Impact of E- Resoures In a University Library

Examining the Use of E-resources in a University Library

by Usha Rani*, Dr. Nerender Kumar,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 3, Issue No. 6, Apr 2012, Pages 0 - 0 (0)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Today availability of e-resourcesin a university library is very common. But their proper and maximum use is amatter for discussion. The present paper examines the existence of variouse-resource databases in Library and Information centre. The study alsohighlights the preferences and importance of online resources among theteachers and research scholars.


e-resources, university library, proper use, maximum use, e-resource databases, library and information centre, preferences, importance, online resources, teachers, research scholars

1Research Scholar, Singhania University, Rajasthan, India 2PHD.Supervisor, Singhania University, Rajasthan, India Abstract: Today availability of e-resources in a university library is very common. But their proper and maximum use is a matter for discussion. The present paper examines the existence of various e-resource databases in Library and Information centre. The study also highlights the preferences and importance of online resources among the teachers and research scholars. ---------------------------♦---------------------------- INTRODUCTION Advances in computer applications during the past few decades have brought radical changes in the way information is gathered, store, organized, accessed, retrieved and consumed. The application of computers in information processing has brought several products and services to the scene. The Internet and the Web are constantly influencing the development of new modes of scholarly communication; their potential for delivering goods is quite vast, as they overcome successfully the geographical limitations associated with the print media. Further, the distribution time between product publication and its delivery has been drastically reduced. The Internet can be used for efficient retrieval and meeting information needs. This is very important for university libraries since most of them call for more and more research work. This important fact is convincing many libraries to move towards digital e-resources, which are found to be less expensive and more useful for easy access. This is especially helpful to distant learners who have limited time to access the libraries from outside by dial-up access to commonly available electronic resources, mainly CD-ROM, OPACs and Internet, which are replacing the print media. Libraries have witnessed a great metamorphosis in recent years both in their collection development and in their service structure. Over the last several years, a significant transformation has been noticed in collection development policies and practices. Print medium is increasingly giving way to the electronic form of materials.


The main objective of this study is to analyze dependency of the teachers and research scholars on e-resources, the perceived impact of the e-resources on their academic efficiency and problems faced by them while using the e- resources. This survey was particularly conducted to assess the benefits of the e-resources over conventional sources of information.

Some of the major objectives are to:

  • know the different types of electronic resources and services available in the GGSIU library;
  • study the different types of electronic resources used by teachers and research scholars;
  • study the purpose and frequency of using the electronic resources and services available in the library;
  • locate the impediments faced by the teachers and research scholars while accessing and using the electronic resources in the library;
  • study the impact of electronic resources and services on the academic work of the teachers and research scholars;
  • know the productivity and quality of information retrieved through e-resources.


A number of relevant studies have been carried out on the use of e-resources by teachers, students and research scholars of universities and research organizations. Seventy-eight percent of the respondents feel that the use of the UGC-Infonet e-journals has created high dependency value on their research work and they needed current article alert services and electronic document supply services (Madhusudhan 2008). 67.64%

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of research scholars of faculty of science and 69.23% of research scholars of engineering use e-journals for research work whereas 35.29% of sciences use e-journals to update knowledge and 23.70% of engineering use these for study. Speed of availability and the ease of accessibility of information causes the users to use electronic resources more frequently. 49% of respondents are marginally satisfied with online services provided by the library. The survey indicates that the use of e-resources in Jamia Milia Islamia is not satisfactory and needs constant guidance/orientation to enhance their usage. E-journals are becoming a basic need for the academic research scholars every day. Navjyoti finds that speedy publication and availability on the desktop are the key advantages that attract research scholars. Lack of training is a major de-motivating factor in the usage of e-journals, so that needs to be improved. Kennedy proposes the inclusion of Web pages to the library catalogue as a solution to the maintenance of increasing web site links. Kaur reports e-resources can be good substitutes for conventional resources if the access speed is fast, access to all the important e-journals is provided and more computer terminals are installed to provide access to e-resources. Renwick recommends there be greater promotion of the library’s e-resources. Kaur and Verma find that users use all the sources available to them regularly, like CD ROMs, online databases, Web resources and audio/video tapes.


