Factors Affecting Ground Water Level In Catchment Area of Yamuna River In Haryana

Implications of Groundwater Depletion in the Yamuna River Catchment Area of Haryana

by Vijay Singh*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 3, Issue No. 6, Apr 2012, Pages 0 - 0 (0)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


It is an established fact that it is not feasible to meet all the waterneeds through withdrawal of groundwater as almost entire Haryana has come underdark zone.


ground water level, catchment area, Yamuna River, Haryana, withdrawal of groundwater

INTRODUCTION It is an established fact that it is not feasible to meet all the water needs through withdrawal of groundwater as almost entire Haryana has come under dark zone. Secondly, the state-run piped water scheme which also exploits groundwater is not only expensive but has also been challenged for its reliability, adequacy and sustainability of supply. On the other hand, population of Haryana is growing since 1971 with more than 25 percent growth in every decade hence the demand of water is growing day-by-day. The water crisis has occurred because the traditional source of water i.e. wells and ponds are abandoned and surface and ground water is exploited for domestic, agriculture and industrial use. The availability of surface water is very limited in Haryana as there no perennial rivers in the state. The state traditionally depended on surface water sources to meet its water demands, but lack of rain; unpredictable and untimely monsoon over a period saw the reservoirs severely depleted. The perennial river like Yamuna is converted into a seasonal river. During the same period the changing life style expected drinking water supply at their door level. People abandoned traditional sources of water i.e. wells and ponds with the perception that the water is not safe. Hence the demands of human beings, cattle and agriculture which were earlier met by these traditional sources of water are also now dependent on state run piped water system. The other supply of water is personal hand pumps which are either unable to supply water from shallow aquifers as ground water is over exploited and there is no water available in this aquifer, or they supply inferior quality of water if installed at low depth due to release of sewage and industrial effluents at the same level of depth. The water which is explored with the use of submersible pumps has chances of presence of chemical substances like manganese, chromium, nitrate, fluoride and arsenic. Thus water availability both in terms of qualityand quantity has declined in Haryana and has created asituation of water scarcity. Noting the alarming depletion of ground water in State,continuously increasing trend of use of chemical fertilizersand pesticides and their residual effect, there is a need tomake rainwater harvesting mandatory, work on revival oftraditional sources of water as, a number of technologicaloptions have been suggested / proposed by the hydro-geological and engineering experts to revive these sourcesand immediate switch over to organic farming with massparticipation and Govt. support. But people need to be educated that the water of thesetraditional sources may not be safe for human drinking butwith technological interventions, bacterial contamination ofwater can be removed and it can be made useable forhuman beings. Even in the present conditions, if thesesources are revived, their water can be used for cattle,agriculture and above all, their revival can help in rechargingof ground water level. More important would be desistingabandoned wells, lakes, ponds and canals to improve thequantity and quality of water and reduce salinity. But thesesuggestions can be made operational only by involvement oflocal inhabitants as these have been maintained bycommunity in past. People need to be educated about theutility of these sources. They need to be made aware aboutwater crisis in terms of quantity and quality as most of theprojects/plans fail to succeed because of technologicallimitations, financial constraints, lack of peoples participation,lack of awareness of people, lack of education, local politicsand poor socio-economic conditions.



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The economy of any country is resource based. Man has used his technical skills and knowledge in utilizing the resources in one way or the other. Resources, in general, are defined as features which are useful and needed by man. It can also be defined as anything from living and non-living environment to satisfy the human needs and wants. Natural resources vary greatly in quantity and reusability in space and time. Our natural resources are hidden and no accurate estimate can be made of their actual quantity or amount. The term natural resources signifies that only nature is their manufacturer and what we consume is lost forever or recharged over a long period of geological era. Like any other resource water is indispensable for the existence and survival of life on earth. In India where rainfall pattern is highly variable and most of the people depending upon agriculture and its allied activities, the appraisal and planning of water resources has become an important component for its development. As per UNO report 2000, out of total, the fresh water available on the earth i.e. 84,366,200 Cu km, 60,000,000 Cu km. is ground water followed by 24,000,000, Cu km. in ice form; 280,000 Cu km. in Ponds, lakes and reservoir; 85,000 Cu km. water present as soil moisture and 1,200 Cu km water in streams & rivers. Therefore biggest reservoir is groundwater. The India Infrastructure report of 1996 states that 76% water is consumed by Agriculture, 6.2 % by power generation, 5.7 % by industries, 4.3 % by domestic sector and 7.8 % by transport & others. As per UNO report, one third of the world’s population lives in water stressed countries and by 2025, this is expected to rise to two thirds. The UN recommends that people need a minimum of 50 litres of water a day for drinking, washing, cooking and sanitation. In 1990, over a billion people did not have that. India is one of the wettest countries in the world, with average rainfall of 1150 mm but there is hardly any compiled and published data regarding various aspects of water which are important for policy analysis, program formulation and monitoring of efficiency of use of our scarce water resources. Water has become the biggest problem of 21st century. Global consumption of water increased six fold from 1990 to 1995, at a rate greater than twice the rate of population growth and if the present trend continued, two out of every three people on earth will have to live in water stressed conditions by the year 2025. About 25 % of the world population does not have access to safe drinking water and 40 % does not have sufficient water for adequate living and hygiene. More than 212 million people die each year from diseases related to contaminated drinking water and poor living conditions faced with water scarcity. The per capita availability of freshwater in the country has dropped from an acceptable 5180 cum in 1951 to 1820 cumin 2001. It is estimated that it would drop to 1340 cum by2025 and 1140 cum by 2050. In India, population growth isspurring a demographic change, especially as towns becomecities and cities become metropolitan cities, 16 % of world’spopulation has only 2.5 % of the world’s land resources and4 % of the fresh water resources. The factors affectinggroundwater in Haryana are erratic, unpredictable anduncertain rainfall, industrial agriculture and contamination byagriculture and industries. In Haryana, Industrial agriculturehas emerged as the worst deplete and polluted water, asindustrial farming increases water use by a factor of ten, itleads to groundwater withdrawals beyond recharge capacity.Pollution by agro–chemicals has contaminated drinking watersources. India does not have effective laws to control waterexploitation by multinational companies, corporate and largefarmers for their vested interest. Since the period ofeconomic liberalization in 1990’s water has also been treatedas an economic good like any other commodity.


