Importance of Environment Education For School Students

Exploring the Need and Role of Environmental Education in Enhancing the Quality of Life and Development

by Deepika*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 3, Issue No. 6, Apr 2012, Pages 0 - 0 (0)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Environmentrefers to the sum total of condition and influence that affects the life anddevelopment of organism. The qualitative development and quantitative progressof mankind depends on the quality of environment. Therefore, there are no twoviews about the fact that, it is the primary responsibility of man not only topreserve the environment but also to improve it qualitatively.


environment education, school students, condition, influence, life, development, organisms, qualitative development, quantitative progress, mankind

1.1 INTRODUCTION Environment refers to the sum total of condition and influence that affects the life and development of organism. The qualitative development and quantitative progress of mankind depends on the quality of environment. Therefore, there are no two views about the fact that, it is the primary responsibility of man not only to preserve the environment but also to improve it qualitatively. Environment is the sum total of an aggregate of all the external conditions forces and circumstances, objects, or influences that act upon an organism which live by changing energy and matter with their environment with changing nature of human being environment is not static. It changes with corresponding change in time and conditions. It is varied in form and physical environment, biological, Ecological (Edaphic, diametric, Abiotic Biotic, Human or Social) Physical and Biological Nature and Manmade like Physical, Biological, social, Economics, Geography, Psychology, Education, Religious, Cultural and Political etc. If we look back in the age of “Puranas” we will find that the education was delivered to students at the residence of GURU. Guru‘s residence or ‗ASHARAM‟ was located in a peaceful atmosphere because education is more effective in a good atmosphere Environment is a multi-dimensional system of complex interrelationship in a continuing state of change. The environment of an individual comprises the entire physical and social factor around him, which directly affect his living including the working conditions. The various environmental factors are interdependent and inter weaven with each other. The Physical environment includes the living and Nonliving, the geographical landmark, topography and climatic conditions, the manmade features like Buildings, Bridges, Roads, Transports & other Features like health, sanitations, nutrition aspects. Environment is the sum of the substance and forcesexternals to the organism in such way that it affects theorganism existence. In relation to man, the environmentconstitutes of air, land, water flora and fauna becausethese regulates the man‘s life.


The meaning of the word “Environment” is a surrounding,external conditions influencing development or growth ofpeople, animals or plants; living or working conditions etc.This involves three questions:-

What is surrounded? By what Surrounded? And where Surrounded?

Decidedly the answer to the first question is living object ingeneral and man in particular. If man is taken to besurrounded, Physical attributes become the answer to thesecond question which become environment and wheresurrounded is the space or habitat? Primarily, the concernof all educationists is with the environment of man. Butman con not exist or be understood in isolation from theother forms of life and from plant life and so environment ofall biological population should be the concern of teacher. Environment refers to the sum total of conditions whichsurround man at a given point in space and time. In thebeginning the environment of early man consisted of onlyphysical aspects of the planet earth (land, air and water)and biological communities but with the march of time andadvancement of society man extended his environmentthrough his social, economical and political functions.


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Environment consists of the sum total of the stimulation that the individual receives from conception until death. It covers all those circumstances which assert their influences on the individual since conception to death. Some important definitions of environment are as under:

According to Douglass and Holland ---

―The term environment is used to describe, in the aggregate, all the external forces, influences and conditions, which affects the life, nature, behaviour and the growth, development and maturity of living organisms.‖1

According to Boring

―A person‘s environment consists of the sum total of the stimulation which he receives from his conception until his death‖2.

According to A.G. Tansley

―The Environment is everything that affects the individual expects his genes‖.3

1. H.S. Sharma & S.K. Jain—Teaching of Environmental Science (2008) Page No.1 2. Dr Singh & Dr. Sindhu—Environmental Studies (2007) Page No.1 3. Dr. P. Sharma—Environmental Education (1998) Page No.18

International Encyclopedia of Social Science ―Environment is the aggregate of all the external conditions and influences affecting the life and development of an organism‖.1


Environment has classified into mainly two types:- 1. Natural Environment 2. Man Made Environment Natural Environment is that which comes upon automatically and constituents of river, sun, seas, moon, sky wind, rain, flower etc. Manmade Environment is that which is made by man for e.g.-Social environment, cultural environment, Psychological, religious, Economical etc. Kurt Lewin has enumerated three types of environment which influence the personality of an individual.

