Study on Employees’ Job Satisfaction Motivation and Organizational Performance

Exploring the Link Between Job Satisfaction, Motivation, and Performance in Organizations

by Vidisha Singh*, Dr. Ajay Suneja,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 5, Issue No. 10, Apr 2013, Pages 1 - 6 (6)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


In the present business climate as it is evident with high occupation misfortunes because of cutback and conservation to make 9a lean association, it is additionally significant for associations to stop loses of performing employees because of diminishing position fulfillment and absence of motivation to proceed with the association for long. Inspired and fulfilled employees will have submitted approach towards organizational target thus associations will likewise need to show comparable responsibility towards representative goals. Here the part of HR is to constantly pursue arrangement of yearnings of the worker with the objectives of the association. This target can be accomplished by establishing rousing workplace which advances and addresses representative requirement for development and improvement. These components albeit complex in nature and as they couldn't be tended to for singular worker premise as it might fluctuate case to case HR must investigate the normal spaces of convergence. Occupation fulfillment or worker motivation is contemplated to deal with the turnover as well as there are other unfavorable impacts of disappointment like non-appearance, low performance, lower spirit, low commitment to the group, less coordination, less direction towards organizational target these could influence the association ability to contend in the exceptionally aggressive business climate.


job satisfaction, motivation, organizational performance, employees, HR, turnover, absenteeism, low performance, team coordination, competitive business environment


At the point when one considers the big picture, the accomplishment of any feature of the business can nearly be followed to persuaded employees. This is particularly obvious and significant in the present violent and frequently turbulent climate where business achievement relies upon employees utilizing their full abilities. The capacity to draw in, hold and foster skilled employees is a critical element of a fruitful business. Individuals are an association's most important resource and this is particularly obvious in moderately low-tech work concentrated enterprises like development, yet once more, individuals likewise address the most troublesome asset for associations to oversee. In contrast to actual resources, individuals have their own individual necessities which should be met and propensities which should be overseen on the off chance that they are to add to organizational development and advancement. They are people who bring their own viewpoints, qualities and properties to organizational life, and when overseen viably can carry impressive advantages to associations Notwithstanding, when overseen inadequately they can possibly seriously restrict organizational development and compromise the practicality of a business. In any organization, regardless of whether it's anything but a development organization or some other exchange, its center is its employees; their quality and commitment is vital so that they decide whether the organization will be a triumph or a disappointment. An organization may have great director, a decent vision and a decent objective; nonetheless, on the off chance that it disregards its employees that organization is basically in disturbance. Unsatisfied employees produce unsuitable outcomes, in this manner, it is crucial for top administration to deal with their employees to guarantee that they are fulfilled in their positions; when they are fulfilled; they take a stab at the organization's objectives and point (Latham, 1994; Egan, 1998). The accomplishment of any association relies upon the capacity of directors to give a spurring climate to its employees. The test for chiefs today is to keep the staff inspired and performing great in the working environment. The supervisor needs to know the conduct of every representative and what may persuade every one separately. By understanding employees' necessities, supervisors can comprehend what compensations to use to persuade them. The objective of most organizations is to profit with positive representative conduct in the work environment by advancing a mutually advantageous arrangement for both the organization and laborers. representative base, and the responsibility is the result of motivation and occupation fulfillment. It is the energy that urges employees towards organizational goal. It would be incomprehensible for the association to create performance without responsibility. To make an upper hand association need to have a cutthroat worker arrangements and practices. Motivation is a significant incitement which coordinates human conduct. No individual has same mentality or conduct, thus in middle of this variety association should outline rehearses which will actually want to fulfill the gathering and not simply a person. Association ought to be abe to recognize and assess inward motivation which a representative gets from work fulfillment and further improve it with outer motivation as needed for which association could observe motivation hypotheses. There have been number of hypotheses on motivation clarifying comparative parts of motivation, they are as following: Maslow's need pecking order hypothesis: The hypothesis clarifies five degrees of need which follow a chain of command. The requirement for a higher level emerges with the satisfaction of the prior need. Following are the requirements Physiological necessities, wellbeing and security need, Social need, Self-worth and Self-realization. There are exemption for the hypothesis that occasionally the need may not follow the chain of command because of erratic demeanor and conduct of the individual. Herzberg's two-factor hypothesis: The hypothesis is otherwise called two factor hypothesis motivation components and cleanliness factors. The hypothesis expresses that there are sure factors in the organizational climate which if present will be to persuade the employees and certain components if accessible may fulfill the employees however on the off chance that not there don't prompt disappointment. McGregor's hypothesis 'x' and hypothesis 'y': The hypothesis expresses that capacity of propelling individuals includes certain presumption about human instinct. Hypothesis X and Y are two series of expectations about the idea of individuals. Each set of nature should receive distinctive approach to inspire and accomplish the outcomes. Vroom's valence x anticipation hypothesis: The hypothesis is otherwise called hope hypothesis and states that the conduct of a worker relies upon the normal result of the demonstration. Objective setting hypothesis: The hypothesis depends on the rule of objective lucidity being a significant factor of motivation. ERG hypothesis of motivation: The hypothesis proposed by Clayton is a changed form of Maslow's hypothesis of progression of need. The hypothesis McClelland's hypothesis of necessities: The hypothesis focuses on that the human conduct is influenced by three requirements Power, Achievement and Affiliation. Support hypothesis of motivation: The hypothesis established by B F. Skinner and his partners suggested that the individual conduct if capacity of its outcome. It depends on the law of impact. Value hypothesis of motivation: The hypothesis depends on the guideline of correspondence. It expresses that the motivation is identified with straightforwardly to the view of value rehearsed by the association.