The factors affecting groundwater in Haryana are rainfall andindustrial agriculture. The average rainfall in Haryana statefor the period 1991-2008 is 519 mm which is half of nationalaverage i.e. 1150 mm. The state was a part of greenrevolution and mechanization of agriculture is still exploitinggroundwater continuously. The net irrigated area bygroundwater and surface water during 1966-67 was 3.02 lachectares and 9.91 lac hec respectively which have increasedto 15.91 and 13.45 lac hec. during 2005-06 over a period ofalmost four decades which shows that irrigation bygroundwater has increased by five times whereas surfacewater not even doubled. There is no scope of increase inavailability of surface water. Almost all the blocks in thecatchments area of Yamuna River are over exploited. Table1 shows that the average annual rainfall of Haryana was 54.4cms in 1966, which has increased continuously upto 1995when it is recorded 86.2 cms. But there was a great fall after1995 when it decreased from 86.2 cms to 35.5 cms in 2000and 33.7 cms in 2002, showing a drastic fall. The patternshows erratic trend of rainfall from 1995 to 2007. Almost allthe districts have experienced falling trend which shows thatstate is facing water scarcity through rainfall and tocompensate this scarcity ground water is over exploited foragriculture.


The table.1 shows that there were only 25,311 tube wellsand pumping sets in 1966-67 which has increased to 6,78,260 in 2008-09 experiencing a growth of 2,580 percent.The growth of diesel sets is 1225% during 1970-71 to 2008-

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09 which is more than electric sets which shows a growth of 41% during the same period which shows that even restricted electricity supply does not stop farmers from exploitation of groundwater and diesel run pump sets are used to grow multiple water intensive crops. The present study shows that submersible pumps are installed in the entire catchment area of Yamuna river not only for irrigation but to meet 100% demand of domestic sector. The table.3 shows that 37 percent tube wells and pumping sets are installed in Karnal (10 %), Panipat (1.4 %), Kurukshetra (6%), Yamunanagar (5 %), Panipat (5%) and Sonipat (6 %), Ambala(3.5%) and Faridabad (0.4%) which forms the catchment area of Yamuna river, SinceHaryana experienced green revolution, mechanization ofagriculture still continues and short duration water intensiverice called ‘sathi dhan’ was grown till the month of May-June2009 which has created real ground water crisis assubmersible pumps are installed to water the crops duringpeak summer season. Source: Director of Land Records, Haryana & Director ofAgriculture, Haryana. X-Information included in old district.

Table 2: Tube wells and Pumping sets in Haryana

Year Diesel sets Electric sets Total

1966 – 1967 - - 25311 1970 – 1971 17903 86455 104358

Sr. No Districts 1966 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

1 Yamunanagar X X X X X 146 148.0 113 98.5 81.0 87.1 94.8 65.0 63.4 2 Ambala 69.11 114 12.1 96.7 110 156 166 93.1 97.8 109 104 110 72.5 90.8 3 Kurukshetra X X 62.8 60 52.9 55.9 102 45.7 41.7 44.2 55.1 29.2 24.9 32.0 4 Karnal 54.22 56.6 57.6 83.5 44.2 88.5 74.3 47.1 27.7 42.4 52.7 42.0 8.9 51.8 5 Panipat X X X X X 53.7 87.4 40.2 32.1 35.2 56.7 51.6 40.7 35.1 6 Sonipat X X 55.6 101 60.1 69.4 91.5 53.8 46.7 44.2 56.5 50.9 38.0 46.9 7 Faridabad X X X 52.8 59.3 63.9 59.9 37.7 43.5 93.6 53.4 38.1 32.1 50.5 Total of Catchment area - - - - - 90.5 104 67 56 64 66 60 41 52.9 Total of State 54.43 62.0 53.2 55.25 57.8 70.8 86.2 35.5 33.7 56.9 55.5 61.9 37.6 42.5

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1975 – 1976 65092 139644 204736 1980 – 1981 109353 222674 332027 1985 – 1986 134136 272282 406418 1990 – 1991 155842 341729 497571 1993 – 1994 214343 317297 531640 1994 – 1995 225485 321731 547216 1995 – 1996 225848 323448 549296 2000 – 2001 255302 334171 589473 2005 – 2006 231821 386202 618023 2007 – 2008 236155 426271 662426 2008 – 2009 237052 441208 678260

Growth from 1966-67 to 2008-09 (in %) 1225% 410% 2580%

Source: Department of Agriculture, Haryana

Besides low, erratic and unpredictable rainfall the rapid increase in tube wells shows the unplanned over exploitation of groundwater for agriculture. A scientific paper based on the US National, Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) satellite imagery has expressed that groundwater levels in Punjab, Rajasthan, Haryana and Delhi are falling drastically by one foot a year, a trendthat could lead to extensive ‘socio-economic stresses’ for114 million population of this region. A paper published in thelatest issue of international journal ‘Nature’ states that astaggering 109 Cu Km of groundwater has been lost in justsix years (2002-08). The depletion is not due to any naturalclimatic variability but caused entirely by human activity suchas irrigation.