1. Physical Environment

It refers to geographical climate and weather or Physical conditions in which an Individual lives. The human races are greatly influenced by the Climate. The white, black and yellow races are due to the Climate Conditions. The Physique of an individual depends on the Climate conditions. Even heredity is also influenced by the physical environment. Another way physical Environment is to classify it as: a. Renewable and Non-Renewable b. Biotic and Abiotic

Physical Environment

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(a) Renewable and Non-Renewable: -

The renewable component of natural environment comprises those elements which are renewable after they are consumed. These include water, air, soil, and forests. The Non-renewable component of natural environment comprises those elements build which take a long time build up. Although they take a long time to get consumed yet cannot be easily renewed such elements are mineral, Mountains, Petroleum etc.

(b) Biotic and Abiotic:-

The biotic components of natural environment can be placed in three categories-

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• Decomposers: - Decomposers are those components which get nutrition from the decomposed dead bodies of men, animals, birds, Plants, tress, etc. The decomposed elements are returned to the soil in the form of carbonic or Acarbonic from.

• Abiotic :-

The Abiotic components which are not alive. These include different natural gases such as Carbon Dioxide, Oxygen, Calcium, Sulpher, Phosphorus etc. These are received from air, soil and water.

2. Social Environment

Man is a social animal. Besides natural environment he is a part and partial of the social environment role in the growth and development of the individual social environment influence tradition, customs, folk songs and other kinds of folk dances are a part of the social environment. The society which keep influencing the individual directly or indirectly. These units are family, Schools, state, national and international organizations, state and central offices, political, organization and so on.

3. Cultural Environment

Cultural environment is influence people like veda, law, Social restrictions beliefs, religious etc are influence the way of life.

4. Psychological Environment

Psychological is a vital living and existing subject. Its study is very essential for people to function as behevioural Scientists, Behaviour and introduction to comparative Psychology. Psychological environment influence the personality, adjustment, Motivation, Human growth and development

5. Economics Environment

Economic is related to two basic phenomena i.e. wants ofman and resource of man. The land past profession andlabour are the two components of economic environment.

6. Political Environment

Political Environment is equal opportunity to all irrespectiveof cast, creed, Colour, sex and origin. CertainFundamental rights like right to think, speak, discuss andwork etc. People choose his leader by direct election andsent state and central government. The politicalenvironment influence law equality, right, Judiciaryexecutive.

7. Religious Environment

India is a multi-religious country Hinduism, Islam,Christianity, Sikhism, and other religious life here.

1.5. Meaning of Environmental Education

Environment education can be defined as a process oflearning between existing situation through which sufficientknowledge can be gained to understand environmentalproblems and contributes towards solving them.

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Environmental education does not stop with acquiring information about environment but also help to acquire attitude and value conducive to environmental protection and understanding of independence of nature and people. Environmental education is the education through environment, about environment and for environment. Environmental education helps in programming, learning experiences from simple to complex. For illustration children look at a bird observe the watch it flying etc. Environmental education helps children to proceed from indefinite ideas to definite ones. It also helps the children to proceed from concrete to abstracts, helps the ordering of learning experiences from the empirical to rational. Environmental education is a way of implementing the goals of environmental protection. Environmental education is not a separate branch of science or subject of study. It should be carried our according to the principle of life integral education. Environmental education teaches peoples that natural environment and manmade Environment are profoundly interdependent and links the acts of today to the consequences tomorrow. It demonstrates the economics, Political and ecological interdependencies among national communities and the need for solidarity among mankind. Environmental education provides the foundation for a new international order, which will guarantee the conservation and improvement of environment. Environmental Education is the life long process of recognizing values and clarifying concepts in order to develop skill and attitude necessary to understand and appreciate the interrelatedness among man, his cultural and his Bio-physical surroundings. It also entails practice in decision making and self-formulation of code of behavior about issues concerning environmental quality and quality of life now and in future as well Environ-mental education provides :- (A) A Comprehensive knowledge with working of nature and environment. (B) An experience in valuing environment quality. (C) An understanding of the impact of personal choices of actions on environmental quality. (D) A source of guidance to the people to act as more responsible citizens with an increased civic sense.


 The finnish National Commission in a seminarheld in 1974 has said:

―Environmental education is a way of implementing thegoals of environmental protection. EnvironmentalEducation is not a separate branch of science or subject ofstudy. It should be carried out according to the principle oflife long integral education‖

 According to Mishra (1993)

―Environmental education appears to be a process thatequips human being awareness, knowledge, skills,attitudes and commitment to improve environment‖.

 According to R.A. Sharma (1996)

―Environmental education refers to the awareness ofphysical and cultural environment and perceive itsrelevance for real life situation. The problems and issuesare to be identified. The imbalances of environment are tobe improved in view of Sustainable development‖.

