications. The strength of the attitude-behavior link may be influenced by a number of things outside attitudes, according to a number of hypotheses. In an effort to comprehend individual behaviour, Guagnano, Stern, and Dietz (1995) developed the Attitude-Behavior-Context (ABC) paradigm. To paraphrase the concept's proponents, non-attitudinal variables, such as social pressure, play a role in motivating people to take pro-environmental acts. When attitudes are positively correlated with behaviours, the impact of unfavourable environmental factors is mitigated. Even those who don't generally have a positive

optimistic outlooks to take actions that are long-term beneficial. The Motivation-Ability-Opportunity (MAO) model was developed by Olander and Thgersen to explain consumer behaviour (1995). According to the MAO model, people's capacity and access to relevant information are crucial to their adoption of environmentally responsible practises. Both routine and specific competence are part of the ability construct, whereas the chance to engage in the behaviour is part of the opportunity construct. In this theory, happy individuals will only take constructive action if they are given the opportunity and resources to do so. Example: if eco-friendly products are difficult to get, consumers will be dissuaded from purchasing them. Phipps et al. (2013) developed the reciprocal deterministic theory to provide light on customers' long-term patterns of behaviour. According to this framework, one's past behaviour is a strong predictor of whether or not they would participate in future behaviour that has a beneficial effect on the environment. According to the paradigm, an individual's outlook, in addition to their previous sustainable actions and their sociocultural context, affects their present and future sustainable behaviour. As we can see, there are a variety of internal and external variables at play when it comes to consumer behaviour, and attitude is only one of them. These variables may also bolster or weaken the connection between attitude and action.


Research Design

Quantitative research techniques go under the purview of the deductive approach, whereas qualitative research methods fall under the aegis of the inductive approach. To begin our inquiry, we review the current theories (literature) on eco-labeling and the potential elements that impact people's choices to purchase environmentally friendly items. Because of the focus of this research on understanding how these elements influence consumers' decisions to buy eco-labeled goods, we have chosen to evaluate already proposed hypotheses instead of making any new assumptions or formulations. We use a scientific, quantitative strategy to achieve this end. The acquired data was analysed using SPSS, and we generated plausible null hypotheses based on the results. To better understand how these variables affect consumers' decisions to buy eco-labeled (food) goods in stores, we may utilise the results of this hypothesis testing. In order to do this, we will be sending out a survey that may be completed in the respondents' spare time.

Source of Data

In our research, we use a mix of primary and secondary sources. Using questionnaires handed out to customers as they enter supermarkets as our major decisions to purchase eco-labeled items.

Sample of study

One hundred fifty locals of Jaipur, India, were questioned for this study. Therefore, we gathered data from several regions in an effort to choose a sample that fairly reflects the whole.

Statistical Analysis

Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) will be used to evaluate the questionnaire data.



The table below displays the selected variable's means, medians, and modes for the full set of 150 replies (Eco-motivation). This characteristic is evaluated on a 5-point Likert scale, with 1 indicating strongly disagreeing and 5 indicating strongly agreeing. Strong eco-motivation is reflected in our respondents' average score of 3.42. (the middle point is 3 on a 5-point Likert scale). Viewpoints from respondents are compared on a 5-point scale below. The tiny standard deviation of 0.685 for this normal distribution of eco-motivation shows that the answers are generally in line with the sample mean. Our sample's responses indicate a moderate level of environmental concern among its members. Thus, in order to test this hypothesis, we have assumed that there is no connection between eco-motivation and the choice to purchase items with an eco-label.

Table 1: Eco- motivation Statistics

Figure 1, Eco-motivation Comparison (1: strongly disagree, 5: strongly agree) The null hypothesis for evaluating eco-motivation is: H01: ―There is no association between Eco-Motivation and interest to buy eco-labeled products‖ We do a chi-square test to see whether there is a link between environmental concern and a preference for purchasing items with environmental certification marks. The chi-square value (27.108) in the table below is significantly different from zero at the.000 level of significance. Therefore, the view that eco-motivation has no impact on consumer choice is false. The results of the chi-square test thus imply that there is a correlation between eco-motivation and the likelihood that a consumer would choose to purchase products with an eco-label.