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100000 200000 300000

400000 500000 600000

700000 1970 - 1971 1980 - 1981 1990 - 1991 2000 - 2001 2005 - 2006 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 104358 332027 497571 589473 618023 662426 678260



Table 3: District wise Tube wells and Pumping sets during 2008-09.

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Source: Department of Agriculture, Haryana.

Sr. No Districts Diesel sets Electric sets Total % of Total in Catchment area % of Total in State 1 Yamunanagar 8635 22528 31163 12.8 4.6 2 Ambala 4797 18916 23710 9.8 3.5 3 Kurukshetra 196 37358 37554 16 5.5 4 Karnal 9568 57866 67434 28 9.9 5 Panipat 3711 26849 30560 12 4.5 6 Sonipat 22333 20237 42570 17 6.3 7 Faridabad 2834 6977 9811 4 1.4 Catchment area 52074 190731 242802 100 35.7 State Total 237052 441208 678260 35.7 100

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200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 31163 23710 37554 67434 30560 42570 9811 242802 678260



Groundwater is pumped out much faster than it is being replenished. The findings are based on images from NASA’s Gravity Recovery and Climatic Experiment (GRACE), a pair of satellites that see water masses. The study also concludes that depletion is likely to continue unless effective measures are taken to curb groundwater demand. The region has benefitted from the Green Revolution which had increased production by largely using groundwater for irrigation. According to a study based on US space agency data (2) groundwater levels in northern India have fallen about 20 percent more than expected because of excessive pumping, threatening to spark of major food and water crises. The study stated that groundwater across three states Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan and New Delhi region, dropped at a rate of 1.6 inches per year between August 2002 and October 2008. It is around 20 percent higher than previous estimate by Indian authorities. More than 110 million people live acrossthe three states and the decline has been caused byexcessive demand for irrigation and other uses.Groundwater in the first aquifer is neither drinkable norcould be used for irrigation. Groundwater between 150-400feet is used for drinking and irrigation.


The green revolution in Haryana brought prosperity to theregion but problems of soil and water degradation emergedand have become increasingly important because this statemakes significant contribution to national food security. Thetotal cropped area was 4599 thousand hectares in 1966-67which has increased to 6510 thousand hectares in 2008-09

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experiencing a growth of 42%, when this is compared with total area irrigated by all sources; it has increased from 1293th hectares in 1966-67 to 3025 thousand hectares in 07-08 experiencing a growth of 134%. At the time of formation of state 38% area of net sown was irrigated which has increased to 86% in 2007-08 registering an irrigation intensity of 184. The major crops, which include wheat, rice and cotton, are totally irrigated in the state. The number of tube wells has shown a growth of 2580%. Groundwater pumping has resulted in over – exploitation and groundwater table declines from 9.4 mtrs in June 1974 to 15.1 mtrs in June 2008. The groundwater decline has forced farmers to lower the pumps and further deepen the wells, increasing the cost of pumping and energy use and thus decreasing the profitability and efficiency of agriculture. The government policy of providing a highly subsidized power supply to rural areas further aggravates the problem. In order to fulfill the requirements for agriculture, domestic and industrial purposes, the dependency on groundwater in Haryana is rapidly increasing. Table.4 shows that net sown area in Haryana in 1966-67 was 3423 thousand hectares which has increased to 3556 thousand hectares in 2008-09 experiencing a growth of less than 4 percent but total cropped area has grown by 42% during this period which is due to growth of 142% in area sown more than double. Tube wells and tractors have shown a growth of 2517 and 5187 percent respectively during this period. This shows heavy mechanization of agriculture here commercial crops are grown to get maximum profits and over-exploitation of groundwater.

Table: 4 Changing pattern of Net sown Area, Area sown more than double and Total cropped Area. (in thousand hectares)

Years Total Area Net Sown Area Area sown more than double Total cropped area

1966 – 67 4399 3423 1176 4599 1970 – 71 4402 3565 1392 4957 1975 – 76 4404 3624 1827 5451 1980 – 81 4405 3602 1860 5462 1985 – 86 4391 3613 1988 5601 1990 – 91 4378 3575 2344 5919 1995 – 96 4398 3586 2388 5974 2000 – 01 4402 3526 2589 6115 2005 – 06 4372 3566 2943 6509 2006 – 07 4372 3556 2851 6407 2007 – 08 4372 3556 2954 6510 2008 – 09 4372 3556 2954 6510

Growth from 1966-67 to 2008-09 in %

-6% 4% 142% 42%

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The table.5 shows that the gross area sown was 45.99lac hectares during 1966-67 and has increased to 65.10 lac hectares during 2008-09 experiencing a growth of 42%. The agriculture in the state is dominated by Paddy and wheat experiencing a growth of 234 and 514 percent respectively during this period causing fall in groundwater level from 9.4 mtrs. in June-1974 to 15.1 mtrs. in June-2004. 21 percentand 5.5 percent area of total food grain area was coveredby wheat and Paddy in 1966-67 which has increased to54% and 26% respectively in 2008-09. Only 7.43 lac and1.92 lac hectares area was under wheat and Paddycultivation which has increased to 24.80 and 11.79 lachectares