 According to Cook and Heorn (1971) :

―Environmental education is problem centeredinterdisciplinary, value oriented, community oriented andconcerns with man‘s survival as species based on studentinitiated activities and involvement present and futureoriented‖.

 According to D. Bandhu (1981) :

―Environmental education is the process of recognizingvalues and clarifying concepts in order to develop skillsand attitude necessary to understand and appreciate theinter-relation among man and his Bio-physical surroundingenvironmental education also entails practice in decisionmaking and self-formulating a code of behaviour aboutissues concerning environmental quality‖. The environmental education aims at developing in thechild awareness and understanding of the physical andsocial environment in its totality. Environmental studiesinvolve a child‘s investigation and systemic exploration ofhis own natural and social environment and preparehimself to solve the problems for improving his life.


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1.8 OBJECTIVES OF ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION Kothari Commission (1966) Recommended

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―Environmental activities will lead to study of Natural science, Physical science, Geographical Science, History and Civics, Construction and Creative skills will provide the basis for the practice of healthy living will serve as the fundamental for environmental education‖. The Environmental Education aims at developing awareness and understanding the physical and social environment in the child in it‘s totally. „Environmental Education‟ has been introduced in the Curriculum from on early stage in India. Several Government and Non-government organization educate people and create awareness of environment. A development of Environment has been setup in 1982 on Environmental information system. There is a centre for Environmental Education (CEE) at Ahmedabad. There are one more than two hundred private organization working for environmental Education.

The Main objectives of Environmental Education in India are as follows:-

1. To create an atmosphere in the schools and classroom so that student can participate in problem solving and decision making plan and procedure. 2. To develop the capabilities to evaluate the effectiveness and work ability of development programmes. 3. To improve the quality of environment. 4. To develop an awareness among students an environmental problems and conservation. 5. To develop attitude for identifying and solving environmental problems. Environmental education is a process aimed at developing a world population that is aware of and concerned about the total environmental and its associated problem and which has the knowledge, attitudes, motivations, commitments and skills to work individually and collectively towards the solution of current problems as well as the prevention of new ones. Following objectives of environmental education have been formulated for both formal and non formal education at all level at the international conference of UNESCO (1977) level at Tbilisi. (1) To develop an ability for evaluating environmental components and educational programmes in terms of ecological, economic, social, cultural, aesthetic andeducational factors. (2) To help in acquiring knowledge and variety ofexperience of environment and associated problems. (3) To develop an awareness of environment andsensitivity to the total the environment and its alliedproblems. (4) To help in acquiring skills for identifying andsolving environment problems. (5) To develop a basic understating of structureprocess and problems of environment andinterdependence of environmental components. (6) To develop attitudes a set of vahies and feeling ofconcern for the environment and encouragement ormotivation for active participation protection andimprovement of environment. (7) To provide an opportunity for an activeparticipation or practice at all levels in working for thesolution of environment problems. The above activities are related to all levels in both formaland non formal system of education.


The goal of environmental education is to improve allecological relationships including the relationship ofhumanity with nature and people with their surrounding.Thus it may include conservation of energy and soil,protection of Air, water and atmosphere from pollution,effective utilization of locally available resources creationof conductive atmosphere for living through social and civicconsciousness and harnessing natural resources withoutany ecological imbalance. The future of any country is inextricably linked with itseducational system. In this direction, environmentaleducation has been rightly and justly conceived a leadingeducational innovation. So Environmental Educationshould be not an „option‟ and it should be a „must‟. It is needed for the following reasons. 1. Environmental Education is the process ofrecognizing values clarifying concepts in orderto develop skills and attitude necessary tounderstand and appreciate the

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interrelatedness of man his culture and Bio-Physical surrounding. 2. It also entails practice to decision making and self formulation of a code of behaviour about issues cocening environmental quality. 3. To create a consciousness of environment. 4. To equip children with better knowledge, attitudes, values and skills to face the world around us and to adjust to the changing social conditions. 5. To save the present generation from danger. 6. To maintain a balance in the ecology. 7. Environmental education help learner to find out the symptoms and the real causes of environmental disorder & Pollution. 8. Environmental Education develops cognitive affects among students. 9. Environmental education helps in quality and awareness among the students. 10. Environmental education helps to observing the natural beauty and monuments. 11. Environmental Education helps learning experience form simple to complex. 12. Environmental Education develops the habit of self Instructions and discovery the thing for themselves. 13. Environmental Education helps the ordering learning Experience from the empirical to the rational. 14. Environmental Education encouraged to conduct their own Investigation and draw their own conclusions


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