Extrinsic Versus Intrinsic Motivation

In trying to comprehend the motivational cycles, it is maybe important to separate the two sorts of motivation methodologies specifically: the inherent and the outward motivations. Characteristic motivation results from a person's should be skilled and self-deciding. Deci [16] bring up that characteristically rousing assignment is those that are intriguing and agreeable to perform – independent of conceivable outside remunerations. Extraneous motivation is identified with 'unmistakable' rewards, for example, compensation and incidental advantages, security, advancement, agreement of administration, the workplace and states of work. Such unmistakable prizes are frequently resolved at the organizational level and might be generally outside the control of individual administrators. Inherent motivation is identified with 'mental' rewards like the chance to utilize one's capacity, a feeling of challenge and accomplishment, getting appreciation, good acknowledgment, and being treated in a mindful and circumspect way. The mental prizes are those that can typically be dictated by the activities and conduct of individual administrators.

Relationship between Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation

The differentiation among natural and outward motivation is obvious, anyway analysts contended that inborn and extraneous motivation additionally affect one another. guaranteed that at times extraneous inspirations can diminish characteristic motivation. He contended that if cash is directed unexpectedly, it diminishes natural motivation. In any case, this occasion won't happen if the cash is non-unexpectedly disseminated. responded to this conversation by expressing that albeit outward motivation can work contrary to inherent motivation, it can likewise have a building up impact: "when the platform of extraneous motivation is dealt with, natural motivation can prompt

anyway characteristic and extraneous motivation can have totally different impacts on employees. All in all, it very well may be expressed that employees can be inherently and additionally extraneously roused, to play out a specific undertaking and that outward and characteristic motivation can support one another, however now and again outward inspirations can likewise diminish inborn motivation. Moreover, specialists contended that not all individuals are similarly spurred; a few employees are all the more characteristically and others all the more outwardly roused.

Impact of extrinsic motivation techniques on intrinsic motivation

Through investigation of motivational attributes, it is shown that individuals are either inherently or outwardly spurred. Upon additional exploration, two speculations clarify how inherent motivation can be expanded or diminished by outward or outside motivation strategies. In Theory I, outside inspirations (impetuses, commendation, prizes, or discipline) increment natural motivation, while In Theory II, outward sparks decline inborn motivation. Inherent motivation moves people to partake in an action as a result of the inside satisfaction that action brings. Individuals who are characteristically inspired have a requirement for accomplishment and try to act naturally resolved and able, with no apparent outer spark.