Table: 5 Area under Principal Water Intensive Crops (inthousand hectares)

Year Wheat Paddy Total food grain Sugarcanes Cotton Oilseeds Gross Area Sown

1966-67 743 192 3520 150 183 212 4599 1970-71 1129 269 3868 156 193 143 4957 1980-81 1479 484 3963 113 316 311 5462 1990-91 1850 661 4079 148 491 489 5919 2000-01 2355 1054 4340 143 555 414 6115 2004-05 2317 1024 4218 133 621 715 6425 2005-06 2303 1047 4311 129 584 736 6509 2006-07 2376 1042 4348 141 527 622 6407 2007-08 2462 1075 4475 140 483 512 6510 2008-09 2480 1179 4622 94 446 683 6510

% growth from 1966- 67 2008-09

234 514 31 37 144 222 41.6

Source: Economic Survey of Haryana, 2008-09, issuedby Department of Economic and Statistical Analysis,Haryana, 2009

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2000 3000


5000 6000




Paddy Wheat

showing a grow th of 234 and 514 % respectively. The other two water intensive crops are cotton and oilseeds showing a growth of 144 and 222 percent respectively during period from 1966-67 to 2008-09. The contribution of area under wheat and Paddy crops to the total gross area sown at the time of formation of state was 16 and 4 percent respectively which has increased to 38 and 18 % respectively during 2008-09. The area under wheat and rice cultivation is beingcontinuously increasing.


The table 6 shows an increase in production of major waterintensive crops since inception of state. The total good grainproduction is 153.44 lac tones in 2008-09 showing a growth

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of 491% from 1966-67 to 2008-09.The wheat and paddy crops have played a major role in pushing up the agricultural production showing 895 and 1380 % growth respectively during this period.

Table: 6 The Agricultural Production of Major WaterIntensive Crops (in thousand hectares)

Year Wheat Rice Total food gain Oilseeds Cotton Sugarcane

1966-67 1059 223 2592 92 288 5100 1970-71 2342 460 4771 99 373 7070 1980-81 3490 1259 6036 188 643 4600 1990-91 6436 1834 9559 638 1155 7800 2000-01 9669 2695 13295 563 1383 8170 2004-05 9043 3010 13057 836 2075 8230 2005-06 8853 3194 13006 830 1502 8310 2006-07 10059 3371 14759 837 1805 9651 2007-08 10236 3613 15308 643 1885 8860 2008-09 10540 3301 15344 1060 1705 5940

% growth from 1966-67 to 2008-09

895 1380 491 1052 492 16.5

Source: Economic Survey of Haryana, 2008-09, issued by Department of Economic and Statistical Analysis, Haryana, 2009

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2000 4000 6000




14000 16000 18000

Cotton Oilseeds Rice Wheat

: The Agricultural Production of Major Water Intensive Crops

The other water intensive crops are oilseeds, cotton and sugarcane experiencing a growth of 1052, 492 and 16.5 percent respectively. Haryana experienced green revolution and these water intensive crops made it not only self sufficient in food grain production but contributed in export. The table.7 depicts that the growth of production has drastically reduced since 2000-01 which shows that despite increase in irrigation intensity and increase in percentage of net irrigated area to net sown area from 37.8 in 1966-67 to84.2 in 2007-08, number of tube wells increased by 2580%,fertilizer consumption increased by 9558.6%, pesticideconsumption increased by 1470%, the growth of productionhas increased upto 2000-01 and after that there is decliningtrend.

Table 7: Percentage growth of Agricultural Productionof major water intensive crop.

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Year Wheat Rice Total food grain Oilseeds Cotton Sugarcane

1966-67 - - - - - -

1966-67 to 1970-71 121 106 84 7.6 29.5 38.6 1970-71 to 1980-81 49 173.7 26.5 89.9 72.4 -35.0 1980-81 to 1990-91 84 45.7 58 239.4 79.6 69.6 1990-91 to 2000-01 50.2 46.9 39 11.76 19.7 4.74 2000-01 to 2004-05 -6.47 11.6 -1.8 48.5 50.04 0.73 2004-05 to 2005-06 -2.1 6.1 -0.4 -0.72 -27.6 0.97 2005-06 to 2006-07 13.6 5.5 13.5 0.84 20.2 16.14 2006-07 to 2007-08 1.76 7.2 3.7 -23.2 4.4 -8.2 2007-08 to 2008-09 2.97 -8.6 0.23 64.9 -9.5 -32.95


Table.8 shows that at the time of formation of Haryana 38 %of Net area sown was irrigated which has increased to more than 84 % during 2007-08. During 1966-67, Govt. canals were irrigating 77 % of net area irrigated followed by wells (22%), tanks (.31%) and other sources (.69%). There were no tube wells during 1966-67, only 45.65% area wasirrigated by canals. But during 2008-09 area irrigated bytanks, wells and other sources is negligible, whereas areairrigated by tube wells is 53.88 percent. This shows thatgroundwater in Haryana is exploited continuously after1975-76 experiencing a growth of 139%.