A questionnaire survey was conducted to collect the information regarding the use of e-resources, frequency of use of e-resources, purpose of using e-resources, frequency of locating desired information, problems faced by the users while using e-resources. A total of 100 questionnaires were distributed to collect the primary data out of which 82 questionnaires were found usable for analysis. The questionnaires were completed by personal visits with users. Questionnaires were distributed randomly to the users. The collected data was analyzed and presented in the tabular form.


Table 1. Use of Various E-Resources

Table 1 shows that the majority of the teachers 46 (88.46%) and research scholar 28 (93.33%) prefer to use e-journals. Second highest preference is WWW and use of e-mail with 30 (57.69%) and 41 (78.84%) among teachers whereas 23 (76.66%) and 18 (60.00%) among research scholars. 50% of research scholars and 30.77% of teachers make the use of e-research reports. Table 1 highlights that only the well-known e-resources are preferably used by the researchers and faculty members, the rest of the e-resources i.e. e-bibliography, e-maps, e- thesis, e-books are comparatively less used. Table 2. Ease of Access to E-Resources

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Table 2 represents that 42 (80.77%) teachers and 26 (86.67%) research scholars are able to access the e-resources very easily. Only 10 (19.23%) teachers and 4 (13.33%) research scholars feel that to use the e-resources is not easy. Although GGS Indraprastha is a technical University, there is still a need to train faculty members and research scholars in the use of e-resources. Table 3. User-Friendly Interface to the Library Website

Table 3 highlights that majority of teachers, i.e. 43 (82.69%), and research scholars,, i.e. 24 (80.00%), respond that the interface of the library Web site is user-friendly. Few of faculty members, i.e. 9 (17.31%), or research scholars, i.e. 6 (20.00%), think that the interface of the library Web site is not user-friendly. Table 4. Use of the Library Web Site as a Gateway to Access Electronic Resource

Table 4 shows that the majority of teachers, i.e. 34 (65.38%), and research scholars, i.e. 23 (76.67%,) are using the library Web site as gateway to access the electronic sources. A few of the teachers, i.e. 18 (34.61%), and research scholars, i.e. 7 (23.33%), are not using the library Web site as gateway to access the electronic sources. Table 5. Training Taken Related to Electronic Resources

Table 5 shows that 27 (51.92%) faculty members have taken the training regarding the access to electronic resources, while 25 (48.08%) teachers didn’t get any training regarding the access to electronic resources. A majority of research scholars, i.e. 27 (90.00%), didn’t get training in the use of electronic resources and few of the research scholars, i.e. 3 (10.00%,) got training in the access of electronic resources. Table 6. Frequency of Using E-Resources

Table-6 reveals that 33 (63.46%) teachers and 26 (86.67%) research scholars usually use e-resources. 15 (28.85%) teachers and 4 (13.33%) research scholars use the e-resources sometimes, whereas 4 (7.69%) teachers use e-resources rarely. It is noted that research scholars use the library e-resources more frequently than the teachers. Table 7. Where Do You Mostly Access Required Information

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Table-7 reveals that most of respondents access e-journals and search engines to get required information at GGSIPU. 24 (46.15%) teachers and 17 (56.67%) research scholars prefer to use e-journals whereas 37 (71.15%) teachers and 14 (46.67%) research scholars make the use of search engines to get the desired material. Online databases are also very popular among research scholars, as 9 (30.00%) of them prefer to use these. Use of e-books is used less by the teachers and research scholars in comparison to other online resources. It is noted that the research scholars access the maximum relevant material from e-journals. Table 8. Searching Other Libraries' Catalogues

Table 8 highlights the fact that 20 (38.46%) teachers and 18 (60%) research scholars search the catalogues of other libraries. 32 (61.54%) teachers and 12 (40.00%) research scholars do not retrieve catalogues of other libraries. The majority of the teachers is not interested in the catalogues of the other libraries, this indicates that GGSIPU library fulfills their requirements. Table 9. Use of PowerPoint Presentations in Teaching Table 9 reveals that 37 (71.15%) faculty members and 26 (86.67%) research scholars make the use of PowerPoint in their class teaching. Only 15 (28.85%) teachers and 4 (13.33%) researchers do not prefer PowerPoint presentation for teaching the classes. Table 10. Frequency of Use of Different Databases

