Combine Effect of Harjod Vanvasi Oil and Harjod Vanvasi Capsule in the management of Sandhigata Vata w.s.r. to joint Pain An Open Level Randomized Clinical Trial

The effectiveness of Harjod Vanvasi Oil and Capsule in managing Sandhigata Vata

by Dr. Akhilesh Shrivastava*, Dr. Nagendra Singh Raghuwanshi, Dr. Pradeep Kumar Madhur,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 19, Issue No. 6, Dec 2022, Pages 284 - 287 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The body attains it’s a healthy state when there is an equilibrium of Dosha, Dhatu, Mala in the body. Vata Dosha plays an important role in the maintenance of this equilibrium. However, it’s vitiation leads to numerous disorders one of which is Sandhigata Vata which has become common trouble for people in the present scenario irrespective of age. The reason is obvious a disturbed diet and a sedentary lifestyle. When it comes to balance Vata in the body Ayurveda offers diverse medications modalities and therapies. One such magnificent medicine has been prepared i.e. Harjod Vanvasi Oil for local application and Harjod Vanvasi Capsule for oral intake for thirty days. The patients were enrolled on the basis of particular symptoms and it’s severity was recorded, the symptoms were Sandhi Shoola, Sandhi Shotha, Aakunchana Prasaran Vedana, Sandhigraha and Sparshasahyata. Patients were also advised to avoid Vata Vardhak Ahaar and Vihaar. The follow-up was taken on the 15th day. The reasonable result was observed with subsidation of symptoms at the end of the study i.e. after completion of thirty days of medication along with oil application. The result was concluded by examination of the patients as well as based on a conversation with the patients.


Harjod Vanvasi Oil, Harjod Vanvasi Capsule, Sandhigata Vata, joint pain, Ayurveda, medication modalities, therapies, symptoms, equilibrium, dosage

INTRODUCTION With the advancing time, there has been an augmentation of lifestyle disorders. Ayurveda defines diseases as misbalancing of Doshas, Dhatus, and Malas, and Sandhigata Vata is one of the most common Vatavyadhi, caused by vitiation of Vata Dosha. In general perspective it is used to ensure In Vriddhavastha, all Dhatu undergo Kshaya, thus leading to Vata Prakopa and making individuals prone to joint pain. But nowadays it has been a common issue among middle-aged people too. The reason is sure consumption of causes leading to Vata Prakopa and creating symptoms like Sandhi Shoola(Joint pain), Sandhi Shotha (Joint swelling), Aakunchana Prasaran Vedana (Painful joint movements), Sandhigraha (Joint stiffness), Sparshasahyata (Tenderness) which present the classical symptoms of Sandhigata Vata. According to Acharya Charaka, Sandhigata Vata is the Vatavyadhi in which Sandhi Shoola (joints pain), Atopa(crepitation), Vatapurnadrustisparsha, Shotha(swelling), etc. Symptoms are seen1. According to Acharya Sushruta, it is with symptoms of Hantisandhigata (Degeneration of joints), Shoola (pain), Shopha (swelling) at the joints2. In classical Ayurvedic texts, no specific Nidana has been explained for Sandhigata Vata. Therefore, the general Hetu of Vatavyadhi can be considered an etiological factor responsible for causing Sandhigata Vata3. Common Hetus of Vatavyadhi, which are mentioned by Acharya Charaka are as belowAharaja- Ruksha (dry), Sheet (cold), Alpa (less quantity), Laghu (light), Abhojana (no food intake). Viharaja- Atiprajagarana (no sleep), Divasvapna(sleeping during the day), Ativyavaya (excess sexual act), Vega dharana (stopping natural urges), Plavana (swimming), Atiadhva(excess walk), Ativyayama(excess exercise)4. Manasika- Atichinta (excess anxiety), Atishoka (excess grief), Atikrodha (excess anger), Atibhaya (excess fear)5. Ayurveda

Dr. Akhilesh Shrivastava1*, Dr. Nagendra Singh Raghuwanshi2, Dr. Pradeep Kumar

Vanvasi Capsule for oral intake, and was administered to thirty patients for thirty days. The patients were enrolled as per the symptoms of Sandhigata Vata. They were suggested Pathya and Apathya according to Vata vitiation. At the end of treatment, the patients were examined and asked about the relief in joint pain. Accordingly, it was concluded that there was marked relief in symptoms along with subsidation of joint pain.


Patients presenting with signs and symptoms of Sandhigata Vata, were selected from the OPD and IPD of Shubdeep Ayurved Medical College and Hospital Indore (M.P.)

A. Inclusion Criteria 1. Patients were between the age group of 30 – 70 years. 2. Patients having signs and symptoms of Sandhigatavata. a. Sandhi Shoola/ Joint pain b. Sandhi Shotha/ Joint swelling c. AakunchanaPrasaran Vedana/ Painful joint movements. d. Sandhigraha/ Joint stiffness e. Sparshasahyata/ Tenderness B. Exclusion Criteria 1. Patients who are below 30 and above 70 years of age. 2. Patients who are suffering from diabetes, Psoriatic arthritis, Systemic Lupus Erythematous (SLE), Housemaid's knee, Polymyalgia, Rheumatoid arthritis, Gout, Tuberculosis, and Patient with trauma will be excluded. Drug Details 1. Harjod Vanvasi Oil For local application 2. Harjod Vanvasi Capsule –for oral intake License number: MP25D/15/398 Marketed by: Saptarishi Herbals LLP Indore Manufactured: Mangal Murti Herbals Indore D. Research Methodology Study type : Interventional Open Level Randomized Study

Masking : No No. of groups : 01 Sample size : 30 patients Study site : OPD/IPD of Shubhdeep Ayurveda Medical College and hospital, Indore (M.P.) For assessment and rule out the patients : Informed consent will be taken by every patient before commencement of Treatment.


