Effects of Meditation With Music on Concentration of School Students of Gwalior

The Impact of Flute and Piano Meditation on Concentration of School Students in Gwalior

by Rakesh Data*, Santanu Ghosh, Sajal Kumar Biswas,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 5, Issue No. 10, Apr 2013, Pages 0 - 0 (0)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The purpose of the study was to determine the effects ofmeditation with flute and piano on Concentration level. 20 students agedbetween 15-17 years were selected randomly for each group of flute, piano andcontrol group from class viii and ix of Pragati Vidya Pheeth School. MirrorDrawing Test was used to assess the concentration level of the students.Analysis of co-variance was used for statistical analysis of the data. Resultsrevealed that there is a significant difference between flute and piano musicmeditation on concentration level, whereas there is no significant differencewith both the groups with control group.


meditation, music, concentration, school students, Gwalior, flute, piano, Mirror Drawing Test, covariance, statistical analysis


In this dynamic age of science and technology people are rushing towards the highest stage of success. Every day is full of competitions, and peoples can’t give time for the relaxation of mind, which can shows them a great way for better success. Meditational music is the language of the soul and it communicates itself directly with the heart and soul of the listeners irrespective of the words or the language it is expressed in. Its appeal is universal. Music even in alien words and sounds casts its spell. The secret of its appeal probably lies in the tune, tone, pitch, notes, melody, diction, rhyme and rhythm which constitute the soul or the heart of the music and make the language almost redundant. A truly inspiring music is almost a substitute for meditation. Like meditation it transports you to another world. The only difference is that while you have to make conscious effort to arrive at a state of meditation, the inspirational music just carries you off on its wings. It focuses your diffused thoughts at one point which is its central theme. In case the theme of the vocal music coincides with that of your meditation, you are doubly blessed. The athletes need to concentrate all of these relevant even in a matter of second in order to perform his task. The self focus includes such thing as the pounding of heart- increased breathing rate. Enter a lonely quit place previously selected and take comfortable posture. Do nothing, think nothing for a few minutes breather naturally rhythmically and try to hear every sound of your breath. By viewing these aspects researchers felt it necessary to find the effects of meditation with flute and piano on Concentration level of school students of Gwalior.


Sixty (twenty in each group) students of Pragati Vidyapeeth School of from class VIII & IX were randomly selected as subjects for the present study. The age of subjects ranged between 15-17 years. Tester’s competency was established by test re-test method (randomly selected 5 subjects) where the consistency of results was obtained by Product Moment Correlation.

Test- Retest Reliability


The concentration ability of the subject was measured in science laboratory of Pragati Vidya Peeth School, Gwalior. A calm and quite atmosphere, as required to conduct this test, was provided. Each subject was instructed to sit comfortably in the science laboratory and they were also requested for their whole- hearted co-operation in this study. The subject was asked to sit in front of the mirror drawing subject so that star task was not directly visible to the subject. The subject was told to move the pin in such a manner and that it does not touch the outer parts of the smaller and bigger star. The subject was also instructed to concentrate into the mirror while performing the star task. Total time was taken to complete each trial and the total was recorded. They were given three trials out of which the best was recorded. Before collecting the final data each subject was given three trials in order to make familiar with the apparatus. The data on selected variables i.e. Concentration, was collected on sixty male and female (twenty from each groups i.e. flute and piano music meditation and control) students. The concentration ability of the subjects was recorded by using Electrical Mirror Drawing Apparatus, supplied by National Psychological Corporation, Agra. This instrument is available in Sports Psychology Laboratory of the Lakshmibai National University of Physical Education, Gwalior. The dimension of the Electrical Mirror Drawing Apparatus is 30x30 cms. in length and width. In the centre of platform of the apparatus there is a steel plate which has a star in the centre of 11x11 cms. length and width respectively. A star of similar design but, 9x9 cms. in length and width is fitted in the centre of the bigger star in such a way that the space left between the outer edge of the steel plate star (bigger star) and the outer edge of the centre star (smaller star) is one cms. all around the smaller star. On the right corner of the platform a meter is fixed which records the number of errors made by the subjects while performing the test. On the same side a red light is also fixed which indicates that error has been made by the subject. On the right front corner of the apparatus, an electric wire which is attached with thin iron rod covered from top with rubber and left naked from bottom, is provided. This is to be moved in the space left between the two stars. On the left front corner of the platform a plate, of 15 cms. height and 20x20 cms. in length and width, is fixed horizontally just on the top of the star which is fixed on the centre of the main platform of the apparatus. This is provided so that the star is not visible to the subject directly as the subject is supposed to move the thin iron Nob in the space left between the two stars by looking into the mirror and not directly. Mirror of 23 cms. in length and 22 cms. in width is fixed vertically up at the back of the main platform. The apparatus is to be supplied electricity when it is to be used in order the number of errors committed by the subject in trial could be indicated and recorded.

section. The section deals with the analysis of co-variance. Table – 2


Table-2 of analysis of covariance for concentration of flute music group, piano and control group indicate insignificant F-ratio of 2.173 and 5.117 for the pretest and posttest means respectively. However, the f-ratio for the adjusted posttest means reveals a value of 9.64, which was significant for being greater than the required F-value of 3.17 at.05 level of significance. This indicates there were significant differences from the adjusted posttest means of flute music group, piano and control group.

Table 3


Table 2 indicates that the difference between the paired adjusted final means of flute music group, piano group and control group on concentration reveals significant value of 1.051 and 0.791 compared to 0.349 of critical difference respectively

Rakesh Data1 Santanu Ghosh2 Sajal Kumar Biswas3

Fig 3 Pre-test means, Post-test means and adjusted post-test means of concentration of two experimental groups and control.


The analysis of results revealed that in case of Concentration difference was obtained. On the contrary, in case of flute and piano music meditation a positive significant difference was obtained. A significant difference between flute and piano music meditation on concentration level as the calculated value of ‘r’ was higher than tabulated value of ‘r’. Hence, the hypothesis is partially rejected at 0.05 level of significance. Also, there is no significant difference between flute and control group, and piano and control group as the calculated value of ‘r’ is lesser than tabulated value of ‘r’= (0.632). Hence, the hypothesis is partially accepted at 0.05 level of significance. Hence, it is concluded that there was significant difference between flute and piano music meditation on Concentration.


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