Table 10 shows that majority of the teachers use Science Direct, Springer Link and Wikipedia often, i.e. 24 (46.51%), 20 (38.61%) and 18 (34.61%) respectively, whereas 18 (60%) research scholars use Science Direct often and 16 (53.33%) use Springer Link often. Use of IEEE is not frequent among respondents; it may be due to access being restricted to five users at GGSIPU. 12 (23.07%) teachers and 6 (20%) research scholars sometimes use Nature Bundle. 14 (26.92%) teachers and 5 (16.66%) researchers use Emerald Xtra sometimes. 21 (40.38%) teachers and 8 (26.66%) research scholars use UGC InfoNet sometimes whereas 20% of respondents are unfamiliar with ACM which is shocking in a technical university. Table 11. Reasons for Using E-Resources

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Table 11 elaborates that majority of the teachers prefer to use e-resources in comparison to traditional resources because 39 (75%) of them feel that e-resources are time saving, followed by easy to use, i.e. 34 (65.38%), further followed by more useful and more informative, i.e. 27 (51.92%) and 25 (48.08%) respectively. 60% of research scholars prefer to use e-resources because they feel that e-resources are time saving, more informative and more useful. 80% of research scholars use e-resources due to their easiness. 6 (11.54%) teachers and 12 (40.00%) researchers use e-resources because they are less expensive. Only 3 (5.77%) teachers think that e-resources are less useful. The results from table 11 reveal that e-resources are much preferred by respondents due to their nature of being more informative, more useful, and less expensive. Table 12. Satisfaction with Existing IT Infrastructure

Table 12 shows that the majority of teachers, 31 (59.62%), and research scholars, 17 (56.67%), are not satisfied with the existing IT infrastructure within the organization. Only 21(40.38%) teachers and 13 (43.33%) research scholars are satisfied with the IT infrastructure of the University. Results shows that being an engineering university, GGSIP does not have sound IT infrastructure facilities. Table 13. Do E-Resources Diminish the Importance of Traditional Resources

Table 13 reveals that a huge amount of teachers, 32 (61.54%), and researchers, 22 (73.33%), think that e-resources never diminish the light of traditional resources, whereas 20 (38.46%) teachers and 8 (26.67%) research scholars feel that e-resources may replace traditional sources of information. The results of table 13 show that in the era of information and technology, academics are equally attached to traditional sources of information.


Study shows the use of e-resources is very common among the teachers and research scholars .But practical use of e-resources is not up-to the worth in comparison to investments made in acquiring these resources; secondly infrastructure and training programs should also be revised as per requirements. It is observed that the availability of e-resources on the campus is almost sufficient for all the existing disciplines but the infrastructure to use these resources is not adequate and can hinder the ability to meet the requirements of users.


1. Narayana Poornima and Goudar IRN, “E-Resources Management through Portal: A Case Study of Technical Information Center”, In: International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICIM2005), 22-25 Feb 2005, P 1-19. 2. Madhusudan M, “Use of UGC infonet e-journals by research scholars and students of University of Delhi, Delhi”, Library Hi Tech, Vol. 26 No. 3. pp. 369-386.

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3. Eqbal Monawwer & Khan Azhar Shah, Use of Electronic Journals by the Research Scholars of Faculty of Science and Faculty of Engineering, In:NACLIN 2007, p309-319. 4. Naidu GHS, Rajput Prabhat & Motiyani Kavita, Use of Electronic Resources and Services in University Libraries: A Study of DAVV Central Library, Indore. In:NACLIN 2007, p309-319. 5. Naqvi Shehbaz Husain, Use of Electronic Resources at Jamia Millia Islamia (A Central University): A Case Study, In: NACLIN 2007, p320-324. 7.Kennedy, P (2004), “Dynamic Web pages and the library catalogue”, The Electronic Library, Vol. 22 No. 6. pp. 480-6. 9. Renwick Shamin, Knoweledge and Use of Electronic Resources by Medical Science Faculty at the University of the West Indies. Libri, Vol. 43, No. 3, 2004, p58-64. 10. Kaur Baljinder & Verma Rama, Use of Electronic Resources at TIET Library Patiala: A Case Study. ILA Bulletin, Vol. 42, No. 3, 2006, p 18-20.