Uses – Harjod Vanvasi Capsule 1 BD after Meal with lukewarm water.


Harjod Vanvasi Oil - Apply 3-5 ml oil and massage gently twice a day

E. Assessment Criteria-

1) Subjective- To assess the effect of therapy objectively, all the signs and symptoms are given scoring depending upon their severity.

Subjective Parameter and Grading –

  • Sandhi Shoola/Joint Pain:
  • Sandhi Shotha / Joint Swelling :

  • Sandhigraha / Joint stiffness:


Vas Analogue Scale FINAL ASSESSMENT OF THE RESULT A detailed proforma according to the disease was prepared and all the subjective and objective values were recorded and the result was generated. The assessment was also done according to the observations made by P.I. and the experiences of the patients while following the one-month treatment protocol. Table No. 2: Combine Effect of Harjod Vanvasi Oil and HarjodVanvasi Capsule On Subjective Criteria Sign And Symptoms


Sandhigata Vataas quoted in classical texts resembling it‘s symptoms with joint pain, is a disorder caused by Vata Dosha Vriddhi and Dushti. It is becoming a common disorder in the present era irrespective of gender and age with advancing lifestyle and dietary habits. These present a strong reason for Vriddhi and Dushti of Vata Dosha. The most common causes include the consumption of junk food, packed food, Ratri Jagran, and overstress. A sedentary lifestyle leads to Kapha Vriddhi, Ama Nirmana and ultimately Stroto Avarodh. Vitiated Vata Dosh gets accumulated due to Stroto Sangha creating Joint Pain. In the present study thirty patients irrespective of gender between the age of 30 years to 70 years having symptoms Sandhi Shool, Sandhi Shotha, AkunchanPrasaran Vedana, Sandhigrah, and Sparsh Asahyata were enrolled. It was observed that out of a total of thirty patients enrolled 70% were male and 30% were female which concludes that breaking the past trend male are more sufferers of Sandhigata Vata than females. 73% of total enrolled patients were suffering from anxiety which means that stress and anxiety lead to vitiation of Vata Dosha which may cause Sthan Sanshray of Vata in joints causing anxious patients joint pain. Age-wise enrolled patients were 26.66% patients were of 30-40 years of age, 53.33% patients were of 41-50 years of age, 16.66% patients were of 51-60 years of age, 3% patients were above 60 years of age denoting that middle age group is more prone to joint pain these days due to disturbed lifestyle and dietary habits, 66.66% patients were consuming a non-vegetarian diet which is comparatively digested in longer time duration if followed by sedentary lifestyle leads to Aam Nirmaan. As per the conversation with patients, and their history taking it has been noted that all the Vata Vardhak Nidanas lead to Sandhigata Vata including Aam Nirmaan and Stroto-Avrodh contributing factors in the disorder.

Harjod Vanvasi Capsule–

Herbo-mineral combination is exclusively prepared for sufferers of joint pain. It contains the highest percentage of Vanshlochan which acts as a great fortifier for bone. It is useful in strengthening the

Dr. Akhilesh Shrivastava1*, Dr. Nagendra Singh Raghuwanshi2, Dr. Pradeep Kumar

Kshayatmak condition. Another important ingredient Safed Musli acts against inflammatory mediators such as histamine and prostaglandins thus providing relief in pain and inflammation. Ashwagandha possesses Balya and Rasayana properties which work on AsthiDhatu Kshay. Tamra Bhasma present in this combination eases bowel movements and stimulates bile salts from the liver which helps in improving digestion and clearing Pakwaashay which helps in suppressing vitiated Vata in the body.Yashad Bhasmais an excellent immuno-modulator helps in combating the low immune system of the patients. Piplamool helps in combating inflammation. Overall this herb-mineral combination works jointly on the symptoms of Sandhigata Vata.

Harjod Vanvasi Oil-

Harjod Vanvasi Oil has been prepared for local application along with oral medication for patients suffering from joint pain. Vanshlochan accounts for a maximum part of this combination as well. It works well on joint pain when applied locally. Nirgundi a proven drug for joint pain helps in relieving the pain when applied locally. Vatsnabh possesses Tikshna Guna and helps in relieving pain and acts as a nerve stimulator as well. Kali Mirch, Pipal, and Ajwainare rich in anti-inflammatory properties, analgesic properties thus reducing pain and inflammation when applied locally. Rasna, Gokhru, Guggulu works well on vitiated Vata Dosha and helps in relieving pain that has been caused due by the accumulation and localization of Vata Dosha. Thus Harjod Vanvasi Oil possesses properties that work on inflammation, pain, and difficulty in movements of joints and showed remarkable results in patients who applied it locally.


Table No.3: Percentage Of Relief In Subjective Criteria

  • ADVERSE DRUG REACTION (ADR):- No any adverse drug reaction were recorded or reported during the study.


1. Dr.Brahmananda Tripathi, Charaka Samhita of Maharshi Charaka, Chaukhamba Prakashana, Varanasi, Chikitsasthan, 2011; 28. 2. Madavanidana by Dr. Ajay Kumar an Android book. 3. Dr. Brahmananda Tripathi Charaka Samhita of Maharshi Charaka Chaukhamba Prakashana, Varanasi Sutrasthana, 2010. 4. Sushruta Samhita by Dr.Anant Ram Sharma forwarded by Acharya Priyavrat Sharma. 5. Astang Hridaya by Kavirajatridevgupt, Nidan sthan. 6. Diseases in Ayurveda- An android book by vd. Arun S.Dudmal.

Corresponding Author Dr. Akhilesh Shrivastava*

Vice Principal and HOD Shubhdeep Ayurved Medical College and Hospital, PG Institute Indore