Role of English In Today's Scenario

The Importance of English in Turkey's Academic Landscape

by Gurvinder Singh*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 5, Issue No. 10, Apr 2013, Pages 0 - 0 (0)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


In today’s global world, the importance of English cannotbe denied and ignored since English is the most common language spokeneverywhere. With the help of developing technology, English has been playing amajor role in many sectors including medicine, engineering, and education,which, in my opinion, is the most important arena where English is needed.Particularly, as a developing country, Turkey needs to make use of thisworld-wide spoken language in order to prove its international power. This can merelybe based on the efficiency of tertiary education. Consequently, English shouldbe the medium of instruction at universities in Turkey for the following threereasons: finding a high-quality job, communicating with the internationalworld, and accessing scientific sources in the student’s major field.


English, global world, common language, developing technology, medicine, engineering, education, developing country, Turkey, international power, tertiary education, medium of instruction, high-quality job, communicating, international world, scientific sources, student's major field


In today’s global world, the importance of English cannot be denied and ignored since English is the most common language spoken everywhere. With the help of developing technology, English has been playing a major role in many sectors including medicine, engineering, and education, which, in my opinion, is the most important arena where English is needed. Particularly, as a developing country, Turkey needs to make use of this world-wide spoken language in order to prove its international power. This can merely be based on the efficiency of tertiary education. Consequently, English should be the medium of instruction at universities in Turkey for the following three reasons: finding a high-quality job, communicating with the international world, and accessing scientific sources in the student’s major field. In business life, the most important common language is obviously English. In addition to this, especially, high-quality jobs need good understanding ability and speaking in English. Therefore, companies can easily open out to other countries, and these companies generally employ graduates whose English is fluent and orderly. For example, the student who is graduated from a university which takes English as a major language will find a better or high-quality job than other students who don’t know English adequately. In other words, the student who knows English is able to be more efficient in his job because he can use the information from foreign sources and web sites. He can prepare his assignments and tasks with the help of these information. Therefore, undoubtedly, his managers would like his effort or prepared projects. In addition, many high-quality jobs are related with international communication and world-wide data sharing. University graduates who are in an international company and business are needed to communicate with foreign workers. For instance, if their managers want them to share the company’s data, they are expected to know English. Moreover, they will even have to go business trip for their company. Absolutely, all of these depend on speaking English; as a result, new graduates have to know English in order to get a high-quality job, and the others, who don’t know English, may have lack of communication and be paid less money. The second and the most important reason, for English to be the medium of instruction in the Turkish higher education system is that it enables students to communicate with the international world. In these days, in my opinion, the most important thing for both university students and graduates is to follow the development in technology. For this reason, they have to learn common language. Certainly, they should not lose their interest on communicating with the world. However, some of the university students can’t obtain English education in their university. Unfortunately, these people may lose their communication with worldwide subjects and topics. In short, they will not communicate foreign people. To prevent these people from lacking of speaking English, universities’ administration will provide English education to them. In addition, university students can use some specific hardware and software of computers with their English to communicate others. For example, the Internet, which, in my opinion, is the largest source in the world, based on English knowledge and information. All in all, the education in universities should be done with English for three reasons. First, students who know English are able to find their favourite job related with their field. Second, they can communicate with others internationally. Third, as a major language in universities, English makes accessing information easy for students. In my opinion, internationally, people need one common language. For many years, English has been the common wold-wide language, and it will be in the future. In the last years, English plays more and bigger role as in the life word society as in the life of every person. Now the time when communication between people allows finding solution any problem from global to privet. First of all, the English is the main language of most international organization like the United nations, NATO,, European Free trade Association. Diplomats and politicians from different countries use this language to communicate with to use Internet now very popularly became contact people from all over the world. Men and women and even children from different country can talk about their ideas and opinions in the Internet discussions, send e-mail, learn about their life and culture. Noun English –it is way to travel more easily, communicate with people wherever you go – ask direction, have a conversation or ask for help. If somebody would like to get access to knowledge, he need to now, that English is the most useful language in the world for this. Today media – such the Internet, television and the press – give you almost unlimited information about your favorite subjects. Most of this knowledge is in English. English –language magazines and newspapers can be bought in every part of the world. This language is the key to the world science. Most popular articles included a lot of useful information in the many fields of science were written in English. Today, when every country from the world overcomes consequences of economic crisis and has a problem with a big numbers of unemployment every person to push his career forward. That way it is impossible revalue importance English. With the world coming closer and closer, thanks to technology, English as a subject or rather a language would not just enable as to get into the job market, but it also helps us to communicate. The essence of good relationships is effective communication. A fair knowledge of English along with a good flair of interpersonal skills can help us carve a niche for ourselves in today’s global world. The world of commerce depends heavily on effective communication and so English does project Indians to the world. Conversely the knowledge of the language also enables us to engage in cultural exchange of ideas and economy. Thus English becomes a window of the world: a window from which we can talk to our neighbors and they can interact as well. One of the manor reasons for the ‘global village’ phenomena is the techno boom and the colossal mushrooming of softwares and the plants of IT which has made the universe into a small village: where people meet others every day. Life has become much more easy, quick and cheap. It has become impossible to think a world without the two ‘e’s : one being English and the other ‘e’ communication. In this global world, it is but obvious that English plays the role of a global language: the language comprehendible by almost all the developed and developing countries today. In terms of education, the two ‘e’s has revolutionalised the ways our predecessors taught or learnt. The world of internet has everything that it can possibly have on its many websites. The world of education is not just confined to a classroom, but today we are slowly getting aware of unique e-classrooms known as virtual In general, the most popular language is English. In this computer age, English is the only language that anyone can understand. So to say, it has become as an ideal language for expressing our feelings. First, we have to learn the language and then we have to gain fluency in the language. Unless we have the fluency in English language, it would not be possible to work with the computer. If you do not know English, then you would be in need of a translator to do the job. The first stage of learning this language would be very interesting. Once you are fluent with the alphabets, slowly you can learn many words. It would always be better to follow the method of reading first, then writing. You can use the picture books for this purpose. When you feel that you are familiar with the words, you can form sentences. This is the most interesting stage to learn. You just think of a sentence in your mother language, and try to write the same sentence in English. There could be some mistakes. But you should not bother about it. But, you have to write the same sentence using many different words till you are satisfied with your sentence. If you follow this way, very soon you can create sentences of your own. The next step is learning the grammar of the language. It is quite simple and very systematic compared with other languages. There are certain rules and regulations for each and every topic in grammar of this language. As long as you follow the rules and regulations, it would be a difficult task to make mistakes. You would gain that much guidance from the grammar. The presentation is the most important factor in communicating your feelings. So, naturally you must be sure while you are presenting. what you really wish to say. At any point, do not try to write or speak, beyond your capability. Even if it is a small and simple sentence, it would reach the receiver perfectly. This is our basic idea. Slowly, you can improve the standard of your language by practice. If you know to form the sentences, it is more than enough to go deep into the subject. Though this only an article about the importance of the English Language, we have to learn some of the basic points in presenting the sentences. English is an important language, because it is the linga franca of the world. Since there are so many languages of the world and on account of this, there can be communication problems, it is important to have a language that most people know. This happens to be English. For example, children in many countries of the world learn English. So, it is very possible to be in any major city in the world and probably get by with English. This is an amazing point! Now things will change drastically outside of cities. Finally, English may not be the linga franca in the future, but for now it is. For this reason, it is important to learn English. The English language is important in the world today because of the dominant position of the United States in an increasingly globalized world. Because it is