Table 8: Net Area under irrigation in Haryana (inthousand hectares)

Year Govt. Canals Tanks Wells Tube wells Other Sources Total Percentage of Net Area Sown

1966-67 991 4 289 - 9 1293 37.8 1970-71 952 1 574 - 5 1532 43.0 1975-76 1036 1 31 682 4 1754 48.4 1980-81 1161 9 26 941 6 2134 59.2

1985-86 1191 1 10 1042 4 2248 62.2

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1990-91 1337 1 @ 1248 14 2600 72.7 1995-96 1375 1 @ 1352 32 2760 77 2000-01 1476 1 @ 1467 14 2958 83.9 2005-06 1331 @ @ 1591 14 2936 82.3 2006-07 1309 @ @ 1667 14 2990 84.1 2007-08 * 1381 @ @ 1630 14 3025 84.2

Growth from 1975-76 to 2007-08

27 - - 139% 250 73 -

Source: Director of Land Records, Haryana. @ Less than 500 hectares.* Provisional Table 9: District-wise Gross Area Irrigated and Total Cropped Area in Haryana during 2007-08. (in thousand hectares) Sr. No. Districts Gross Irrigated area % to area total % to state total % of Gross Area irrigated to total cropped area Irrigation intensively (Gross Irrigated Area x 100/Net Irrigated Area) 1 Yamunanag ar 192 11.14 3.5 93.2 168.4 2 Ambala 186 10.8 3.4 91.6 163.2 3 Kurukshetra 275 16.0 5.0 100.0 182.1 4 Karnal 387 22.5 7.0 99.7 195.5 5 Panipat 188 10.9 3.4 100.0 195.8 6 Sonipat 289 16.8 5.2 97.9 186.5 7 Faridabad 206 11.96 3.7 93.6 196.2

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Area total 1723 100 31.4 97 186 State total 5553 - 100 85.9 183.6

Source: Department of Land Records, Haryana

Table.9 shows that percentage of gross area irrigated to total cropped area is 100 in Kurukshetra, Karnal, and Panipat followed by Ambala, Yamunanagar, Sonipat,Faridabad, where the percentage is more than 90. Whencompared with irrigation intensity, it is between 160-200 inthe Catchment area of Yamuna River in Haryana.

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Utilization of chemical fertilizer andpesticides/insecticides. While studying the use of chemical

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fertilizer and pesticides, since the formation of state, it shows an alarming picture. A parallel correlation between higher productivity, high chemical input use and environmental degradation and adverse effect on human health is evident in many countries where commercial agriculture is practiced. Pesticide use in agriculture and the value of negative externalities are well documented in Sri Lanka, Lebanon, China, Bangladesh, Philippines, Mali, Ecuador, Zimbabwe and Vietnam. These externalities are reported to be very high and show a rising trend in many of the developing countries. At the same time, the consumption of pesticides in these parts of the world is comparatively less. This paradox is mainly attributed to the unscientific use and handling practices which are attributed to the general poverty level, low literacy rate and awareness, general lethargy in adopting scientific management practices, an inefficient monitoring system and the climatic factors. The decision to invest in chemical pest control operations is governed by risk perceptions of farmers. The financial rationality based on marginal returns is not considered in decision making, thus resulting in inefficient levels of investment and spiralling effects. The socio-economic scenario in the agricultural sector in many of the developing countries warrants the substitution of labour with machines and chemicals at a faster pace. The emerging agricultural scenario in favour of agribusiness is likely to increase the use of pesticides further and the resultant environmental and human health problems thereof. The pest management models to reduce pesticides use could not find success due to poor farmer participation. An all India survey confirmed that 34% of the respondents had no idea of Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Moreover in multi-cropped intensive cropping system, pesticide use is on higher side. Farmers need many crops during the year with maximum yield for which he uses chemical fertilizer and pesticides blindly. Frequent use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides result in the pollution of water and the quality of the water deteriorates. Pollutants seep down and affect the groundwater deposits. Agricultural runoff or the water from the fields is major water pollutant as it contains fertilizers and pesticides. Such groundwater when supplied to households as drinking water is contaminated and causes diseases. The use of land for agriculture is increasing and the practices followed in cultivation greatly affect the quality of groundwater. Intensive cultivation of crops causes chemicals from fertilizers and pesticides to seep into the groundwater, a process commonly known as leaching. Routine applications of fertilizers and pesticides for agriculture are increasingly being recognized as significant sources of water pollution. The high nitrate content in groundwater is mainly from irrigation run-off from agricultural fields where chemical fertilizers have been used indiscriminately. This effect ofwater pollution are not only limited to people but also toanimals. Cancer incidences are rising in farm animals.Punjab is battling growing cases of cancer among its peopleespecially in pesticides ridden Malwa belt(2). As pesticidecontents are being reported at an alarming rate in theanimal milk yield there is a growing apprehension that theincidence has been a jump in the live stocks and thetentacles in the land of milk and honey. Since empirical studies are also making, veterinary doctorsto raise alarm about the impact of environmental pollutionon animal health. Clinical, a rise in reproductive disordersand even cancer cases have started showing up quiteregularly in vet clinics. If a decade earlier, there used to beone case in a year now a cancer case shows up amonglivestock every month as animals are usually abandonedand left to die since treatment is costly and quite prohibitiveas stated by Dr. Ashwani Sharma from clinical veterinaryMedical Deptt. of Guru Angad Dev Veterinary & AnimalSciences University (GADVASU) whereas human can seektreatment.


