An Overview on Tribal Community

Exploring the identity and history of Adivasi tribes in India

by Raj Kamal Mishra*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 5, Issue No. 10, Apr 2013, Pages 0 - 0 (0)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Adivasi is a generic term for a heterogeneous arrangement of ethnic and ancestral gatherings accepted to be the native populace, a generous indigenous minority, of India. Adivasi conveys the specific significance being the first and native occupants of a given district, and was specifically authored for that reason during the 1930s. Over some stretch of time, not at all like the expressions natives or clans, Adivasi has additionally built up an implication of past self-governance which was disturbed amid the British pilgrim time frame in India and which has not been reestablished. It ought to likewise be noticed that in North-east India, the term Adivasi applies just to the 'Tea-clans' foreign from Central India amid pilgrim times, while every innate gathering allude all things considered to themselves by utilizing the English word clans.


Tribal community, Adivasi, ethnic groups, ancestral groups, indigenous minority


Innate social orders are especially present in the Indian conditions of Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil nadu, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal, northeastern states, and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. They are authoritatively perceived by the Indian government as the "Planned Tribes" in the Fifth Schedule of the Constitution of India. India has the biggest convergence of ancestral populace anyplace on the planet with the exception of maybe Africa. As per the 2001 enumeration, populace of the calendar clans in the country was 8.43 crores. Comprising about 8.2 percent of the aggregate populace, roughly there is one clan man for each thirteen Indians. They possess around 15 percent of the aggregate geological zone of the country, sally in troublesome and unwelcoming landscape in the slopes and valleys. Calendar Tribes in India are extensively made out of 250 ancestral gatherings talking around 105 dialects and 225 vernaculars. In spite of the fact that there might be varieties inside the innate network in India, this section introduces a full scale perspective of ancestral network in India and in addition that of Gujarat. Business ranger service, mining and escalated farming have demonstrated damaging to the woodlands that have persevered through spread of these exercises for a long time. Numerous littler inborn gatherings are very touchy to ecological corruption caused by such misuse and resultant modernization.


Demographic Profile

India has the biggest centralization of inborn populace anyplace on the planet aside from maybe in Africa. The innate populace of the country, according to the 2001 enumeration, is 8.43 crore, comprising 8.2 percent of the aggregate populace (Table 2.1). The number of inhabitants in clans had developed at the rate of 24.45 percent amid the period 1991-2001. They possess around 15 percent of the aggregate geological region of the country, for the most part in troublesome and unfriendly landscape in the slopes and valleys. The booked clans in India are comprehensively made out of 250 inborn groups speaking around 105 dialects and 225 lingos. The booked clans in India have been determined, according to arrangements contained in Article 342 of the Constitutions of India, in 30 States/Union Territories. Innate for the most part possess the woods and slopes zones and they are the most noticeably awful among the abused segments of the general public. The following Table 2.1 shows percentage of population of tribes over the decades:

Table 2.1 Tribal Population Census wise Growth Rate in India Years Tribal Population % of the population

1881 6426511 2.58 1891 9112018 3.23 1901 8484148 2.92 1911 10295165 3.28 1921 9775000 3.09

1961 30130184 6.86 1971 38015162 6.94 1981 51628638 7.53 1991 67758380 8.08 2001 84326240 8.20

They were identified all through the country aside from in Haryana, Punjab, Chandigarh, Delhi and Pondicherry where the ancestral are not planned clans. The greater part of the Scheduled Tribe populace is gathered in the States of Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Jharkhand and Gujarat. State-wise populace of inborn can be found in Table 2.2. It demonstrates that the biggest number of ancestral around 12 million-live in Madhya Pradesh, which is about 20.3 percent of the country's aggregate innate populace. Inborn people group live in around 15 percent of the country's regions, in different ecological and geo-climatic conditions extending from fields and timberlands to slopes and out of reach zones. Ancestral groups are at various phases of social, monetary and instructive advancement. While some ancestral networks have received a standard lifestyle, at the opposite end of the range, there are sure Scheduled Tribes, 75 in number, known as Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups. (Page 24, Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Annual Report, 2008-09. The enumeration 2001 has recognized 578 clans in India. In 1950 the quantity of the Scheduled Tribes was 212. Since 1891, variety in the inborn populace was seen as they were checked under various names and heads. In 1891, the quantity of these innate was evaluated to be almost 1.6 crores. In 1931, the quantity of the tribals of India and Burma was a little over 2.46 crores. After Partition, the innate populace as controlled by the Constitutional (Determination of Population) Order, 1950 was 00.83 crores. In the 1951 statistics, their number rose to 1.91 crores which was 5.36 percent of the country's aggregate populace. The 1951 Census in the wake of following an arrangement to debilitate network qualification dependent on standing quit recording name of the clans and innate was identified as whether he had a place with Scheduled Tribe amass when all is said in done. The tribals in Lakshadweep and Mizoram comprise in excess of 90 percent of the populace, in excess of 80 percent in Meghalaya and Nagaland, more than 60-80 percent of the aggregate populace in Arunachal Pradesh and Dadra and Nagar Haveli, somewhere in the range of 20 and 40 percent in Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand, Orissa. Sikkim, Manipur and Tripura, in excess of 10 percent in Gujarat, Rajasthan and Assam and under 5 percent in Himachal Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Kerala and Tamilnadu, Goa, and Uttar Pradesh. As can be seen, in six states and association regions (Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Lakshadweepa and Dadra and Nagar Haveli) the tribals are in greater part. the country talk distinctive dialects and lingos. They likewise contrast from each other in racial, financial and social viewpoints. The Proto-Australia racial sort is the predominant racial sort among the Indian ancestral networks with the exception of those living in the sub-Himalayan belt. A Negroid component is likewise found in a few sections of the South Indian clans. Dravidian is the most transcendent dialect utilized by the clans in South India. Tibeto-Burmese dialects are talked by clans in Eastern India and North Eastern regions.The Indian clans living in various areas can be isolated into six regional groups as pursues: Central Region Numerous innate networks like the Gond, Santhal, Bhumji, Ho, Oraon, Munda, and Korwa live in the more established slopes and Chhota Nagar level along the separating lines between peninsular India. The clans found in the Indo-hereditary bowl and territories containing the conditions of Bihar, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, and West Bengal generally have a place with the proto-Australoid racial stock.

