A Comparative Study of Health and Hygienic Practices Among Different Types of Professional Students

A Comparative Analysis of Health and Hygienic Practices among Professional Students

by Mr. Mukesh Narwariya*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 3, Issue No. 6, Apr 2012, Pages 0 - 0 (0)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The purpose of the study was tocompare the health and hygienic practices among different types ofprofessional. The total number 150 subjects were selected randomly for studyfrom different professional institute, age group only 18 to 25 years. The investigator prepared aquestionnaire comprising of 20 statements based on health and hygienicpractices and subject were asked to give their opinion in Yes/No. Thequestionnaire was distributed to 150 subjects and all 100% of them returned thecompleted questionnaire were received. Descriptive technique of percentage wasapplied to know the responses of the students. The responses had indicated thata majority of professional student’s namely physical education, law andmanagement have their positive health and hygienic practices.


health, hygienic practices, professional students, comparative study, questionnaire

Instructor, LNIPE, Gwalior (M.P) Abstract: The purpose of the study was to compare the health and hygienic practices among different types of professional. The total number 150 subjects were selected randomly for study from different professional institute, age group only 18 to 25 years. The investigator prepared a questionnaire comprising of 20 statements based on health and hygienic practices and subject were asked to give their opinion in Yes/No. The questionnaire was distributed to 150 subjects and all 100% of them returned the completed questionnaire were received. Descriptive technique of percentage was applied to know the responses of the students. The responses had indicated that a majority of professional student’s namely physical education, law and management have their positive health and hygienic practices. ---------------------------♦---------------------------- INTRODUCTION Health practices have been with us a long time. They are as old as yesterday, as contemporary as today, as modern as tomorrow. Health practices have ever been the life stream of a nation’s progress. Good health practices are the life generating forces for the advancement of civilization. A nation stands firm, if its people follow the desirable health practices in their day to day life. Since the school going children and youth i.e. college students happen to be the future citizens of the nation, they certainly need to be educated the basic hygienic practices for their health and happy life in particular and for a healthy nation in general. On the other hand poor hygienic practices account for a large number of diseases and deficiencies.

Health practices in the life of an individual or in community are expressions of a number of factors including habits and attitudes as well as knowledge. In everyday living most people fall below what they know to be the best in hygiene and health practices.


150 professional students were randomly selected from different colleges at Gwalior district, for the purpose of this study. The subjects were from different professions namely physical education, law and management. The subjects were ranging from 18 to 25 years. All the subjects had different environmental influence as they came from families of different economic status. The questionnaire comprised of 20 statements covering each and every aspects of health and hygiene was circulated to 150 professional students from different colleges at Gwalior district, for the purpose of this study. The subjects were from different professions namely physical education, law and management. The various responses received in terms of health and hygienic practices were analyzed using the descriptive technique of percentage.


It is evident from the analysis of responses received from the subjects that 88% physical education students & 78% law students and only 62% management students like to drink water instead of bed tea because they are more aware about their health and they know that drinking water instead of bed tea is good for the betterment of their health & stomach. On the other side 96% physical education, 86% law & 82% management students use to wash their eyes and face every day immediately after getting up in order to feel fresh.

For the third statement 68% law & 56% management students says yes, they feel lazy after getting up in morning the reason may be insufficient of sleep because they use to study late night. The ratio of positive response

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from physical education subjects is high i.e. 68% because they use to sleep on time as they have to woke up early in the morning to follow their regular schedule. All 100 subjects, 50 each from physical education & law respectively agree with the statement that they brush their teeth every day, only 2 subjects out of 50 from mamagement profession responded negatively to the statement. Similarly 70% subjects from physical education, 86% from law &78% management students use to massage their gums while brushing in order to keep their teeth & gums healthy & free from disease. Out of 100, 44% of subjects from each profession law & management respectively responded correctly to the statement that their eyes pain when they study the reason may be, they use to study late night, have busy schedule simultaneously they have to attend regular classes so they hardly got time for out door activities & spend most of their time with books. In the same order only 14% out of 100 subjects of physical education says yes, their eyes pain when they study. For the statement, does your mouth smell bad? 94% subjects from physical education profession responded negatively & 92% each from law & management respectively responded negatively to the above statement, it shows they all are aware about their health & knows the importance of good health to lead a health & happy life. The statement 13, 14, 16 & 17 were responded positive by a large percentage of subjects from management & physical education profession the reason behind is the profession they adopt and the environment in which they choose to live. The 100 % subjects of physical education says yes, they exercise every day as they are in such profession, because of this they have to perform physical activities & go through the training plan but at the same time very less percentage of subjects i.e. 26% from law & 48% from management use to exercise every day because they already fully mentally exhausted and don’t want to exhaust physically. Moreover, they don’t found anything productive in performing physical activities.

All 150 subjects from all three professions namely physical education, law & management responded correctly to the statement 19 & 20, the reasons may be their knowledge about health education, their awareness towards health & hygiene, environmental factors and lastly family influence which might affect their health & hygienic practices.


Physical education students had positive health & hygienic practices as coaches guide & motivate them to adopt such practices moreover this health & hygienic practices helps them to feel mentally & physically fresh while doing work out. Law students adopt health & hygienic practices because of their profession & the environment in which they are bound to live. All the subjects are having knowledge of health education and they know the importance of health & hygiene, so they become more conscious about their health and possess good health & hygienic practices. On the basis of above conclusions it can be concluded that there is positive health and hygienic practices among different types of professional students namely physical education, law and management.


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