Gurvinder Singh

Since this has been true for most of the period since World War II, many people around the world have learned the language. Since they have, it has become a way that, for example, a French person may speak to a Japanese. English has become the lingua franca of international business. While English is not the most widely spoken language in the world when you look at it in terms of the number of native speakers, it is the world’s most prominent language. While a larger number of people speak Chinese, that language is largely confined to China. English on the other hand, is spoken around the world. It has been estimated that out of the roughly 6 billion people that are alive today about 350 million speak English. When you look at the importance of English for International Business, you must look at more than just the number of people who speak it. You must also look at what the language is used for. English is the ideal language for many governments around the world, and it is also prominent in business, education, world news, and communication. In addition to this, Western pop culture is also carried to foreign countries in the form of music or movies. If you wish to be successful in International business, learning English is incredibly important. In many places such as Asia, Africa, and South America, the ability to learn English will determine who will increase their living standards, and who will remain in poverty. There are a number of powerful tools that have allowed more people to learn English than ever before. One of these tools is the Internet. Before the Internet, it was hard for you to learn English if you didn’t attend a college or university. These were the only institutions where the language was widely spoken. If you lived in a community so poor that it didn’t have a college or university, your chances of ever learning English were remote. While many people still live in these circumstances today, the Internet has allowed the English language to spread around the word. Because the Internet was invented in the West, English was inherently built into it. Because Internet usage has expanded throughout the world, more people are being exposed to English.


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