Western Region

Numerous Tribes , vital being clans like Bhils, racially having a place with the proto-Australoid assemble are found in the states like Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa and Union domains like the Daman and Diu, Dadra and Nagar Haveli. Southern Region Clans like Cherichu, Irula, Kadar, Kota, Toda and others having Negrito, Caucasoid and proto-Australoid or blended physical highlights live in region covering the conditions of Kerala, Tamilnadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.

Central and Western Sub Himalayan Region

ribes like Lepcha, Rabhu, Tharu and different clans generally having a place with Mongoloid race are found in the region involving the conditions of Sikkim, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana and Jammu and Kashmir.

Eastern sub Himalayan Region

Abor, Garo, Khasi, Kuku and other people who generally have a place with the Mongoloid racial stock are found in the mountain valleys and different territories of North-Eastern India covering the states like Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura.

Raj Kamal Mishra*

Andamanese, Onge, Nicobarese, having a place with Negrito and Mangoloid racial beginning live in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep Islands live.

Community life

The public activity of the ancestral includes strategies for gathering and evaluating individuals for the compelling behavior of and partaking in like manner exercises. They have their own structure and association. Their relations are immediate and personal as they shape a little community in a specific region. The clans of North-eastern Himalayan region are known by a couple of generic names. Alternate groups of the clans known by a typical name are the Gonds, Bhils and Gadabas of center and western India. The social class and chain of importance are normal in center and western and central Himalayas regions. So is the situation in center and western India. The ancestry gathering is anyway increasingly basic in center India. Religious Life Tribals revere a wide range of altruistic or malicious spirits. The hereditary spirits who are accepted to intercede between the tribesmen and the divine beings, guarantee venerate from their off-springs their hovels, towns and fields and forests are for the most part loaded with terrified focuses. They watch diverse customs, for the most part on the event of birth, marriage and passing as a section life. As of late they have progressively embraced practices from different beliefs particularly from Hinduism and Christianity. It might be noticed that notwithstanding when social contrasts can be seen among different clans, there is an essential solidarity in their idea and logic.

Tribal Economy

Most clans live in forested and mountain zones. Their economy till now was subsistence agriculture or chasing and assembling. They would exchange with pariahs for fundamental things like salt and iron and cooking utensils. For tribal land was seen as a typical asset, allowed to whoever required it. In the start of the twentieth century, by virtue of enhanced transportation and interchanges and opening of these regions for settlement and free development by the British, Tribals barely inspired the chance to make a case for grounds of which they were the proprietors for quite a long time. When, The British and the post-autonomy governments understood the need of shielding tribals from gigantic land estrangement and predation by untouchables, the harm had just been finished. Indeed, even after autonomy they continued losing their territory being developed undertakings, mining and deceitful leases, relinquishment for obligations and even fraud of archives in conspiracy with authorities. Enhanced streets combined with state policing acquired dealers and businesspeople who built up an arrangement of plunder, obligation, arrive distance and abuse. The strategy of hold and secured forests has played ruin with economy and life-style of every single tribal community in India.