It has been observed that consumption of chemicalfertilizers and pesticides has increased by 10,052% and1470.7% in quantity consumption in Haryana during theperiod from 1966-67 to 2010-11. Haryana experiencedgreen revolution where crop production increaseddrastically. With this background farmers generally opt forquick results and not only apply most toxic chemicals butheavy dose, even while the safer ones are technicallysuitable. It is also observed that farmers buy the chemicalfertilizers and pesticides from the dealers based on theadvice by fellow farmers or dealers. Apart from this theagents of pesticide manufacturer/distributor directlyapproach the farmers and sell their products with theirvested interest. Many a time the products are not as per theexact requirement of farmers but farmers are ignorant andget them on credits so whatever product is available withmanufacturer/distributor is provided to farmers. Often thechemical is not identifiable as it does not contain therequired details on the bottle. These non-descript forms aregenerally the mixtures of different chemicals. Due toignorance of side effects, the spray fluid concentration usedis much higher than the technically suggested level. At thesame time, the water used for diluting the chemical to thedesired concentration level is often less. When they arecarefree about its immediate impact on their body they areabsolutely ignorant about its impact on environmentespecially on ground water. In this background an effort ismade to analyze the use of chemical fertilizer andpesticides in Haryana which experienced green revolution.

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Table 10 shows that the consumption of fertilizer in Haryana in 1966-67 was 13,347 tonnes which has increased to 1, 354,938 tonnes in 2010-11 recording a growth of 10,052%. Phosphate has shown a growth of 60,835% followed by Potassic (39,061%) and Nitrogen (7,611%) during the sameperiod. Table 10: Fertilizer Consumption in Haryana (Nutrients intonnes)

Years Nitrogenons (N) Phosphatic (P) Potassic (K) Total

1966-67 12,626 574 147 13,347 1970-71 60,972 6,860 2,228 70,060 1975-76 86,308 8,322 2,285 96,915 1980-81 187,385 31,340 12,098 230,823 1985-86 296,394 69,639 6,154 372,187 1990-91 443,245 138,005 5,042 586,292 1995-96 587,045 133,582 3,160 723,787 2000-01 714,308 206,319 9,668 930,295 2001-02 742,049 232,161 9,750 983,960 2002-03 726,494 250,806 12,298 983,598 2003-04 761,770 230,252 17,086 1,009,108 2004-05 845,529 262,272 16,887 1,124,688 2005-06 847,427 252,570 28,674 1,128,671 2006-07 862,642 244,115 18,217 1,124,974 2007-08 939,502 257,273 23,592 1,220,367 2008-09 946,266 313,512 29,361 1,289,139 2009-10 961,873 333,165 60,647 13,55,685

2010-11 973,582 349,769 57,567 13,54,938

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% growth



2010-11 7611 60,835 39,061 10,052

Source: Director of Agriculture, Haryana

13 70 97 231 372 586 724 930 984 984 1,009 1,125 1,129 1,125 1,220 1,289 1,356 1,355


200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600



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Table 11: District wise Growth of Fertilizer Consumption kg/hectare during 2000-01 to 2009-10 in Catchment area of River Yamuna in Haryana

Source: Department of Agriculture, Haryana

Sr No Districts 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Growth 2000-01 to


1 Yamunanagar 235 242 220 280 273 297 272 325 359 329 40.0 2 Ambala 162 184 180 212 213 233 224 230 270 265 63.6 3 Kurukshetra 247 252 238 235 256 279 292 323 368 353 42.91 4 Karnal 319 301 262 324 320 339 328 316 319 307 -3.76 5 Panipat 232 285 293 306 314 342 279 264 229 250 7.76 6 Sonipat 238 264 265 242 258 264 280 284 286 289 21.43 7 Faridabad 131 157 164 169 204 203 240 293 461 330 151.9

Total of state 152 156 146 166 167 168 177 192 209 209 37.5

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21.43 63.6


3.76 18.32 29.87


0 20 40 60 80

100 120 140 160



DURING 2000-01 TO 2008-09

Growth 200-01-01 to 2008-09

Table.12 shows district–wise consumption of fertilizer in Kg per hectare which has increased from 152 Kg in 2000-01 to 209 Kg in 2009-10, showing a growth of 38% per hectare in Haryana state as a whole. Faridabad (152%) has shown more than 100% growth whereas Ambala, Kurukshetra, and Yamuna nagar, districts have experienced 40-100 % growth which is more than the state average. Consumption growthis less than the state average in Panipat (8%),Sonipat(21%), Karnal(-4%), has shown negative growthespecially decreasing trend after 2005-06. Table 12: Growth of Fertilizer Consumption

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Negative Growth Karnal(-4) less than state growth i.e.<38% Panipat(8) and Sonepat(21) More than state growth i.e. >38% Ambala(64), Kurukshetra(43), Yamunanagar(40) and Faridabad(152)

Table 13: Average Yield of Water Intensive Crops and Fertilizer Consumption in Haryana

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Average yield of Principal crops Unit 1966-67 1970-71 1980-81 1990-91 2000-01 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Growth in % 1966-67 to 2008-09 Wheat Kg/hec. 1425 2074 2360 3479 4106 3844 4232 4158 4250 198 Rice Kg/hec. 1161 1697 2606 2775 2557 3051 3238 3361 2800 142 Cotton Kg/hec. 267 328 346 400 424 437 582 663 NA 148* Sugarcane Kg/hec. 34000 45040 40670 52730 57130 64420 68450 63290 NA 86.15* Fertilizer consumption Total (Nutrients) 000 tonnes 13 70 231 586 930 1129 1125 1220 1289 9815 Nutrients Per hectare Kg. 3 14 42 99 152 173 170 185 200 6567

*1966-67 to 2007-08 Source: Department of Agriculture, Haryana.