Motivation and Job Performance

Performance has been characterized by Hellriegel, Jackson and Slocum [2012] as the level of a person's work accomplishment subsequent to having applied exertion. A few scientists accept that performance is at last an individual wonder with natural factors impacting performance fundamentally through their impact on the individual determinants of performance, capacity and motivation. The degree of performance of employees depends on their real abilities as well as fair and square of motivation every individual shows.. Nonetheless, motivation is an inward drive or an outer instigation to act in some specific manner, regularly a way that will prompt prizes. The nature of human asset the board is a basic impact on the performance of the firm. Worry for organizational adequacy accordingly has pointed out for employees' motivation and maintenance. Monetary motivation has become an essential worry in the present association, and as seen in Maslow's requirements chain of command, non-monetary angle possibly comes in when monetary motivation has fizzled. Motivation can be inherent and outward. There are a few reports that brought up that outward motivation concerns conduct affected by acquiring outside remunerations. Commendation or positive basically for the delight of playing out that specific action. Instances of characteristic elements are intriguing work, acknowledgment, development, and accomplishment. A few investigations have discovered that there is a good connection between inborn motivation and occupation performance just as natural motivation and occupation fulfillment This is important to firms in the present exceptionally serious business climate in that inherently persuaded employees will perform better and, along these lines, be more useful, and furthermore in light of the fact that fulfilled employees will stay faithful to their association and feel no pressing factor or need to move to an alternate firm.


1. To explore effective ways of motivation practiced by organizations. 2. To understand the factors contribute towards motivation and job satisfaction creating employee commitment.


Occupation fulfillment is a satisfying or idealistic articulation important of the thought of one's movement (Azash et al, 2011). Associations today have understood the significance of inspired and fulfilled employees as significant benefactors towards long haul goals. It has made associations to oblige the assumptions and requirements of the employees and could anticipate the comparative reaction. Motivation likewise emphatically impacts performance at individual and gathering level eventually influencing the organizational performance (Risambessy et al 2012). It has been for some time felt that learning new things and ability advancement openings raises the spirit and fulfillment of the employees however it is likewise understood that the critical impact on the motivation and occupation fulfillment is made by objective accomplishment (Lather and Jain, 2010). Additionally the administrators and the bosses support towards empowering worker interest, common responsibility, and comprehension of the variety issues assume a critical part in rousing and empowering performance (Snyder et al, 2012). The privilege lies with the association the executives, to separate performance ought to make an arrangement between the organizational and representative objectives and objective. It is the organizational conduct addressed by the organizational senior administration which impacts the level motivation and fulfillment through its convictions, standard and fundamental qualities which are firmly trailed by association (Roos, Van Eeden, 2008). Associations center possible lies in its worker spirit high (Kumar and Garg, 2013). It's anything but workable for any division to exclusively rouse and fulfill employees without help of the senior administration dynamic cooperation and interest (K R. Solanki, 2013). Dina Maria LUT, 2012 additionally upholds the view considering the uniqueness of the individual conduct and demeanor with assortment of assumptions and necessities which can have variable impact on the performance. Higher Management need to take piece of information of dropping performance may not be because of the outer elements of motivation yet could be impact of disappointment from the assignments and the yield accomplished. They need to zero in on creating occupations which includes worker and spurs and satisfies the day by day assumption (Tietjen and Myers, 2013). It ought to likewise be understood that the representative performance is additionally adversely influenced by pressure at work place, consequently it is of huge worth to assess the current cycles and practices which are liable for causing upsetting circumstance to not to impact the performance (Kakkos et al, 2010). Here planning position content which are more intriguing in nature is basic, work enhancement could be one system to spur employees (Fred C. Lunenburg, 2011). Associations need to support worker drives and interest as this will help fabricate authority at various levels. For influential positions formal authority isn't the measures however the drives and advancement are. Worker's at all the level can decide to go about as a pioneer whenever offered a chance and this further aides propelling and affecting different employees (Jeffrey L. Herman et al, 2011). In an exploration it was seen that the fulfilled employees show more elevated level of motivation and responsibility at last sure effect on the performance and conduct of employees reflected in their efficiency. The present business climate is to such an extent that pretty much the majority of the asset are accessible and could be procured yet the capable human asset isn't effectively accessible and whenever figured out how to create and viably perform for which human asset the executives exercises assume a basically significant part in growing such representative base and ideal use. It is the vital factor to make an upper hand (Chen et al, 2012).


The exploration paper is means to feature the significance, challenges and various methods of motivation utilized in the associations, thus more theoretical in nature. The information is gathered more from the accessible writing and further from the employees of an association to comprehend the variables which spur the employees. These current practices were separated as components of motivation and utilized in the survey to situate the representative reaction on the equivalent. The examination tries to attempts to observe the previous investigates and information gathered to make an assessment on the variables of HRM which persuades employees and makes work fulfillment. The optional wellsprings of information have been the basic part of the exploration information assortment probability, which are diaries, articles distributed examination papers, cites and so forth

Data collection

The primary data collected by means of survey questionnaire. The number of questionnaire floated for the research purpose were 150, out of which 106 questionnaire were received fully filled, 100 considered for analysis. The response rate is 70%. The respondent’s belonged to different organizations; convenience sampling method is used to collect data. Following table represent the data collected.