Land Use (a) Forests

The area is exceptionally wealthy in woodland assets. Both Protected Forest (PF) and additionally Reserved Forest (RF) represents 85 percent of aggregate place where there is the Dangs. In the secured timberland, individuals have been conceded the privileges of development. The remaining 53 percent timberland arrive comprises of RF. In RF region, neither backwoods hacking nor timber cutting is permitted. The RF in the Dangs is among the most extravagant forests of Gujarat. It brags of teak trees of high caliber. There is extraordinary biodiversity with Sadad, Khair, Khakhro, Umbero, Rayan, Bamboo and numerous others timber species. It gives imperative regular items like timber, Firewood, Charcoal, mechanical wood, gum, organic products, nectar, herbs, and therapeutic plants. The-woodland of the area has been named south Indian sodden deciduous backwoods (38 percent) and southern dry deciduous timberland (58 percent). (b) Agriculture Agriculture is to a great extent rain-bolstered and prevailed by Kharif trim. 35.76 percent of the aggregate region of the Dangs is under developed land. This is for the most part ensured woods yet the privileges of development have been given to the general population. The land utilized for brushing (262 ha - 0.15 percent) and the uncultivable waste land (1524 ha - 0.88 percent) includes a little piece of the aggregate land. (i) Cropping Pattern The Dangs fundamentally develops sustenance edits to a great extent for self-utilization. Agriculture is for immaterial. Lion's share of the agriculturists take just a single yield in Kharif (2003-04), the region under development of Ragi (Nagli) was 32.16 percent, trailed by paddy (25.57 percent), Urad (6.97 percent) and pigeon pea (5.78 percent).

(ii) Irrigation

It is a standout amongst the most imperative contributions for agriculture part. Most of the towns in the area don't have irrigation office and potential outcomes to make irrigation offices in future are likewise extremely constrained. In any case, the yearly precipitation being high combined with a great geology, there is a decent potential for collecting the run-off water with the assistance of present day water reaping innovation. Of the aggregate net sown territory (56300 ha in 2003-04), just 500 ha (0.86 percent) was under irrigation, the fundamental hotspot for being irrigation wells.

(iii) Soil Type

The soils in the Dangs run from red to dark. Red soil is found along the upper parts of the valley and dark soil in the plain of the western Dangs. In a few sections, medium soil to sandy topsoil type is found. The Dangs soils are seriously dissolved and turned out to be stony in surface. Without water stockpiling instrument, against disintegration program and disappointment of afforestation, substantial scale soil disintegration happens in the storm and the topsoil is escaping throughout the decades. The conventional slice and consume development rehearses likewise add to the disintegration. The poor soil conditions lead to poor yields, low returns, and sedimentation of stores, ecological irregularity and blaze surges.


The Status of Education is one of the key pointers of Human Development. It offers to a general public a capacity to approach business openings. There are add up to 448 schools in the region of which 422 are essential and 26 auxiliary schools. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (Education for All Campaign) has an uncommon cell for Girl education. The subtleties of education status of the Dangs region are given in isolated part.

Table 2.13 Education in the Dangs – 2001 Sr. No. Educational Detail Figures

(1) (2) (3) 1. Total literacy rate 59.7 % 2. Rural literacy rate 59.7 % 3. Female literacy rate 48.5 % 4. Percent of villages with primary schools 99.36 % 7. Total primary schools 422 8. Total secondary schools 26 9. Percentage of enrolled children who finished class 10 76.86% 10. Number of technical institutions 1 Source: Census, 2001 The details on facilities for secondary and higher secondary education in the Dangs is given as follows in Table 2.14:

Table 2.14 Secondary / Higher Secondary Schools in the Dangs District Sr. No. Details No. of Schools

1 Government 22

2 Grant-in-aid 14 3 Non-Grant-in-aid 03 4 Residential Schools 06 Total No. of Schools: 45

As can be seen from the above Table, 45 optional and higher auxiliary schools exist in the District. 36 Schools are either Government or concede in-helped. There are 3 schools which are tuition based schools and non-allow in-help. There are six private schools. The five schools with Science Stream in the area are as per the following: 1. Government Higher Secondary School, Ahwa 2. Eklavya Residential School, Ahwa 3. Deep Darshan Secondary School, Ahwa 4. Santokba Dholakia Secondary School, Malegam 5. St. Thomas School (English Medium), School, Zawda In any case, Eklavya Residential School, Santokba Dholakia Secondary School and St. Thomas School at Zawda are new. These new schools will top off the setback in Science schools in the Dangs. Be that as it may, the issue of value educators in adequate numbers still remains.


Health is another key pointer of human advancement and prosperity of any populace. The subtleties of health framework are given in Table 2.15. There is one common healing facility at Ahwa, one CHC at Vaghai, nine PHCs and nine Ayurvedic Centers. The IMR and MMR are high and foundation conveyance is low contrasted with state and national normal. This issue is

Raj Kamal Mishra*

Amid the rainstorm, extreme health issues are watched.

Table 2.15 Health status in the Dangs -2001 Sr. No. Health Indicators Figures

(1) (2) (3) 1. Percent of villages with primary health facility 2.25 % 2. Percent of institutional deliveries 8.36 3. IMR 20.66 4. MMR 1.38 5. No of PHCs 9 6. No of CHCs 1 7. General Hospital 1 8. Ayurvedic Centres 9 9. Homeopathic Hospital 0 10. Trust Hospital 0 Source: Census, 2001


Absence of sanitation offices makes significant health risks. In towns individuals utilize open and separated spots (for the most part woods and mountains) for nature's call. Amid storm, untamed water sources get dirtied as water overflows from the uneven regions. Thus, various instances of water related sicknesses are accounted for amid the storm.


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Corresponding Author Raj Kamal Mishra*

Dy. Registrar (Research) Maharaj Vinayak Global University, Jaipur