Consumer Buying Behavior of Toothpaste In District Kurukshetra

A Study on Consumer Behavior and Preferences in Purchasing Toothpaste in District Kurukshetra

by Dr. Davender Singh*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 5, Issue No. 10, Apr 2013, Pages 0 - 0 (0)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Consumer is king’-the statement carries profound truth init. Today the success of any firm depends upon the satisfaction of consumers.For satisfying the consumers the firm should know about the behavior of theconsumers. In these circumstances understanding consumer is very difficult taskbecause of the changing technology, innovation, and changes in life style. Itis difficult to classify consumers by conventional demographic factors andunless their thought process and buying behavior are fully understood decisionson product designs and packaging, branding and distribution channels are likelyto be misplaced. This study mainly focus on understanding the externalfactors like demographic, social, cultural, price, quality product attributesetc. for buying toothpaste. The market share of any product is highlydetermined by the purchasing behavior on the consumers. Following study isconducted by me to find out the behavior of the consumers, to analyze thepreference of consumers and consumer awareness. Descriptive research design wasadopted and the data is collected through primary and secondary sources. Themethods adopted for conducting survey is questionnaire. Simple random samplingtechnique was adopted for selecting the consumers.


consumer buying behavior, toothpaste, district Kurukshetra, satisfaction, changing technology, innovation, lifestyle, demographic factors, thought process, product designs, packaging, branding, distribution channels, external factors, demographic, social, cultural, price, quality product attributes, market share, purchasing behavior, preference, awareness, descriptive research design, primary sources, secondary sources, survey, questionnaire, random sampling technique


Consumer behavior is stated as the behavior that consumer display in searching for, purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing of products, services and ideas that they expect will satisfy their needs. The study of consumer behavior is concerned not only with what consumer buy, but also with why they buy it, when and how they buy it, and how often they buy it. It is concerned with learning the specific meanings that product hold for consumers. Consumer research takes places at every phase of consumption process, before the purchase, during the purchase and after the purchase. According to Philip Kotler defined consumer behavior as “all psychological, social and physical behavior of potential customers as they become aware of evaluate, purchase consume and tell other about products and services.” The scope of consumer behavior includes not only the actual buyer and his act of buying but also various roles played by different individuals and the influence they exert on the final purchase decision. Individual consumer behavior is influenced by economic social, cultural, psychological, and personal factors.


Many people in India still clean their teeth with traditional products like neem twigs, salt, ash tobacco or other herbal ingredients. The toothpaste market is characterized by the presence of few large multinational companies like Colgate Palmolive India ltd., Hindustan Lever Ltd., Procter & Gamble, SmithKline Beecham. Consumer health care and a handful of Indian companies such as a Dabur, Anchor Health and Beauty Products, Vicco Laboratories etc. Traditionally, Colgate and HUL were the main players in the toothpaste market of white and gel form. Then Proctor and Gamble joined the market. Domestic Indian companies like Balsara and Vicco industries used to produce the ayurvedic range of toothpaste along with their other ayurvedic products. Anchor company that was more famous for its switching products, made a successful foray in to this sector, by launching toothpaste and positioning itself as first 100% vegetarian toothpaste companies such as Dabur and Baidyanath operated in the toothpowder market.


1. To examine the external factors influencing purchase decisions. 2. To examine the consumer awareness of toothpaste. 3. To examine how the product attributes influencing the consumer buying toothpaste. problem systematically by research. The objective of the study is to solve the problem by using available data. The present study is based on the primary and secondary data. Primary sources of data collected through structured questionnaire. I have taken 80 sample respondents randomanly from the total population and secondary sources of data collects through magazines, journals and website.


After the data were collected in the questionnaire from the primary sources (respondents) all data have been represented and interpreted through percentage method.


The data has been collected with the help of questionnaire. And it has been analyzed and interpreted with the help of tables along with relevant descriptions. Appropriate treatments have been done to the raw data and logical conclusions are drawn based on the findings.

Table 1. Demographic variable

Table 2. Toothpaste usage rate

Inferences:- with a view to find the usage of toothpaste 80% of the respondents using toothpaste in kurukshetra district and 20% using like toothpowder and mouthwash etc.

Table 3. Awareness of brands

Inferences:- With a view to find that awareness of toothpaste brand, the data pertaining to this is presented in the table 3. An examination of the table reveals that most of the people aware of Colgate, Close-up, Pepsodent, Dabur and Anchor. Before some time Colgate was the generic name for toothpaste, this is the main reason, most of the respondents (56%) aware of Colgate. 25% respondents aware of Closeup and Pepsodent. Dabur and Anchor is a Indian based company have a awareness level of 6% & 3% and 8% respondents aware of by other brands.

Table 4. Factors which makes consumer to by toothpaste

Inferences:- With a view to find the reasons to buy toothpaste, the data pertaining to this is presented in table 4. An examination of the table reveals that, consumers are influenced by the price, easy availability and packaging. Of the total respondents 40% of them influenced by the price 30% influenced by the availability. 15% influenced by the packaging, and 15% influenced by other factors. When the respondents were asked to mention the factors which

Dr. Davender Singh

Table 5. Preference of an attribute

Inferences:- With a view to find the reasons to buy a toothpaste based on attribute, the data pertaining to this is presented in table 5. An examination of the table reveals that, most of the consumers preferred healthy toothpaste & gums, prevention of decay, natural herbs, whiteness freshness, and foam. The above table clearly shows that 35% of the respondent’s preferred healthy tooth, 20% respondents preferred prevention of tooth decay, 20% respondents preferred natural herbs, 15% preferred whiteness and 10% preferred freshness. Based on this study product attributes also influencing the consumers for decision making. Most of the respondents gave importance to healthy tooth and gums, prevention of tooth decay, herbal attribute, whiteness long lasting freshness, and good foam. So people consider the benefit of the product for buying toothpaste. Large number of families with children seriously concerned about the possibilities of cavities and shows a definite preference to fluoride toothpaste.

Table 6. Person who influenced consumer to purchase toothpaste

Inferences:- With a view to find the persons who influenced consumer to purchase toothpaste, the data pertaining to this is presented in table 6. An examination of the table reveal that, the people who influenced more are, parents, friends, spouse, kids and self decision. Based on the above data 15% kids are influencing the parents for buying particular brand, parents are the main deciding authority for buying toothpaste (40%), spouse and friends are equally influencing (20%) and 5% decide them self. So reference group also influencing the consumer group also influencing the consumer in decision making.


only one statement ‘consumer is king ’. so the companies concentrate in analyzing the requirement of people thoroughly to satisfy and retaining the consumer. This study revealed that majority of consumer are aware about toothpaste. Oral care market offers huge potential as penetration and per capita consumption of oral care product is very low in India. However, rising per capita income and increasing awareness is driving demand of oral care products. For promoting the product consumption creating awareness, government has taken initiative like dental camps; Manufacturers have used advertising campaigns to promoter higher consumption of toothpaste. Creating the awareness is a part of social responsibility of the company. There are some important factors considered by the consumer for decision making. Price and easy availability play an important role in purchasing toothpaste. Product attribute also analyzed by consumer for deciding a brand, Healthy tooth and gums, prevention of tooth decay and used of normal attributes were influencing the consumer decision making process, parents, friends, and spouse play a big role to influencing the consumer while they purchase toothpaste. So the companies analyze all these factors and find out the best suitable tools for promoting their toothpaste in India.


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