Table: 1 – Factors of motivation and job satisfaction %. Chart: 1 – Factors of motivation and job satisfaction %.


According to the information gathered we can make following examination and translation: in the give associations the preparation and improvement, performance the executives exercises score 63% and 61 % of fulfillment while remaining % of reaction being disappointed and nonpartisan. The pay and advantage, monetary prizes 38% and 51% of fulfillment while remaining % of reaction being disappointed and nonpartisan. For professional success openings 26% of the employees showed disappointment and 21% remained nonpartisan and 53% of employees communicated fulfillment with the

and 34% communicated disappointment. For balance between fun and serious activities 40% employees communicated disappointment, 15% remained nonpartisan and 45% communicated fulfillment. Following understanding could be drawn from the above information, the preparation and improvement, performance the executives and professional success openings have been decently proceeding according to the reaction of the representative yet have an enormous extent of advancement and change. The pay approaches have been one significant factor which impacts the motivation of the worker's records most minimal score of fulfillment and comparative are the scores of acknowledgment and appreciation rehearses. One might say that the association ought to keep a decent methodology among monetary and non-monetary prizes. The employees were likewise discovered low while reacting for the balance between fun and serious activities.


This examination zeroed in on the impact of representative motivation on organizational performance. Exploration discoveries demonstrate that representative motivation significantly affects organizational performance. Motivation is certainly not a straightforward idea; rather, it relates to different drives, wants, necessities, wishes and different powers. Administrators hence inspire by giving a climate that actuates organizational individuals to contribute. Basically, performance is a component of capacity, the view of the undertaking required, and exertion. Performance achievement thus is identified with remunerations and fulfillment. Be that as it may, uncommon motivational methods incorporate utilizing cash and different prizes contemplations, empowering cooperation and improving the nature of working existence of an individual worker. An all-around remunerated representative would be a performing worker not just that, the workplace likewise significantly affects representative performance. For holding great employees in the association, it is extremely important to rouse them ideal. A decent work climate and appropriate preparing are important. There ought to be opportune advantages and prizes for the employees to urge them to give their best in the organizational turn of events and progress. These advantages can be given as cash, advancement, or even in expressions of acclaim all together can persuade a representative to work energetically. In view of the discoveries, this examination infers that businesses should search internally into their approach and organization, management, working conditions, relational relations, pay, status, professional stability, and performance life of their worker and guarantee that they are intended to propel employees and by so doing the organizational could improve performance. Resources: Productivity: Quality of Life, Profits. McGraw-Hill Irwin. [2] Buchanan Huczyn (2010). Organizational Behaviour; An introductory text, New York: McGraw Hill. [3] Hallett T. (2000). Symbolic Power and Organizational Culture. Soc The.; 21(2): pp. 128-149. [4] Banjoko SA (2011). Managing Corporate Reward System, Pumark Limited, Nigeria. [5] Chris O. (2012). Organizational Behaviour-Concepts and Application: Malthouse Press ltd, Lagos Nigeria. [6] Burney L, Widener SK (2013). Strategic Performance Measurement Systems, Job relevant information, and Managerial behaviour responses. [7] Hellriegel D, Jackson SE, Slocum JW (2013). Management, Cincinnati: South-Western College publishing. [8] Mitchell T. (2010). Motivation studies-New directions for theory and research; Academy of management review. [9] Ouchi G. (2012). Management in Action, fundamentals of Management, 6th Edition Homewood, Juinois, Business Publications Inc. [10] Herselman, S. (2001). Performance, Motivation among employees of a wholesale company, South Afr J Ethnol.; 12: pp. 34-41. [11] Deci E, Ryan R (2012). The what and why of goal pursuit; Human needs and the self determination of behaviour, London. [12] Harold Cannice (2011). Management- A global and entrepreneurial perspective (12th Edition) - Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Limited. [13] Kreitner R. (1995). Management Theory-6th Edition, Boston Houghton Mifflin. [14] Greenberg Baron (2013). Behaviour in Organization, Prentice Hall, Vol. 8.

Corresponding Author Vidisha Singh*

Department of Management, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra