Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders among Physical Therapists in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Prevalence, Characteristics, and Impact

Understanding the Prevalence and Impact of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders among Physical Therapists in Saudi Arabia

by Omar Obaidallah Althomali*, Zaid Fihanalotaibi,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 20, Issue No. 4, Oct 2023, Pages 240 - 246 (7)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Background In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, physical therapists often worry about musculoskeletal disorders connected to their line of work (WRMSDs). Aim The purpose of this research was to look at the characteristics, prevalence, and effects of WRMSDs on local physical therapists. Method A thorough survey was carried out to gather information on the participants' demographics, the kind of job they did, and the prevalence of musculoskeletal problems. The research offered a thorough picture of the problem by including a wide sample of physical therapists from a range of settings. Result The results showed that WRMSDs were much more common among Saudi Arabian physical therapists. Musculoskeletal pain and discomfort were reported by the majority of respondents, and these symptoms had a significant influence on their everyday activities and work performance. Conclusion The research pinpointed certain risk factors—such as extended patient care durations, subpar ergonomic procedures, and a dearth of workplace preventative measures—that are linked to the development of WRMSDs.


work-related musculoskeletal disorders, physical therapists, prevalence, characteristics, impact, Saudi Arabia, musculoskeletal problems, pain and discomfort, risk factors, ergonomic procedures, workplace preventative measures


Musculoskeletal injuries caused or made worse by the workplace or its surroundings are referred to as work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD). Smoking, having a higher body mass index (BMI), having a high physical load or psychosocial stress, and having comorbidities (pain, arthritis, and rheumatism) are risk factors for WMSD. [1-3] Heavy lifting, clumsy postures, and excessive repetition are major biomechanical risk factors for WMSD.[1] Physical therapists (PTs) continue to have a significant risk of WMSD despite having a great deal of expertise in ergometrics and injury prevention.[4-6] The incidence of WMSD in PTs has been the subject of many investigations. In Kuwait, PTs with WMSD had a 1-year frequency of 47.6%; the low back (32%), neck (21%), and upper back (13%), were the most often affected regions.[7, 8] The 1-year prevalence in Nigeria was 91.3%, with the neck (34.1%) and low back (69.8%) being the most affected regions. Two main risk factors for WMSD were being female and having a lower BMI. In Izmir, Turkey, PTs had a lifetime incidence of 85% for WMSD; the most susceptible areas were the neck(12%), shoulders(14%), low back(26%), and hand-wrist(8%). The most common movement that led to the development of WMSD was transferring patients (15%).[9] The lifetime frequency of WMSD in Israel was 83%, with the lower back accounting for 80% of cases.[10] In Greek, 89% of PTs had lifetime WMSD

prevalence.[11] The occurrence of WMSD in PTs has been the subject of fewer investigations. The 1-year incidence of WMSD among PTs varied from 16.9 to 20.7 injuries per 100 full-time workers, according to two studies conducted in the USA. [12,13] According to a different research, the 3-year incidence of WMSD was 21.4 injuries per 100 full-time workers for younger PTs and 19.6 injuries for older PTs.In [14]

These investigations did demonstrate the universality of WMSD in PTs, despite the disparity in technique and reported figures. Healthcare systems have a heavy direct cost burden from WMSD, which also causes a larger indirect productivity loss. PTs with WMSD saw significant changes in their career aspirations and a decrease in their clinical longevity, both at work and at home.[15] According to a research, WMSD forced every single one of every six physical therapists to modify their workload or even quit.(16–19) Many cross-sectional studies have reported on the prevalence of WMSD in PTs; however, longitudinal data on the prevalence's progression are rare. In this study, we used Taiwan's national claims database to analyze the incidence and prevalence of WMSD in PTs. Physical therapists from Saudi Arabia's governmental and private sectors participated in this cross-sectional study. Participants in the study were physical therapists who were registered members of the Saudi Physical Therapy Association (SPTA), had at least one year of work experience, and worked at least one hour a day in their present setting. Therapists who were elderly, retired, or not in practice at the time of the inquiry were excluded from the research.


The researchers made contact with the physical therapists who belonged to the SPTA and extended an invitation to participate voluntarily in the study. In addition to the online survey, every participant received a letter over email explaining the purpose of the study. The researchers gave each participant an explanation of the questionnaire and their phone number in case more information was required. Each participant declared their willingness to participate in the study by responding to the questionnaire. Each participant spent between fifteen and twenty minutes to complete the questionnaire. After the online questionnaire was posted, the researchers sent out a courteous reminder to every participant requesting them to finish it if they hadn't already, one month later. The study did not include questionnaires that were completed.

Question Mark

The main objective of the survey was to collect data from physical therapists on their self-reported musculoskeletal pain and concerns linked to their jobs. It was written in English, had six parts, and had previously passed validation. The first segment of the survey collected the participants' demographic information. The participant's background, experience, professional rank, working hours, primary patient type, working locations, areas of specialization, longest spell (in days), total number of episodes, type of complaints, how they began, type of treatment received, whether they had seen an expert regarding the complaint, work position, and exercise regimen were all questioned about in the following section. The Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire was used to evaluate the participant's musculoskeletal complaints (pain or discomfort) in nine anatomical regions: the neck, shoulders, elbows, hands/wrists, and thumbs. A body diagram was used for this purpose. In the next component, the length of WMSDs was evaluated using the question, "How long does the pain or discomfort typically last?" The following options were presented to the participants for selection: 1) A day, 2) A week, 3) A month, 4) A week and a half, or 5) A month and a half will pass. To determine the frequency of WMSDs, the following question was following options: The conceivable frequency of usage is once every six months or less, once every two to three months, once a month, once a week, or more than once a week. The level of discomfort was measured using a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), which ranged from 0 (no pain) to 10 (the worst agony imaginable) for each body area. These were the employment characteristics on the questionnaire that physical therapists found to be associated with WMSDs. The last component covered the methods used by physical therapists to manage WMSDs.

Data Analysis

For the statistical analysis, the SPSS software (SPSS version 21.0 for Windows; Inc., USA) was used. Descriptive statistics were used to estimate sample demographics and the incidence of WMSDs. Using incidence rates and cross-tabulations, a variety of demographic traits and work settings were associated with the existence of WMSDs. The chi-square test was used to evaluate the relationship between the incidence and correlation of WMSDs and the professional characteristics of physical therapists, work settings, and demographic variables. The significance criterion was established at a p-value of < 0.05 for all studies.



Out of the 137 licensed physical therapists who were asked to participate in the research, 115 of them completed the questionnaires. Fifteen of these surveys were incomplete, and as a result, they were not included in the study. As a result, the prevalence rates were ultimately assessed using the data from 100 individuals.

Participants’ description

Table 1 displays the attributes for every topic. There were 42 (42%) female participants and 58 (58%) male participants. The bulk of physical therapists—56 percent—were employed by government hospitals. The most common specialization was orthopedics, which was followed by neurology, pediatrics, and other disciplines. Physical therapists worked more than 40 hours per week on average (42%; Table 1). Table 1: Description of the Participants


Gender significantly influenced the frequency of work-related neck and low back symptoms, with more women than men reporting these issues. Similarly, complaints of the shoulders and low back linked to employment were associated with participant age and were more common in younger age groups. Neck issues relating to the workplace were linked to certain industries and job roles. There was statistical significance in all of these associations (p < 0.001). (table 2).

Table 2 a: Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) Prevalence

Table 2 b : Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) Prevalence

Fiure 1: Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) Prevalence Characteristics

Table 3 shows that the majority of Saudi Arabian physical therapists experienced two to five episodes of wrist/hand, elbow/forearm, neck, shoulder, and thumb WMSDs. The most common complaint was pain, which was followed by stiffness, spasms, and other symptoms. The majority of patients with problems related to their neck, shoulders, or elbows got physical therapy treatment, as shown by Table 3.

Table 3 b : Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) Characteristics among


Fiure 2: Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) Characteristics among physical therapists


Physical therapists who responded to the poll said that working with many patients on a daily basis (48%) and staying in one place for lengthy periods of time (43%) were the two most important job impacts. The two least important characteristics were dealing with psychologically or disoriented patients (2%) and irregular work patterns (4%) (Table 4). Table 4: Risk factor that impact physical therapists

Fiure 3: Risk factor that impact physical therapists


The study's result emphasizes how important it is for physical therapists in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to address the serious problem of musculoskeletal illnesses connected to their jobs. The frequency of these conditions emphasizes how crucial it is to put ergonomic treatments and preventative measures into practice in clinical settings. It is important to tackle risk factors, such as extended patient care and substandard ergonomic practices, in order to enhance the well-being of physical therapists and guarantee the longevity of their employment. Furthermore, the effect that WRMSDs have on physical therapists' everyday life and professional performance highlights the need of all-encompassing wellness programs and support networks in healthcare facilities. Workplaces should include strategies like ergonomic training, frequent breaks, and the availability of suitable equipment to reduce the incidence of musculoskeletal illnesses. 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Corresponding Author Omar Obaidallah Althomali*

Physical Therapist, Armed Forces Center For Health Rehabilitation, Taif City -Saudi Arabia