Table 2: Eco-motivation: Chi-square test

Gender To test whether or whether people's preferences for eco-labels on consumer items vary by gender, researchers chose a sample of 150 persons (75 men and 75 women). This poll might help us determine whether men are more likely than women to be interested in eco-labels. We develop a null hypothesis to test the possibility that there is a difference in the propensity to purchase environmentally friendly products between the sexes. In lieu of that, H02: ―There is no association between gender and interest to buy eco-labeled products in the store‖ We used a chi-square test for this purpose, and the results are shown in the table below. In this case, the chi-square value (0.112) is not statistically significant at the alpha level of 0.737. So, let's

Table 3: Gender: Chi-square test

Eco-Knowledge Two questions in our survey are meant to gauge the level of ecological knowledge among respondents. Since the metrics we used to evaluate the two are different, we've chosen to look at them independently. In order to test the hypothesis that consumers are more likely to choose items with environmental claims if they are more environmentally conscious, we design a null hypothesis. One possible alternative hypothesis is H03, which states that "Eco-knowledge does not predict in-store sales of eco-labeled products." The chi-square value (24.389) is shown in the table below; it is very significant at the.000 level. We reject the null hypothesis that there is no correlation between eco-knowledge and a consumer's choice for items bearing an eco-label. The high level of significance for this component led us to choose the null hypothesis as our working hypothesis. Table 4(a) Eco-knowledge: Chi-Square Tests The.0004 significance threshold is met by the Pearson chi-square value (8.446) in the table above. Our results show that there is a correlation between eco-awareness and a consumer's propensity to purchase items labeled as "eco-friendly," hence we conclude that the alternative explanation is correct. Each chi-square test finds evidence of statistical significance. To determine

Table 5 (b): Eco-knowledge: Chi-square test Peer Influence

We tested the impact of peer pressure to buy green products by including it in our model. With a total of 150 responses and no blanks, the table below displays the sample's mean, median, and mode for this specific variable (Peer influence). This characteristic is evaluated on a 5-point Likert scale, with 1 indicating strongly disagreeing and 5 indicating strongly agreeing. This suggests that our respondents were on the fence on the significance of peer pressure (3.24).

Table 6: Statistics on peer influence

To go a little further, we develop a null hypothesis and use the chi-square test to see whether social pressure plays a role in selecting products with eco-labels. The baseline hypothesis we're testing for the impact of peers is; H03: ―There is no association between peer influence and interest to buy eco-labeled products in the store‖ We utilize a chi-square test to investigate whether or not there is a relationship between peer influence and the propensity to purchase items with environmental certification logos. The chi-square value (chi-square = 8.556) in the table below is not statistically significant at the.073 level. It is consistent with the null hypothesis that there is no

Table 7: Peer influence: Chi-square test Price

As one of the four pillars of marketing strategy, pricing is essential for making a profit. It's possible that cost will play a significant role in your buying decision. We developed a null hypothesis to explore whether or not price plays a role in consumers' preferences for eco-labeled products. H05: ―There is no association between price and interest to buy eco-labeled products in the store‖

Table 8: Price effect: Chi-square test

We use a chi-square test to determine how cost affects peoples' decisions to buy items with eco-labels. The chi-square test mentioned above shows that the chi-square value (.052) is not significant at the level of 0.820. Therefore, we accept the null hypothesis that there is no connection between price and the decision to buy items with an eco-label.

Shelf Space

Since there is no research on the effect of shelf space on customers' choices to purchase things with an eco-label, it is one of the factors we are keen to know (as we said in prior chapters). We generated a new statistic termed total shelf space to better appreciate the whole effect of shelf space on customer purchases of eco-labeled items (TotalSS). The novel variable was computed using three existing ones. Using Cronbach's alpha, we were able to ensure that the scale was reliable. The mean, median, and mode for these respondents, along with the total number of where 0 means "yes," 1 means "no," and 2 means "I don't know," The median shelf depth is.9224, which is far below the industry standard (where the middle point is 1). As can be seen in the normal distribution curve for shelf space, the responses are quite close to the sample mean. The standard deviation is just 0.505. It seems from the data in the table and graph below that the answers our respondents gave us about shelf space were fairly inadequate.

Table 9: Shelf space statistics Figure 2: Histogram on shelf space effect

We have proposed a hypothesis to explain the relationship between shelf space and interest in purchasing items with eco-labels. The alternative is; H06: ―There is no association between Shelf Space and interest to buy eco-labeled products in the store‖

Table 10: Chi-square test on shelf space We use a chi-square analysis to learn how exposure to shelves affects consumers' propensity to buy products with green seals. When compared to the critical value of.05, the chi-squared value (14.905) in the preceding table is statistically significant at the.021 (95% confidence interval) level. Thus, we do not accept the null hypothesis that shelf space is unrelated to consumers' propensity to buy products with an eco-label. According to the chi-square analysis, there is a correlation between shelf location and the selection of eco-friendly items, although it is less than the correlation between eco-motivation and product selection. For the time being, we may conclude that eco-motivation is more strongly correlated with selecting eco-labeled products than shelf space is.


The results of this study provide important insight into the elements that motivate consumers in emerging nations to invest in environmentally friendly goods. The study provides green businesses with advice on how to foster the many DOI components in line with TPB factors with their people over the long term, with a particular emphasis on promoting adoption/purchase behaviors. Therefore, it is vital for green firms to understand about the factors that impact consumer acceptance of and purchase of green products in order to insure continuing growth of this specialized market even further.


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Corresponding Author Rahul Singh*

Qualified NET in Commerce in Dec 2018