The table 13 shows that with the growth of 6567% in consumption of fertilizer per hectare in Kg, the production of wheat and rice have shown growth of 198 and 142 percent respectively during the period from 1966-67 to 2008-09. The increase in consumption of fertilizer has not brought increase in yield production at the same rate. Besides excess use of fertilizer without analyzing the growthin yield levels, the other problem observed in Haryana isuse of non standard chemical fertilizer which are easilyavailable in the market. The check on sale of non-standardfertilizers by authorized dealers is negligible. The report of agriculture department, Haryana shows thatduring 2004-05 out of 2801 sample analyzed 187 i.e. 7%were found non standard but prosecution was launchedagainst 28 i.e. 15 percent only and 82 i.e. 44 % were issuedwarning. Registration was cancelled in case of 2 percent.

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No FIR was lodged against dealers selling non standard fertilizer. Similarly, out of total sample analyzed, 5 percent each in 2005-06, 2006-07, 2 percent each in 2007-08 and 2008-09 and one percent in 2009-10 were found non standard. Processing is sparingly which needs to be made more strict. The other product which was considered as an integral input for crop production during the green revolution regime was pesticide. The application of pesticides was justified due to social and economic consideration when food security was the major concern and pests were destroying a large component of production of food grains. These estimates were made without any regard for the environmental and human health effects of pesticide use. In Haryana the use of pesticide has increased by 1470 percent during the period of 1966-67 to 2008-09 whereas the average yield of wheat and rice has increased by only 198 and 142 percent. Excess application of chemical fertilizer and pesticide is done without any constructive study on its impact on average yield.


Table .14 shows that the consumption of pesticides at the time of formation of Haryana in 1966-67 was 273.00 metric tonnes whereas the area covered was 1917 thousand hectares which has increased to 4288 m.t. and 7,555 thousand hectares in 2008-09 experiencing a growth of 1470% in quantity and 294% in area covered. The decade wise analysis shows that the growth of pesticide consumption was 687.5% during 1966-67 to 1980-81 followed by 140.2% during 1980-81 to 1990-91.

Table 14: Consumption of Pesticides (in tonnes) in Haryana

Years Quantity (in mt.) Area Covered (in ooo hec)

1966-67 273.00 1917 1970-71 412.00 3206 1975-76 1400.00 3733 1980-81 2150.00 5058 1985-86 3608.00 7020 1990-91 5164.53 6420 1995-96 5100.00 7880 2000-01 5025.00 8798 2001-02 5020.00 8794 2002-03 4826.00 8800 2003-04 4730.00 8605 2004-05 4700.00 8565 2005-06 4650.00 8495 2006-07 4600.00 8415 2007-08 4391.00 7555 2008-09 4288.00 7555

Growth from 66-67 to 2008-09

1470 294

Source: Department of Agriculture, Haryana.

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273 412


2150 3608 5164.53 5100 5025 5020 4826 4730 4700 4650 4600 4391 4288




3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000




(Quantity in m.t and area covered in' 000 hec.)


The consumption of pesticide has shown a decreasing trend after 1992-93. On the other hand the area covered by the application of pesticide grew by 163.85% during 1966-67 to 1980-81 followed by 26.93% during 1980-81 to 1990-91 and 37.04% during 1990-91 to 2000-01. The area

covered has also shown a decreasing trend from 2002-03onwards. Table 15: District wise consumption of pesticides incatchment area of Yamuna River in Haryana (quantity inm. t.)

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Sr No. Districts 1985-86 1990-91 1995-96 2000-01 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 1. Yamunanagar - - 270 266 250 250 248 246 245 311 306 2. Ambala 596 690 305 300 234 232 230 229 227 331 324 3. Kurukshetra 524 826 307 307 278 273 271 270 268 254 250 4. Karnal 556 808 402 396 340 325 323 323 322 513 498 5. Panipat - - 342 338 304 301 299 294 290 425 415 6. Sonipat 312 364 340 334 305 292 292 291 285 314 305 7. Faridabad 152 208 322 316 260 256 255 252 250 230 220 Total 2140 2896 2288 5025 4826 4730 4700 4650 4600 4391 2318

Source: Department of Agriculture, Haryana.

Review of district wise consumption shows that in 2000-01 have shown that except Ambala, all districts have used more than 300 metric tonnes. When these figures are compared with 2008-09 figures, Karnal and Panipat have shown consumption of pesticides more than 400 metric tonnes followed by Ambala,Yamunanagar, Sonipat, using 300 to 400 metric tonnes.The consumption remained less than 300 metric tonnes inKurukshetra and Faridabad during 2008-09. It isascertained from data that there is heavy use ofconsumption of pesticides in the catchment area of Yamunariver which is wheat and rice belt where high yield variety

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seeds are used which require intensive use of irrigation, chemical fertilizer and heavy dose of pesticides to yield more. The other aspect is use of misbranded pesticides which has adverse balance on human life and ecology. During 2004-05, out of 1587 samples drawn, 150 i.e. 9.5 percent were found misbranded and 89 percent of supplier of misbranded pesticides had to face prosecution; FIR was lodged against 4 Percent and 7 percent had to face the consequence of cancellation of registration. When these figures are compared with 2008-09, only 5 percent samples were found misbranded and 33 percent of them faced prosecution; FIR was lodged against 1.5 percent. 53 Percent misbranded samples were found permissible after retesting. Though legal action has been initiated against the sale of misbranded products of chemical fertilizer and pesticides but there is a need to check the excess use of chemical fertilizer and pesticides. The data has proved that excess application of these products is not able to increase the yield further. Hence it is quite possible to reduce these products without any concomitant decline in agriculture productivity, though initially crop yields might experience a slight decline but in long term it will save environment and life. The data shows that with an increase of pesticide by 1470 percent, the growth of food grain is 491 percent during 1966-67 to 2008-09; hence the cost of ecology damage caused by pesticide use in crop production is higher than the gains from the reduction in crop yield losses. The economic relevance of pesticide application in crop production does not stand anywhere before environmental degradation. Impact of heavy use of these products is causing Headache, migraine, backache, joint pains, early onset of menstrual and menopause, diarrhoea; frequent cases of stones in gall bladder, kidney and uterus; hyper tension, diabetics as reported by respondents in this belt. These sicknesses were uncommon in past. The milk productivity among animals has gone down drastically; clinical incidences show a rise in reproduction disorders infertility and cancer among animals. Recent advances in the science of ecology and environment have paved the way for restricting the use of harmful practices in agriculture and going for alternative farming methods which are more sustainable. Accordingly the level of pesticide consumption has been showing a declining trend after 1993-94. However, during the group discussion one more alarming fact emerged, farmers have apprehensions that the decline is due to replacement of the present ones with more potent, toxic and persistent ones which are used in lesser quantities. Use of non branded product of pesticides is another threat to human life. During 1970-71 the area under percentage of HYV seeds of Rice and wheat was 11 and 56 which has increased to 80 and 100 percent during 2008-09. To get maximum production and productivity farmers are using high yielding variety seeds which need intensive irrigation, heavy dose ofchemicals fertilizer and pesticides. Continuous use of theseproducts have damaged the environment and threatenedthe life of human beings and animals. To make farmers toswitch over to local seeds and grow non-commercial crops,better prices should be announced by the government topromote alternative crops which is less water intensive ordrought resistant. On the direction of Haryana and PunjabHigh Court* BARC conducted a study in Punjab whichexperienced green revolution. Out of 235 water samples86% have been found having uranium content much higherthan the permissible limit of 15 parts per billion (ppb). Thefinding shows that uranium content in water has increasedup to 6 times in last 5 years. Though WHO has permitted 15ppb as limit but many villages in Punjab have 120 ppburanium content. The matter of grave concern is that no onehas been able to find the source of uranium content in watereven though several studies have been conducted in theregion by various organizations & agencies. These points highlight that there is a need for effectivepolicy to regulate the use of chemical fertilizer andpesticides in agriculture. While formulating the policy,farmers, masses, environmentalist should be made a part ofdecision making. An effective data management system,interpretation and monitoring mechanism need to beensured so that user becomes aware of its adverseconsequences on life. Most of the farmers and govt. officials from agriculturedepartment are not aware of sale of non branded/localchemical fertilizers and pesticides and their use. Awarenessregarding the legal status of the chemical fertilizer andpesticide is very low. The training and awareness creationprogrammes need to be framed to disseminate theknowledge of right procedure of procurement of theseproducts, right quantum of use, right time of application andthen hazardous impact and redressal cells for theirgrievances. It will be helpful to farmers if the information isdisplayed on boards in front of sale points, agriculturaloffices, farmer’s camps, Panchayat Bhawans. Thepunishment in case of breach of norms should also bepublicized. Training programmes/camps on safe chemical,fertilizer & pest control mechanism need to be organized inthe village involving farmers, panchayat and general public.Ecologically safe agricultural management systemsinvolving government, masses, agriculturalists,environmentalists’ needs to be implemented and effectivemonitoring mechanism and legal support need to beensure.


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Water resources planning and management has been a neglected area in Haryana. As a result, all the 7 districts of catchment area of Yamuna River has been declared dark zone. 96% of groundwater is utilized for agriculture sector whereas only 4% is spared for industrial and domestic use. There is 2580 percent growth of Tubewells and Pumping sets during 1966-67 to 2008-09. This has happened as irrigation water is normally charged. 37% of total tubewells of Haryana are installed. At the time of formation of state 38% area of net sown was irrigated which has increased to 86% in 2007-08 registering an irrigation intensity of 184. Wheat, rice and cotton which are predominant crops are totally irrigated in the state. Even groundwater decline has forced farmers to lower the pumps and further deepen the wells. The govt. policy of providing a highly subsidized power supply to rural areas further aggravates the problem. Total cropped area as well as area sown more than double has increased by 42% and 142% respectively since the formation of Haryana.


1. Ground Water Resources of India, 1991, New Delhi, Ministry of Water Resources, 56 pp. 2. Ground Water Resources of India, 1991, New Delhi, Ministry of Water Resources, 64 pp. 3. Anon 199, ‘Water an Overview – Issues and Concerns’, National Commission on Integrated Water Resources Development Plan IWRDP, New Delhi, pp 67. 4. Anon 199, Water Availability and Requirements, National Commission for Integrated Water Resources Development Plan, (IWRDP), New Delhi, p. 38. 5. Anon 2000, ‘Flood of Promises to Deal with Lack of Water’, Times of India, New Delhi, April, 20 p.12. 6. H.S. Bartwal 2000, Centre Readies Rs. 550 crore Plan To Recharge Water Level, The Hindustan Times, New Delhi, May, 5, P.12. 7. S. Ramakrishna 200, AP Set to Revamp Watershed Project, the Indian Express, April, 30.